God Hongtian

Chapter 325 Full-scale outbreak, one person goes alone

The queen and her men wanted to break through the blockade set by the prince. She insisted on seeing the emperor. The two groups were already facing each other with swords, but at this time, the emperor's voice came from inside the house.

The prince finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that Yunhao has succeeded!

The prince stepped out of the way and said: "I didn't get permission from my father, so I stopped my mother. After this incident is over, I will take the initiative to apologize to my mother!"

The queen snorted coldly, with a cold face, and then entered the room.

"His Majesty!"

The queen who entered the room saw the emperor who could barely sit up, looking nervous and worried.

The emperor sighed, a hint of bitterness appeared on his pale face, and said: "The queen is worried. I am fine. It's just a backlash from the shock of my strength. I should be able to recover after ten or eight days of rest."

Queen: "Don't worry, your majesty. I will work with the prince, Yuan Guoshi and others to organize the forces in the palace to resist the rebels and thieves. When your majesty recovers and returns to the overall situation, we will be able to suppress this storm!"

The emperor hummed, and then said: "Queen, please step aside first, I want to have a good rest."

"Then I will take my leave first."

After the queen leaves.

In the room, a layer of spiritual light flickered, and Yun Hao's figure passed through the light and reappeared in front of the emperor.

"The power of the witchcraft that entangled the soul in His Majesty's Consciousness Sea has been cut off, but the power of the witchcraft still remains. It should take another hour to be completely eliminated," Yun Hao said.

"An hour?" The emperor took a deep breath and said, "Enough time!"



On the other side, Lin Beiguang found the second prince again.

The second prince immediately stepped forward and said: "Grandpa, you have lost 30% of your soul and strength, and the backlash has been severe. Now you are not in a hurry to attack the palace, so you should rest and recuperate first. I can control the things here. "

Lin Beiguang: "It's just a loss of 30% of my soul and strength. Through the demon's technique, I have recovered after devouring more than ten golden elixir realms. My body is no longer affected.

Now the situation has changed. I received news that your father is indeed in extremely bad condition, but it will last for ten and a half days at most.

It takes months to recover.

Previously, I suspected that it was a plan set by your father and Yuan Chunqing for them to be so passive and huddled in the palace.

Now it seems that this is just a struggle that they have no choice.

Immediately summon the members of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, the Blood Evil Hall, the Flame Valley, the Cangxing General Academy, the Divine Warrior Army, and the demon prince Satsuma, and ask them to put aside other matters and attack the palace with all their strength. They must not give their opponents time to breathe. , use the most ferocious means to win the palace quickly! "

The second prince suddenly showed excitement and said: "Yes!"

Soon, the news reached the ears of Demon Prince Satsuma.

Satsuma snorted coldly and said: "Go back and tell that old guy Lin Beiguang that I am still recovering from my injuries. They want to attack the palace. They can go by themselves. I am not free!"

He was full of anger and resentment.

In the attack yesterday, Yuan Chunqing and the emperor of the Qingfeng Dynasty were both in the cave heaven realm.

If he hadn't retreated decisively and hesitated a little, he would have died there.

No matter how deep the emperor and Yuan Chunqing were hidden, he didn't believe that the old fox Lin Beiguang would not notice it at all, but Lin Beiguang didn't even reveal a word to him.

It was clear that he was to take the lead, use him as a tool to test the opponent, and use his identity as a strong man in the Demon Clan's Cave Heaven Realm to bring panic and chaos to the imperial city, while also consuming his strength.

Thinking of this, Demon Prince Satsuma wanted to kill that old guy Lin Beiguang!

Lin Beiguang now asks him to attack the palace? He won't go!

After the person who came to deliver the message left.

Satsuma raised his hand and waved: "Come in!"

Suddenly, a group of demons appeared in front of Satsuma, kneeling on the ground.

Satsuma: "When Lin Beiguang goes to attack the palace, we will also take action. We can drink as much human blood as we want! We can swallow as many human souls as we want! We can kill as many as we want!"

This is the price he, Lin Beiguang, pays for scheming against me and making me angry! "

It didn't take long.

The shocking Nine Dragons formation that covered the entire imperial city suddenly stopped attacking other places, and all its ferocious power gathered in the sky above the imperial palace.

A series of terrifying beams of light, shocking from Kowloon

Explosive shots were fired from the formation, causing the light curtain protecting the palace to shake violently!

At this moment, everyone in the entire imperial city knew that the rebellious second prince was about to start the final war.


There is no right or wrong in the fight for the throne.

However, the Second Prince and the others relied on the power of the Blood Evil Hall, the power of the Blood Fire Demon Cult, and even the power of the demon clan!

Moreover... they also plotted against Yun Hao, the great genius, great pride, and great hero in everyone's hearts!

The Dynasty Competition has just begun, and they have taken Yun Hao to who knows where. Yun Hao's life or death is uncertain!

They are all worried that if the second prince succeeds in usurping the throne, will the Blood Fire Demon Sect, Blood Evil Hall, and even the Demon Clan brazenly commit evil in the Qingfeng Dynasty in the future?

Therefore, they all longed for the second prince to fail!

But... they are just ordinary people. Their power is not even considered ants in front of those armies and practitioners, and they can't do anything.

In the current situation, the second prince who usurped the throne has gained an almost crushing advantage...

Who can stop the second prince?


not much hope!

