God Hongtian

Chapter 273: Spiritual Sword, Cut

Yun Hao's words were like thunder on the ground, exploding in the minds of everyone present!

Han Qianshan was stunned for a moment, then his eyes brightened.

If Yun Hao can really crush these aggressive guys on the opposite side with his mental power, then this is the best explanation!

His mental power is strong, so he can flow unimpeded in the heart-hardening pond. If he cheats, he will be defeated without any attack!


Is it really possible?

After all, Yun Hao is still too young, and I have never heard of Yun Hao's outstanding achievements in mental power.

As for the old guys opposite, two of them are formation mages who are at the middle level of the Xuan level and close to the top level of the Xuan level!

Although Han Qianshan was roughly certain that Yun Hao was responsible for the collapse of Li Dongfeng's mental power, a mid-level Xuan-level formation master, but this did not mean that Yun Hao defeated Li Dongfeng's mental power with his own mental power.

There are many ways to defeat the mental power of an array mage.

For example, when the burst of vitality reaches a certain level, it can also disperse the opponent's mental power.


Xuan-level mid-level formation mages are also divided into three, six, and nine levels!

Li Dongfeng and Xu Lin are both mid-level Xuan-level formation mages, but they have just stepped into this level.

The two middle-grade Xuan-level formation mages in the group of elders opposite are both figures who have stayed in this realm for more than ten or twenty years.

Ten Li Dongfeng may not be as good as one elder opposite.

At this time, Ouhua laughed out loud.

He was able to teach Xu Lin and Li Dongfeng, two middle-level Xuan-level formation masters, naturally because he was also an formation master himself and had already touched the upper-level Xuan-level formation masters.


"Yunhao, this is what you said!"

Ou Huaji had a triumphant expression on his face and shouted in a loud voice: "You compete in mental strength, and I will help you. If you can beat me, I will admit that you did not cheat, but if you lose, you have to accept it." Punishment for cheating!”

As he said that, he looked at the elders supporting him and said, "What do you think, elders?"

"Hmph, if he can beat you, I have nothing to say."

"If he loses, then he will act according to the rules and be severely punished!"

"I have no opinion."

Ou Huaji looked at Yun Hao again, with strong contempt and disdain in his eyes, and said: "Ignorant child, even his hair is not even long, but he dares to be arrogant. I, Ou Huaji, will let you know what it means to be a man of high heaven and high earth!"

Lu Ming frowned and took a step forward.

"I believe he can handle it." Han Qianshan whispered.

Lu Ming: "This..."

He really couldn't understand why Han Qianshan had so much confidence in Yun Hao? He even wondered whether Yun Hao was really sure of the solution he proposed. Or simply youthful and energetic...

The eyes of He Dongliu, Qin Meng, Lu Chong and others were all focused on Yun Hao. The scene they saw in the Li Xin Pond appeared in their minds. Yun Hao was bathed in the bright golden light, with divine majesty and penetrating light. With a supreme breath...

Ou Hua took a giant step forward and shouted: "Little brat, a mental competition, although there is no blood, is more dangerous than a sword. Don't say I didn't remind you. If you lose later and your soul is damaged, you have no one to blame." !”

Yun Hao said calmly: "You and

Just take action. "

An attitude that doesn't look down on Ou Huaji at all.

A look of ferocity appeared on Ou Huaji's face, and the next moment, a violent wave of air spread around his body.


A huge roar suddenly sounded.

In front of Ou Huaji, the air and light twisted and rolled violently, turning into a ten-foot-long tiger!

This fierce tiger was transformed by spiritual power. Although it was not as solid as the warrior's Yuan Qi incarnation, its aura was much more ferocious than the warrior's Yuan Qi incarnation.

Many people around them changed their expressions.

Under the power of Ou Huaji, a spiritual tiger, a kind of fear arose in their hearts. The tiger's charm struck directly into their hearts and impacted their spiritual will!


