God Hongtian

Chapter 2693: Confidence Increased!

Ling Feiyu noticed that Yun Hao was looking away, so he looked over as well.

Then, he saw a hand flying over in the starry sky.

The Pale Hand is back!

Yun Hao immediately flew up, left the fairy boat, and went to meet the Pale Hand.

The Pale Hand is very strong!

Even though there is only one hand left, he has been away for so long and absorbed a lot of energy in the exile land.

Yun Hao was just thinking that if he went directly to the Burning Heaven Fairy Palace, the risk would be too great and unbearable, because he did not have enough confidence, but the Pale Hand is now back, that is his strongest confidence.

"Senior Hand!"

Yun Hao was very polite and bowed.

But the speed of the Pale Hand suddenly increased, and the palm held Yun Hao's hand, saying: "Yun Hao, you and I have a deep fate, so there is no need to be so rigid about these cumbersome etiquette."

Yun Hao's expression was a little strange.

Why does it feel like the Pale Hand has become a different person?

No... It's not a different person, to be precise, it's a different hand!

Then, the pale hand said: "Do you think I was too cold to you before? In fact, that was my good intention. I just wanted to test your mentality. Facts have proved that your mentality is very good. I am very satisfied. From today on, you and I will get along well!"

Yun Hao: "..."

Something is even more wrong!

The pale hand patted Yun Hao's shoulder and said: "Let me introduce myself solemnly. I, Liu Yishou, am also the famous hand emperor in the exile land. In the future, don't call me senior hand, it seems too strange!"

Liu Yishou?

No wonder only one hand is left...

Yun Hao muttered silently in his heart, and then said: "Then I might as well call you Master Hand."

"No, no, no!"

The pale hand waved hurriedly, as if shaking his head, and said: "Just call me Brother Hand!"

"Let's call each other brothers, care about each other, share happiness and difficulties together!" said the pale hand.

Let Yun Hao call him Master Hand?

He was afraid that all five of his fingers would be broken by the fisherman and the drunkard!

Even if he now called the fisherman Big Brother Ye and the drunkard Big Brother Lu, and Yun Hao was the junior of his two big brothers, he could still be called Master Hand.

But as a smart hand who knew what was going on, he knew very well that his little brother, in the hearts of the two big brothers, was far inferior to Yun Hao.

He who knows the times is a hero!

Yun Hao: "...Brother Hand?"


The pale hand readily agreed and said, "This title makes me feel more intimate."

Yun Hao stared at the pale hand.

It really changed.

He seriously suspected that the pale hand had been possessed...

The pale hand continued: "I noticed that a fierce battle broke out nearby. What happened?"

Yun Hao then roughly told the situation.

Pale Hand said nonchalantly: "I thought it was nothing, not worth mentioning, not worth mentioning!"

Yun Hao asked tentatively: "Brother Hand, how is your current combat power?"

A finger of Pale Hand suddenly pointed downwards and said: "Under the Immortal Emperor, kill them all!"

Then, the finger pointed upwards again and said: "Above the Immortal Emperor, under the Emperor, it is not difficult to protect you!"

Then, Pale Hand coughed again and said with emotion: "This is because your brother Hand has lost his body and cannot be recast. At his peak, the name of Hand Emperor was a symbol of invincibility among hundreds of Immortal Emperors in the Land of Exile. I once waved my hand, and a group of Emperors trembled and prostrated themselves in worship!"

"As the saying goes, heroes don't mention the past. The past glory... no need to say more."

Yun Hao was relieved.

Then, the pale hand said, "By the way, I'm used to staying in your palm acupoint space. I'll go in and take a rest first."


Yun Hao nodded, opened the palm acupoint space, and let the pale hand in.

Then, he returned to the fairy boat.

"Fei Yu, let's go directly to the Burning Heaven Palace!"

To be honest, if you want to break out of the Burning Heaven Palace, you may even face the interception of the super immortals who have realized the Tao!

There is no immortal emperor in the Burning Heaven Palace, but there are several super immortals who have realized the Tao!

These super immortals of martial arts are not like Ling Feiyu, who realized the Tao as soon as he was promoted to the immortal. They are all high-level immortals. Combined with the blessing of enlightenment, their combat power is very terrifying.

Of course, with the pale hand, it is no problem to kill out.

But before, I wanted to evacuate and return to the ancestral land of Xiantong as soon as possible, but I didn't have enough confidence, but now I have enough confidence, so there is no need to kill directly to the Burning Heaven Palace!

Ling Feiyu had no objection to Yun Hao's decision.

After a moment.

The immortal boat went directly to the direction of the Burning Heaven Palace.

On the way, they met some teams formed by the Phoenix Clan of the Burning Heaven Palace and the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, but all of this was handled by the three-level immortal master of the Burning Heaven Palace. No one dared to stop them, and no one dared to come forward to interrogate them. It was very smooth and peaceful.

Yun Hao also had time to communicate with the pale hand in the acupoint of his palm.

"Brother Hand, how did you get out of the exile land?"

"Don't forget, I was the famous hand emperor there. The hand emperor could go in and leave as he wanted!"

Yun Hao was more confident. It seemed that the pale hand had absorbed a lot of energy and was really strong.

"Brother Shou, I want to ask you, have you ever been back to the Phoenix Clan's camp? Has the Immortal Emperor Cangwu come out?"

Pale Hand: "That guy is lucky, he has escaped from the Land of Exile."

Yun Hao breathed a sigh of relief and immediately told Ling Feiyu the news so that Ling Feiyu could rest assured.

Then, Yun Hao asked: "Why did the Land of Exile suddenly change like this? The Immortal Emperor Cangwu was targeted the moment he attained enlightenment. He should not have been able to leave at that time, but..."

Without waiting for Yun Hao to continue asking, Pale Hand interrupted and said: "Don't you still understand? Where was I at that time?"

Yun Hao: "So, it was because of your help, Brother Shou, that the Immortal Emperor Cangwu came out? Brother Shou, your power shocked hundreds of Immortal Emperors in the Land of Exile and broke the rules inside!"

Pale Hand: "...I guessed half of it right, but it's not all my credit."

He did help.

But he just helped to lead the way.

It was the fisherman and the old drunkard who fought in and out of it seven times...

Yun Hao said: "Brother Shou, you have summoned your former subordinates, right? Brother Shou, do you still have many subordinates?"

He was very curious.

How powerful is the Pale Hand in the Land of Exile?

Pale Hand: "Not many... just two."

This is Yun Hao's own guess. He didn't say that the two big brothers were his former subordinates.

"Okay, don't ask more about the things inside. The cause and effect inside are too heavy. You know too much now, and you can't bear this cause and effect!"

Yun Hao asked about the stone tools.

Pale Hand explained: "The stone tools contain a lot of secrets. Even I have never figured it out, but I can tell you clearly that you should not give up these stone tools. Even if you don't go to the Land of Exile in the future, I promise that you will still need the stone tools!"

Yun Hao: "I understand, Brother Shou, have a good rest, I won't disturb you."

His mental power left the acupoints in the palm of his hand.

A few days passed in a flash.

The Phoenix Clan Third Level Immortal Venerable of Burning Heaven Palace suddenly came to report to Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu: "You two, we will arrive at Burning Heaven Palace in about an hour."

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