God Hongtian

Chapter 334 Tragic, golden cicada escapes from its shell

The oppressive atmosphere permeated every corner of the imperial city.

The emperor and Yuan Chunqing have been flying in the air, enduring the greatest pressure.

Their two cave-heaven realm cultivations were nothing under the power of a ray of Dharma projection, but both the emperor and Yuan Chunqing understood that they could not retreat at this time!

Yunhao is the pride of everyone in Qingfeng Dynasty!

Yun Hao just saved the Qingfeng Dynasty and has become the belief in the hearts of countless people!

If they face pressure and compromise, handing over Yun Hao, or betraying Yun Hao, then the pride and faith in the hearts of everyone in the Qingfeng Dynasty will collapse!

"Bad guy, go away, don't hurt brother Yunhao!"

"Brother Yunhao is a good person. Brother Yunhao saved us. We will not let you hurt brother Yunhao!"

"If Brother Yunhao comes back, he will definitely defeat you!"

One after another, children broke away from the shackles of their parents and rushed to the street, raising their heads and shouting loudly. Their young faces were full of trust in Yun Hao and disgust for that face in the sky!

Immediately afterwards, countless adults walked out of their homes and shouted: "Yun Hao is the hero of our Qingfeng Dynasty and our benefactor. Anyone who wants to harm Yun Hao is the common enemy of our Qingfeng Dynasty!"

"That's right, you can't be ungrateful. If it weren't for Yun Hao, I would have been drained of blood by the demons and died. Whoever wants to harm Yun Hao, all of us in the Qingfeng Dynasty will not agree!"

Angry roars sounded from every corner of the imperial city.

In the sky, the phantom of Xia Xundao, the ancestor of the ancient country of Daxia, snorted coldly and said: "Kneel down, everyone!"

The terrifying power immediately struck Yuan Chunqing and the emperor of the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Their bodies suddenly fell towards the ground.



Immediately afterwards, other people in the air were forced by this force and fell to the ground.

In the imperial city

, all the ordinary people's bodies sank and knelt down!

The power of Dharma is so terrifying!

"I...will not kneel!"

In the deep pit on the ground, the emperor of the Qingfeng Dynasty roared and stood up. The power of the first level of the Cave Heaven Realm burst out. Even under the power of the Dharma, the Cave Heaven Realm was insignificant, but the emperor still chose to fight!

"Yuan, don't kneel!"

In another deep pit, Yuan Chunqing also stood up and shouted, and his strength also exploded to fight against the power that forced him to kneel down!

"Don't kneel!"

"Don't kneel!"

"Don't kneel!"

Wei Yuan stood up.

Qi Shan stood up.

Dongfang Baichuan stood up.

Lu Yi stood up.

The strong men of Qingfeng Dynasty stood up one after another and straightened their backs!

"We won't kneel!"

"We won't kneel!"

"We won't kneel!"

Countless roars rang out, and the common people also stood up!

In an instant, the Qingfeng Dynasty's will was unprecedentedly concentrated, and it finally successfully withstood Xia Xundao's legal pressure!

The emperor's right arm was raised.


A cold light burst out, he held the war sword in his hand, and the sword pointed directly at the phantom of the Dharma in the sky!

Suddenly, the clanging sounds of countless swords being unsheathed became one.

Xia Xundao's Dharma-like face, originally cold and indifferent, showed a hint of anger!

This low-end dynasty actually gathered the will of the dynasty to fight against his majesty!

The ants and trash in his eyes actually wanted to declare war on him with their lives just because of one Yun Hao!



Xia Xundao's Dharma-like face sneered and said: "If you want to die, I will help you!"

The next moment, the sky cracked, and an extremely terrifying aura swept out from the space cracks, crushing the emperor below, Yuan Chunqing, and countless soldiers and civilians.

The shadow of death has completely fallen on everyone


But even so.

Still no one backed down, no one knelt down, and no one compromised!

After the monstrous storm half a month ago, because of Yun Hao, the will of the Qingfeng Dynasty has reached an unprecedented concentration.

Seeing that Xia Xundao's power was about to crush a large number of people.


The shattered Nine Dragons Sky-shattering Formation once again erupted into brilliant rays of light.

One after another, beams of light shot towards the sky.


The two forces collided.

Although the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation was still no match for the power of Xia Xundao's Dharma, it also successfully weakened at least 60% of its power.

The emperor, Yuan Chunqing and others led all the monks to disintegrate the remaining 40% of the power!

"Old man, you are looking for me, here I am!"

There was a loud shout, like the sound of a heavenly bell, and the loud sound reached everyone's ears.


"Brother Yunhao is back!"

"No...why does he want to come back...he shouldn't come back, he can't come back!"

"Yunhao could have left...but he came back. He...didn't want us to get hurt!"

