God Hongtian

Chapter 272 If you don't agree, come and fight

The so-called soul pill is actually the condensed energy of an illusory figure in the guardian spirit platform. Although Yun Hao does not know the origin of the illusory figure, he is sure that the illusory figure is actually a ray of residual soul!

That remaining ray of soul was countless times weaker than the remaining ray of soul when he fought against the gods in the Heavenly Palace, and it was stained with the breath of the ages.

Being able to preserve a faint remnant soul for such a long time shows how extraordinary this mysterious energy is.

Now, this energy has been turned into soul pills and swallowed and absorbed by Yun Hao. The Ancestral Divine Skill, which has always been able to only proceed step by step, has made unimaginable progress.

It took almost only a moment for Yun Hao to complete the first stage of training in his Ancestral Divine Skill.

The entire sea of ​​​​consciousness, spiritual power is pure gold, and the vast golden light reveals the unpredictable meaning of divine majesty.

The energy of the soul pill was not exhausted, and continued to rush into Yun Hao's sea of ​​consciousness. Yun Hao absorbed it with his soul and strengthened his soul, making the soul coated with a layer of brilliant gold, like a golden god.


"Teacher, you must make the decision for us. Yun Hao used shady cheating methods in Lixinchi and even plotted against Junior Brother Li. If he is not punished severely, then where is the fairness of Qingfeng General Hospital?"

Outside the entrance of Lixin Pond.

Xu Ziliu brought over a middle-aged man.

This middle-aged man was Xu Ziliu's teacher at Qingfeng Main Academy. He was once a dazzling figure named Ou Huaji.

Only later, with the birth of Han Qianshan, was Ou Huaji's light completely covered.

Nowadays, Ou Huaji is nearly fifty years old and has entered the realm of unity. He is currently an elder with real power in Qingfeng General Hospital.

He was overwhelmed by Han Qianshan back then, but he regained his confidence because he accepted a good disciple, Xu Ziliu.

Xu Ziliu was not yet thirty, but he was already at the ninth level of the Golden Core Realm. Although he was destined to be unable to enter Guiyi before he was thirty, he was at least the first among the new generation of Qingfeng General Academy.

Li Dongfeng and Xu Lin are also his disciples.

Xu Lin made a fool of himself a few days ago. He was so frightened that he became incontinent on the playing field. This has already made his

His face was dull.

Today, Li Dongfeng, a disciple he also admired very much, was seriously injured and fell into a coma. Even if he was rescued, the best result would be that he would no longer be able to use the formation master's methods.

Xu Ziliu's accusation made him extremely angry. Since he had the evidence in hand, he couldn't bear it any longer and rushed over in anger.

"Ou Huaji, what do you want to do?"

Vice-dean Lu Ming, who was guarding the entrance of Lixin Pond, frowned and stopped the person.

He knew what happened. Just now, when Xu Ziliu came out holding Li Dongfeng, who was convulsing, he had cross-examined him.

Lu Ming's plan was to wait until everyone came out of Lixin Pond before investigating the truth, but what he didn't expect was that Xu Ziliu's teacher Ou Huaji would come over.

"Vice President Lu, Yun Hao has destroyed fairness, I can't turn a blind eye, and Yun Hao severely damaged Li Dongfeng's soul in the Li Xin Pond, I can't just ignore it.

Vice President Lu, please let me enter the Lixin Pool to interrogate Yun Hao! "

Ou Huaji's tone was extremely tough.

Lu Ming: "No matter what the situation is, wait until everyone comes out before investigating!"

The woman who was responsible for opening the heart-breaking pool today together with Lu Ming said calmly: "I agree with Elder Ou's decision. Yun Hao should indeed be found out. He must be severely punished for hurting others in secret and practicing favoritism!"

"Vice President Lu, let Yun Hao come out and explain the matter clearly." At this time, several more elders who heard the news came to the venue.

These people were all informed by Ou Huaji to come over and help out.

The elders of Qingfeng General Academy have great power and influence.

Now, more than half of the elders are here.

Ou Huaji took a step forward, stared at Lu Ming, and said, "Vice President Lu, are you trying to protect Yun Hao?"

Lu Ming was under tremendous pressure.

In this case, only the chief dean Qin Xiao comes.

But Qin Xiao was summoned into the palace by the emperor today to discuss matters related to the dynasty competition in a month.

Just when Lu Ming was in trouble.


One after another, figures walked out from the entrance and exit passages in Li Xin Pond.

Among them, Yun Hao was included.

Everyone’s expressions looked extremely

It was strange, and seemed to be immersed in some indescribable shock.

Seeing Yun Hao come out, Xu Ziliu immediately shouted: "Yun Hao, you practiced favoritism and cheated in the Li Xin Pond, and you also plotted against my junior brother Li Dongfeng. According to the rules of Qingfeng General Hospital, you must be abolished and expelled from the main hospital. Be a warning!”

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere was directly brought into an extremely chilling state.

"Yunhao, tell the truth. If you lie, we have plenty of ways to make you confess!"

"It's not scary to do something wrong. What's scary is running away and not repenting. I hope you won't make the same mistake again and again."

"The fairness of the martial arts academy must not be destroyed, and Li Dongfeng is about to represent the martial arts academy in the dynasty competition. You have damaged his soul at this critical moment. It would be too cruel to act!"

A group of elders spoke one after another.

Lu Ming's heart also sank.

