God Hongtian

Chapter 2659 The Will of the Pale Hand!

Yun Hao's words made Ling Feiyu look startled.

What's the situation now?

Even if the two of them desperately broke out and fought desperately, they would hardly stand a chance!

However, Yun Hao said that as long as she watched, he... would kill!

Yun Hao's voice sounded in Ling Feiyu's ears again.

"Feiyu, now that I have found you."

"How can I still let you face danger?"

"Leave all these matters to me!"

The words fell.

Yun Hao's figure exploded out instantly!

Face the four powerful Perfection Realm Immortal Emperors on the opposite side and kill them forcefully!

The stone sword he held in his left hand has... returned to his right hand!

And the Immortal Emperor's Heart, which was originally stuck in his right hand, completely...disappeared at this moment!


Yun Hao has been trying to prevent the connection between the Immortal Emperor's Heart and the Pale Hand, but even if he stopped it, the Immortal Emperor's Heart still spread countless roots and penetrated into the flesh of his palm.

Can't stop it!

If this is the case, then Yun Hao, simply let go!

Complete the heart and pale hands of the Immortal Emperor!

At this moment.

The heart of the Immortal Emperor was completely integrated into the pale hand!

While the pale hand has not completely refined the Immortal Emperor's heart and brought backlash to him, Yun Hao will use this power to resolve this crisis!

The risk of doing this is naturally huge.


Yun Hao didn't want to watch Ling Feiyu go with him to experience this fight with slim chances!

Even if you suffer the pain backlash!

Then we have to get Ling Feiyu out of danger!

Seeing Yun Hao coming to kill him.

Li Chu, Long Guang, Huang Fei, and Qiong Qi all had cold contempt in their eyes.

Yun Hao was strong, much beyond their expectations, but Yun Hao wanted to defeat the four of them with his own strength?

Idiot's dream!

This is absolutely impossible!

In an instant!

The two maces in Li Chu's hands swung through the air, and a fierce storm swept across!

Long Guang spit out terrifying dragon breath and rushed towards the killing Yun Hao!

Qiongqi roared, the sound waves were violent, shattering the heaven and earth, and crushed Yun Hao who was charging towards him!

Huang Fei controls the phoenix fairy fire, and the sea of ​​​​fire is raging, bursting out a terrifying heat wave that burns all things!


Yun Hao is just a sword!

Simple, no fancy chops!

After absorbing part of the energy of the Immortal Emperor's Heart, the pale hands released the power contained in the stone sword. With the mutual blessing, even if Yun Hao's sword did not have any mysterious changes in the moves, it was still unstoppable!

The killing power of the four top-level Perfection Realm Immortal Emperors was annihilated under Yun Hao's sword!

Tens of thousands of feet of pale sword energy struck these four guys, and they were all thrown away!

Their hearts were instantly filled with extreme horror.

"Give me all your strength to kill him!"

Li Chu, the second-stage ultimate bloodline of the human race, screamed with all his strength!


But then, Yun Hao's angry shout sounded in his ears.

The pale stone sword came slashing at him, and Li Chu's eyes widened... His body was directly split in half by the stone sword filled with rich pale aura!

One sword!

Instant kill!

Yun Hao's figure exploded!

The secret magic of Xingzi was operating to the extreme, and in an instant he was next to Long Guang again!

The stone sword in your hand, slash again!


The pale sword energy swept across, Long Guang... died!


The terrifying fairy fire erupted.

But it was Ling Feiyu who took action. She was shocked by Yun Hao's explosion, but she didn't really watch Yun Hao kill him.

She realized that Yun Hao would most likely have to pay a huge price for doing this. If Yun Hao could get out of this fighting state as soon as possible, the price would be smaller. Therefore, she directly stopped Huang who wanted to escape. Fei!


Yun Hao just needs to chase the escaping Qiong Qi.

Since you want to kill!

Just kill him completely!

Qiongqi panicked and ran away desperately. In the blink of an eye, Qiongqi noticed that there was a terrifying force appearing behind him.

It turned its head sharply and looked.

Then I saw a stone spear...

Yun Hao let his pale hands absorb the energy of the Immortal Emperor's Heart. Now, he can control other stone tools to unleash even more terrifying lethality. The stone spear shot at an incredible speed, and with a pop, it penetrated Qiongqi's body.

Qiongqi screamed, and his huge body hit the ground heavily.

"Yunhao, spare your life!"

"I can help you with things like Taotie..."

Qiongqi yelled.


One sword!


Killed by Qiongqi!

Yunhao used his movement skills again and returned to Ling Feiyu.

