God Hongtian

Chapter 40 Ghostly Shadow

Yun Hao's loud shout caused everyone to recover from the extremely shocking state in an instant.

The way everyone looked at him changed.

No more slights!

Yun Hao suppressed Yun Feng, who had just entered the Sea Transformation Realm, with one strike of his sword. He was already considered a first-rate master in Liuyun City.

Moreover, he is still very young!

Among the younger generation in Liuyun City, the only ones better than him were Ling Feiyu and Jiang Chuan.

The once dandy trash who couldn't absorb the vitality of heaven and earth, after experiencing a disaster, he seemed to be reborn from the ashes, reborn, and transformed into a shining genius!

On the high platform.

Yun Tiankuo's eyes were moist.

His son is promising. For him as a father, this is the greatest comfort!

Ling Feiyu's face showed an excited smile. The man she chose was not only responsible, but also showed great talent in martial arts. She was already imagining the sweet days after marrying Yun Hao.

Xu Yin from Baodan Tower felt relieved.

He had long realized how extraordinary Yun Hao was, and Yun Hao won this battle.

, it was within his expectation, but he was still unavoidable in his heart.

"Hahaha, Brother Yun, you are great, very good, you didn't disgrace our Liuyun duo!" The fat man stood up, akimbo and laughing.

"Even if Yun Feng loses to you, we can still stay in the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall. Don't forget, you are a branch of the Yun family, and we are the direct descendants of the main family!" Yun Ying suppressed the anger in his heart and spoke in a low voice.

The corner of Yun Hao's mouth flashed a cold arc, and he sneered, "Since the establishment of the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall, has the master's family ever given any material support?"

Yun Ying looked gloomy and did not respond.

Yun Hao asked again: "Since the establishment of Kuangjian Martial Arts Hall, has the master sent anyone to help solve a crisis?"

Yun Ying's face turned pale and he still didn't respond.

Yun Hao asked again: "You made the proposal to use this competition to determine the control of the Mad Sword Gym? Is it your decision to advance this competition to today?"

His momentum became more and more high.

Yun Ying's face was so gloomy that it seemed like water would drip out.

"You haven't done any help to Mad Sword Martial Arts School.

, where do you have the dignity to stay here and not leave? Today, in front of all the members of Liuyun City, do you still want to go back on your word? I say it again, please, get out of the Mad Sword Martial Arts Hall! "Yun Hao shouted again, the sound waves echoing.

"Well, you, the following offender, the treasonous evildoer, how dare you speak to me like this, I will enforce the family rules today and punish you severely!" Yun Ying became angry with shame, smashed the seat under him with a palm, and suddenly rushed to Yun Hao.

On his body, a phantom of a big python appeared, erupting with terrifying power.

This is the Yuanling of a monk in the Spirit Gathering Realm!

Yun Ying was so angry that neither Yun Tiankuo nor Ling Feiyu had time to stop him.

Just when the big python's bloody mouth was about to swallow Yun Hao.

A figure that no one expected suddenly appeared in front of Yun Hao.

Baodan Tower, Xu Yin!

Xu Yin snorted coldly, made a seal with one hand, and a raging fire burned, burning the python's shadow into nothingness.

Yun Ying was forced to stop and stared at Xu Yin: "Alchemist Xu, this is a family matter of the Yun family, please Baodian Tower not to interfere."

Xu Yin sneered and said

: "You invited me to be a witness to this battle, so naturally I have to handle this matter well and admit defeat, isn't it right?"

Saying that, Xu Yin looked at Jiang Chuan who was sitting on the high platform.

"Since the City Lord's Mansion has also come to bear witness, I would like to ask the Young City Lord to express his position from a fair and just perspective."

Previously, Xu Yin told Jiang Chuan that Yun Hao was his person to test the elixir.

At this time, Jiang Chuan thought that Xu Yin took action because of this.

Although he wished that Yun Hao would die directly, Xu Yin obviously wanted his help...

Xu Yin still has to give him some face!

After all, even if his father becomes the county guard in the future, Xu Yin will still be needed!

Furthermore, the City Lord's Mansion now wants to establish a tall image so that more people in Liuyun City will believe in them and follow them into the Ancient Tomb of Life and Death. If he doesn't say something fair now, it will inevitably damage the image of the City Lord's Mansion.

Anyway, there are many opportunities to kill Yun Hao, and he doesn't care about this moment.

Therefore, Jiang Chuan said calmly: "Elder Yunying, we have no control over the Yun family's family affairs, but you did lose today's battle.

Please fulfill your bet. "

Yun Ying gritted his teeth, but was helpless. The situation was not beneficial to them at all. In the end, he could only swallow his anger and growl: "In some time, when the old man celebrates his birthday, I will see how you and your son will explain to the old man!"

The head of the Yun family left in despair after their plan failed. They were full of resentment.

The people who came to watch the battle also left one after another.

"Master Yun, I have something that I want to talk to you about alone." Xu Yin looked at Yun Hao and said.

He wanted to hand over the newly arrived batch of elixirs to Yun Hao, and at the same time, he also wanted to ask Yun Hao for advice on how to completely solve the fire poison problem in his body.

Yun Hao: "Master Xu, please come this way."

He took Xu Yin and headed elsewhere. As he was leaving, he inadvertently glanced at the crowd who came to watch the battle.

Yuntiankuo looked at his son's retreating back, his face full of relief, and said: "Feiyu, go and instruct the kitchen to prepare some food and drinks. I'm happy today and it's worth celebrating!"

"Yes, Uncle Yun!" Ling Feiyu left with a smile on his face.

Little did they know, a figure like a ghost quietly followed Ling Feiyu...

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