God Hongtian

Chapter 310: Xiao Hei shows off his power and loses his reputation

Chu Xinyue shouted: "Yun Hao had a fair fight with your Prince Chiba and won openly. Can't you afford to lose?!"

The middle-aged man snorted coldly and said: "Prince Chiba has a noble status, and this Yunhao is just a pariah. If he hurts Prince Chiba, he will have to pay the price ten times and a hundred times!"

He saw the terrifying potential of Yun Hao.

If some time passes, Yun Hao will definitely become the pillar of the Qingfeng Dynasty.

By then, the Sirius Dynasty will inevitably be in trouble because of Yun Hao!

A super strong man can completely reverse the situation of confrontation between the dynasties!

And now, while there are no senior officials of the Qingfeng Dynasty here, it is the best opportunity to eradicate Yun Hao!

Yunhao turned his sword and pointed it directly at Prince Chiba's head, saying: "You can give it a try!"

The middle-aged man frowned, raised his hand, and surrounded Yun Hao's warriors and giant wolves, narrowing the circle again.

"Yunhao, people from the Tianlang Dynasty are never afraid of threats. If you dare to kill Prince Chiba, you won't even be able to step out of here!" the middle-aged man shouted.

"Get lost!" Yun Hao said coldly.

Middle-aged man: "Let him go!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand again and the encirclement drew closer.

A cold light flashed in Yun Hao's eyes. If he had to fight, the worst he could do was take out the dragon veins and activate the power of the Nine Dragons' shocking formation!

The situation in the field was tense, and the battle was about to break out.


A wolf howled loudly.

The blue stream of light came to the field in an instant.

It is the descendant of the wolf god.

Everyone in the Sirius Dynasty was excited to see the descendants of the Wolf God.

The descendant of the Wolf God, who had disappeared for several days, finally returned...

They have been very worried these days. If they can't find the descendants of the Wolf God, they don't have to go back to the Sirius Dynasty. The only option is to directly apologize with death.

The middle-aged man immediately walked forward quickly and walked to the side of the descendant of the wolf god. He put his right hand on his left shoulder and knelt down on one knee: "Great descendant of the wolf god, you are finally back."

The other warriors of the Sirius Dynasty all bowed and knelt down like this.

The descendant of the Wolf God didn't take a second glance at the middle-aged man and the others. He turned around, faced Yun Hao, and then moved forward.

"The Great Wolf Queen

Descendant, you must not do it, this person is Yun Hao from the Qingfeng Dynasty, he has extremely murderous intentions..." The middle-aged man stood up in a hurry, caught up with the descendant of the Wolf God, and spoke to dissuade him.

"Tul, did I ask you to get up? Kneel down!"

The descendant of the wolf god shouted coldly.

Tour is the name of this middle-aged man.

Even though he was a strong man at the pinnacle of the Guiyi Realm, he was still at the top of the pyramid in the Sirius Dynasty. After being scolded by the descendant of the Wolf God, he immediately knelt on the ground without any hesitation.

For the people of the Sirius Dynasty, the Wolf God is the most noble and sacred.

Even their emperor has to kneel down and worship the Wolf God.

Even though the person in front of me is not the Wolf God yet, he is the only descendant of the Wolf God!

The descendant of the Wolf God walked up to Yun Hao.

Chu Xinyue was extremely nervous and stood in front of Yun Hao.


Yun Hao said calmly and grabbed Chu Xinyue's hand.

"Master Yun, these things are the fault of our Tianlang Dynasty. I hope Master Yun can be noble and let Chiba go."

The descendant of the wolf god spoke respectfully.

This scene shocked everyone in the Sirius Dynasty.

Their descendants of the wolf god have always been aloof and cold, and have a bad temper...

But now, the descendant of the Wolf God is actually facing Yun Hao, who almost killed Prince Chiba, and is discussing it in a gentle tone... It seems that there is a sense of begging in the tone...

Chu Xinyue was also shocked.

What... happened?

