God Hongtian

Chapter 324: Treatment, the Queen’s Intention

When Chu Xinyue heard this familiar voice, she turned around suddenly and found that Yun Hao had been standing next to her without knowing it.

No words needed.

Chu Xinyue hugged Yun Hao directly!

Manager Lin, who had just been blown away by the Nine Dragons' shocking formation, flew over with his seriously injured body.

"Master Yun, little princess, leave quickly. Chu Kong has rebelled. He controls the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation and must have discovered you..."

Yun Hao: "Chu Kong can't find it."

Manager Lin was stunned.

How could it not be discovered?

The shocking formation of Kowloon covers the entire imperial city, integrating exploration, attack and defense!

But seeing Yun Hao's determined look, he felt that Yun Hao was not lying.

"Let's go to the palace first!" Yun Hao said.

Although he could counter-control the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation and block Chu Kong's perception, the top priority was to reunite with everyone in the palace first.




Although the palace's individual formations are not as good as the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation.

But under Yuan Chunqing's control, the top forces of Tianshi Academy, Qingfeng General Academy, and Baodan Tower were all guarded in the palace.

In addition, the dragon guards, imperial guards, and some hidden strong men in the palace all appeared, and they were able to block the continuous falling offensive of the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation.

at this time.

The prince, Yuan Chunqing, Qin Xiao, Han Qianshan, Qishan, Eunuch Wei, Dongfang Baichuan, as well as the commanders of the Dragon Guards and Imperial Guards gathered together.

Everyone looked extremely nervous.

"This is not the way to go, where is your Majesty? Your Majesty is a strong man in the Cave Heaven Realm, and your Majesty can also control the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation. As long as your Majesty takes action, you can reverse the current situation.

Quite a few, but more importantly, His Majesty never showed up, which made everyone feel uneasy and the morale of the army was unstable! "

"If this continues, the opponent's power will soon completely control the entire imperial city. By then, we will have no way out and no retreat..."

"Lin Beiguang is very cunning. He is delaying time to make a more thorough layout... Once he starts a formal all-out attack, our strength will definitely not last for three days!"

Prince: "Everyone, please be patient. My father was slightly injured and is still recovering. It's not a big problem. We must defend the palace before our father can control his injuries!"

The emperor never showed up, so if you want to say that nothing happened to the emperor, no one will believe it.

So, I can only say this first.

Yuan Chunqing: "Don't worry, everyone, everything is under His Majesty's control. Your Majesty has already anticipated today's situation and has prepared a way to break it!"

Seeing Yuan Chunqing say this, everyone felt much more at ease.

Yuan Chunqing: "Next, I leave the safety of the palace to you all!"

After a while, everyone dispersed and guarded important areas in the palace. Only the prince and Yuan Chunqing were left together.

"Master Yuan, if... Yun Hao doesn't come back, do we really have a chance to make a comeback?" the prince asked.

Yuan Chunqing did not answer directly, but said: "We have no choice!"


Even if Yun Hao comes back, Yuan Chunqing is not sure whether he can make a comeback.

He only knew that Yun Hao could save the emperor.

But how Yunhao dealt with the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation...he had no idea at all.

But just like he said.

No choice!

Then just believe!

at this time.


Brother Zi! "

Chu Xinyue's voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, Chu Xinyue and Yun Hao walked in together.

Yuan Chunqing and the prince's expressions became extremely excited the moment they saw Yun Hao.

"Yun Hao... hurry up, go and save my father. My father has been eroded by the witchcraft and is on the line between life and death!"

Upon hearing this, Chu Xinyue's face suddenly turned extremely pale. She had been staying at Qingfeng Main Hospital since the accident, and she really didn't know this.

Yun Hao nodded and said: "Your Majesty is a strong man in the Cave Heaven Realm. His own strength can restrain the witchcraft to a certain extent. Don't worry too much. I will take action later and your Majesty will recover soon!"


Yun Hao raised his hand and waved, and immediately, the petrified statue flew out of the storage ring.

"This is... Lin Beiguang's aura!" Yuan Chunqing saw the clues at a glance.

