God Hongtian

Chapter 334 The war is coming and the situation is tense

Xia Xuan looked a little lost.

"Sir, the yin and yang energy in your body is completely balanced. Do you no longer need me in the future?"

Yun Hao stroked her body and said, "You are not a tool."

Xia Xuan blinked and said, "Sir, you mean that you will still need me in the future, right?"

Yunhao told her the answer directly through actions.


On this day, it was noon.

Xia Xuan couldn't get up, because after the breakthrough in cultivation, Yunhao was full of energy and fierce. He walked out of the room and went directly to practice swordsmanship in the yard.

A sword sweeps across, yin and yang complement each other, and while being fierce and domineering, it is also extremely feminine and dexterous.

In the Valley of Resentful Spirits, when he used the Yin Yang Qiankun Sword to resist Xia Xuntian's attack, he seemed extremely reluctant, but now he can use this sword skill with ease.

The exquisite moves are interlocking with each other, and the weight can be changed freely. The two qi of yin and yang flow in the sword's edge, evolving into unpredictable and mysterious meanings.

A swordsmanship practice is over.





The nine extremely loud bells rang, echoing throughout the light realm.

Xia Xuan, wrapped in a gauze veil, staggered out of the room and said, "Sir, I have finished reading the information His Highness Wu sent you. The bell rings nine times in a row, which means something big has happened. All the demon-suppressing guards, Demon-suppressing envoys must immediately put down everything they are doing and wait for orders from the Martial Palace!"

Yun Hao frowned slightly.

Something big happened?

If there is civil strife in the Martial Palace, it is obvious that these nine bells will not ring.

Obviously, something big comes from the outside.

As for Wudian, anything that can be considered a big deal is most likely related to the demons!

After a while.

Sun Feng came to where Yun Hao lived and said: "Yun Hao, Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy asked me to inform you to go to the Guangming Hall Hall immediately!"


Guangmingtang main hall.

The hall leader, Zhang Tao, sat in his seat with a solemn expression and said nothing.

When Yun Hao arrived, all eyes suddenly turned to him.

There are more than twenty people.

Each one of them is a demon-suppressing envoy who has reached the realm of metamorphosis!

Although the Cave Heaven Realm is also qualified to serve as the Demon Suppressor, it is obvious that the Demon Suppressor of the Cave Heaven Realm is not qualified to participate in the upcoming discussions in the hall.

Yunhao is the only special case!

Yunhao looked calm and stood beside Xiao Ye and Qu Feng.

"Now that everyone is here, I'll tell you the truth."

Zhang Tao stood up and said: "I just received news that the power of the demons exploded like a blowout, causing trouble in various places in the ancient country of Daxia, causing huge casualties.

The official forces of the ancient country of Daxia are already fighting against the demons, and they have sent a request for help to our Martial Palace.

Suppressing the demons and protecting our fellow human beings is the unshirkable responsibility of our Martial Hall. This is also the foundation of our Martial Hall.

Wu Dian must go all out!

The deputy hall master and I, as well as the masters of Feiying Hall and Crazy Blade Hall, have unanimously decided that the entire Martial Hall Demon Suppressing Army will go out to defeat the demons! "

After Zhang Tao finished speaking, a solemn look appeared on the faces of everyone in the hall.


Suddenly, a man drew his sword out of its sheath.





Suddenly, shouts of war, accompanied by powerful killing intent, rushed out of the hall and straight into the sky!

Every time the demons cause trouble, it means countless casualties.

All members of the demon-suppressing army have gone out to fight. When they come back, how many will be left?

But no matter what, the demon-suppressing army will not back down.

Just as Zhang Tao said.

Eradicating the demons and protecting our fellow human beings is the foundation of Martial Palace!

Even if you die, you still have to... fight!

Everyone is already prepared from the day they join the Martial Palace and become the Demon Suppressing Guard!

Zhang Tao: "The time for the full expedition of the Demon Suppressing Legion is yet to be determined, but it should not be long. You should gather your team members immediately and be prepared to set off at any time!"


When the demon-suppressing envoys took the order and left, Zhang Tao said again: "Xiao Ye, Qu Feng, Yun Hao, the three of you stay."

"When the Guren team goes out with the army, it acts as a reserve camp." Zhang Tao said.


