God Hongtian

Chapter 2658 Just watch!

The Immortal Emperor's Heart stuck to Yun Hao's right hand.

These descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the Exiled Land are eager to get something that Yun Hao can't get rid of even if he wants to.

"The wizard is just around the corner!"

A soft drink.

Li Chu, who possessed the second stage of the ultimate human bloodline, suddenly surged in speed. As if he had changed his position, he was in front of Yun Hao and the others in an instant.

"Want to escape?"


Li Chu gave a cold shout and swung his mace in his hand, his powerful immortal power becoming extremely violent.

The Emperor's Corpse Immortal Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand stirred the sword's light, and he unleashed an exquisite swordsmanship to disintegrate Li Chu's offensive.

Taotie roared and charged forward with a roar, slapping hard with its claws like human hands.

But Li Chu's original intention was not to really fight. He was just blocking for a moment. Therefore, he did not confront Taotie's power head-on. Instead, he tapped his toes in the air and flew away.

Li Chu stood in front of Yun Hao and the others. He pulled back and blocked the escape route that Yun Hao and the others wanted to take.

While this person was retreating, he was still waving his maces in his hands, striking out powerful waves of force.


Suddenly, Li Chu's pupils narrowed.

A stone sword was already approaching him.

The pale energy that surged out of the stone sword seemed extremely strong, and facing this sword, Li Chu actually felt...unsteady in his immortal mind.

He snorted coldly and forcibly stabilized the almost turbulent Xianxin. He crossed his maces in his hands to block Yun Hao's stone sword.


A huge explosion erupted.

The part where Li Chu's mace came into contact with the stone sword was actually cut into a small gap.

Yun Hao's sword moves changed again!

With one sword technique, the changes of forty-nine swords are visible and unfolded.

He holds the sword in his left hand, which does not affect the power, subtlety, and consistency of his sword moves.

In the moment that was delayed by Li Chu's interception, Long Guang, Huang Fei, and Qiong Qi also caught up.

Ling Feiyu and Huang Fei also fought fiercely together. Qiongqi chased Taotie and bit him. Long Guangdao smiled and rushed towards Yunhao and Li Chu.

When Li Chu saw this, he immediately unleashed his killing move, a terrifying storm followed by his two maces.

Yun Hao's sword move was blocked and his body lost balance.

Long Guang rushed towards him, and with a giant dragon flick, the dragon's tail could break the stars and hit Yun Hao hard.

Yun Hao forcibly stabilized his body, and used the Xingzi Secret Immortal Technique at full power. He dodged and narrowly avoided Long Guang's powerful blow!

"A storm is rising!"

Li Chu shouted loudly and took off his maces. In an instant, a storm raged across the world. His maces, carrying the power of the boundless storm, exploded towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao gritted his teeth, and with his right hand attached to the Immortal Emperor's Heart, he directly grabbed a stone spear and threw it out suddenly!


The stone spear was directly knocked away by Li Chu's explosive mace!

But fortunately, Yun Hao still had various stone tools. One by one, he smashed the stone tools out of his hands, and finally neutralized Li Chu's double-killing move!

And at this moment.

Long Guang also came to kill again.

"Kanglong has regrets!"

A huge dragon roar sounded.

This Long Guang also broke out the powerful killing magic that belongs to the dragon clan. The dragon's power is vast, violent and domineering.

But right now.

There was also a dragon roar coming from Yun Hao's body!

Seems to be responding!

Dragon and Phoenix Immortality Technique!

A wisp of dragon-shaped power surrounds the stone sword!

Long Guang only felt that the blood in his body was trembling, and his power was suddenly chaotic. This set of dragon clan's immortal killing techniques suddenly lost its original power!

Yun Hao's stone sword split the power on the surface of Long Guang's body, tore off the layer of dragon scales that glowed with fairy light, and then cut into Long Guang's skin and flesh, forcibly cutting off Long Guang's tail. Come down!

Dragon blood splashes in the air!


A shrill scream came from Long Guang's mouth.

But he didn't wait for Yun Hao's move to come out again.

A terrifying force had already come behind him.

It was Li Chu who grabbed his mace again and came to kill him.

Yun Hao's figure flashed.

Li Chu's mace almost brushed the edge of his body.

This man was also extremely experienced in combat. His maces failed to hit Yun Hao and he changed his moves instantly. This time, Yun Hao could no longer dodge and was hit in the waist and abdomen by Li Chu's maces.

A large mouthful of blood spurted out from Yun Hao's mouth, and his body once again lost its balance and flew sideways.


Li Chu shouted again.

His body leaped high into the air, and his maces struck down on Yun Hao below.

