God Hongtian

Chapter 403 Zhang Tao breaks out, strong

Yunhao took Xia Xuan with him and fled the county as quickly as possible.

His current state must be dealt with as soon as possible. Otherwise, the energy of death will impact the wheel of death, and the entire wheel of life and death will be out of control and shattered. When the energy of death permeates the whole body, even the high-level spirit body with strong physique and strong vitality will not be able to withstand it. Such a powerful erosion of death.

Yun Hao finally stopped after being thousands of miles away from the county town.

At this moment, the skin all over his body had lost the color of his blood and turned into a gray color.

The death energy had begun to escape from the death wheel, raging throughout his body.

Surrounded by a valley with steep terrain, Yun Hao immediately started to set up formations in the valley.

He prepared two low-grade Illusion Sea Heart-Slaying Formations. One of the Illusion Sea Heart-Slaying Formations was used in the alchemy camp. There was still one Illusion Sea Heart-Slaying Formation left, which was then placed in the valley. middle.

Then, Yun Hao superimposed a seven-evil chain formation in the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation, as well as a top-notch Xuan-level formation that concealed the aura.

"Xia Xuan, how much do you understand the formation diagram of the Huanhai Heart-killing Formation now?" Yun Hao asked.

Xia Xuan bit her lip, nodded and said: "Young master, please feel free to leave the formation to me. I am already confident in controlling the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation."

Yun Hao hummed, then handed the golden demon-suppressing armor to Xia Xuan, and said: "Put on this pair of demon-suppressing armor, and use your physique to control the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation. In the ordinary transformation state, what can you do?" I can’t help you!”

Xia Xuan hurriedly pushed the golden demon-suppressing armor back to Yun Hao and said: "Sir, put on the armor..."

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "Next, I have to meditate and adjust my breathing to deal with the breath of death in my body. There is no point in wearing the armor."

Xia Xuan then took the armor and put it on.

When Yun Hao was about to enter a cave in the formation to retreat, he suddenly remembered another thing. Suddenly, a crisp sword sound sounded.

The Red Cang Sword, the divine weapon of the ancient Kingdom of Daxia, shot out and stuck on the ground in front of Xia Xuan.

"I have helped you to cultivate the sword spirit of Chi Cang Sword. Although it has not fully recovered, it can still be used."

After saying that, Yunhao immediately entered the cave.

Xia Xuan looked at Chi Cang in front of her


She silently grabbed the hilt of the sword.

Wearing a golden battle armor and holding Daxia's divine weapon in her hand, she suddenly lost the aura of that little woman. She looked like a queen, so heroic!

She took a deep breath, activated the Nine Illusion Techniques of Tianyin, activated the charming power of the innate charm bone, and then indirectly controlled the Illusion Sea Heart-killing Formation.

This formation was suitable for her physique. If she were to change it to other formations, let alone the low-grade earth-level formations, even the low-grade Xuan-level formations would not be able to be controlled by her who did not understand formations.

Inside the cave.

Yun Hao immediately sat cross-legged, his mind sank into his Dantian, and he rotated the wheel of life and death, completely sealing the wheel of death and preventing the death energy in it from continuing to escape.

Now, the death energy endured by the physical body has reached a critical point, and it cannot take any more.

After sealing the Death Wheel, the Death Qi no longer escapes, but the impact of the Death Qi on the Death Wheel becomes more fierce, causing the entire Life and Death Wheel to tremble and seem to be shattered.

Yun Hao gritted his teeth and used all his strength to activate the Taichu Creation Technique to refine the death energy!

One day passed.

The gray-white color on Yunhao's skin caused by the erosion of the death energy finally dissipated, but the death energy in the death wheel was still extremely violent.

Another two days passed.

The death energy in the death wheel has finally stabilized a lot, but Yun Hao still cannot relax, otherwise, the remaining death energy that has not been refined will surely get out of control again.

Only by refining them all can hidden dangers be eliminated!



Martial Hall, command camp.