"Husband, I can solve it!" Ling Feiyu shouted.

She really didn't want Yun Hao to continue like this. Although she didn't know what was going on, her intuition told her that this was not good!

But Yun Hao still came to kill him, and the sword edge passed by, splitting Huang Fei into pieces!

These descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the Exiled Land are all extremely capable and powerful, and Yun Hao doesn't want any more accidents to happen.

After killing Huang Fei, Yun Hao didn't even forget to use the Dragon Phoenix Immortality Technique to swallow the Phoenix blood energy in Huang Fei's body, as well as Long Guang's dragon blood!

This battle ended too quickly.

Ling Feiyu rushed to Yun Hao's side.

"Husband...are you okay..."

She was extremely nervous.

Yun Hao grabbed Ling Feiyu's hand with his left hand and directly injected the Phoenix blood energy that he had just swallowed from Huang Fei into Ling Feiyu's body.

"Don't worry, it's okay!"

Yun Hao said, and then immediately picked up four storage rings and immediately evacuated with Ling Feiyu.

Their figures rushed out of the illusory door and returned to the End Mountain. The two of them quickly went down the mountain.

Ling Feiyu had been paying attention to Yun Hao's situation. Yun Hao's outburst just now made her very uneasy, extremely nervous, and her heartstrings were always tight.

After leaving the End Mountain, Yun Hao found a place where he didn't find any danger, and then stopped.

"Fei Yu, wait for me."

He immediately sat cross-legged, and his spiritual power poured into his right hand!

Something's wrong!

Very wrong!

He originally thought that the pale hand was making trouble, and after absorbing the energy of the heart of the Immortal Emperor, the pale hand would bring backlash to him again, but now, the pale hand was actually motionless!

Although nothing happened now.

But Yun Hao couldn't feel at ease.

Hurry up and check what's going on.

In his right hand, there is an acupoint, which is used to seal the pale hand!

Yun Hao's perception entered this acupoint, and the next moment, Yun Hao was surprised again.

The heart of the Immortal Emperor and the pale hand have not merged!

The pale hand has not absorbed the energy of the heart of the Immortal Emperor at all!

Yun Hao's perception carefully explored.

Then, Yun Hao's heart was in turmoil!

The heart of the Immortal Emperor floated in front of the pale hand. Indistinctly, in the light emitted by the heart of the Immortal Emperor, there seemed to be a very hazy and illusory... shadow!

And this shadow, unexpectedly... in front of the pale hand, as if bowing his head and kneeling on one knee...

In the light of the heart of the Immortal Emperor, the hazy shadow is undoubtedly a trace left by the Immortal Emperor!

The Immortal Emperor, the supreme existence of the Tao!

Even if the Immortal Emperor has become a pawn in this exile, he is still the top power!

The traces left by an immortal emperor actually knelt on one knee to the pale hand!

What is the origin of the pale hand?

Yun Hao's perception was silently paying attention to this scene. In fact, he didn't know what he should do now. The current situation was beyond his cognition.

After a moment.

A finger of the pale hand moved.

This finger fell on the forehead of the hazy shadow of the immortal emperor who was kneeling on one knee.


The hazy shadow of the immortal emperor disappeared.

Then, the finger of the pale hand pointed to the direction where Yun Hao's perception was.

Yun Hao's heart trembled!

"My subordinates!"

"Do not blaspheme!"

A voice filled with supreme immortal power suddenly sounded in the space of Yun Hao's palm.

The pale hand...

Can speak!

Yun Hao has always thought that the pale hand can only make some movements by relying on some instinctive drive.

But now it seems that he is wrong!

Totally wrong!

Moreover, the Immortal Emperor who left behind this Immortal Emperor Heart was actually... a former... general of the Pale Hand!

It was incredible!

The next moment, Yun Hao's perception condensed into a wisp of mind clone, and he directly bowed and said: "Senior... I have no intention of blaspheming the Immortal Emperor Heart left by your general..."

No matter what the situation is.

Let's make our attitude clear first!

Can't afford to offend!

"Go out!"

"I need to rest!"

"I won't help you again in the near future!"

The Pale Hand spoke again, and then Yun Hao's perception was directly expelled...

Yun Hao, who had closed his eyes, suddenly opened them.


Ling Feiyu, who was standing by, spoke hurriedly.

Yun Hao shook his head and said, "It's okay, don't worry!"

This calamity was actually resolved in this way...

In fact, he still couldn't calm down in his heart.

The origin of the Pale Hand in the Land of Exile... Obviously, it was very exaggerated!

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