God Hongtian

Chapter 404: Refining the Death Qi and Killing It

Yunhao is in seclusion for the seventh day.

For seven whole days, he never stopped, refining the death energy in the Death Wheel all the time.

Fortunately, after seven days, the hard work paid off. In the death wheel of the wheel of life and death, the aura of death after the death bead was melted was more than 90% refined by Yun Hao.

There is still a little bit left, and there is still no room for slacking off.

If they are not all refined, as long as Yun Hao fights with others and his power is too strong, the remaining unrefined death aura will assimilate the refined death aura.

All previous efforts are wasted!

Just as he expected.

If you want to completely fill the Death Wheel, you need at least three death beads of similar size.

Outside the cave.

For seven whole days, Xia Xuan had been wearing golden magic-suppressing armor and holding a red sword in her hand. She had not even moved her steps and stood there like a golden sculpture.

She didn't know how long it would take Yunhao to deal with it.

But no matter how long.

She will stay here!

If a demon finds this place.

She will still stay here, even if she dies, she will never leave!

My love for Yun Hao has been buried deep in my heart since I heard about his deeds thousands of years ago.

When she actually met the legendary master, she was deeply attracted by Yun Hao's appearance and temperament.

It was Yunhao who saved her life when she was in the Qingfeng Dynasty's soul pool.

It was Yunhao who saved her life when she was in the Valley of Resentful Spirits.

This time, she was kidnapped by the powerful demon general of the demon clan. It was still Yunhao who, regardless of the danger, went deep into the demon clan camp alone to rescue her.

She remembered every scene with Yun Hao very clearly, so clear that there would be no deviation in every detail.

Her admiration, adoration, and gratitude for Yun Hao have turned into love as they spend time together!

This love.

It has exceeded the value she places on her own life!

And the other side.

Suo Dan, the genius of the Demon Clan, led two of his subordinates and searched continuously in the barren mountains and forests.

Suodan seemed upset and had strong mood swings.

He thought that it wouldn't take much effort to find the genius man from the human race who stole the Death Bead and destroyed the Death Point.

But it’s been seven days.

He has been looking for it for the past seven days.

Almost three feet of the ground covering thousands of miles around has been dug!

But... it has never been found.

"Master Suodan, why don't we go back first?

Go ahead, maybe those two human races have already left long ago..."

Suodan frowned and said: "Impossible, I am extremely sensitive to the death bead's aura, and I can be sure that they must be hiding in this area!"

Another demon said in a low voice: "Master Suodan... could it be that there is a deviation in the induction... There is no way for us to continue searching like this. This is a battlefield. If we encounter some powerful demon-suppressing envoys from the Martial Palace, …”

Suodan, who was already extremely irritable, suddenly reached out with one hand, grabbed the neck of a demon under his command, and lifted his body up.

"How dare you question me?"

"I, Sodan, am a super genius of the demon clan!"

"My talent is second only to the blood of the Demon King's descendants!"

"This is the first time I have left my father to perform a mission after being promoted to the Mortal Realm. If I can't handle this matter well, how can I have the face to go back to see my father? By then, I, Suodan, will also Being laughed at by other competitors of the Demon Race!”

"You two losers, I brought you here to make you obey orders and do things, not to have you chirping next to me, disturbing my mind, and making you question me!"

The furious demon genius Suo Dan roared angrily for a while, then raised his hand and threw the demon subordinate who was strangled by his neck into the distance!

next moment.

The figure of the demon subordinate who was thrown out disappeared.

"Master Suodan, this..."

Suodan was stunned for a moment, and then he was overjoyed and said: "Illusion, there is an illusion array here, I found it, it turns out to be here, God is really helping me, I can't find anywhere after wearing iron shoes, it takes no effort at all, hahaha, then It’s time for the two human races to die!”

Suo Dan, the genius of the demon clan, was extremely excited and rushed forward in an instant. His aura of power shook, and the surrounding environment changed significantly, revealing his true side.

The subordinate he threw in was still confused.

Suodan stood in the illusory formation without any fear. The rolling demonic energy swept out of his body, impacting the surrounding space and ground, annihilating all illusions.

"Get out of here!"

"You have no chance of escaping!"

"Come out and die on your own initiative, and I can give you a happy life!"

Sodan shouted.


Didn't get any response at all.

Suodan snorted coldly, with a cruel look on his face.

He said angrily: "Since you don't get out and die by yourself, and you insist on wasting my time, then don't blame me for being rude. When I break this bullshit illusion formation, I will definitely let you feel what it means to not be able to live and to die. cannot!"

As he spoke, a thick magic sword appeared in Suodan's hand.

"Kill Jue Slash!"

With a loud shout, Suodan clenched his heavy sword with both hands and slashed forward. The demonic energy turned into a huge sword light, tearing a space crack of hundreds of feet, and splitting a chasm of hundreds of feet on the ground!

The method he used was simple and crude.

No matter what the formation is, it must rely on the environment of heaven and earth to exist.

He didn't bother to find the base of this formation, he just wanted to destroy everything in this area.

Although the two subordinates around Suo Dan are also in the mortal realm.

However, these two Mortal Realm demons showed deep envy and fear towards Suodan's fighting prowess at this moment.

This is the genius of the demon clan!

Not only was he of an excellent background, but his skills and martial arts were top-notch, his talent was also very powerful. Although he had just been promoted to the first level of the Mortal Transformation Realm, if they really wanted to fight, even if the two of them were put together, they would not be able to fight. Possibly Sodan's opponent.

Outside the cave.

Xia Xuan, who was wearing golden armor, frowned.

