God Hongtian

Chapter 383 Breakthrough, high-level spirit body

After having a reassurance, Qu Feng moved his hands without any hesitation. In the blink of an eye, he immediately unleashed his powerful cultivation and suppressed all those who came to cause trouble to the ground.


Just hang them up one by one to force out the evil spirit pills from their bodies.

Everyone has evil spirit pills in their body.

Needless to say, the truth has emerged.

Some people who gathered outside the Guangming Pill Shop for unknown reasons and just came to watch the fun, as long as they were not fools, could see that this round of incidents regarding the Guangming Pill Shop's Shui Ling Dan must be promoted in secret and deliberately framed the Guangming Pill Shop. shop!

As for who?

Who else could it be?

In the entire Light Realm, the only ones who dare to touch the Guangming Hall are the Feiying Hall and the Crazy Blade Hall.

"Say, who told you to do this?!" Xu Liang shouted.

A group of people were still trembling on the ground under the pressure of Qu Feng's momentum, but they all gritted their teeth and said nothing.

Yun Hao sneered and said: "Did the person who gave you the evil spirit pill tell you that the side effects of the evil spirit pill will disappear after three days and your body will not be affected at all?

How ridiculous!

Even if you take the evil spirit pill out of your body after three days, the evil spirit has already invaded your Dantian meridians and internal organs, laying a permanent root of disaster in your body.

At that time, unless you use high-grade elixirs from the Earth Level, it will be possible for you to recover as before.

But...how precious are the top-grade elixirs on the Earth Level?

No one has been able to refine the Bright Realm Danfang yet.

, even if some people secretly collect some high-grade elixirs, how many can they have? Is it enough for so many of you?

What's more, with your status, do you think that top-grade elixirs on the earth level will be used by you?

You are just pawns of some evil-hearted people, and they are so insignificant that you can just throw them away when you are done with them!

Now, the evil spirit has not penetrated deeply into the body. Whoever explains it first, I can eradicate the hidden dangers regardless of past grudges! "

Yun Hao finished speaking.

The people lying on the ground were all panicked.

If someone else said it, they might not believe it.

But they dare not believe what Yunhao said...

When Yun Hao competed with Tang Yuan in elixir refining, everyone knew the skills he displayed...

"I said...it was Qin Yue and Qin Mei...they found me, and they also gave me the evil spirit pill..."

Yun Hao pointed his finger, and a ray of energy suddenly rushed into the man's body. The energy traveled inside his body, and with a pop, it pierced his back, and at the same time brought out a wisp of strong evil energy.

"The evil spirit in your body has been eliminated, get out!"

The man immediately rolled around and left Guangming Dan Shop.

The others also spoke one after another.

"It's Qin Yue and Qin Mei. They gave us 300 merit points and said that if we come to Guangming Dan Shop to cause trouble, we can also get a large amount of compensation from Guangming Dan Shop..."

"They also said that Guangming Danpu didn't dare do anything to us, and told us to make things as bad as possible."

"If we destroy the Guangming Dan Shop, they will give us some merit points..."

A group of people completely sold out the brother and sister Qin Yue and Qin Mei in the blink of an eye, and then they all looked at Yun Hao eagerly, hoping to get Yun Hao's help to completely eliminate the evil spirit in their bodies.

Yun Hao looked cold and said: "I said, whoever is the first to explain, I will help remove the evil spirit. You said it too late."

"Yunhao... please, help me, I was wrong!"

"It's me who is obsessed with it. I shouldn't have listened to them to frame Guangming Dan Shop..."

"Yunhao... I can give evidence to Guangming Danpu to identify their brother and sister..."

Qu Feng snorted coldly and shouted: "Get out!"

As soon as his words fell, he was so powerful that he sent all these guys flying away.

Yun Hao looked at Qu Feng and said: "Qu Zhen Demon Envoy, I would like you to deal with the two masterminds behind this. I will go back first to heal Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy's injuries."

Qu Feng suddenly looked happy: "Has the elixir been refined?"

Yun Hao hummed, then took out most of the elixir and handed it to Xu Liang: "Deacon Xu, this is the soul-returning elixir. It is a low-grade earth-level pill. You can see the price."

Xu Liang was confused.

A low-grade elixir...

Yun Hao can actually refine low-grade elixirs... He is a low-grade alchemy master!

Moreover, Yun Hao had only been refining elixirs for two days... After a cursory glance at the elixirs handed to him, he found that there were sixty or seventy. This was not all. After all, Yun Hao still had

He left the elixir for Xiao Ye to heal his injuries!

Shocked, extremely shocked!

Such a young and low-level alchemy master has never been seen or heard of before.

The key is that Yun Hao is still at the level of a top Xuan-level formation mage, and his swordsmanship is also amazing!

This... is an all-around genius!


Next, Qu Feng went straight to arrest Qin Yue and Qin Mei, the masterminds behind the scenes.

Yunhao left the alchemy workshop, came to the room where Xiao Ye was recovering from his injuries, and gave Xiao Ye a pill to take.

After taking the elixir, Xiao Ye slowly opened his eyes after just a few breaths.

"Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy, take one soul-returning pill every day. After eating these pills, your soul will be intact as before." Yun Hao handed the remaining pills into Xiao Ye's hands.

Xiao Ye: "Yunhao, thank you very much, I owe you my life!"

Yun Hao shook his head and said, "This is what I promised you."

At that time in the Valley of Resentful Spirits, without Xiao Ye's cooperation, Yun Hao would not have been able to control the sword spirit of the Red Cang Sword so quickly. The situation that day was very dangerous. If the time was delayed a little longer, Xia Xuan might have been poisoned by Xia Xuntian.

After dealing with Xiao Ye's matter, Yun Hao immediately returned to his residence in the Bright Realm.

Looking at Yun Hao's leaving figure, Xiao Ye's expression was complicated and full of emotion.

A demon-suppressing guard who was responsible for taking care of Xiao Ye here asked curiously: "Xiao Town Demon Envoy, you took Yun Hao out on a mission. You should know a lot about him. Let's talk about it."

Xiao Ye shook his head: "You can't tell the secret about him!"

"Secret? His swordsmanship is very special and extremely powerful. He can completely trigger the Wusheng swordsmanship, and he is also a top-level Xuan-level formation mage. This is not a secret!"

"Could it be that the secret mentioned by Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy is that Yun Hao can transform into a hundred-foot dragon?"

Xiao Ye looked stunned: "How do you know?"

"We also know that... Yun Hao is a low-level alchemist on the ground level. The elixir Xiao Zhen Demon Envoy you just took was refined by him himself."

Xiao Ye: "...He is still a low-level alchemist?"

"Yes, Demon Envoy Xiao Zhen, it seems that you don't know as many secrets about him as we do... Everyone in the Light Realm already knows these things."

Xiao Ye: "How long have I been unconscious?"

"You were sent back for three days..."

Xiao Ye: "..."

It had only been three days, but he felt like a lot had happened?

It was already night when Yunhao returned to his residence.

Xia Xuan immediately came forward. She saw a hint of exhaustion in Yun Hao's expression, and said with some distress: "Master, please collect a little bit of the extremely yin aura from me and blend it..."

As the saying goes, one day without seeing you is like three autumns.

Yunhao went to Danfang for two days.

Knowing the taste after eating the marrow, I wish I could hang it on Yun Hao all the time

Xia Xuan finally brought Yun Hao Pan back.

Stayed awake all night until dawn.

Suddenly, a powerful yin and yang energy burst out from the room.

Yin and Yang are complete.

Yun Hao's Taichu Creation Technique finally achieved a breakthrough and was promoted to a high-level spirit body!

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