God Hongtian

Chapter 2686 Let’s become sworn brothers!

Immortal Emperor Cangwu's feeling of being stared at by some mysterious eyes disappeared.

A glimmer of hope lit up in his heart.

Yun Hao reacted immediately and said: "If we can leave before those guys from the Exile Land arrive..."

Don't wait for Yun Hao to say anything more.

Immortal Emperor Cangwu's figure flashed out. He entered the altar used to open the ceremony and summon the Gate of Exile, and the power of the Immortal Emperor swept out.

The power of the Phoenix bloodline, belonging to the Dao Dao level, lit up the mysterious runes on the altar, trying to summon the Gate of Exile at a faster speed.

Feng Jing also immediately took action and summoned the Phoenix monks here to the altar, waiting for the Gate of Exile to appear before everyone could begin to evacuate.

To save time.

Yunhao also took action.

Use the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Technique to assist Cangwu Immortal Emperor.

When Feng Ming opened the ceremony to summon the Gate of Exile, he almost failed. However, Yunhao finally opened the Gate of Exile with the Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Technique.

Before I knew it, half a day passed.

Ling Feiyu also came out of seclusion.

Her Phoenix bloodline is even stronger, and the aura on her body is extremely pure.

Yun Hao told Ling Feiyu the situation. After hearing this, Ling Feiyu's face showed a touch of excitement and expectation.

If Immortal Emperor Cangwu can leave, of course it would be the best!

over time.

More and more runes were lit up on the altar, and the light was blazing, reflecting the sky. Suddenly, the heaven and earth trembled, and there was a buzzing sound. In the area illuminated by the blazing light, a tower with countless mysterious patterns engraved on its surface appeared. The stone gate!

The Gate of Exile is coming!

"With my blood, open the door to exile!"

Immortal Emperor Cangwu made a loud sound from his mouth, and the power of the Phoenix bloodline at the level of enlightenment surged. In just a moment, the door of exile opened with a rumble.

Every Phoenix cultivator present was filled with excitement.


Finally, you can go out!

Leave the place of exile!

The environment of the Exiled Land is too special, and it hides endless secrets. They have been exploring for many years, and the price they have paid is completely out of proportion to their gains, especially now that they have learned that there are a large number of supreme beings of all races who have attained enlightenment in the Exiled Land... …

To be honest, almost everyone feels panic, uneasiness and fear.

Just want to leave as soon as possible.

When the door of exile is fully opened.


Immortal Emperor Cangwu shouted loudly.

Immediately, the figures of the Phoenix Clan monks flew up one after another, passed through the Gate of Exile, and returned to the endless fire domain starry sky belonging to the Phoenix Clan!

at last.

Only Immortal Emperor Cangwu who was still maintaining the open door of exile, and his confidants Feng Jing, Ling Feiyu, Yaya, and Yun Hao were left.

"Cangwu Immortal Emperor, will you go back?" Feng Jing raised his hand towards Cangwu Immortal Emperor.

"If I can get out, I will go back!"

While speaking, no matter what Feng Jing thought, Immortal Emperor Cangwu directly raised his hand and forcibly sent Feng Jing out of the door of exile.

Immortal Emperor Cangwu looked at Yun Hao, nodded, and said: "The feeling of being watched by eyes from the dark world has not appeared again. You go first!"

Ling Feiyu took a deep breath and said: "Master, my disciple is waiting for you outside!"

The next moment.

Yunhao, Ling Feiyu, and Yaya all rose into the sky together.

It’s time to leave the place of exile…

Yun Hao couldn't help but look back and look at the world intertwined with black and white like an ink painting.

The pale hand has not returned yet...

However, we can’t wait any longer!

You have to hurry up, Immortal Emperor Cangwu is very likely to be able to leave now!

If it is delayed, even if it is only delayed for a moment, if Immortal Emperor Cangwu is stared at by the invisible eyes again, it will be irreversible.