"He didn't want us to be implicated, so he came back to face this nasty old man!"

"What kind of bullshit is involved? If it weren't for him, my life would have been lost a long time ago. At worst, give him his life. He is gone. When he becomes stronger, he can help us avenge him... But if something happens to him now, we There’s no way I can avenge him!”

in the air.

In Xia Xundao's old face, the pair of eyes with a terrifying cold light stared at Yun Hao.

"Did you refine the lost section of dragon vein from the ancient country of Daxia?"

Yun Hao looked calm and said: "So what!"

Xia Xundao sneered again and again: "So what if you are good? You are so arrogant. If you steal the dragon vein of my ancient country, I will capture you and sacrifice your life to replenish the dragon vein!"

As soon as the words fell, Xia Xundao's Dharma Appearance disappeared.

The face suddenly condensed into the outline of a body.

He took one step forward and appeared in front of Yun Hao in an instant. He raised his hand and grabbed it, and a large piece of space suddenly shattered.

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, he launched the Heavenly Dragon Transformation Technique, and the body of a hundred-foot true dragon exploded with vast dragon power. He forcibly broke away from the terrifying pressure caused by the shattered space, and escaped to the direction outside the imperial city!


Xia Xundao's Dharma Image Projection sneered, with an extremely contemptuous expression. With a wave of his arm, the majestic and majestic power penetrated the sky again and bombarded Yun Hao's 100-foot-long true dragon body.


A terrifying explosion erupted, and the hundred-foot-long true dragon's body dispersed. Yun Hao's body flew upside down like a kite with its string broken, and blood splashed in the air!

"Old man, you're nothing more than that!" Yun Hao's voice rang out, and he stabilized his figure instantly and continued to escape outside the imperial city.

The physical body of the mid-level spirit body now highlights its strong defense!

The contempt and disdain on Xia Xundao's face turned into deep anger. He even tried two moves but failed to suppress Yun Hao, which made him extremely unhappy!

"Luoxiao Palm!"

Xia Xundao let out a roar, and slapped out the Dharma Appearance's body. Suddenly, the palm prints covered a ten-mile radius!

The terrifying big handprint crushed everything and hit Yun Hao!

A fierce cold light appeared in Yun Hao's eyes, and the next moment, nine flying swords shot out in unison.

Each flying sword erupted with light far exceeding any before.


"Boom boom boom..."

The nine flying swords exploded at the same time. With such terrifying power, they completely shredded the large handprint covering a ten-mile radius. Even Xia Xundao's Dharma projection was affected, shaking for a while, and his aura dropped suddenly!

The nine flying swords are connected to Yun Hao's mind.

After the self-destruction, Yun Hao also suffered an extremely strong backlash. He immediately activated the Ancestral Divine Art, and his golden soul bloomed with immeasurable golden light, forcibly suppressing the mental turmoil in the sea of ​​consciousness.

this time

, he did not run away anymore, but rushed towards Xia Xundao's chaotic power projection with unwavering determination.


"don't want!"

"Stop, stop quickly!"

In the imperial city, countless people shouted in the direction of Yun Hao with all their strength.

At this moment, Yun Hao's whole body was like a brilliant sun, everything about him was burning, and he crazily crashed into Xia Xundao's Dharma projection!


Yun Hao's body exploded, setting off a storm of destruction.

He blew himself up in front of everyone!

"Damn it!"

Angry shouts rang out from the storm.

Xia Xundao's Dharma projection suppressed the storm, but it also became extremely transparent.

His anger reached the extreme, and he failed to catch Yun Hao. Yun Hao blew himself up in front of his eyes, and the power of Yun Hao's projection of his dharma was exhausted!

With deep anger and unwillingness, Xia Xundao's Dharma projection dispersed with the wind.

Outside the imperial city.

A figure shot into the forest.

Yunhao's body was covered in blood, his aura was extremely disordered, and his face was horribly pale.

The one who finally self-destructed was the clone condensed from transformed soil, but before the self-destruction, it was indeed his body that was facing Xia Xundao's legal attack.

Yun Hao looked in the direction of the imperial city, took a deep breath, then turned around and left resolutely.

He can no longer appear in the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Today, he faked his death to hide it from Xia Xundao, which also allowed the old man to vent his anger. A strong man in the Dharma Realm would not cause trouble to the Qingfeng Dynasty again.

But if he returns to the imperial city, if even the slightest bit of news is leaked, then today's efforts will be completely meaningless. Xia Xundao will come again, and he will come back with more powerful power. The Qingfeng Dynasty has no Possibility of resistance!

At this point, the only option is to leave!

Hide it from everyone and stay away from Qingfeng Dynasty!

This account will be settled after I go to the ancient country of Daxia!

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