God Hongtian

Chapter 338: Immortal Sword

In the Bai family hall.

An old man who looked somewhat similar to Bai Changfeng rushed in with an excited expression.

This person's aura is quite vigorous, almost at the level of the Cave Heaven Realm.

Even in the ancient country of Daxia, warriors in the Cave Heaven Realm are considered to be quite powerful and can support a family with considerable influence.

The old man is Bai Changfeng's eldest brother and the current head of the Bai family, Bai Changtian!

Behind Bai Changtian, he was carrying a long sword and seemed to be planning to go out.

Yun Hao's eyes instantly focused on the long sword.

From that sword, he felt the traces of swordsmanship belonging to Di Fei!

After entering the main hall, Bai Changtian looked at Bai Changfeng, his eyes were red, his old body trembled slightly, and his voice choked with sobs: "Second brother!"

"Brother!" Bai Changfeng came forward. The two brothers, who had been separated for decades, hugged each other tightly, crying.

After embracing each other for a moment, Bai Changfeng didn't bother to mention other things. He looked solemn and serious and said: "Brother, on my way back to Mucheng, I found a demon lurking near Mucheng!"

As soon as these words came out, Bai Changtian's eyes flashed coldly and he said: "In the past few years, the demon clan has shown signs of resurgence. I have just received news from the Martial Palace that a group of demon clan are operating around Mucheng. Let's Our Bai family took a trip out of the city to investigate the details.

I was about to take people out of the city, but unexpectedly I learned that you, my second brother, were back. When I finish this mission, we two brothers must talk all night and get drunk! "


Changfeng: "Brother, these demons are coming to our Bai family. The news that our Bai family is a family outside the Martial Palace has been leaked. The demons are here to retaliate against us. They have already had a leader Cato sneak into Mu Cheng, looking for an opportunity to prepare for action!"

Bai Changtian: "This... this shouldn't be possible. Wu Dian's protection of the information of every peripheral family belongs to the highest level. What's more, if this is the case, Wu Dian will notify us of the news instead of letting us The Bai family went out of the city to investigate the situation."

On the side, Xia Xuan chuckled and said: "What if I told you that not only your Bai family, but also the peripheral families of Wudian in the ancient country of Daxia, more than 80% of the information has been leaked?"

Bai Changtian immediately looked at Xia Xuan and Yun Hao.

"Second brother, who are these two?"

Bai Changfeng: "This is Mr. Yun. Mr. Yun saved my life and is my benefactor. He wants to join the Martial Palace, so he has to ask his elder brother to help introduce him.

This is Miss Xia. The news that the demons came to take revenge on our Bai family was revealed by the demons themselves under Miss Xia’s secret technique. "

Bai Changtian nodded and said: "Thank you, Mr. Yun, for saving my second brother's life. In this case, Mr. Yun is also a benefactor and honored guest of our Bai family.

As for what Miss Xia said, I believe Miss Xia will not lie to me.

They may have determined from some clues that the Bai family belongs to the peripheral families of Wudian, but if more than 80% of the information about the peripheral families of Wudian was leaked, this is simply impossible.

The demons are cunning, maybe this is the reason for the demons to spread suspicion

Yun wanted to cause panic among the people of Wu Palace. "

Yun Hao didn't speak, his thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind.

Just now, Bai Changtian said that His Highness Wu had given the Bai family a task to investigate the demons wandering around Mucheng. No wonder Bai Changtian also carried a long sword in the family. It was just as Yunhao guessed. , he was getting ready to go out.

This means there are two possibilities.

First, the information of more than 80% of the peripheral families in the Martial Palace was leaked, which really caused suspicions of the demon clan.

Second, those are the people from the Martial Palace who gave Bai Changfeng the mission, and they have evil intentions.

The opportunity the demons are waiting for might be waiting for Bai Changtian to leave Mucheng. As long as Bai Changtian leaves Mucheng, the demons will invade the Bai family.