Ou Huaji gave a light drink.

The huge spiritual tiger rushed towards Yun Hao fiercely, extremely domineering.

No one thought that Yun Hao could defeat Ou Huaji in a mental competition.

It seemed that Yun Hao's defeat under Ou Huaji's mental power was already a doomed outcome.

The old guys in the elders' group and Xu Ziliu all had sneers on their faces.

He Dongliu, Qin Meng and others all shed a cold sweat for Yun Hao.

Lu Ming looked solemn, ready to save Yun Hao at any time.

At this moment, even Han Qianshan seemed a lot more nervous. His hand holding the spear had already charged up. If Yun Hao was in danger, he would take action in an instant without hesitation.

Facing the ferocious spiritual tiger that was attacking, Yun Hao thought, and the spiritual power in his sea of ​​consciousness boiled, rushing out along the acupuncture point between his eyebrows.

In an instant.


Everyone seemed to hear the sound of the rushing river, so mighty!

Blazing golden light filled the space between heaven and earth.

Everything around him was dyed a layer of pure gold.

In this golden world, Yun Hao's mental power turned into a golden giant sword.

The golden giant sword bloomed with an extremely sharp edge and slashed towards Ou Huaji's spiritual tiger!


A sword fell.

The mental tiger was split into two.


Ou Huaji's mental power that was split in half exploded!


Ou Huaji screamed, his face instantly turned pale as paper, and the extremely severe pain backfired, making him feel as if his head was going to explode.

And the mental giant sword belonging to Yun Hao was still magnificent, and it continued to slash towards Ou Huaji mercilessly!


A loud shout rang out, and another Xuan-level mid-level formation mage in the group of elders rushed out. He formed seals with his hands, and the spiritual patterns quickly appeared, condensing into an formation, and turning into a defensive light curtain to block the front.


The golden giant sword of spiritual power slashed into this formation of light, and then dispersed with a bang.




Cracks burst open on the surface of the formation light curtain, and exploded into pieces with a loud bang.

The old man who helped Ou Huaji block Yun Hao's blow swayed, and a wisp of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth.

The whole place was dead silent.

Yun Hao...actually won!

In the competition of pure mental power, he completely crushed Ou Huaji, who was at the level of a high-grade formation mage of Xuan level.

If not for another elder and

When Ou Huaji came to help, that golden sword of spiritual power... might directly invade Ou Huaji's sea of ​​consciousness, and strike Ou Huaji's soul with the sword...


Although the Xuan-level mid-level formation mage who came to help Ou Huaji blocked Yun Hao's golden mental sword, the elder's mental power was obviously severely traumatized.

Otherwise, his face would not turn pale and his mouth would bleed.

In everyone's hearts, besides being shocked at this moment, they are still shocked!

Yun Hao's martial arts talent is already perverted enough.

He possesses the divine dragon spirit and innate fire. His potential in martial arts has long been unmatched by anyone!

Who would have thought that his mental power... would be so terrifyingly powerful. I am afraid that only the mental power of a high-level Xuan-level formation mage can compete with Yun Hao...

Throughout the Qingfeng Dynasty, there were still many strong men in the Guiyi Realm.

But a high-level Xuan-level formation master...the entire Qingfeng Dynasty combined can only be counted in one palm!

Although his mental power is so strong, it does not mean that Yun Hao is already a high-level Xuan-level formation master.

But Yunhao's mental power has reached this level, which means that he will definitely become a high-grade Xuan-level formation mage!

The key is... how old is Yun Hao?

At such a young age, he has laid the foundation for becoming a high-level Xuan-level formation mage. Maybe... Yun Hao will become the first top-level Xuan-level formation mage in the history of the Qingfeng Dynasty!

He is even expected to be promoted to Earth Formation Mage!

Think of this.

Ou Huaji and his group of elders, the elders, felt uncontrollably... fear in their hearts!

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