Xiao Ye objected directly, saying: "Every member of Gu Ren is someone who dares to fight.

Moreover, Gu Ren's combat power can be ranked among the top thirty in the entire demon-suppressing army, and can be ranked among the top ten in Guangming Hall!

We, alone, must stand at the forefront! "

Qu Feng also took a step forward and said: "Hall Master, Team Gu Ren, please fight!"

Being at the front is the most dangerous, while the reserve camp is staying at the rear, which is naturally the safest.


Xiao Ye doesn't want to!

Music style doesn’t want it either!

When Zhang Tao was about to speak, Xiao Ye said: "Hall Master, Yun Hao is a low-level alchemist on the ground level. He does not need to go to the front line. He can stay in the alchemy team that will be established at that time."

Dan camp. "

Qu Feng also said: "In the battlefield, the importance of alchemists is self-evident. Our Guangming Hall is in urgent need of alchemists. Yunhao is refining elixirs in the alchemy camp to ensure the delivery of elixirs.

With the supply of elixirs from alchemists, we, the soldiers of Guangming Hall, can kill more demons on the battlefield and survive as many people as possible! "

Both of them actually knew that the reason why Zhang Tao asked the Guren team to serve as a reserve camp was to protect Yun Hao.

The two of them also understood Zhang Tao's considerations.

If it were them, they would try their best to keep Yun Hao in the safest place.

The meaning of Yunhao is not the present, but the future!

This is an all-around genius with unlimited potential in swordsmanship, formation, and alchemy. Only by surviving can he transform his talent into strength!

Zhang Tao looked at Yun Hao and said, "Yun Hao, you will go out with the army and stay in the alchemy camp. Do you have any objections?"

Yun Hao said calmly: "No."

He knew that even if he had objections, it would be useless. Zhang Tao, Xiao Ye, and Qu Feng would not let him go to the front line no matter what.

Go to the front line to kill demons.

The purpose of refining alchemy in the alchemy camp is also to kill the demons.

Moreover, on the battlefield, the battle situation changes rapidly. Staying in the alchemy camp is not absolutely safe. You can still kill the demons with your own hands.

Seeing that Yun Hao had no objection, the three of them were relieved.

Yun Hao asked: "Are the elixir resources guaranteed?"

The elixirs in the Guangming Realm of Wudian are all concentrated in the Danfang, but the situation in the Danfang is very unfavorable to Guangmingtang. The elixir resources have been monopolized by Feiyingtang and Crazy Knife Hall.

Zhang Tao's eyes narrowed slightly and he said: "This matter,

I'll handle it. "

Xiao Ye suddenly said in a low voice: "Master, this time with all the demon-suppressing army going out, will the Feiying Hall and the Crazy Blade Hall secretly do something again?"

Zhang Tao shook his head and said: "Although the civil strife in the Martial Palace has been extremely serious, whether it is the Feiying Hall or the Crazy Blade Hall, the vast majority of them have the same attitude as us in dealing with the demons.


There are no absolutes in the world, and people's hearts are unpredictable.

If... anyone among them dares to engage in intrigues and plot under such circumstances, then... kill them! "

Zhang Tao's last words contained extremely cold and murderous intent!

Regarding Yun Hao's arrangements, Zhang Tao had nothing else to explain, so Xiao Ye, Qu Feng, and Yun Hao also left the main hall of Guangming Hall.

"Yunhao, this is a battle where you will face death at any time. You must be mentally prepared. The cruelty of the battlefield will exceed your imagination." Xiao Ye said solemnly.

"I understand, Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy, Qu Zhen Demon Envoy, I will go back and prepare first!" Yun Hao said goodbye to the two of them and hurried back to his residence immediately.

The disaster caused by the demons was too sudden, and Yun Hao's original plan to earn merit points and improve his cultivation, weapons, sword array, etc. had to make some changes.

The state of cultivation is the most important thing.

He has now been promoted to a high-level spirit body. At this level, he must condense the wheel of life and death in his dantian!

Once the wheel of life and death is condensed, the life energy will flow continuously, and the death energy can kill the enemy with great force, and the combat power will experience a huge increase.

Yun Hao made up his mind to condense the wheel of life and death before setting off!

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