A Wudian Demon Suppressor rushed in front of Yan Quan, Ouyang Zhao, Liu Qing, and Zhang Tao.

Everyone's expressions were extremely ugly.

The supply of elixirs to the Martial Palace army has been cut off for several days!

Although each of the demon-suppressing guards had their own elixirs, after several days of fierce fighting, most of the elixirs prepared by the demon-suppressing guards were almost exhausted.

The battlefield is tragic and cruel.

Without the continuous supply of elixirs, one can imagine how difficult the situation would be for all the soldiers of the Wudian Demon Suppression Corps.

Yan Quan looked at the demon-suppressing envoy who came in to report, and said, "Speak!"

The demon envoy said: "The deputy hall master, three hall masters, and people from the alchemy camp have found some of them and returned with the Guren team."


Yan Quan, Zhang Tao and others rushed out of the command camp in an instant and appeared in front of the members of the Guren team and a group of alchemists.

"Where's Yunhao?!"

Zhang Tao didn't notice Yun Hao and immediately shouted.

Xiao Ye stepped forward and said: "Reporting to the hall master, a few days ago, Tang Han suddenly took away more than 400 alchemists on the pretext of receiving a transfer order. He asked us to stay at the original location of the alchemy camp.

But it took less than a day after they left.

Demons are coming!

Thanks to Yun Hao's magic formation to turn the tide, we were able to survive.

But the demons captured Miss Xia Xuan, and Yun Hao left alone to pursue and rescue her. We...we searched for several days, but no trace of Yun Hao was found! "

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Tao's expression changed drastically.

Yan Quan and others also realized the problem.

Zhang Tao looked at Yan Quan: "As soon as Tang Han moved people with his front legs, the demons arrived on the back. Isn't this too much of a coincidence? Deputy Palace Master Yan, was it you who gave the order for Tang Han to move?"

Although Tang Han was from Yan Quan, Yan Quan didn't have the guts to cover up this kind of thing. He shook his head and said, "I never gave a transfer order."

Ouyang Zhao: "Maybe Tang Alchemist discovered something was wrong, so he thought of spreading the power of the alchemy camp. In this way, even if there is danger, the alchemy camp can be prevented from being wiped out.

Now, Alchemist Tang has moved with a large number of alchemists and has not returned. He must be in trouble. We must organize manpower to carry out search and rescue as soon as possible. Only by finding Alchemist Tang can the supply of elixirs to our army be restored and the truth be revealed. Baymax. "

Liu Qing followed up and said: "Alchemist Tang left a group of people in the original camp, and he did not want to kill them. After all, I guess Tang Alchemist was not sure whether there was any danger. Moreover, he left a group of people in the original camp. Camp, but also to connect with us.”

Zhang Tao looked at Ouyang Zhao and Liu Qing with cold eyes.

Liu Qing said: "Hall Master Zhang, I know you are in a very bad mood right now. The life and death of Tian Bugui, the deputy head of Guangming Hall, is unknown. Such a good seedling, Yun Hao, is also missing. But you have to calm down and don't get angry because of this." on others.”

Ouyang Zhao also said: "Yun Hao never forgets to bring his

He brought his female family members here with only lustful pleasure in his mind, and he put himself in danger because of that female family members. He had no one else to blame but himself. "

"What did you say?!" Zhang Tao stared at Ouyang Zhao and shouted angrily.

Ouyang Zhao winced and said, "Zhang Tao, I advise you to calm down!"

"I'll calm down the eighteenth generation of your ancestors!" Zhang Tao cursed angrily, and suddenly shot out, punching Ouyang Zhao in the chest, sending Ouyang Zhao flying backwards.

Before Ouyang Zhao's body could hit the ground, Zhang Tao rushed forward again, reached out with one hand, grabbed Ouyang Zhao's ankle, and smashed Ouyang Zhao hard, knocking Ouyang Zhao to the ground.

"Zhang Tao!" Liu Qing shouted, drew his sword out of its sheath, and rushed over.


Zhang Tao roared angrily, and then held a long knife in his right hand. He slashed with the blade. With a clang, Liu Qing's knife was broken into two pieces, and Liu Qing's body was also hacked away!

