God Hongtian

Chapter 251 Why should you let me help you?

On the Guangming Hall side, Hall Zhang Tao decided to go to Zhu Pin, the mid-level formation mage in person.

And the other side.

Ouyang Zhao, the master of Feiying Hall, and Liu Qing, the master of Crazy Knife Hall, came to the residence of the deputy hall master together.

The deputy master of the Martial Palace is a little old man with a skinny body. He looks ordinary, but his eyes are as sharp as an eagle.

This person's name is Yan Quan.

"Deputy Hall Master, there is good news." Ouyang Zhao, the hall master of Feiying Hall, said with a smile: "Qin Yue, deputy hall master Qin's grand nephew, received some formation inheritance from Zhu Pin because of his talent in formations.

Just today, Qin Yue went to find Yun Hao, the boy in Guangming Hall who could completely trigger the imprint of Wusheng Kendo, and started a fight.

Yun Hao didn't know where he secretly learned Zhu Pin's Seven Evil Chain Formation, which led Zhu Pin to take Yun Hao away himself. We just received news that Zhang Tao went to find Zhu Pin personally for Yun Hao.

If nothing unexpected happens, Zhang Tao will inevitably have a fierce conflict with Zhu Pin.

We have been trying to win over Zhu Pin for so long, but Zhu Pin has always been indifferent. We can just use this opportunity to draw Zhu Pin into our camp! "

Liu Qing, the leader of the Crazy Knife Hall, also said with a smile: "In short, the enemy of our enemy is our friend. Regardless of whether Zhu Pin will eventually join our camp, he and Zhang Tao are destined to be in the same boat.

When the face is completely broken, even if Zhu Pin doesn't help us, he will never stand on Zhang Tao's side.

I think that at this time, we might as well go there and let Zhu Pin see our sincerity in helping him. In this way, we will be more sure of winning over Zhu Pin! "

The sharp light in Yan Quan's eyes flashed, and then he shook his head and said: "Let them fight, we can just watch the fire from the other side. Zhu Pin has a weird temperament, and if we get involved, it might even arouse his resentment.

I just took this opportunity to use Zhu Pin's formation methods to explore Zhang Tao's depth. This Zhang Tao

Tao is not as simple as he appears. He hides a lot of things, and maybe some of them will be exposed this time. "


"The deputy palace master is indeed far-sighted."

"Deputy Palace Master, are the affairs of the Palace Master confirmed?"

"Yes, the life or death of the palace master is never determined, so we must always be vigilant..."

Yan Quan shook his head and said: "The palace master has been missing for three years, and his whereabouts have never been clear, but I can be sure that the palace master is still alive.

But it's not a big problem.

He is alive, but has not shown up, so he must be in great trouble.

If we prepare for a while longer, even if the Palace Master comes back alive, it will be useless. The entire Martial Palace in the Eastern Wasteland will change. This is not something that the Palace Master and Zhang Tao can stop! "


"Master... where is this, I'm a little scared..."

Xia Xuan followed Yun Hao, hugged Yun Hao's arm with both hands, and squeezed hard, as if this way she felt safe.

Yun Hao looked calm and looked around, not worried at all.

He knew that the person who took action did not have murderous intent.

If he really had murderous intent, he wouldn't have used the teleportation array to bring him here.

There was nothing all around. There was no end to this emptiness.

After Yun Hao glanced at it, he withdrew his gaze and said: "In just a thought, we are so close to the end of the world."

This is an illusion formation!

In fact, this space is not very big, but in the illusion, the distance of one foot is as far away as the end of the world.

If one cannot understand the secret of this illusory formation, the person trapped in it will definitely never be able to get out and will be tossed back and forth in a small space.

Xia Xuan, who was holding Yun Hao's arm, looked confused when she heard it, and said: "Sir, although I didn't understand it, it feels so powerful."

Yun Hao: "Let go."

Xia Xuan: "..."

He honestly let go of his hand.

Finally found the machine

He will take advantage of his master, and he hasn’t had enough of it yet...


at this time.

The surrounding environment is distorted, as if space is stacking.

"Follow me." Yun Hao's calm voice reached Xia Xuan's ears.

The next moment, he took one step forward.

Suddenly a golden spiritual pattern spread under his feet.

Immediately afterwards, the surrounding environment changed again.

But no matter how he changed, Yun Hao's expression remained unchanged and he walked step after step.

After nine steps.

The twisted surrounding environment completely disappeared, replaced by a small courtyard that was not too big.

In the yard, an old man with messy hair and shawl was staring at Yun Hao, his eyes flashing.