In fact, I am afraid that the Immortal Emperors from the Exiled Land are already on their way...


Yunhao made up his mind, turned around, led Ling Feiyu and Yaya, and walked through the Exile Gate together.

After a while.

Yunhao, Ling Feiyu, and Yaya flashed and appeared in the starry sky.

All around, stars were slowly rotating, each star shimmering with the light of flames.

Endless Fire Starry Sky!

The star domain belonging to the Phoenix Clan!

came back!

Finally left the place of exile!

But the Phoenix warriors who left earlier than them did not appear nearby.

Yun Hao said: "When we passed through the Gate of Exile, we also passed through layers of chaotic spaces, but there was no danger. The other monks of the Phoenix clan should be the same, but because the space is a bit chaotic, so They didn't show up here, everyone was scattered."

"But it's not a big deal. Now that we have returned to the starry sky of the Endless Fire Domain, there is no danger."

Ling Feiyu hummed, nodded and said, "I wonder...if Master is out now..."

Yunhao could not confirm this.

Indeed, Immortal Emperor Cangwu is no longer being stared at by the eyes of the underworld, and there should be a chance to withdraw from the place of exile, but that is just their guess after all...

Yaya blinked and said: "Maybe Immortal Emperor Cangwu has come out, but he is not in the same place as us after coming out!"

Yun Hao hummed and said: "If Immortal Emperor Cangwu comes out and can't find us, he must return to the Phoenix Clan's Xiantong Ancestral Land as soon as possible. Let's confirm the location information now, and then set off. , Go to Xiantong Ancestral Land!"

"Okay, then it will be as my husband said."


The place of exile, deep.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the avenue is boiling!

The avenues of all kinds burst out one after another, and then annihilated continuously.

"Are they gone?"

"All of them are gone!"

"Then we will leave too!"


Suddenly, a gurgling sound was heard, and a surging river seemed to come across time and space!

The power of time burst out, and the long river of time ran through everything. In this long river of time, two figures stepped on the waves and rushed out from the area filled with all kinds of surging avenue power.

The long river of time suddenly disappeared without a trace!

The two figures also disappeared completely!

As if they had never been there!

In the area where the endless avenue power was surging, there were roars, roars, and... cursing!

In the long river of time.


Ye Chen sat down.

"Old Lu, have a sip of wine!"

Ye Chen, whose face was a little pale, shouted at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi wiped the blood stains from the corner of his mouth, picked up the wine gourd, took a sip, and then threw the wine gourd to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen stared at the opening of the wine gourd, hesitated for a moment, and threw the wine gourd back to Lu Yi.

Lu Yi: "Old Ye, do you dislike it?"

Ye Chen: "A little bit!"

Lu Yi rolled up his sleeves and stood up in anger.

Ye Chen: "Come on, be quiet, or your body will fall apart!"

Lu Yi sat down again, drank the wine, and muttered: "Those guys are really strong..."

Ye Chen nodded: "The main reason is that there are too many!"

Lu Yi: "Fortunately, we are a surprise attack, otherwise, our bones will be broken by them..."

Ye Chen's eyes suddenly became deep, and he said: "I always thought I was strong enough, but it seems that I am not strong enough!"

Lu Yi's expression also became very heavy, and he nodded in agreement, saying: "The two of us are too weak!"

Ye Chen clenched his fists: "We have to become stronger!"

On the side.

The pale hand was pressed to the ground, trembling.

He watched the whole battle!

Ye Chen and Lu Yi fought against a large group of immortal emperors, including several terrifying emperors.

But the two of them were basically uninjured and escaped unscathed!

The key is!

These two also blew up the bodies of no less than ten immortal emperors...

Ridiculously strong!

Yet they are still so humble...

"Brother Ye!"

"Brother Lu!"

"We have experienced life and death together this time and have established a life-and-death friendship. Why don't we become sworn brothers here and let time bear witness!"

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