Yun Hao gritted his teeth and stirred the stone sword, suddenly creating layers of strange ripples.

The sword of time!

The power of time crushed Li Chu's killing move and cut Li Chu's abdomen horizontally!

Li Chu was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He quickly distanced himself from Yun Hao and flew together with Long Guang, whose tail had been cut off.

These two guys were shocked!

They have long heard that there is an outsider named Yun Hao, who is very capable, but they have never paid much attention to it and have no intention of dealing with Yun Hao personally. In their opinion, he is just a guy who can jump around a little bit. Just ants.

But now, facing Yun Hao, the two of them worked together to encircle and kill him, and they both suffered heavy losses. Only then did they realize how powerful Yun Hao was!

That stone sword had exaggerated lethality, and Yun Hao's various immortal magic techniques were even more bizarre!


Yun Hao lowered his head and glanced at his right hand.

The corners of his mouth twitched.

The Immortal Emperor's Heart was like a seed, taking root and sprouting in his hand, growing a large number of roots and piercing into his flesh.

The pale hand was sealed in an acupuncture point on his right hand. The roots spreading out from the heart of the Immortal Emperor were in the flesh of his palm, constantly approaching the acupoint that sealed the pale hand.

What will happen once these roots come into contact with the pale hand?

Could it be that the energy of the Immortal Emperor's Heart was received by the Pale Hand?

If this is the case, the pale hand that has lost its power will soon become extremely powerful!

Yun Hao thought of the last time when the pale hand lost control...

Now, he has no choice but to go to the River of Time for help!


at this time.

far away.

Taotie's huge body was knocked to the ground by Qiongqi, creating a huge deep pit in the ground.

Qiongqi swooped down. Even though these practitioners were forbidden to kill each other, the violent Qiongqi was still prepared to destroy Taotie first.

In the deep pit on the ground, Taotie roared, rushed out suddenly, knocked away the swooping Qiongqi, and then shouted: "Brother Yunhao, if the mountains and rivers do not change, we will never see each other again!"

After leaving these words, Taotie ran away!

It and Yunhao cooperated in terms of interests. Now the situation was too wrong, so of course they had to run away quickly.

Qiongqi did not pursue.

That guy Taotie can escape, but the monk cannot escape from the temple.

When the trial is over, there will be plenty of opportunities to clean it up!

It’s okay to drive him away!

Now, the most important targets are Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

Therefore, Qiongqi's wings vibrated, and in a flash, he came to the side of Long Guang and Li Chu.


"You two are so embarrassing!"

"They're all hurt like this!"

Qiongqi sneered and said, "If you can't handle it, just step aside and leave it to me!"

Li Chu took a few steps back and said, "You go ahead!"

Long Guang spurted two bursts of breath from his nostrils and said: "Please!"

The corner of Qiongqi's grinning mouth twitched and said: "Don't be so stingy, I'm just kidding. We are all experienced people. In front of this outsider, we should be in the same spirit and advance and retreat together!"

Long Guang and Li Chu were on par with Qiongqi in terms of strength. These two guys worked together to kill Yun Hao, and they both ended up in such a miserable and embarrassed state. If Qiongqi were to go up and fight alone, he didn't have the ability. courage.

Li Chu nodded and said: "Don't even think about saving your energy. This boy has many secrets and is very evil. Take him down first, and then talk about other things!"

Long Guang's big eyes stared at Yun Hao as if spitting fire. The pain of having his tail cut off made Long Guang want to eat Yun Hao alive!

Qiongqi raised his head to the sky and roared, his fierce power was like huge waves, beating against the sky!

The combat power of these three guys is the best among this group of practitioners, and they are about to cooperate to kill Yun Hao alone.

At this moment, the burning breath burst out, and Ling Feiyu rushed over and stood beside Yun Hao.

And Huang Fei also rushed over.

Huang Fei's phoenix body looked a little embarrassed, and many of the phoenix feathers were burnt. She shouted coldly: "What a guy who is a hybrid of human race and phoenix race, he actually has a trace of the pure fire characteristics of phoenix!"

As soon as these words came out, Li Chu, Long Guang, and Qiong Qi were all frightened.

They all know what Phoenix Purifying Fire means!

The heart of the Immortal Emperor!

Perfect stone sword!

Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword!

Phoenix purifies fire!

There is also a skeleton undead involving primitive creatures...

Thinking of these things, the hearts of these four guys became even more intense!

"Husband, let's fight out together!" Ling Feiyu looked at Yun Hao firmly.

Yun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, cold light burst out, and he made a crazy decision in his heart.

"Feiyu, just watch, I'll... kill!"

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