God Hongtian

Chapter 309: Suppressing the Prince, Tension

A sudden sword attack directly killed a master of the Golden Core Realm among the envoys of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty.

This made everyone stunned for a moment.

Immediately afterwards.

Yun Hao's figure fell from the sky and landed next to Chu Xinyue.


Just after killing a Tianlang Dynasty Jindan realm master, the Su Xin sword stuck on the ground shot up in an instant and fell back into Yun Hao's hand.


Chu Xinyue looked at Yun Hao beside her. Suddenly, all the grievances in her heart rushed out like a river bursting its banks, and her eyes were wet with tears.

At this moment, her expression was extremely complicated.

Yun Hao came and stood beside her, and her restless heart suddenly became much calmer.

But...she doesn't know how to face Yun Hao!

She liked Yun Hao very much. When she first met Yun Hao in Beihan County, she had a strong interest in Yun Hao.

In subsequent contacts, even though Yun Hao always reacted coldly, Chu Xinyue still inevitably fell into it.

Every time she got angry, she said she would never see Yun Hao again.

But every time I finished saying this, I felt so regretful that I wished I could get in front of Yun Hao and start a quarrel right away.

When I heard something happened to Yun Hao.

Her heart was pounding, she could not sit still, and stayed up all night, as if she had completely lost her soul.


No matter how much I like it, what can I do? She is a princess of the Qingfeng Dynasty, and she was destined to become a victim of marriage ten years ago.

The price that the Qingfeng Dynasty will have to pay in order to cancel this marriage that was decided ten years ago is too great. Her father will become a faint king in the eyes of the people, and will be forever nailed to the shame of the history of the Qingfeng Dynasty. On the pillar.

The people of the three counties will become slaves of the Sirius Dynasty, lose their dignity, and live a miserable life like a pig or a dog in the dark.

She was so eager to be with Yun Hao.

But she felt that she couldn't be so selfish!

Therefore, she made great determination, even though her heart was hurting, she insisted on coming here, and proposed to go to the Sirius Dynasty with Prince Chiba to shoulder her responsibilities as a princess!

Yunhao looked at Chu

With a sad look on her face, Xinyue reached out her hand in distress, wiped away her unstoppable tears, and said: "Don't wrong yourself like this in the future, because you are my woman, and I won't allow you to be wronged again! "

"Wood...wood..." Chu Xinyue looked at Yun Hao in a daze. In her heart, she hoped to follow the man in front of her and fly away, but the only trace of reason told her that doing so would bring great consequences to the Qingfeng Dynasty. Endless disaster!

"You go."

Chu Xinyue said these three words with difficulty.

Yun Hao shook his head gently and said, "I have to take you away."

"What a shameless couple. If you dare to kill our people, I will tear off your head and use it as a urinal!" A warrior from the Sirius Dynasty roared and stepped out suddenly.


The ground shook.

His body, like a ferocious beast, rushed towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao snorted coldly.

An extremely fierce momentum burst out from him!

The earth spirit power in the spleen world surged out.

The warrior of the Sirius Dynasty who roared loudly and charged towards Yun Hao was suddenly stopped in his tracks. His body felt as if he was suddenly pressed down by a mountain weighing tens of millions of kilograms.

His skin instantly turned purple, his blood vessels bulged, and his eyes bulged...


The next moment, this person's body was completely crushed by this terrifying force, turning into a blood mist.

All the warriors of the Sirius Dynasty present shrank their pupils and showed deep fear on their faces!

"You must be Yun Hao." Prince Chiba of the Tianlang Dynasty snorted coldly, grabbed his hands behind his back, and pulled out the two long-handled giant hammers.

The top of the giant hammer was covered with sharp thorns, exuding a cruelty.

Prince Chiba smiled evilly and said: "I have heard of you. In the Qingfeng Dynasty, you are very famous. You are said to be a martial arts genius whose talent far exceeds that of Han Qianshan. You can also make alchemy. At a young age, you are the honorary alchemist of Baodan Tower, and Your formation skills are even more outstanding.

More importantly...

You also have an inexplicable and dirty relationship with Chu Xinyue, the little princess of the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Even if you don't come today, I will go find you.

Suppressing you is equivalent to completely defeating the younger generation of Qingfeng Dynasty.

In addition, even if I agree to cancel the engagement, even if Chu Xinyue is a bitch that I don't want, but... you have been flirting with her before this, and you don't know how to behave. Based on this, I will not let you go! "

The Chiba prince kept laughing ferociously, with a ferocious expression. As he spoke, the energy in his body became extremely violent.

Two years ago, he had already entered the realm of unity.

Now, he has reached the third level of Guiyi Realm!

This is the super genius with the highest martial arts qualifications in the Tianlang Dynasty!

Although he did not enter the Guiyi Realm at the age of twenty-three like Han Qianshan, it was already considered a great achievement to reach the Guiyi Realm before the age of thirty.

At least, in the Qingfeng Dynasty, except for Han Qianshan, no one else had such achievements before the age of thirty.

Of course, this does not include the two ranked first and second among the top ten disciples of Cangxing Academy. Both of them were promoted to the Returning Realm through the elixir given by Cangyue Academy.

"Yunhao, I just don't know how many moves your so-called super genius can withstand in front of me, hahaha, I hope you won't disappoint me too much!"

Prince Chiba held up two long-handled heavy hammers with arrogance.

