God Hongtian

Chapter 2691: Lord of Burning Heaven Palace!

Escape Sword Technique, Invisible Sword!

Yun Hao used this move again.

The shape of the sword, the edge of the sword, and the changes of the sword could no longer be captured, without any trace.

All the golden roc feathers that shot at Yun Hao also turned invisible and annihilated.

Yun Hao slashed in the air.

The golden-winged roc of the first level of the Immortal Venerable Realm felt an endless panic in his heart, but he only saw Yun Hao slashing a sword, but he could not even sense any form of this sword.

He could not even sense the opponent's attack?

How to defend?

This golden-winged roc was also a person with extremely rich combat experience, and he made the most suitable response at the moment in an instant.

That is a full-scale, no-dead-angle defense!

In an instant, the surging immortal power burst out from his body, protecting his whole body.

But then, the immortal power defense he burst out silently annihilated a piece...

Half of his wings also separated from his body without any signs!

Escape Sword Technique, Invisible Sword, so terrifying.

After one sword strike, Yun Hao suddenly broke out of that mysterious state.

His eyes sparkled with brilliance. Sure enough, just as he had guessed before, after the invisible sword that could be used for the first time, there would be a second time, a third time, and a fourth time...

The difficulty of using this sword in the future will become smaller and smaller.

Until one day...

You can use this invisible sword at will!

The golden-winged roc that lost half of its wings screamed in pain, and large pieces of roc blood splashed in the starry sky. He hurriedly fled, but his speed was greatly affected. Although it was still very fast, he shook for a while and obviously lost his balance.

Yun Hao stepped on the fairy light, and the secret fairy art of the word "Xing" was running to the extreme, and he quickly caught up.

The third sword of the nine swords of the emperor's level!

The most prominent effect of this set of powerful sword inheritance at the level of the emperor is the burst against the fairy heart, and especially at this moment, the golden-winged roc has been severely injured, and has no fighting spirit, and only wants to escape... This is the weakest moment of the fairy heart.

Yun Hao's third sword of the Nine Swords of the Immortal Question was like taking advantage of the opportunity.

The Golden Winged Dapeng's immortal heart was in chaos!

The speed dropped again!

The immortal power was also extremely chaotic!


Yun Hao's sword cut a long cut on the back of the Golden Winged Dapeng again, and a large amount of blood spurted out again, and the body of the Golden Winged Dapeng fell downwards.

Yun Hao swooped down.

Strong pursuit!

The Golden Winged Dapeng cried angrily, grabbed downwards with both claws, and the majestic immortal power poured out, actually directly controlling a desolate star and smashing it towards Yun Hao.

The stars collided, and the terrifying power crushed the starry sky, making a deafening roar.

Yun Hao stabbed with a sword!

The sword tip went to meet the colliding star!

The power of time surged at the tip of the sword!

One sword!

The star exploded!

The star fragments flew!


"Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!"

Endless sword energy whistled out, Yun Hao used the Ten Thousand Swords Technique to split all the star fragments blocking the front, and with a flash, he stood directly on the back of the Golden Winged Dapeng!

The Golden Winged Dapeng's abdomen was torn, its back was torn, and one of its wings was cut off. Its condition was extremely bad. When it realized that Yun Hao was standing on its back, the Golden Winged Dapeng's body directly spun violently in the starry sky like a tornado!

The power of this rotating storm directly interfered with the operation of dozens of stars around.

But Yun Hao's feet penetrated into the body of the Golden Winged Dapeng like taking root. His figure remained motionless, and the Ziwei Immortal Sword in his hand pierced into the body of the Golden Winged Dapeng one sword after another!

A large amount of Peng blood and a large amount of Peng feathers splashed in the starry sky as the Golden Winged Dapeng violently rotated and set off a tornado, but it only lasted for more than ten breaths.

The tornado disappeared!

The huge body of the Golden Winged Dapeng, no longer able to explode, fell in the starry sky!

Yun Hao formed a seal with his left hand and then struck!

He directly used the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl of the Burning Heaven Palace to control the Azure Lotus Karma Fire and injected it into the body of the Golden Winged Dapeng.

