God Hongtian

Chapter 2694 Civil strife!

The Burning Heaven Palace is located in a huge star.

This star is covered by the power of the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Formation.

However, since the Burning Heaven Palace lost the Star Immortal Fire, the power of the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Formation is seriously insufficient, and now it can only be equivalent to the power of the eighth-level top-grade immortal formation.

Of course, even before the Burning Heaven Palace still had the Star Immortal Fire, it did not always operate the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Formation to the extreme. After all, the consumption was too exaggerated, and it was difficult to maintain it for a long time without the power of the Immortal Emperor of the Dao level.

Under normal circumstances, it is just like now, only the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Formation is maintained to emit the power of the eighth-level top-grade immortal formation at all times.

It is precisely because of this that the Burning Heaven Palace has lost the Star Immortal Fire for so many years and has kept this secret hidden, and the outside world does not know.

But the combination of the Star Immortal Fire and the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Formation, this power, is self-evidently important to the Burning Heaven Palace.

Even if it is not used!

But it cannot be without!

This is a deterrent!

But now, this deterrent force that can resist or even fight against the Immortal Emperor is gone.

And what's more terrible is that the news has been leaked.

Yun Hao looked at the Nine-bend Immortal Fire Array in front of him. In his eyes, there seemed to be endless immortal patterns flowing. Every symbol of the immortal pattern was like a spirit with life, jumping and dancing in his deep eyes.

The Secret Immortal Art of the Array!

This Nine-bend Immortal Fire Array was complicated and profound, but Yun Hao still saw a lot of secrets.

"You two, because the secret of Burning Heaven Palace has been leaked, just in case, Burning Heaven Palace has implemented very strict control now, and no one can enter or leave Burning Heaven Palace at will."

"However, I am an elder of Burning Heaven Palace, so I am not restricted. Please wait for a moment, I will take you in now."

"With the things in this young man's hand, I believe that the Supreme Elder will definitely treat you as guests of honor, resolve the previous misunderstanding, and be willing to interrupt the cooperation with the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan. After all, if the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl returns to Burning Heaven Palace, it will also be of great significance."

This third-level immortal master of Burning Heaven Palace is named Feng Nan. Since he saw the Phoenix Bone Ring and the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl in Yun Hao's hand, he has been very polite and respectful to Yun Hao.

Of course, it may also be because of the reason of 'people under the eaves have to bow their heads'. After all, his injuries are not light, his combat power is seriously damaged, and Ling Feiyu has been staring at him, which has brought him great pressure.

Ling Feiyu said coldly: "Don't blame me for not warning you in advance. If you dare to play any tricks, my sword will take your life in an instant!"

Feng Nan had a pale and helpless look on his face, and said: "Don't worry, I Feng Nan definitely don't have any other ideas..."

Yun Hao wore the bone ring that the missing Palace Master of Fentian Palace had transformed into, and it also had the Fire Control Fairy Pearl.

Feng Nan was shocked by Ling Feiyu's strength. He had already realized the truth at the second level of the Immortal Venerable Realm. What was even more incredible was that Feng Nan suspected that Ling Feiyu's fairy fire was very similar to the pure fire that only existed in the legend of the Phoenix Clan...

Before, when they just fought, Ling Feiyu said that he came from the ancestral land of Xiantong.

Feng Nan didn't believe it at all, and just thought that Ling Feiyu deliberately brought up the name of the ancestral land of Xiantong to pull the tiger skin and pull the flag.

But now, Feng Nan believes it!

Such an existence can only be cultivated in the ancestral land of Xiantong in the entire Endless Fire Region!

As for not having heard of this evildoer before... it is obvious that the Xiantong ancestral land has been secretly cultivating it...

With such an identity, given the current precarious situation of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace... they dare not have any more conflicts!

No matter what kind of creature, it is the same. If they hear it openly, they are unwilling to believe it, and they are more willing to believe what they guess.