Zhang Tao slashed Liu Qing away with his knife, then turned the knife and landed on Ouyang Zhao's neck.

this moment.

Only then did everyone truly realize how terrifying Zhang Tao was when he was angry.

Even though they are both hall masters, Ouyang Zhao and Liu Qing are no match for Zhang Tao's moves!

Even the deputy palace master Yan Quan was feeling palpitated, and was shocked by the domineering power displayed by Zhang Tao at this moment.

"Hall Master Zhang, calm down!" Yan Quan had to express his stance.

Zhang Tao's knife was still placed on Ouyang Zhao's neck. He stared at Ouyang Zhao, who turned pale with fright, with extremely cold eyes and strong murderous intent.

"If it weren't for Yun Hao's Sanxiao Pill, today, on the entire battlefield, countless warriors from our Martial Palace would have fallen into a pool of blood.

If it weren't for Yun Hao's formation, the remaining group of alchemists would have been killed by the demons!

Yun Hao went to rescue people, but his whereabouts were unknown.

No matter who he saves, they are all our fellow humans. There is nothing to criticize about Yun Hao's actions of saving people.

I won’t kill you today not because of anyone’s obstruction, but because of the overall situation of the entire battlefield.

Please remember it clearly and don't let me hear similar words again. Otherwise, I won't make sure that my knife will stop in front of your neck in time next time! "

Say it.

Zhang Tao

Sheathed the knife and looked at Yan Quan.

Yan Quan's face was also ugly. Just now Zhang Tao said that he didn't kill Ouyang Zhao not because of anyone's obstruction. It was obvious that he told Yan Quan that if he wanted to kill Ouyang Zhao, even if Yan Quan, the deputy palace chief, stopped him, it would be fine. use!

Yan Quan's voice was low and he said: "Hall Master Zhang, I can understand your anger for a moment, but I hope this kind of thing will not happen again!"

Zhang Tao did not respond to Yan Quan's words at all, but said: "Guangmingtang Zhang Tao, please fight!"

Yan Quan frowned and said, "Hall Master Zhang, do you want to go to the battlefield in person?"

Zhang Tao: "My soldiers from the Guangming Hall and the entire Martial Hall are all fighting bloody battles on the front line. I, Zhang Tao, really have no shame to continue to stay in this so-called command camp and make plans."

Yan Quan felt extremely uncomfortable again after saying this.

But Zhang Tao is going to the front line, and Yan Quan is eager to do so. He has just seen Zhang Tao's true strength. If Zhang Tao continues to stay in the command camp, he will be under great pressure against Zhang Tao.

"Accurate!" Yan Quan responded and said hypocritically: "Hall Master Zhang, the front line is dangerous, please pay attention to safety."

Zhang Tao no longer said a word to Yan Quan, but turned around, looked at Xiao Ye, Qu Feng and others, and shouted: "Can all the Guangmingtang Lone Blades still fight again?"

Xiao Ye: "You can fight!"

Genre: "Fightable!"

All the demon-suppressing guards shouted in unison: "We can fight!"

Zhang Tao: "Then... fight!"

After that, Zhang Tao left directly with the Guangmingtang Lone Blade Team.

After leaving the command camp, Zhang Tao said: “Vice Hall Master Tian’s life and death are unknown, and his whereabouts are unknown.

But I have some clues about Yun Hao.

A few days ago, in a county occupied by the demons, he almost wiped out thousands of elite demons with one person. Go to that county first, and you should be able to find clues about Yun Hao! "

After hearing the news, all the Gu Ren Demon Suppressing Guards were shocked.

Yunhao alone...actually killed so many demon elites in a county that was completely occupied by demons...

As for how Zhang Tao got the clues, no one asked.

Anyone who is familiar with Zhang Tao knows that Zhang Tao is not simple.

Today, Zhang Tao broke out and suppressed Hall Master Feiying and Hall Master Crazy Knife. This was just the tip of the iceberg for Zhang Tao!

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