God Hongtian

Chapter 2690 The invisible sword appears again!

The Immortal Emperor who took action came from the Golden-winged Dapeng clan.

A terrifying edge erupted, which was two blade-like golden lights.

Enough to easily split a star in half!

These two rays of golden light struck at the fairy boat where Yun Hao was, and then, a brilliant sword energy suddenly slashed out from the fairy boat!

Blessed by the power of the Nine Secret Immortal Techniques, including the tearing effect of a ray of third-level innate immortal energy, suddenly,

Then he chopped the golden light that came from the chop into pieces.

Yun Hao's sword energy also shattered under the impact of the second golden light.

However, the immortal boat's protection was enough to block the golden light, which was less than half of its power.

There was a loud bang.

The fairy array light curtain propped up on the surface of the fairy boat suddenly shook.

Yun Hao's figure rushed out of the light curtain of the fairy boat and stood above the fairy boat. His black hair was dancing, and a sharp edge burst out, as if he was standing in the starry sky, eternal and immortal. Peerless sword!

An extremely exaggerated golden-winged roc fluttered its wings from a distance, its spread wings seemed to cover the stars, and it was extremely powerful.

First level of Immortal Realm.

But it is definitely not the kind that has just been promoted, but has accumulated for a long time at the first level of the Immortal Realm, with a strong foundation and a solid foundation.

"Boy, this is an internal matter within our Golden Winged Dapeng clan. You are a human and all this has nothing to do with you. Why are you so obsessed with it? Get out of the way, I don't want to kill you."

The golden-winged roc spoke.

It’s not that he doesn’t want to kill.

It was Yun Hao's sharp edge that made him feel very troublesome.

Now in the fairy world, the human race has become the mainstream. The aura on Yun Hao in front of him made him sure that he was not an old guy who had practiced for a long time. To have such strength, he must be a highly regarded super fairy seedling within the human race.

For the sake of safety, this first-level immortal from the Golden-winged Dapeng tribe chose to try and persuade Yun Hao to retreat.

Yun Hao looked indifferent and said: "I will put it here today, Yaya, I will protect it!"

"If you don't eat the toast, you have to drink the fine wine, then don't blame me for being rude!"

This extremely large golden-winged roc roared angrily, and then launched a fierce offensive.

Just now he wanted to persuade Yun Hao to retreat, but since he failed, there was no room for change. After all, he also discovered that the third-level immortal of the Phoenix Clan in the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace had fallen into a huge disadvantage. We can't waste time, we must fight quickly to suppress the human race man in front of us and capture Yaya.

Otherwise, once the third-level immortal of the Phoenix Clan in the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace is suppressed, and the woman with the mixed bloodline of the Phoenix Clan and the Human Race is freed up, he will never have another chance.

In an instant.

This first-level Immortal Lord of the Phoenix Clan suddenly rushed in front of Yun Hao, and his sharp claws containing terrifying power fiercely grabbed at Yun Hao.

Yun Hao raised his sword violently!

The sword of time!

The power of time rolled around, and the power erupted by this first-level immortal of the Golden-winged Dapeng clan was annihilated in the wash of time.

There was a look of astonishment in the eyes of the golden-winged roc, but its claws were as hard as an eighth-level immortal soldier, and they could withstand the impact of time and withstand the sharp edge of Yun Hao's sword.

Immediately afterwards, the sharp claws exerted force, and with a sudden grab, they tried to clamp down on Yun Hao's Ziwei Fairy Sword.

Yun Hao thought and changed his moves again!

Ask the Immortal Nine Swords!

The third sword!

The incredible power that shook the Immortal Heart suddenly exploded. The Golden-winged Dapeng's Immortal Heart trembled violently, and its control of the power became weak. The sharp claws could no longer restrain Yun Hao's Ziwei Immortal Sword.

Yun Hao withdrew the sword edge, and then slashed violently with the sword. The sword energy was majestic and majestic, and struck at the belly of the golden-winged roc.


All of a sudden.

A large rain of blood was scattered in the starry sky.

The golden-winged roc's abdomen was torn open, and a cry mixed with pain and anger sounded. The golden-winged roc's wings flapped, and a terrifying storm immediately swept towards Yun Hao.

The sword moves in Yun Hao's hand changed again!

Wan Jian Jue!

Thousands of sword energy roared out, intertwined around the body, and turned into an airtight sword net, disintegrating the raging and terrifying storm.

