God Hongtian

Chapter 333: The power of Dharma, the lackey of the Holy Land

The faces of the ancestors of the ancient country of Daxia were hung over the imperial city of the Qingfeng Dynasty. Just an angry roar destroyed the entire defense of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation.

The terrifying power was like heavy mountains, weighing on the hearts of everyone in the Imperial City.

The shadow of death completely enveloped the entire imperial city.

At this time.

In the palace, the emperor of the Qingfeng Dynasty flew out.

In Tianshi Academy, National Master Yuan Chunqing followed closely.

At Qingfeng General Hospital, Dean Qin Xiao, Chief Instructor Xi Han Qianshan and others took to the air and came behind the emperor.

The emperor raised his head and looked at the shadow of an old face above him. This was an extremely terrifying existence.

Before his true body arrived, just the terror caused by the projection of power could already make him in the Cave Heaven Realm feel as humble as ants and dust.

The emperor took a deep breath and said, "I don't know how you call me? What's the point of looking for Yun Hao?"

The face of the ancestor of the Great Xia Dynasty was phantom, and he snorted coldly and said: "You, a small dynasty monarch, have no right to know my name and taboo. I just told you to let Yun Hao come out and die!"

The emperor frowned and said, "Yun Hao is not in the imperial city."

The ancestor of the ancient country of Daxia: "I don't care whether Yun Hao is here or not. I know that he is inextricably linked to the imperial city of your Qingfeng Dynasty.

I give you a chance to choose.

If Yun Haoru is in the imperial city, hand him over!

If he is not in the imperial city, then explain his whereabouts clearly!

Otherwise, I don’t mind erasing your

This imperial city has turned everything here into ruins! "

The emperor of Qingfeng Dynasty's eyes flashed, and he immediately turned around and shouted: "Qin Xiao, Han Qianshan, you two, hurry up and look for clues about Yun Hao's whereabouts, don't slack off!"

Yun Hao came from Qingfeng Wuyuan.

The emperor asked Qin Xiao and Han Qianshan to find Yun Hao. In fact, the meaning was very obvious. He wanted them to find Yun Hao and then let Yun Hao go as far as he wanted!

Qin Xiao and Han Qianshan understood the emperor's intention, immediately accepted it and fled out of the imperial city in an instant.


"Mumu, if we leave Qingfeng Dynasty, where will we go?"

Among the clouds, Yun Hao took Chu Xinyue into the sky, and Chu Xinyue nestled in Yun Hao's arms, full of longing and expectation for the upcoming journey.

Yun Hao said: "Go to the Martial Palace first."

Chu Xinyue: "Wudian? I seem to have heard that Wudian is responsible for wiping out the demon clan and has great influence.

Although the Martial Palace is located within the territory of the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia, the Ancient Kingdom of Daxia cannot interfere with anything in the Martial Palace. In fact, the senior officials of the Ancient Daxia Country are even a little afraid of the Martial Palace! "

The general situation of Wudian is indeed similar to what Chu Xinyue said.

But that was before.

As for what has become now, it is impossible to determine, because as Yunhao's good brother Di Fei in his previous life fell into a life-and-death crisis in the abyss, the seal lost its power, which will inevitably cause turmoil in people's hearts and lead to many unpredictable incidents.


Yun Hao, who was flying through the air with Chu Xinyue at extremely fast speed, stopped.

His eyes looked towards the imperial city in the distance


Chu Xinyue also looked over, and a look of confusion suddenly appeared on her pretty face.

"Wood, that...what is that?"

Yun Hao looked solemn and said: "Dharma projection!"

The road to martial arts is long. In the Qingfeng Dynasty, Jindan was already a backbone force, and Guiyi was the top force. There were only four Cave Heaven realms above Guiyi.

One of them is the emperor, one is the contemporary national master Yuan Chunqing, one is the previous generation national master Lin Beiguang who has died in the hands of Yun Hao, and the other is Satsuma, the descendant of the demon king of the demon clan.

These four are just entering the cave for the first time!

Above the cave, there is a realm of mortal transformation. The body sheds its mortal nature and can be reborn after severed limbs.