Why do descendants of the Wolf God from the Sirius Dynasty have such an attitude towards Yun Hao?

"Woof woof woof!"

at this time.

A dog barks.

The dog, Xiaohei, rushed in.

Behind, Dongfang Xiu, Fatty, and Shi Feng also rushed in sweating profusely.

"Brother Yun, are you okay?" Dongfang Xiu asked.

"You can tell it's okay at a glance. Did Liuyun Shuangxiong live up to his fame?" The fat man snorted, looked at Prince Chiba who was nailed by nine flying swords in the pit, and said, "Who is this? How could this happen? miserable?"

Shi Feng, holding two sledgehammers, said, "Could it be the Chiba Prince from the Tianlang Dynasty? Huh? He is still twitching!"

"Master, I'll bite him to death!" Xiao Hei stared at Prince Chiba who was convulsing from excessive blood loss.

, said viciously.

"No, Wolf God..."

The descendant of the wolf god made a pleading voice.

The people of the Sirius Dynasty were even more confused.

Why do the descendants of the wolf god call a big black dog the wolf god?

Xiao Hei snorted coldly: "Xiao Lanlan, although you and I have gotten to know each other deeply, Master Gou and I have never been someone who forgets friends after seeing sex. What's more, it is Master Gou's master that you have offended!"

With tears in his eyes, the descendant of the Wolf God said: "Wolf God, for the sake of your descendants already in my belly, I beg you not to kill Chiba..."

Xiao Hei was confused.

Dongfang Xiu and others were also dumbfounded.

As for the group of people from the Sirius Dynasty, their brains seemed to be exploding.

What the hell?

The descendant of the great wolf god actually has a descendant of a big black dog in his belly? Moreover, this big black dog is the pet of Qingfeng Dynasty Yunhao!

"Descendant of the great wolf god, what on earth is going on?"

"Great descendant of the Wolf God, please tell us what happened?"

"It must be the despicable trick of the Qingfeng Dynasty. They have plotted against the great descendants of the Wolf God. Ah, ah, we, the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty and the Qingfeng Dynasty, are determined to fight to the death. Let's kill now and make the despicable people of the Qingfeng Dynasty pay the price! "

A group of people were extremely sad and angry.

The descendants of the Wolf God were actually pregnant with the blood of a big black dog from the Qingfeng Dynasty. This was more serious than the murder of their Prince Chiba, and made them even more angry!

"Kneel down, everyone!"

The descendant of the Wolf God roared angrily and said: "This Black Master is the main line of the Wolf God who disappeared from the Sirius Dynasty!"

As soon as these words came out.

Everyone in the Sirius Dynasty was stunned again.

The main line of the Wolf God has disappeared for many years...why has it turned into a big black dog now? It must not be true...

Xiao Hei raised his head, his aura suddenly surged, and he transformed into the body of the hurricane demon wolf, and a fierce pressure swept over him: "Ouch!"

The howl of the wolf was earth-shattering.

At this moment, no one from the Sirius Dynasty had any doubts.

it is true!

The big black dog next to Yun Hao turned out to be the main line of the Wolf God from the Sirius Dynasty that had disappeared for many years!

Although it is somewhat different from what is recorded, the power cannot be faked!

"Meet the Wolf God!"

"See Wolf God

! "

"Meet the Wolf God!"

A group of people knelt down and worshiped.

The Wolf God's main line is the true Wolf God orthodoxy!

It is the wish of everyone in the Sirius Dynasty to find the main line of the Wolf God. Therefore, after confirming Xiao Hei's identity, they directly called Xiao Hei the Wolf God!

"Chiba...see the Wolf God!"

Even Prince Chiba, who was pinned to the ground by nine flying swords and whose body twitched, used all his strength to speak out. The pain on his face was completely replaced by the excitement after finding the Wolf God's main vein. He looked at Xiao Hei , Prince Chiba’s eyes were full of fanaticism!

"Xiao Lanlan, come here!" Xiao Hei said, his tone full of majesty.