Golden-winged Dapeng took this opportunity to distance himself and forcibly stopped the blood splattering from the abdominal wound. However, the wound still had a raging edge and could not heal in a short time.

"No close combat!"

"This boy's swordsmanship is so weird and changeable that it's hard to guard against him!"

The golden-winged roc had made a decision in its heart, and then, before Yun Hao came to kill again, it spread its wings and waved, and golden roc feathers shot out, evolving various killing moves!

Each golden peng feather seems to be alive and extremely dexterous.

Yun Hao's Ten Thousand Sword Art sword energy was no match for these golden peng feathers, and pieces of sword energy were annihilated under the impact of the golden peng feathers.

Seeing a batch of golden peng feathers about to fall on Yun Hao's body, the fairy light flashed under Yun Hao's feet, and the secret magic of Xingzi reached its limit. With the sudden burst of speed, he flashed Stay away.

But there are too many golden peng feathers, densely packed, blocking all directions.


"No matter how fast you are, it's useless. When you finally run out of strength, I don't believe you can maintain such top speed!"

The loud shout of the golden-winged roc rang out.

Sure enough, not fighting this human boy at close range was the right choice.

Yun Hao was caught in the attack of a large number of golden roc feathers. Around him, golden light was like dense golden lightning interweaving, swift and domineering.

He relied on the rapid dodge of the Xingzi Secret Immortal Art, and used the tangible forty-nine sword changes of the Dunyi Sword Art to resist.

On the other side.

Under Ling Feiyu's powerful attack, the Phoenix Clan Third Realm Immortal Venerable of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace was on the verge of complete collapse.

Ling Feiyu found that Yun Hao was in trouble and wanted to reinforce, but unexpectedly, this old man of the Burning Heaven Immortal Palace saw through her intentions, and roared, directly burning part of the origin of life, in exchange for a powerful burst of power, entangled Ling Feiyu.

And the Golden Winged Dapeng also understood that this was the last chance and could not be delayed any longer. Suddenly, it let out a sharp cry, and an arrow suddenly spewed out of its mouth.

This is a feather arrow!

Not the golden feather on his body!

It was a ninth-grade lower-grade immortal arrow made from the golden feather left behind by a former immortal emperor of the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan after his death, by adding a large amount of top-grade immortal materials!

With his cultivation at the first level of the Immortal Venerable Realm, it was very difficult for him to control this immortal arrow, so he did not use it at the beginning, but now there was no better choice, and he had to fight quickly.

The ninth-grade lower-grade immortal arrow burst out and shot at Yun Hao who was besieged by a large number of golden feathers.

The starry sky was pierced!

Wherever the immortal arrow passed, a torrent of nothingness emerged!

It was at this time.


"Don't hurt my Uncle Yun!"

A childish voice came from the immortal boat.

Yaya's round face was filled with an extremely serious and tense look. The power of the Wanbao Immortal Body was exerted to the extreme by Yaya. The Wanbao Immortal Light swept out and turned into an illusory golden-winged Dapeng. The illusory Peng claws grabbed the ninth-grade lower-grade immortal arrow!


It was just a delay.

The illusory golden-winged roc transformed by Yaya's Wanbao Immortal Body exploded into pieces.

The Wanbao Immortal Body is powerful, but... Yaya is still too young and has not grown up at all...


Yaya's face turned pale, she spat out a large mouthful of blood, and her small body fell directly on the deck of the immortal boat.

The ninth-grade lower-grade immortal arrow continued to shoot at Yun Hao!

Just as this ninth-grade lower-grade immortal arrow was about to pierce Yun Hao's body, Yun Hao suddenly used the secret immortal technique of the word "bing" to forcibly suppress this arrow!

Thanks to Yaya, who used the power of the Wanbao Immortal Body to consume nearly 50% of the power of this arrow, there was the current scene.

Yun Hao glanced at Yaya who had fainted, and was anxious in his heart. The Ziwei Immortal Sword in his hand slashed out the tangible forty-nine sword changes, splitting the densely packed golden roc feathers!


A blessing came to the mind!

In the darkness, Yun Hao caught a trace of mystery!

The aura on his body suddenly became extremely ethereal!

Everything about him seemed to be transformed thousands of times between the visible and the invisible at every moment!


Yun Hao shouted!

The sword of escape was unfolded as if it was a natural outcome...

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