"Wood..." Chu Xinyue grabbed Yun Hao's sleeve, shook her head, and said: "Don't fight him..."

Yun Hao smiled calmly and said, "He's just a clown. It's easy to suppress him. Girl, just keep an eye on him."

A group of warriors from the Sirius Dynasty around them laughed in anger.

"You ignorant and ignorant people!"

"Our Prince Chiba is naturally brave and has experienced hundreds of battles. He started fighting on the battlefield at the age of nine. He has been brave and diligent all the way. He is unstoppable and has never been defeated!"

"The people from the Qingfeng Dynasty are not very capable, but they have a very loud tone!"

"Hmph, he has already killed two of our brothers. Prince Chiba will definitely smash his head and smash his body into mud!"

In the hearts of the warriors of the Sirius Dynasty, their Prince Chiba is the invincible God of War. It would be absolutely effortless to crush Yun Hao to death!

What bullshit Qingfeng Emperor?

The super genius of the dynasty? Under Prince Chiba's hammer, everything was just foam, just fireworks for a moment!

Prince Chiba glanced at the nervous Chu Xinyue and sneered: "Little bitch, watch out, I'm countless times more powerful than this pretty boy, and I'm going to hide your engagement with you in front of you. The wild man you hooked up with was smashed into pieces!”


Prince Chiba suddenly jumped up.


A wolf howl sounded with extremely cruel and cruel meaning.

The shadow of the giant wolf appeared on Prince Chiba's body.

This is the Heavenly Wolf Dharma that only the royal family members of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty can practice. It is the magical power of the Heavenly Wolf Dynasty to control the country!

Prince Chiba transformed into a giant wolf, and the two long-handled giant hammers in his hands were like two fierce wolf heads.

Facing Prince Chiba's powerful burst from the sky.

Yun Hao snorted coldly.

Tian Cang's Dragon Transformation Technique was immediately activated.

A dragon roar shook the heaven and earth, and the thirty-foot green dragon's body shot straight into the sky.

In an instant, the giant wolf shadow on Prince Chiba shook violently, suffering absolute suppression from the power of the dragon!


An explosion erupted.

The giant wolf shadow on Prince Chiba shattered suddenly, and his body flew backwards like a kite with its string cut off.

Yun Hao dispersed his dragon form, slashed out with a sword, and the thunder and fire flashed into a thunder and fire giant sword!

The low-level swordsmanship of the earth class, the Thunder and Fire Sword Technique!

The last time, Yun Hao used the Thunder and Fire Sword Technique, which put a considerable load on himself. After one move, his physical body's vitality was temporarily depleted.

But now, compared with the previous time, he has tempered the world of lungs and the world of kidneys to perfection.

Executing this low-grade Thunder and Fire Sword Technique no longer feels strenuous, and its power has also increased dramatically!

The giant sword of thunder and fire slashed hard, and with a swish sound, it struck in front of Prince Chiba who was flying backwards.

The two long-handled giant hammers in Prince Chiba's hands were crossed in front of him.

The giant sword of thunder and fire cut off the two long-handled giant hammers with a devastating force.

Prince Chiba's body fell to the ground like a meteorite. With a bang, it hit the ground and exploded.

A deep pit with a radius of 100 meters.

Immediately afterwards, a whooshing sound broke through the air.

Yun Hao's nine flying swords shot out and shot into the billowing smoke.

When the smoke clears some.

Everyone saw that at the bottom of the pit, their Prince Chiba was nailed to the ground by nine flying swords...


All the warriors of the Sirius Dynasty were stunned.

He has shown great talent since he was a child, the pride of the Sirius Dynasty...Prince Chiba, the God of War in the hearts of everyone in the Sirius Dynasty, unexpectedly lost.

And the defeat was so complete that there was no suspense...

No one expected that Prince Chiba, who was at the third level of Guiyi Realm, would end up in such a disastrous defeat in the blink of an eye in front of Yun Hao.

Yun Hao's figure swooped down from the air and stood next to Prince Chiba who was nailed to the bottom of the pit by nine flying swords. His eyes were cold and he said: "Who do you think you are?"

Prince Chiba's body moved for a moment, and he was about to struggle, but as soon as he moved, his wound was pulled by nine flying swords. He groaned in pain constantly, and he lay on his stomach and did not dare to move anymore.

After experiencing the shock, a group of warriors from the Sirius Dynasty suddenly became extremely angry.

This is their prince.

On behalf of the Sirius Dynasty, he visited the Qingfeng Dynasty.

To be so humiliated by the people of Qingfeng Dynasty...




The sound of the sword being unsheathed instantly became one!

Although they have seen Yun Hao's power, the people of the Sirius Dynasty have been destined to have an extremely vicious spirit in their bones due to their living environment since childhood.

Chu Xinyue hurriedly rushed to Yun Hao's side and whispered: "Mu Mu, don't continue, please leave quickly... I will handle it..."




A wolf howl sounded, and giant gray wolves came around, their fangs exposed, and their eyes gleaming fiercely.

"Yunhao, let Prince Chiba go!"

There was an angry shout.

A middle-aged man from the Sirius Dynasty came to the field.

This person has a fierce arrogance and extremely terrifying strength. He is the well-deserved number one person in the envoy group of the Sirius Dynasty this time, and he has the top cultivation level of Guiyi Realm!

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