God Hongtian

Chapter 339: Complicity

Yun Hao held the sword hilt in his hand and retracted his thoughts.


The next moment, he drew his sword out of its sheath.

A ray of cold light burst out in an instant, but the cold light of the sword energy condensed and did not disperse, and instantly gathered within the sword body.

"What a sword!"

Yun Hao sighed, sheathed his sword, and then returned the sword to Bai Changtian.


Before this, the traces of Wusheng Kendo contained in this sword were in a restrained state.

Now, the traces of Wusheng Sword Dao contained in it have been fully activated. When Bai Changtian goes out with this sword, it can be regarded as an extra layer of powerful protection!

Bai Changtian's face was full of shock.

"This sword... since Wu Dian gave it to me, only me in the entire Bai family has been able to pull it out. This is because I got the sword with Wu Dian's help.

Mr. Yun is indeed worthy of being the genius of the sword as my second brother said.

For such a talented person who is willing to join the Martial Palace, everyone in the Martial Palace will welcome him very much. When I finish this task, I will definitely introduce him to Mr. Yun as soon as possible! "

"Brother..." Bai Changfeng still wanted to try to persuade him.

Bai Changtian: "Second brother, when my father went to hunt down the descendants of the Demon King, he knew the danger, but he still went. You also knew the danger, so you went too.

Martial Hall's missions are almost all related to demons. Which mission is not dangerous?

Don’t worry, your brother, I have a sense of discretion and will pay attention to it! "

Say it.

Bai Changtian took people away.

At the gate of Bai's house, Bai Ming, a young man whom Yun Hao and the others had met, entered the main hall and said: "Second Grandpa, I have arranged a place to rest. You, Mr. Yun, and Miss Xia, go and have a rest first. "

While talking.

Bai Ming's eyes secretly glanced at Xia Xuan several times.

The look of wanting to see but not daring to see.

Xia Xuan is naturally charming. She has attracted the attention of countless men since she entered Mucheng. Bai Ming's reaction was considered good, proving that his character is still firm.

Xia Xuan covered her mouth and chuckled, and said: "Master Bai, just arrange two rooms for rest. I am the young master's personal maid. I will live wherever the young master lives."

Bai Ming: "...Okay!"

Suddenly... I was particularly envious of Yun Hao.


Yunhao and the others came to the resting place.

It is quite spacious and is a separate courtyard.

After sending away the servants of the Bai family, Xia Xuan leaned over the table in front of Yun Hao, and the weight in front of her was shaking.

Yun Hao's eyes were calm, as if he hadn't seen it, and he was sorting out information about the Martial Palace in his mind.

"Sir, Bai Changtian is too stubborn. I just don't know if his life is tough enough. Bai Changtian fell into the trap of luring the tiger away from the mountain. The Bai family must be unsafe. How about we go somewhere else to live?"

I found a Yuanyang Inn on the streets of Mucheng. It seemed to have a lot of variety. It must be a good place to rest. Why don't you and I go there first and relax? "

Xia Xuan blinked and continued: "Moreover, for some reason, although the young master helped me get rid of the poison, I still feel that my whole body is limp and I have no strength, and my skin is even very hot..."

As he spoke, he sighed and wanted to take off his clothes to cool off.

"I'll give you a mission."

Yun Hao suddenly spoke.

Xia Xuan's eyes shone: "Master, please tell me, whether you want me to lie down, sit, sideways, or lie down, whatever

Even in the air! "

"Bai Changtian is out. If nothing else happens, the demons will definitely take action tonight. You will kill as many as they come to the Guiyi Realm!" Yun Hao said.

Xia Xuan: "Young master, I'm just returning to one place."

"You are Cang Yao's disciple, and you can also be considered a descendant of my lineage. My lineage is invincible at the same level. You are at the peak of Guiyi Realm. If you can't kill everyone in Guiyi, then I will expel you from the school! "

Xia Xuan: "..."

Yun Hao casually threw a sword manual to her and said: "This is the Hongchen Sword Technique. It suits your physique and belongs to the same system as the sword technique you practiced before. Why don't you hurry up and practice sword technique?"

Xia Xuan felt extremely aggrieved: "Master... how about you teach me..."

