God Hongtian

Chapter 350: Three evil spirits appear together, and a sudden change occurs

The Seven Evils Chain Formation controlled by Qin Yue is extremely exquisite.

But after all, he did not set up the formation base with his own hands, and his attainments in formations were only barely one foot into the top level of the Xuan level. Therefore, controlling the formations may seem majestic to outsiders, but to insiders In his eyes, it was just a bluff.

The first evil in the seven-evil chain formation is the evil force.

The invisible evil spirit combines with the power of heaven and earth caused by the formation to focus on the target's spiritual will.

The power of the evil force, like a ferocious giant beast, pounced on Yun Hao in an extremely exaggerated way.

In Yun Hao's eyes, light flashed, and in an instant, a terrifying edge erupted from his body.

It's like a divine sword is unsheathed, and the sword's edge is about to cut through the sky, the earth, and the sky. It's unparalleled and powerful!

The evil force of the Seven Evils Chain Formation controlled by Qin Yue, when it touched Yun Hao's sword force, was like a thin piece of paper, facing the unparalleled sharp sword edge, and was easily torn apart. The evil force then disappeared without a trace!

A trace of solemnity suddenly appeared on Qin Yue's face full of ferocious color.

Outside, a large group of people living in the light realm gathered around.

"This...is this Qin Yue from Feiyingtang?"

"Who else besides him can cast Master Zhu's Seven Shas Chain Formation? After all, Master Zhu only has one disciple!"

"The Seven Evils Chain Formation is Master Zhu's famous formation. Master Zhu is now a mid-level formation master. This Seven Evils Chain Formation

The ring formation is obviously his simplified version. "

"Qin Yue's formation talent seems to be really good. Otherwise, even if he is the nephew of the deputy master of Feiying Hall, Master Zhu will not teach him the Seven Evils Chain Formation. You know, Zhu The array master has a weird temper, and even the deputy palace master doesn’t give him face!”

"Why did Qin Yue come here to fight?"

"Haven't you heard yet? The guy who lives inside is called Yun Hao. He is a good seedling just discovered by Guangmingtang. He is extremely talented in swordsmanship and can even fully activate the power of Wusheng swordsmanship brand. He is going to join today There was a conflict with Feiyingtang over the assessment of Wudian, and Qin Yue’s sister Qin Mei was taught a terrible lesson!”

"Qin Mei, is that the one with the huge scale in front of you?"

"Yes, but that is already in the past. Yun Hao's attack was ruthless... Qin Mei's capital was wiped out with one sword..."

"Ah? This..."

"It's a pity, it's a pity that he was able to kill such a beautiful scenery..."

"To us, it is a beautiful scenery, but to Yun Hao, it is just vulgar. The woman beside Yun Hao is the real best!"

"Yes... I feel an uncontrollable urge when I look at her through the formation..."

"Look, Qin Yue has activated the second evil in the seven evils chain formation!"

"One evil spirit is the evil force, and the second evil spirit is the evil blood. The evil spirit will corrode the Qi and blood. This Yunhao can withstand the first evil spirit. Under the power of the second evil spirit,

It's dangerous! "

In the formation.

The second evil spirit in the seven-evil evil chain formation was no longer invisible and had no substance, but turned into a black wave of evil energy, rushing toward Yun Hao.

Yun Hao allowed this evil spirit to overwhelm him.

People whose Qi and blood are eroded by evil spirits will have their Qi and blood flow backwards, their blood vessels will explode, and their entire body will lose control.

Qin Yue thought that Yun Hao could no longer resist, and looked proud, the fierceness on his face turned into excitement, and he formed seals with his hands again.

"Three evil spirits, evil souls!"

"The four evil spirits are destroyed!"

He continuously activated the terrifying power of the Seven Evils Chain Formation, making it clear that he wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to completely crush Yun Hao.

He has already developed a very strong murderous intention!

But just when he activated the fourth evil spirit and was about to activate the fifth evil spirit, Yun Hao, who was overwhelmed by the evil spirit, suddenly burst into brilliant light.

The dense qi and blood glow spurted out from every pore of his.

The sound of qi and blood surged like a river and the sea, and his life breath was as strong as the scorching sun!

All the cold evil spirits around him were dispelled!

How can the powerful Qi and blood of an intermediate spirit body be corroded by this mere evil energy?


Yun Hao drank lightly.

I saw him forming seals with both hands, and his mental power turned into dense spiritual patterns that swept in all directions and fell into every formation base.

The Seven Evils Chain Formation, originally controlled by Qin Yue, suddenly broke away from his control.

That infinite force that combines the power of heaven and earth

The evil shape and intent were like a sharp sword, impacting Qin Yue's body with a devastating force.

Qin Yue's spiritual will was instantly defeated and fell apart.

There was boundless fear in his heart and his eyes were dull.

Outside, everyone's eyes widened, and every face showed an expression of shock and confusion.

Yun Hao... Yun Hao actually controlled the Seven Evils Chain Formation!

"Bad blood!"

Yunhao formed the seal again.

The evil spirit appeared, like a ferocious beast opening its bloody mouth and swallowing Qin Yue in one gulp!


Qin Yue, whose spirit and will were weakened, was let out by the evil spirit entering his body. He howled like a slaughtering pig. The energy and blood all over his body ran wildly, and every blood vessel exploded!

"Evil soul!"

In the blink of an eye, Yun Hao activated the third evil in the seven evils chain formation, and the terrifying power rushed straight into Qin Yue's sea of ​​consciousness. The power of this third evil will erode Qin Yue's soul!

Once the evil spirit causes damage to his soul, Qin Yue's mental power will be wasted. At the least, he will die as a formation master, or he will become a complete idiot. If his luck is even worse, his soul will be annihilated and die!

Just as the power of the third evil spirit was about to successfully invade Qin Yue's sea of ​​consciousness, suddenly, something strange happened.

All the formation bases in the yard suddenly shook, and then, above the yard, the space was directly broken, and a force of space transmission directly moved the entire yard away!

In the blink of an eye.

In front of the people watching the excitement, there was only an empty piece of ground.

Yun Hao, Xia Xuan, Qin Yue, including the bricks and tiles of the entire yard, all disappeared!

"This... is Master Zhu's move... It must be Master Zhu's power!"

"Yun Hao... is finished. Not only did he hurt Master Zhu's only successor, it seems that he also secretly learned Master Zhu's Seven Evils Chain Array. With Master Zhu's temper, even if the deputy hall master came forward to protect Yun Hao, it would be useless!"

"The deputy hall master will not come forward. Don't forget... Yun Hao joined Guangming Hall. The deputy hall master supports Feiying Hall and Kuangdao Hall!"


"Hall Master, something bad has happened, something bad has happened!"

Xiao Ye and Tian Bugui rushed into the main hall of Guangming Hall anxiously.

Zhang Tao, the head of Guangming Hall, appeared in front of the two of them in a flash, and said in a deep voice: "What happened?"

Xiao Ye: "Yun Hao beat Qin Mei, and Qin Mei's brother Qin Yue came to Yun Hao's house to make trouble. For some reason, Yun Hao actually controlled the Seven Evils Chain Array that Qin Yue cast. Zhu Pin took action and took Yun Hao away directly with the teleportation array!"

Tian Bugui held up the heavy sword and said: "I always thought that old Zhu Pin just had a weird temper, and he didn't stand on the same side. But now it seems that he must have been involved with Feiying Hall and Kuangdao Hall. Hall Master, in my opinion, there is no need to worry so much, let's go directly and rescue Yun Hao first!"

Zhang Tao looked solemn and said seriously: "Don't act rashly, I will go to find Master Zhu in person!"

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