God Hongtian

Chapter 2685 A sudden change!

The blessing of attaining the Tao is a great fate for the immortals.

But almost all of them are beings who have attained the Tao. They absorb these blessings to consolidate their newly attained strength. If they abandon the blessings of attaining the Tao, it will be a great loss for any newly promoted immortal emperor.

And very few beings who have attained the Tao will give this blessing to their descendants when they attain the Tao, laying a strong foundation for their cultivation.

But Feng Cangwu, without hesitation, gave the blessing of attaining the Tao to Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu is his disciple.

And the reason why he can attain the Tao today is that he has inherited Yun Hao's great kindness. If it weren't for Yun Hao's help with the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art, he would have no hope of taking this step.

What's more, if he attains the Tao, he is very likely to lose his freedom and will be trapped in the land of exile, or even die. Then, what's the use of this blessing of attaining the Tao?

It's better to help Ling Feiyu and Yun Hao!

After giving the blessing of the Dao to Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu, Feng Cangwu looked at the old demon Juemie who was severely injured by his attack. At this time, the old demon Juemie was already fleeing, and fled very far in the blink of an eye.

Feng Cangwu's expression was cold, and then he transformed into a phoenix body. The power of the supreme fairy emperor belonging to the blood of the Phoenix clan burst out. In an instant, groups of phoenix fairy fire burst out and crushed the black phoenix on the battlefield.

He started at a very fast speed and chased the old demon Juemie!

Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu were bathed in the rain, light and sound of the Dao at this time.

Their bodies and strengths were rapidly strengthened in this blessing of the Dao!

Strengthened in all aspects!

After a while.

Ling Feiyu broke through!

The second level of the Immortal Venerable Realm!

The sword path he understood was also more fierce!

Yun Hao's cultivation realm was also breaking through!

The sixth turn of the only way, the sixth level!

The sixth turn of the only way, the seventh level!

Six turns of the only way, eight layers!

With one go, he broke through three small realms in a row, saving a lot of time for cultivation. Moreover, this is the immortal fate brought by the blessing of the Tao. Even if the breakthrough speed is rapid, there will be no hidden danger of a weak foundation at all.

Even Yun Hao's foundation is more solid and more powerful than before!

The benefits brought by the blessing of the Tao are only obvious, but it is not just that!

The light of the Tao, the rain of the Tao, and the sound of the Tao have been integrated into every part of their bodies. In the future practice, they will also receive invisible blessings from the dark.

Whether it is enlightenment or enlightenment, it will be easier!

It didn't take long.

Feng Cangwu is back.

He captured... the old demon of extinction!

The old demon of extinction was picked up by him, dying, and his power had been dispersed.

"Congratulations, Master, for attaining enlightenment! Congratulations, Master, for getting revenge! Congratulations, Master, for eradicating the scourge of the Extinction Demon for the Phoenix Clan!"

Ling Feiyu immediately stepped forward with a smile from the bottom of his heart.

All the cultivators of the Phoenix Clan present were also overwhelmed with emotions and knelt down together: "Congratulations to the Immortal Emperor Cangwu!"

Yun Hao also bowed and said: "Congratulations to the Immortal Emperor Cangwu!"

Feng Cangwu had a complicated expression, and then ordered to collect all the corpses of the black phoenixes. After a while, a large number of black phoenix corpses were piled up in a secret room.

In the secret room, Feng Cangwu looked at Yun Hao.

"Refine the blood of the Extinction Demon first!"


Yun Hao did not hesitate at all and took action directly. The Extinction Demon was suppressed by Feng Cangwu and could not resist at all. In just more than ten breaths, this big demon who once brought endless panic to the Phoenix Clan in the Endless Fire Region was completely killed.

Yun Hao used the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art again to extract the blood energy from the other black phoenixes.

Feng Cangwu saw that the matter had been settled, and then said: "You prepare here, I will personally handle the evacuation of the exile land and send you out as soon as possible!"

He was very anxious.

He had already felt what Yun Hao said.

He was likely unable to leave the exile land.