Yun Hao had tried it before. The Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl is the first immortal treasure of the Burning Heaven Palace. It has a very powerful amplification for controlling flames and can help him better explode the power of the Azure Lotus Karma Fire.

This treasure was kept in the storage ring by Yun Hao because it could not be used in the Land of Exile.

The Azure Lotus Karma Fire that was more powerful erupted through the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl, and completely erupted in the body of the severely injured Golden Winged Dapeng. Then, the blue flame swept out from the body of the Golden Winged Dapeng, and completely submerged the Golden Winged Dapeng in the blink of an eye.


The Azure Lotus Karma Fire burned fiercely, and the Golden Winged Dapeng screamed in the flames.

The body of this first-level Immortal Venerable, the Golden Winged Dapeng, who had accumulated a powerful foundation, burned rapidly in the Azure Lotus Karma Fire, and large pieces of his body turned into ashes. It didn't take long for it to be burned to ashes, leaving no trace!

Yun Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

His previous judgment of his combat power was still very accurate.

If he was dealing with some opponents who had just entered the Immortal Venerable Realm, it wouldn't be a big problem.

But this kind of strong enemy who had been in the first-level Immortal Venerable Realm for a long time was indeed not easy.

Although he was not injured, he had used all his skills throughout the battle. More importantly, he triggered the invisible sword of the Escape One Sword Technique. Otherwise, at most he would have fought a 50-50 fight and restrained him.

No creature that has reached the realm of Immortal Venerable has an easy life.

Yun Hao has always been in a state of fighting across borders, and even has many records of crossing two major realms to kill opponents. This time is almost equivalent to crossing two major realms.

But next, the difficulty will become greater and greater.

The realm of the eighth level of the sixth turn of the Only Self Dao, if you don’t break through to the seventh turn of the Only Self Dao, you basically don’t have to think about dealing with the second level of Immortal Venerable.

On the other side.

The third level Immortal Venerable of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace, even if he burned part of the origin of his life in exchange for a powerful burst to contain Ling Feiyu, it didn’t have much effect.

As a second level Immortal Venerable who has realized the Tao, he even has 50% of the power of pure fire. Ling Feiyu has also reached the moment to burst out the final move to kill the opponent.

But at this moment.

The third-level immortal master of the Phoenix Clan of the Burning Heaven Palace suddenly gave up resistance and shouted, "I have something to say!"


The sword in Ling Feiyu's hand was not polite. In an instant, the sword tore the chest of the third-level immortal master of the Burning Heaven Palace, almost splitting his phoenix body in half.

Then, Ling Feiyu carried the old man, who had lost his phoenix form and was covered in blood, back to the immortal boat.

Don't kill him for the time being.

Because they also need to understand some situations, such as the cooperation between the Burning Heaven Palace and the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, and the distribution of the power of the Burning Heaven Palace to assist the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan, so that they can escape from the starry sky blocked by the Burning Heaven Palace.

On the immortal boat, Yun Hao was holding the unconscious Yaya.

Just now, in order to help him resist the ninth-level lower-grade immortal weapon feather arrow, Yaya severely over-consumed the power of the Wanbao Immortal Body, and her face was extremely pale, but fortunately, with Yun Hao's power to nourish her body, Yaya's face soon regained a touch of rosy.

Although she hadn't woken up yet, she was fine.

Ling Feiyu was also worried about Yaya's situation, and hurriedly asked: "Husband, how is Yaya?"

Yun Hao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "She will be fine after a rest."

As he spoke, Yun Hao sent Yaya back to the cabin, and then walked out and looked at the old man of the third level of the Burning Heaven Palace who had lost his fighting power.

But before Yun Hao could speak, the old man shouted excitedly: "The Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl... The Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl is in your hand. Have you seen the Palace Master of our Burning Heaven Palace... Tell me quickly, where is the Palace Master..."

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

The Phoenix Clan strongman who was buried in the star field where Chen Pingan hid the Chaos Immortal Treasure was actually... the Palace Master of Burning Heaven Palace?

Immediately, Yun Hao figured it out.

At that time, the person asked him to hand over the Fire Controlling Immortal Pearl to the current Palace Master of Burning Heaven Palace...

This means that the person is the previous... Palace Master of Burning Heaven Palace!

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