Yun Hao: "Practice yourself. Also, when teaching and teaching, call me Master!"

Xia Xuan: "...Yes, Master, then I'll go practice swordplay."

Out of the house.

Xia Xuan, who was standing in the yard, looked at the closed door and clenched her pink fists: "Huh, I'll sleep with you sooner or later!"


The night slowly opened.


City Lord's Mansion.

In a room dotted with jewels, the bloated city lord counted a lot of treasures and then said with a smile: "Since Messenger He Yong has arrived, come in."

Then, a tall, thin, middle-aged man with a sinister expression appeared in the house in a flash.

"Messenger He Yong gave me so many good things, it must not be for some trivial matter." The city lord had a smile like an old fox on his face.

A middle-aged man named He Yong said with an expressionless face: "Tonight, some demons will enter the city, so the city lord's mansion will just pretend that nothing happened."

The city lord's eyes slightly

Narrowing his eyes, he said: "I heard that there is a civil strife in your Martial Hall, and that the Guangming Hall, the Feiying Hall, and the Crazy Blade Hall are in trouble.

Envoy He Yong is Feiyingtang’s demon-suppressing envoy.

The demons you let in must deal with people from the Guangming Hall.

At this juncture, Bai Changtian, the old man from the Bai family, is out of town in the afternoon. The one you have to deal with should be the Bai family.

In other words, the Bai family is a peripheral family directly under Wu Dian Guangmingtang, and one of the countless eyes placed by Wu Dian in the ancient country of Daxia! "

He Yong said coldly: "You talk too much."

The city lord laughed and said: "Don't worry, you can't see or hear anything in the city lord's mansion tonight, but I have a condition. I don't want to see a trace of blood in the city tomorrow morning.

After all... I am the parent official of Mucheng. I am upright and honest, and I love the people like a son. I have to be responsible for the hundreds of thousands of people in Mucheng. "

"Okay!" He Yong said, disappeared from the house in a flash, and then entered the top floor of an inn in Mucheng.

"Dad, can I let out the news and let those demons take action?" the young man asked.

He Yong nodded: "Go and spread the news, Chang Gui, remember, this time we are killing with a borrowed knife, using the demons to eradicate the wings of Guangmingtang. If we reveal any clues, things will be very troublesome!"


After saying that, the young man He Changgui immediately left the inn.


The night is getting deeper and deeper.

Today's night sky is filled with dark clouds, without a trace of light from the stars and the moon.

In the darkness, ghostly figures rushed out from all directions in Mucheng at extremely fast speeds, rushing towards the Bai family.

Not far from Bai's house

In an attic.

He Changgui, the son of He Yong, the demon-suppressing envoy of Wudian Feiyingtang, stood at the window, staring in the direction of the Bai family.

Behind him, there were several people.

"Young master, the master told us not to get close... Let's go first. The Bai family does not have Bai Changtian in charge, and the rest are just a bunch of rabble. This group of stupid demons will definitely destroy the Bai family. We don’t have to worry about anything slipping through the net.”

one of them said.

He Changgui smiled, with a lustful light in his eyes, and said, "I heard that in the afternoon, a beautiful young lady lived in the Bai family.

Wouldn't it be a pity that such a good prey died in the hands of the demons?

It’s been a long time since this young master has indulged himself in pleasure. Whatever he does today, he has to have some fun! "

"Master, but the master..."

He Changgui snorted coldly and said: "My father asked us not to be exposed. As long as we do things beautifully and move neatly, what's the problem? You can shut up!"

A group of people suddenly didn't dare to say anything anymore.


In the Bai family room where Yun Hao was resting, Xia Xuan, who had been practicing swordplay all day, waved her arms: "Sir, I am sore here, and it hurts... Can you rub it for me?"

Xia Xuan, who didn't get even a word of response from Yun Hao, still refused to give up and said: "Then I take a bath here, sir, do you mind?"


Yun Hao's voice sounded.

Xia Xuan was immediately elated, thinking that Yun Hao was coming over to take a bath together!

But the next moment.

With a whoosh, the sword Xia Xuan placed next to her flew in front of her.

Yun Hao: "Go kill the demons!"

Xia Xuan: "..."

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