Yun Hao also stared at this old man. This man's mental power was extremely powerful. His mental power was connected with the first-layer middle-level earth-level formation that had been arranged in the yard, and seemed to have completely formed a whole.

This is not a trivial trick like Chu Kong of the Qingfeng Dynasty who arranged the formation base of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation on his body. The old man himself has been integrated into many formations in the courtyard.

The formation is part of his body.

He is also part of the formation!

This is a method of merging the formation with one's body. It is a branch of the formation avenue. It is extremely difficult to practice. If you are not careful, you will lose everything. If you can succeed, you will get rich rewards!

The old man in front of me walked on the branch of this formation avenue and had already walked a certain distance, but he went astray again!

At the old man's feet, it was Qin Yue who used the Seven Evils Continuous Formation to trouble Yun Hao, but almost fell into the Seven Evils Continuous Formation completely.

Qin Yue was defeated because of his mental will, and his energy and blood were running wild. He was in a coma, and his body was shaking and twitching from time to time.

Xia Xuan did not stand behind Yun Hao anymore. Instead, she stood in front of Yun Hao with a vigilant look on her face. She drew her sword and said, "You...don't even think about it."

Hurt my young master! "

The old man glanced at Xia Xuan and raised his hand.

Suddenly there was a force of formation that fell on Xia Xuan and moved Xia Xuan aside.

Xia Xuan wanted to rush over again, but found that her body was frozen and unable to move.

The old man stared at Yun Hao and said in a cold tone: "Where did you secretly learn the Seven Evils Chain Formation?"

Yun Hao: "Did you create the Seven Evils Chain Formation?"

The old man: "Exactly, except for the fact that Qin Yue learned a little bit, it has never been spread out. If you can't give a reasonable explanation, I will kill you!"

Yun Hao snorted coldly and said: "Learning two words secretly is simply ridiculous.

You are the founder of the Seven Evils Chain Formation. Even if Qin Yue taught you the formation, he only learned the superficial knowledge. How much truth can you learn by stealing?

And my understanding of the Seven Evils Chain Formation has surpassed your level! "

The old man: "That's nonsense. The Seven Evils Chain Formation was created by me with all my hard work. No one in this world understands this formation better than me!"

Yun Hao looked indifferent and said: "You know what you know, otherwise, you wouldn't have made such a big noise to bring me here!"

The old man was silent for a moment, and then said: "You... how did you do it?"

Yun Hao: "Why should I tell you?"

Old man: "Aren't you afraid that you won't be able to get out?"

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said, "You can give it a try!"

Old man: "Just try it!"

As soon as the words fell, suddenly, many large formations of middle-grade earth-level formations in the courtyard erupted.

It seems that there is a scorching sun hanging in the sky, there is ice covering thousands of miles, there is a strong wind like a sword, and the space is twisted thousands of times...

Of course, the old man did not attack Yun Hao. He just used pure power to scare Yun Hao and make him cooperate and explain honestly.

Yunhao looked at the formations surging around him and felt

There was a trace of disdain in his expression, and he said: "You should feel lucky that you have no murderous intention, otherwise, you would be a corpse now!"

The corners of the old man's mouth twitched, and his messy hair danced wildly, and he said: "Boy, I have never seen someone as crazy as you. It seems that if I don't give you some pain, you don't know what awe is! "

The next moment, the power of part of the formation exploded, crushing Yun Hao.

At this moment, in Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness, the prototype of the innate-level ancestral pattern suddenly shot out, and the god-killing pattern in the shape of a golden sword bloomed with blazing golden light and swept in all directions!



The power of the formation controlled by the old man dissipated, and he held his head in his hands and screamed.

"You have gone astray by integrating your body with the formation. This is your formation. It seems powerful, but in fact it is a cocoon of your own!"

Yun Hao's cold voice sounded, and then, the God-killing pattern was withdrawn into the sea of ​​consciousness.

It took the old man a while before he returned to normal. His face was pale and his whole body was wet with cold sweat.

"You...how did you see that..."

Yun Hao: "Integrating the formation with the body is a branch of the formation. If it succeeds, it will be very powerful. If it fails, the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

You have gone astray in this branch. Your body and soul are trapped by the formation. You cannot even leave this courtyard for half a step.

If there is no unforeseen opportunity, in at most half a year, everything about you will be consumed by the formation, and you will either become the formation spirit of the formation, or completely disappear into thin air! "

The old man obviously knew his situation. What Yun Hao said was indeed true. With a glimmer of hope, he said: "You... you can see it, then can you... help me?"

Yun Hao: "Yes!"

The old man took a deep breath, cupped his hands, and said: "Yunhao, please help me!"

Yun Hao said lightly: "Why do you want me to help you?"

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