And on the way up from the mortal world, it is the Dharma.

Dharma is formed by combining its own energy and spirit with a ray of rules and order in the world. It possesses terrifying power and the power of Dharma. It can kill people thousands of miles away!

At this moment, what appears above the imperial city is a Dharma projection!

at this time.



Qin Xiao and Han Qianshan also discovered Yunhao.

The two flew over immediately.

"Yun Hao, leave immediately. Leave the Qingfeng Dynasty as far as you want. This is your Majesty's wish!" Qin Xiao said anxiously, without even explaining what was going on!

"You came for me?" Yun Hao frowned.

Han Qianshan nodded: "The specific identity is unknown, but the murderous intention is strong. Your Majesty will find a way to hold him back. Before he finds you, leave quickly. Your potential is immeasurable, and you still have a long way to go in the future. , There’s no need to confront this guy head-on now!”


This statement.

Chu Xinyue didn't care about that and said hurriedly: "Mu Mu, you are planning to leave the Qingfeng Dynasty anyway... Then you might as well leave now..."

Yun Hao shook his head and said, "If I just leave like this, then I'm afraid the imperial city will be gone."

In the imperial city, there were also Yun Hao's brothers and friends, Chu Xinyue's family, and millions of innocent civilians.

The other party came for him, and let him just walk away and let so many people die on his behalf... He couldn't do this kind of thing!

"President Qin, Professor Han, I have a request." Yun Hao said.

"you say."

Yun Hao: "Take good care of Xinyue for me."

After the words fell, Yun Hao's fingertips suddenly touched Chu Xinyue's body.

Chu Xinyue suddenly lost consciousness. Yun Hao immediately supported Chu Xinyue, looked at Qin Xiao and Han Qianshan, and said: "When Xinyue wakes up, tell him for me that I broke my promise to take her with me. , but no matter what happens, let her wait for me, I will definitely come back to find her!"

"Are you still going to face the power of Dharma?" Han Qianshan guessed Yun Hao's intention.

Yun Hao nodded and said: "It's just a Dharma projection. He wants to kill me... He's still far away!"

After the words fell, Yunhao stepped on the thunder and rushed towards the imperial city at a speed soaring!


Just when Yun Hao was about to arrive at the imperial city, a loud shout rang out.

Cang Yao's disciple Xia Xuan appeared in front of Yun Hao.

This naturally charming and charming woman has recovered after a period of conditioning, but Yunhao took Chu

Xinyue disappeared for a while, and Xia Xuan could only act like an aggrieved little daughter-in-law, looking forward to her master's return every day.

"Master wants to fight with Xia Xundao's Dharma projection?" Xia Xuan asked.

Yun Hao: "Do you know him?"

Xia Xuan nodded, hummed, and then looked at the shadow of the old face hanging over the imperial city, with deep hatred in his eyes, and said: "This old guy is a prince from the ancient country of Daxia thousands of years ago.

It was this old guy who became the lackey of the Holy Son of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land.

It was this old guy who, with the support of the Holy Son of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land, successfully rebelled and usurped the throne of the ancient country's monarch. And then he was still helping the Holy Son of the Eastern Wasteland Holy Land to hunt down Master and me everywhere!

Master was arrested, this old guy contributed the most! "

After listening to what Xia Xuan said, a terrifying cold light appeared in Yun Hao's eyes.

"Master, let's stay away from the enemy for now. Let's go to the ancient country of Daxia first, accumulate strength secretly, and then kill this old guy!" Xia Xuan said.

Yun Hao: "Do you know where Qingfeng General Hospital is?"

Xia Xuan was surprised why Yun Hao suddenly asked this, but she still nodded and said, "I know."

Yun Hao: "Go to Qingfeng General Hospital now, find a man named Bai Changfeng, and take him to Lianduan Mountain, three thousand miles southeast of the imperial city, to wait for me."

Bai Changfeng's family is inextricably linked to the Martial Palace. Yunhao is going to the Martial Palace next, and it will be much more convenient for Bai Changfeng to lead the way.

Xia Xuan: "Master, won't you go together?"

Yun Hao glanced at Xia Xundao's phantom and said, "I'll go meet him!"

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