Almost at the same time that Lin Beiguang led the army to storm the palace, billowing demonic energy surged through the streets in the imperial city.


"Fresh blood and soul, so much delicious food, kill!"


A group of demons rushed out crazily, and the power of the imperial city launched a final decisive battle at the palace. No one could stop their attack!

They killed wantonly.

Devouring human flesh and soul.

The place they passed was like purgatory on earth!

Above the palace.

Lin Beiguang, Murong Botao, the dean of the Cangxing General Academy, the Valley Master of the Flame Valley, the Hall Master of the Blood Demon Hall, and the envoys of the Blood Fire Demon Sect from the ancient country of Daxia, stood high in the sky.

Lin Beiguang is a strong man in the Cave Heaven Realm, Murong Botao's cultivation realm has also stepped into the Cave Heaven Realm, and the others are all at the peak of the Guiyi Realm!

Behind them, there are powerful men and armies from all sides, with terrifying fighting spirit rising to the sky!

Yuan Chunqing burst out from the palace formation in an instant, and then

, Eunuch Wei, Dongfang Baichuan, Qin Xiao, Han Qianshan and others also flew out and stood behind Yuan Chunqing.

"Yuan Chunqing, admit defeat. You have no chance to make a comeback." Lin Beiguang laughed and said: "You are the best among my disciples. I really want to kill you with my own hands. To be honest, it is quite painful for me as a teacher. ,Hahaha!"

Yuan Chunqing held a fly whisk in her hand, her head full of white hair without wind, and said: "Lin Beiguang, you borrowed the power of so many evil thieves, even if you can succeed, but... do you think the people of the Qingfeng Dynasty will recognize it?

When the time comes, these thieves will surely lead to frequent chaos in the Qingfeng Dynasty and the people will be in dire straits. When the time comes, you will be the eternal sinners of the Qingfeng Dynasty! "

Lin Beiguang didn't care and said: "The people in the world are just stupid ants. It's too easy to deal with them. It's not your turn to teach me what to do as a teacher.

Yuan Chunqing, stop making meaningless resistance. If you are willing to surrender, you will still be the national counselor of the Qingfeng Dynasty in the future. If you don't know what to do, then... today is the day of your death! "


at this time.

A roar sounded.

A sword light shot through the air, and the sword was domineering.

The first one to draw the sword, Hao Ran, was Dongfang Baichuan, and the sword energy shot out from the air.


Han Qianshan gave a soft drink and fired his spear. In an instant, even though the surroundings were noisy, everything in the sky where the shadow of the spear passed was silent!

In an instant, the war broke out!

Lin Beiguang's body flashed and he rushed to an empty area. He grabbed it with his palm and tore the space apart.


Yuan Chunqing, who escaped into the space crack and wanted to carry out the attack and killing plan, was forced out, whipped with a fly whisk, and collided with Lin Beiguang's palm force, causing a violent storm.

"Yuan Chunqing, do you think you are the only one like this?"

Lin Beiguang sneered, and his figure tore through the space.

The whisk in Yuan Chunqing's hand hit Han Qianshan behind him, just in time to stop Lin Beiguang who was about to attack Han Qianshan!

This is the terrifying thing about the strong people in the Cave Heaven Realm.

They can tear apart space at any time and hide in the cracks in space. For the Guiyi Realm, they can do it without leaving a trace.

The trace is so close that one strike will kill him!

It is precisely for this reason that Lin Beiguang was hesitant before and did not directly launch a general attack. But when he learned that the emperor of the Cave Heaven Realm was really in trouble for the time being, he no longer had any worries!

"Yuan Chunqing, this is just the beginning. As a teacher, I will teach you another lesson today, hahaha!"

Lin Beiguang laughed wildly.

The next moment, the power of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation rained down a series of offensives, assisting Lin Beiguang, Murong Botao and the others to deal with Yuan Chunqing and others who were guarding the palace.

Originally, the two sides' top forces were barely evenly matched against each other.

But with the outbreak of the shocking formation in Kowloon, in the blink of an eye, Yuan Chunqing's side fell directly into a huge disadvantage!




Although the army brought by Yuan Beiguang was mixed, they were all elite, with strong combat power and rich combat experience. They were not idle, and with the power of the Nine Dragons' shocking formation, they madly attacked the imperial guards guarding the palace. Army and Dragon Guard.

Inside the palace.


The prince knelt in front of the emperor and said: "My son is incompetent and cannot control the situation... Please teach my father... what should I do?"

The emperor, who was meditating in seclusion and following the methods taught by Yun Hao, was eradicating the power of the witchcraft in the sea of ​​consciousness. He slowly opened his eyes and said, "Just work hard and leave the rest to... Yun Hao!"

"Yun Hao? By the way, father, Yun Hao has not appeared again since he healed your wounds. Where are the others?" Only then did the prince remember such an important thing.

Emperor: "He has shouldered the burden of saving the Qingfeng Dynasty alone. Prince, go ahead and make every effort. This is a real test for you!"


The Chu Mansion was heavily guarded by the surrounding troops.

Here is the most important information about the Second Prince’s rebellion!

As long as Chu Kong's Nine Dragons Shocking Formation is present, then everything in the imperial city will be under the control of the second prince.

In addition to the strict defense of the army, the power of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation also protects this place.

It can be said that the Chu Mansion's defense is even stronger than the palace's defense!

at this time.

A young man in white, holding a long sword, flew through the air!

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