In order to avoid further complications, Ling Feiyu, Yun Hao, and the Phoenix clan members who followed him in this exile land. Explored for a long time, all of them were sent out as soon as possible!

After Feng Cangwu left.

Yun Hao looked at Ling Feiyu.

"Although Cangwu Immortal Emperor didn't say it, I understand what he meant!"

While speaking.

Yun Hao directly input all the huge phoenix blood power that he had just extracted through the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art into Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu's half of the phoenix blood has a stronger growth potential than Feng Cangwu, as if it can always absorb the phoenix blood energy and continue to grow without limit.

In particular, the blood energy of the extinct demon that Yun Hao extracted this time was very special. Even though the extinct demon had lost his immortal emperor-level cultivation, the extinct demon's blood energy had been strengthened by the proof of the Tao.

The vast phoenix blood energy was absorbed by Ling Feiyu, and the phoenix momentum on Ling Feiyu's body surged. Moreover, the pure fire contained in the phoenix fairy fire also changed, becoming purer and more powerful!

A quarter of an hour later.

Yun Hao injected all the phoenix blood energy he extracted into Ling Feiyu's body. Ling Feiyu sat cross-legged and practiced, and it would take some time to refine all the phoenix blood.

Yun Hao stood aside for a long time, and after confirming that Ling Feiyu would not have any trouble in practicing, he left the secret room and went directly to find Feng Cangwu.

"Cangwu Immortal Emperor!"

Yun Hao came to Feng Cangwu.

Feng Cangwu was staring at a large altar.

This altar was to be used for the opening ceremony, opening the gate of expulsion, and then sending everyone away.

Feng Cangwu looked at Yun Hao and said, "How is Feiyu doing?"

Yun Hao: "Cangwu Immortal Emperor, don't worry. Feiyu's practice is fine. It is expected that after this practice, 50% of her Phoenix Immortal Fire will be transformed into Pure Fire!"

"50% Pure Fire..." Feng Cangwu murmured, with a look of relief on his face, and said: "Pure Fire, the Immortal Fire that only the ancestors of the Phoenix Clan had. Unfortunately, I don't have the opportunity to see the future development of Feiyu..."

"Yun Hao, I hand Feiyu over to you. You have mastered the Dragon and Phoenix Immortal Art, and your own character and talent are also unprecedented. I am relieved that Feiyu has you. In addition, I want to ask you to... take care of the Phoenix Clan as much as possible in the future!"

Yun Hao is not yet at the level of being able to take care of the Phoenix Clan.

But Feng Cangwu knows very well that if he gives Yun Hao a little more time, Yun Hao will grow to an incredible height!

"Immortal Emperor Cangwu can rest assured. I will definitely assist the Phoenix Clan to the best of my ability in the future!"

Then, Yun Hao asked: "Immortal Emperor Cangwu, did you find anything unusual after you achieved enlightenment?"

He had only heard those words from Ye Chen before, and speculated based on the traces left by Dugu Jianmo, but now, there is a living Immortal Emperor who achieved enlightenment in the Land of Exile, right in front of him, Yun Hao wanted to know what was going on.

Feng Cangwu did not hide anything from Yun Hao, and said: "At the moment when I achieved enlightenment, it seemed that there was a pair of eyes in this Land of Exile, staring at me. As long as I want to leave, perhaps, a powerful force will descend!"

Yun Hao fell into thought.

But at this moment.

Feng Cangwu's face changed drastically.

"The situation has changed!"

Yun Hao hurriedly asked: "What's wrong?"

Feng Cangwu's expression seemed a little strange, and he said: "I just finished saying this to you... the feeling of being stared at by a pair of eyes in the dark suddenly... disappeared!"

"Disappeared..." Yun Hao murmured.

Feng Cangwu said with a very certain tone: "Yes, it has completely disappeared!"

"But this may not be a good thing. It is also very likely that the Immortal Emperors in the Exile Land you mentioned are about to arrive... So there is no need to continue to monitor me..." Feng Cangwu's expression became more solemn.

Little did he know.

At this moment.

In the deepest part of the Exile Land.

The battle has been turned upside down...

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