"It turns out it's him!" Yun Hao's eyes flashed. He now knew that the turmoil in the imperial city was the work of the second prince, and behind the second prince was Lin Beiguang. This man was the second prince's grandfather. A generation of national master of Tianshi Academy!

"Part of this person's soul took away Xu Ziliu from Qingfeng General Hospital to participate in the imperial competition. When I was taken away by the teleportation array, he also followed me secretly, trying to invade my body, and then part of his soul was I am sealed in this petrified statue." Yun Hao said simply.

Then, he put the petrified statue into the storage ring.

If that's the case, it's still useful to keep it!

"Were you not discovered by the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation when you returned to the palace?" Yuan Chunqing asked, this is the issue he is most concerned about!

Yun Hao: "Chu Kong doesn't have this ability yet!"

Hearing this, Yuan Chun

Qingxuan's heart finally dropped by half.

This means that Yun Hao already has the means to deal with the Nine Dragons Shocking Formation!

"Go and help His Majesty get rid of the witchcraft first!" Yun Hao said.


Chu Xinyue took Yun Hao's hand and said, "Fortunately, I have you..."

Yun Hao smiled softly, placed his palm on Chu Xinyue's face, and said, "Believe me, this storm will pass soon, and everything will be fine!"

After saying that, the prince immediately led Yun Hao away.

The emperor was lying in a room that was heavily sealed by dragon guards, with a dark witchcraft light lingering all over his body.

As Yun Hao said, the emperor himself was powerful and a warrior in the cave heaven realm, so he could suppress the witchcraft to a certain extent. His situation was not too serious.

As for the coma, it was just because he had suppressed the witchcraft too hard. When he exploded with all his strength that day, the witchcraft rebounded extremely violently, causing a serious impact on his soul.

It is much simpler and easier to help the emperor recover than to help the prince to cure the disease.

"Yun Hao, my father, I'm begging you, and the Qingfeng Dynasty is also begging you!" The prince saluted solemnly towards Yun Hao, and then immediately withdrew.

Yun Hao looked at the emperor, thought for a moment, and then directly controlled the god-killing pattern at the innate level in the sea of ​​consciousness to manifest.

The god-killing pattern, which was like a small golden sword, instantly disappeared into the emperor's sea of ​​consciousness.

Yun Hao sensed the power of the witchcraft that entangled the emperor's soul through the God-killing Marks. Then, the God-killing Marks directly erupted with a strong posture, cutting off the power of the witchcraft that entangled the Emperor's soul!


"The Queen is here!"

A sharp sound

A sharp voice sounded.

Upon hearing this, the prince immediately led his guards and stood in front of the queen who came here.

"My son, I have met my mother!" The prince saluted.

His and Chu Xinyue's biological mother had passed away long ago, and the current queen was not their mother. However, according to royal rules, both the prince and Chu Xinyue had to call the queen their mother.

The Queen nodded and said, "What's wrong, Your Majesty?"

Prince: "Mother, please rest assured that everything is well with my father."

Queen: "I want to see Your Majesty!"

The prince stood where he was and said, "Please come back, mother. My father is recovering from his injuries and it is not appropriate to disturb him."

"Prince, you are so brave. You dare to prevent me from seeing His Majesty. Get out of my way!"

The prince refused to give in an inch and said: "Mother, please come back!"

The Queen snorted coldly and said: "I suspect that you have ulterior motives and want to harm His Majesty. If you don't get out of the way, then don't blame me for being rude!"

After saying that, the queen waved her hand, and immediately, a group of guards behind her showed their weapons.

Obviously, the queen came prepared!

The prince waved his hand, and the dragon guards behind him immediately faced each other with swords!

The queen stared at the prince: "It seems that not only the second prince wants to rebel, but you, the evil one, also want to take advantage of this opportunity to sit on the throne first. In that case, don't blame me for being rude!"

"If the queen insists on refusing to go back, I will have to offend you!" The prince's stance was extremely firm.

Just when the two groups of people were about to fight.


A calm voice came from inside the house.

"come in."

Upon hearing this voice, the prince's face suddenly showed excitement and joy.

But in the queen's eyes, a complex light that was difficult to detect flashed through!

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