Just when Feng Nan was about to open the passage of the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Array and take Yun Hao and others in, suddenly, the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Array shook violently and burst into roars.

Feng Nan's face changed drastically.

"What's going on?"

Ling Feiyu shouted coldly.

Feng Nan showed worry on his face and said, "It should be the situation we are most worried about. The secret of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace has been leaked. There are people with ill intentions who have sneaked into the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace and a battle has broken out."

The shaking of the Nine-Bend Immortal Fire Array only lasted for a moment and then subsided. Feng Nan opened the immortal array, and the immortal boat driven by Yun Hao rushed in instantly.

Under Feng Nan's guidance.

Yun Hao entered a luxurious palace covering an area of ​​dozens of miles.

This is where Feng Nan lives and practices.

Inside the hall.

Feng Nan immediately ordered to prepare a banquet and entertain Yun Hao and the others.

Ling Feiyu held Yaya's hand. Yaya felt a little uneasy and insecure.

Feng Nan looked at Yaya with a complicated expression on his face and said, "Don't worry, little girl. What I did before was for the safety of Fentian Palace, but now, I have decided not to do that anymore. I can assure you that Fentian Palace will definitely give up cooperation with the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan."

Ling Feiyu touched Yaya's head distressedly and said, "Yaya, don't be afraid. If he dares to mess around, I will kill him with one sword."

Feng Nan looked embarrassed... Then he looked at Yun Hao and said, "I will contact a few elders in Fentian Palace who have a very good relationship with me, and go to see the Supreme Elder together."

"Let's contact now." Yun Hao said with a cold expression. He didn't completely trust Feng Nan.

The reason why he dared to come was because of the confidence Liu Yishou gave him!

Throughout the whole process, he had been staring at Feng Nan. If Feng Nan made any small moves, his sword would definitely not be polite.


Feng Nan nodded.

The next moment, Feng Nan was about to contact several elders who had a good relationship with him through the Phoenix Clan's immortal treasure.

But suddenly.

"Father, something happened!"

A man at the fourth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm of the Phoenix Clan rushed in in a great hurry.

Feng Nan frowned and said, "What's wrong?"

His son's expression was extremely complicated, but he did not say anything immediately. Instead, he looked at Yun Hao, Ling Feiyu, and Yaya with a hint of vigilance.

When his eyes fell on Yaya, his expression suddenly changed again.

Isn't this the little girl that the Golden-winged Dapeng tribe is looking for?

Feng Nan was afraid that his son would say the wrong thing and anger Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, so he hurriedly said: "As for this little girl, my father has other ideas, so you don't have to worry about it!"

"Yes, father."

"Tell me, what happened!" Feng Nan asked.

"Father, please take a step to say..."

Feng Nan suddenly trembled all over, because the eyes of Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu staring at him became extremely cold. He had no doubt that if the father and son dared to discuss secretly, their swords would immediately be It will come out of its sheath.

"It's okay, just say it." Feng Nan said.

"Father, Elder Fengjiu... is being hunted!"

"What?!" Feng Nan's reaction was extremely strong, and he lost control of his emotions and said, "What happened? Where was Elder Feng Jiu being hunted?"

"Elder Fengjiu... was being hunted in the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, and it was the order given by the Supreme Elder. Now, Elder Fengjiu has escaped to us. As soon as the child hid Elder Fengjiu, he learned that Father, you are back, so the child immediately came to report the matter to his father..."

"Take me to see Elder Fengjiu!" Feng Nan said immediately.

Then he immediately looked at Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu and said: "Elder Fengjiu's status in Burning Heaven Immortal Palace is much higher than mine. He once taught me how to practice. He was my guide to advance to the Immortal Realm. A senior I admire very much.”

"If you two are worried that I will make other tricks, you can come with me to see Elder Fengjiu!"

Ling Feiyu, who was holding Yaya's little hand, looked at Yun Hao.

Yun Hao nodded and said, "Then let's go and have a look together."

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