As for Bai Changtian... maybe a dragnet has been laid outside Mucheng, waiting for him to die!

But Yunhao didn't say these things.

He could see that Bai Changtian's trust in Wu Dian could not be easily shaken with just a few words.

Bai Changfeng was extremely anxious and said, "Brother, something happened in Wu Palace. Didn't you receive any news at all?"

Bai Changtian shook his head, with confusion on his face, and said: "Second brother, you have been absent from the family for a long time, how did you learn that something happened in the Martial Palace?"

Bai Changfeng: "Brother, the seal of the Martial Palace has expired. Why didn't you notice?"

"Second brother, I don't know. Since ten years ago, Martial Palace has taken back all the deed seals. No one has any deed seals. The deed seals are all gone. Where did you get the news that the deed seals are invalid?"

This sentence made Yunhao's thoughts rise and fall again.

He silently collected information about Wudian, and then thought and deduced it so that he could make correct judgments when dealing with matters related to Wudian!

Bai Changfeng: "I inherited the deed seal left by my father when he hunted down the descendants of the Demon King... Just some time ago, the deed seal can no longer be used..."

"The deed seal cannot be inherited. Obviously, it was you, second brother, who forcibly left the deed seal on your body. As time went by, the deed seal disappeared with the passage of time."

"Brother, believe me!" Bai Changfeng shouted.

Bai Changtian patted Bai Changfeng on the shoulder and said: "Second brother, of course I believe you, but... even if what you say is true, the mission of Martial Palace has been issued, and I must go out to investigate.

As soon as you come back, take a good rest first and wait until I come back to talk about the rest! "

With that said, Bai Changtian was about to set off.


Bai Changfeng flashed and stood in front of Bai Changtian.

Bai Changtian: "Second brother, you should know that the Martial Palace's mission has come down. No matter it is a mountain of swords or a sea of ​​fire, we must go there. Don't worry, I will pay attention to safety!"

"Senior Bai, I am also a sword cultivator and obsessed with swords. I wonder if you can lend me the sword you have?" Yun Hao suddenly spoke again.

Although Bai Changfeng didn't know why Yun Hao suddenly wanted to see his elder brother's sword, since Yun Hao said it, he would naturally help him, so he said: "Brother, when you were young, you majored in swordsmanship. , Has it changed to swordsmanship now? Mr. Yun is a genius in swordsmanship, please show him the sword."

Bai Changtian took off the sword behind him and said, "This sword was specially given to us by the Martial Palace to compensate our Bai family after the accident between my father and second brother.

This sword is of the highest quality at the Xuan level, but the sword body is stained with traces of the master's kendo. Using this sword in battle will increase your power greatly. "

With that said, he handed the sword to Yun Hao.

Yunhao took the sword.

Hold the hilt of the sword!

An extremely familiar and friendly feeling arose spontaneously.


This sword is stained with traces of Di Fei's kendo!

In an instant, every detail of that scene appeared in Yun Hao's mind.

At that time, he was extremely talented in swordsmanship and famous everywhere, but Di Fei had never been able to understand his own way and was stuck in a bottleneck.

Di Fei refused everyone's help, he wanted to find his own way!

So, he went into the Demon Cave alone for three days and three nights. When he came out of the Demon Cave, there was no more demon in the whole Demon Cave.

Since that war.

Di Fei, between life and death, finally realized the swordsmanship he wanted.

Wusheng Kendo!

When he drew his sword, he put his own life and death aside, putting himself on the line between life and death, so as to let his potential burn and explode.

Every sword strike either kills you or your opponent!

This is a terrifying swordsmanship that specializes in ultimate killing. During the years when Yunhao was known as the Yunxiao Sword Emperor in his previous life, and his brilliant sword light illuminated the entire Cang Realm, only Di Fei's Wusheng swordsmanship could still bloom. His unique style!

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