She glanced back at the cave behind her.

In the cave, her master, her son, the man she loved most in her heart, encountered extremely difficult troubles and was still meditating.

"Sir, you have been helping me and saving me all this time. This time, I am here to stand in front of you!"

After muttering to herself, Xia Xuan's frown relaxed, leaving only an extremely determined expression on her face. The next moment, she flew up and disappeared from where she was.





Suo Dan, the genius of the demon clan, held a huge demon sword in his hand. He didn't follow any rules at all and just slashed wildly at the surroundings.

Wherever the black sword light passed, the space was shattered one after another, and the earth continued to collapse.


In front of Suodan's eyes, a ray of light was distorted. The next moment, the scene in his eyes changed, as if he had been transported to another world in an instant, surrounded by a vast expanse of white and nothing.

"Hmph, you finally couldn't help but show up? It's just a small plan, let me break through all the magic with one sword!"

Suodan sneered and waved his sword.

Slashing, the black sword light roared and shot out, and in the blink of an eye, it shattered the surrounding white void into pieces.

But he obviously underestimated the power of this illusion array. After breaking through the illusion, there was still an illusion around him. In the dark world, the cold wind was howling.

At this time, Xia Xuan used the Nine Illusions of Tianyin to stimulate her own charming power, and combined with the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation, she laid eighteen layers of illusions around Suo Dan at once!


Xia Xuan shouted softly, suddenly appeared, and stabbed a Mortal Realm subordinate brought in by Suo Dan with a sword.

The Mortal Realm demon reacted and slapped out with a sudden palm.


The sword energy stabbed by Xia Xuan shattered, and Xia Xuan's body flew backwards. She stabilized her figure instantly, turned around and fled.

"Still want to escape? You can't escape!"

The Mortal Realm demons shouted loudly and immediately chased Xia Xuan, who was escaping.

After a while, he finally caught up with Xia Xuan and laughed ferociously: "You bitch, let's see if I don't tear you into pieces!"

His hands suddenly grabbed Xia Xuan's shoulders and tore Xia Xuan's body into pieces!

But suddenly, a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart, and a terrifying force suddenly struck behind him, sending him flying far away. His whole body was cracked, blood splattered, and he was extremely injured. Heavy!

Immediately afterwards, he saw Xia Xuan, who had been torn into pieces by him just now!

He finally realized that everything just now was an illusion.

This is the array within the array.

In the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation, Yun Hao also arranged a formation to conceal the aura, as well as a top-grade Xuan-level Seven Evils Chain Formation!

Xia Xuan used illusions to attract this Mortal Realm demon into the Seven Evils Chain Formation.

Although she cannot directly control the Seven Evils' serial array, she can use the illusion array to cover up the killing array, and then use the illusion to induce this Mortal Realm demon to stand in the attack and kill of the Seven Evils' serial array. within the range.

Putting aside her naturally charming physique, Xia Xuan herself is actually extremely smart. Otherwise, thousands of years ago, even if she was the Xia Emperor of the Great Xia Dynasty, Cang Yao would not have accepted her as a disciple!


Xia Xuan, wearing golden magic-suppressing armor, held the Red Cang Sword, shouted softly, and launched the Red Dust Sword Technique.

The world of mortals!

With a single sweep of the sword, the Mortal Realm demon who was injured by the Killing Formation and once again confused by the Illusion Formation was beheaded.

"There are two more

! "

Xia Xuan muttered to himself, and then repeated his old tricks again, leading another Mortal Transformation Realm demon under Suo Dan into the killing array.

The killing array broke out, seriously injuring the target. Xia Xuan was about to kill him with a sword.


A huge black sword light tore through all the illusory scenes and slashed towards Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan held her sword in front of her.


He even had a sword and shot backwards.

Even though this set of golden magic-suppressing armor has extremely strong defense, Xia Xuan's physical body cannot be as powerful as Yun Hao's. The terrifying concussive power caused severe pain in her internal organs and bleeding from her mouth and nose.

"It's a bit interesting. You silently set up eighteen layers of illusions for me, but that's all. In the face of absolute power, all your plans are nothing but rootless duckweeds and cannot be shaken. hit!"

While talking.

The demonic energy in Suodan's body surged wildly, overwhelming the illusions that reappeared around him, and even the Seven Evils Chain Formation was destroyed by him.

"Now, what else do you have to fight with me?" Suodan stared at Xia Xuan, with a cruel and sinister expression on his face, and at the same time, there was a touch of extreme lust.

"It's really what those guys said, what a top-notch human girl. Tsk tsk. It seems that the human guy who saved you is not very good at it. Now he has turned into a coward...

Before I kill you, I will hold you down and play with you for a while. This is the first time for me to play with such a top-notch product like you. I think it will be extremely exciting and fun to the heavens, hahaha! "

While talking.

Suodan took one step forward and slashed again with the thick magic sword!

His power surged, causing Xia Xuan to no longer be able to control the power of the Illusion Sea Heart-Slaying Formation gathering in this area.


Xia Xuan's body was knocked upside down again.

Suodan: "Little girl, don't resist. After I let you feel my majestic capital and all kinds of powerful tricks, you will definitely beg me to take you back to the devil's cave, and you can't wait to have fun under my crotch for the rest of your life." of!"

As he spoke, he stepped forward again and rushed towards Xia Xuan.

Xia Xuan looked solemn and was about to pick up the sword and fight again.

Even if you can't win, you have to fight!

Even if you die in battle, you have to fight!

Seeing it, the huge black sword light was about to fall on Xia Xuan again.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and stood in front of Xia Xuan, blocking the huge black sword light!

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