The descendant of the wolf god walked next to Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei brought the descendants of the wolf god to face Yun Hao and said, "Master, if this Chiba from the Sirius Dynasty has offended you, please leave it to me to kill him."

Although the group of people from the Sirius Dynasty kneeling on the ground did not want to see this scene, no one dared to object!

Wolf God, supreme!

If the Wolf God is dissatisfied with the emperor of the Sirius Dynasty, he can replace him at any time. If he wants to kill a prince, no one dares to say anything!

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao withdrew the nine flying swords that were nailing Prince Chiba.

Prince Chiba endured the severe pain of his injury, climbed up, and knelt on the ground: "Let the Wolf God handle it!"

Xiao Hei was about to kill Prince Chiba.

Suddenly, Yun Hao spoke: "Spare his life."

Only then did Xiao Hei not bite Prince Chiba to death.

Prince Chiba kowtowed and said, "Thank you very much, Wolf God..."

"Your brain is worse than that of a dog. Who do you want to thank? What you should be grateful to is my master!" Xiao Hei scolded angrily.

Prince Chiba gritted his teeth, stood up, and bowed towards Yun Hao: "Thank you, Mr. Yun, for not killing me."

Yun Hao looked indifferent and said, "I don't need to teach you what to do."

Prince Chiba took a deep breath and said: "I will tell everyone that I am not worthy of the little princess of the Qingfeng Dynasty. The Qingfeng Dynasty's tribute and the cession of the territory of the three counties will be stopped. From now on, the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty will We will never invade the borders of the Qingfeng Dynasty!"

Yun Hao turned around, faced Chu Xinyue, held her hand and said, "Let's go."


At this moment, Chu Xinyue still felt that all this was too unreal, and she would not dare to do this in her dreams. She looked at Yun Hao dreamingly, and then followed Yun Hao away.


Chu Mansion.

Chu Kong's grandson, Chu Song, was sitting alone in the yard.

In the past few days, he had been in an extremely bad mood. When he thought about Yun Hao knocking on his door that day, he wanted to drink Yun Hao's blood and eat Yun Hao's flesh!

at this time.

"Brother Chu, why are you so worried?"

Chu Kong's only disciple, Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Palace, came to Chu Song's side with a smile.

Chu Song gritted his teeth and said: "Brother Zhou, your bone pattern has been perfected. When the day of the imperial competition comes, you must suppress Yun Hao severely and make him completely lose all dignity!"

Zhou Rong sneered and said: "This is natural, but before I suppress Yun Hao and make him lose his dignity, I can't make him feel too comfortable. I have to ruin his reputation first!"

Chu Song's eyes flashed: "Brother Zhou, do you have any clever ideas?"

Zhou Rong laughed and said: "Your Majesty ceded land to the Sirius Dynasty to pay compensation for the little princess, which has aroused public outrage, but many people don't know that the little princess and Yun Hao have actually been in love with each other for a long time.

If the news spread that Yun Hao and the little princess were secretly colluding with each other without regard to shame, everyone would feel that it was precisely because of Yun Hao that the matter of ceding land and paying compensation was made.

Are these ignorant people who even dare to scold His Majesty eager to dig up the graves of the eighteenth generation of Yun Hao's ancestors? "

When Chu Song heard this, his eyes lit up and he said: "Wonderful, this is a very clever plan. Dealing with him directly would be too easy for him. First let him be ruined and be despised by all the people. Let him go out like a rat crossing the street, everyone shouts Fight, this will relieve your anger!"

Zhou Rong smiled and said: "Today, Prince Chiba of the Wolf Dynasty is going to set up an arena. There will definitely be the most people around the arena. I have arranged for people to spread the news. How about we go and watch the show together?"

"I have to say, Brother Zhou, although your formation talent is very powerful, what I admire most about you, Brother Zhou, is your super strategy!"

Chu Song laughed, looking a little impatient, and said, "Brother Zhou, what are you waiting for? Let's go and watch this good show together!"

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