This is very wrong!

Even if Ou Huaji could call a group of elders, Lu Ming thought that these elders wanted to verify a truth.

But the result was that these elders all insisted on proving Yun Hao's guilt and wanted to force Yun Hao to admit it!

Behind the scenes, there must be someone secretly adding fuel to the fire.

But who has such energy? How could most of the elders be so impatient to punish Yun Hao severely!

In an instant, Lu Ming noticed something fishy behind this!

This matter is no longer as simple as it seems on the surface, it has already involved something that he doesn't even know about!

Lu Ming remained calm and secretly transmitted the message to Yun Hao: "Behind this matter, there is a hand hidden in the secret pushing it. You don't need to respond. I'm here to drag them away. I've already crushed a contact talisman secretly." , the dean will be back soon."

When Yun Hao heard this, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

Before, strong men from all forces took action. If they wanted to intercept him on the road, there was also an invisible big hand pushing behind him.

In this situation, it is obvious that the invisible hand has reached Qingfeng General Hospital!

He has already guessed that the hand behind these calculations must be related to the descendants of the Demon King who escaped into the Qingfeng Dynasty decades ago.

So...who is it?

, where is the hand that became the descendant of the Demon King?

at this time.

A special aura fell from the sky and enveloped the entire place.

The noisy environment suddenly became quiet.

Everything seems to have come to a standstill.

Immediately afterwards, Han Qianshan's figure flew through the air and fell into the field. He was also holding a person in his hand.

It's Li Dongfeng!

After Ou Huaji's treatment, Li Dongfeng barely regained consciousness, but he was still extremely weak.

This scene made the irritated Ou Huaji's eyes turn red, and he shouted: "Han Qianshan, my disciple is seriously injured, and you still touch him, you are going too far!"

Han Qianshan threw Li Dongfeng on the ground and ignored Ou Huaji and others. He looked at Li Dongfeng calmly and asked in a calm tone: "Tell the truth about the matter."

Li Dongfeng: "Yun Hao humiliated Xu Lin. I want to help Xu Lin breathe out, and also take this opportunity to further please Xu Ziliu..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Ou Huaji's face turned livid and he shouted: "Han Qianshan, you are shameless, you actually coerced my disciples!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he rushed out and wanted to take Li Dongfeng away!


Han Qianshan shouted softly, raised his spear, and in the silence, a powerful force suddenly shot into Ou Huaji's chest, knocking Ou Huaji away.

"Continue." Han Qianshan looked at Li Dongfeng.

Li Dongfeng: "After entering the Lixin Pond, I saw that Yun Hao quickly reached the seventh floor, so I used cheating methods to catch up with him and attack Yun Hao with my mental power. Then for some reason, my mental power collapsed……"

Han Qianshan looked at the elders and said, "Just now, I didn't coerce him, I just kept him in a peaceful state of mind and will. What he said was the truth. What else do you want to say?"

Ou Huaji covered his chest and walked back. He wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and shouted: "Whether Li Dongfeng was coerced by you to say this is still open to debate, but it is confirmed that Yun Hao cheated inside. , with his strength, it is impossible for him to advance so fast in Li Xin Pond!"

Xu Ziliu also stood next to his teacher Ou Huaji and said, "I saw with my own eyes that Yun Hao was

It was too simple and easy to move forward. In less than half a quarter of an hour, he walked to the side of the coffin. Let me ask you, if this was spread, who would believe that he did not cheat? "

After saying these words, Han Qianshan, who had once walked to the spiritual platform, was deeply shocked in his heart.

Less than half an hour?

"I believe he didn't cheat." Even though Han Qianshan was extremely shocked, he still believed in Yun Hao's innocence.

Because Yun Hao could point him in the direction of martial arts, which was even more incredible than Yun Hao walking to the side of the spiritual platform in half a quarter of an hour.

Yun Hao has such a profound understanding of martial arts. He walked to the side of the spiritual platform in half a quarter of an hour, so why not?

"Han Qianshan, I didn't expect that you are also a hypocrite!"

"In order to protect Yunhao, you can actually say such heart-wrenching words!"

"Looking at the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, no one can get close to the spiritual platform within half a quarter of an hour. He, Yun Hao, is clearly cheating!"

A group of elders refused to let go of this matter.

Lu Ming shouted: "Calm down, I will make up my own mind about the truth when the dean comes back!"

"It's okay to wait until the dean comes back. Then give Yun Hao to our custody first to prevent him from running away!"

"That's right!"

"If he hasn't done anything guilty, just come with us!"

A bunch of old guys, aggressive.

Yun Hao, who was at the center of the storm, walked to the front with a sneer on his face and said: "Whether I cheated or not, it's actually easy to tell."

"Yunhao, do you still want to make excuses?" Ou Hua shouted.

Xu Ziliu also shouted: "Yunhao, it's useless what you say, we won't believe you!"

The corner of Yun Hao's mouth raised in a cold arc, and he said: "With strong mental power, you are naturally not afraid of the illusion of the heart pool."

Ou Huaji: "Are you trying to say that your mental power is strong enough to walk to the coffin within half a quarter of an hour? Yunhao, why don't you take a pee and look in the mirror, just you? This explanation is simply A joke that proves your guilt even more!”

Yun Hao didn't want to waste any more time talking to these people and shouted coldly: "In terms of mental strength, you are all trash in my eyes. If you don't accept it, feel free to fight!"

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