God Hongtian

Chapter 2652: Stone tools rain down!

The stone sword shot and tore through the purple sword light that filled the sky. Then the stone sword was inserted into the ground, and a figure fell from the sky and came to Ling Feiyu's side.


A call.

Ling Feiyu's body trembled suddenly as if struck by lightning.

She looked at the visitor.

Totally can't believe it!

It's like a dream!

Inner emotions are like the torrent that breaks the dam, like the erupting volcano, turbulent and violent!

For a moment, his eyes turned red.

She thought about the face in front of her day and night.

"Husband...husband...is it really...you..."

Ling Feiyu's voice was choked with sobs.

Tears flowed down uncontrollably.

Yun Hao raised his hand and gently wiped away the tears on Ling Feiyu's cheek. Then he gently took Ling Feiyu into his arms and whispered in his ear: "It's me."

"I'm sorry, I didn't find you until now."

"I'm late."

There was deep guilt in Yun Hao's voice.

At the same time, holding Ling Feiyu's delicate body in his arms, his hanging heart finally fell and became stable!

Finally found.

"How dare a man and a woman show off their affection like this in front of me? Then I will help you and let you die together!" Yang Zixia shouted coldly, but she did not immediately attack Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

The sword in her hand was raised, and a flash of purple sword light swept towards Yun Hao's stone sword stuck on the ground.

This stone sword is so flawless that it is incredible. Even compared to the immortal sword that was transformed from the corpse of the Human Kendo Immortal Emperor in Ling Feiyu's hand, this stone sword is definitely more important.

But Yang Zixia's purple sword light couldn't roll the stone sword at all.

Yang Zixia's face changed slightly. Suddenly, a roar sounded, but it was the Taotie who came to kill him. He opened his mouth and sprayed out, and a powerful breath hit Yang Zixia.

Yang Zixia dodged in time and used her backhand with a sword, bursting out dense purple sword energy, but Taotie was even more direct, opening its bloody mouth and swallowing all of Yang Zixia's purple sword energy. !

"Yang Zixia, you stinky bitch's sword energy tastes bad!"

Taotie fell down, smacking his mouth, looking very disgusted.

Yang Zixia stared at Taotie, snorted coldly, and said: "You shameless person, I said how dare you come against me. It turns out that you have been promoted to the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but do you think you are my opponent?"

Taotie: "Hey, you stinky bitch, how dare you look down on your uncle Taotie? Here's a trick!"

As soon as the words fell, Taotie's body suddenly jumped up and pounced on Yang Zixia.

Yang Zixia snorted coldly.

Suddenly, a layer of purple glow burst out from her fairy sword again.


The world turns purple!

The edge of the sword is everywhere!

Yang Zixia's figure also became ethereal in the purple world. The traces were hard to find when the position changed. In an instant, Taotie was struck by thousands of swords, even though the Taotie had rough skin and thick flesh. , but also howled and screamed.

"Swallow the sky and eat the earth!"

The Taotie roared, and its bloody mouth suddenly opened, as if it had turned into a huge mouth of the abyss. It was extremely exaggerated, and its terrifying devouring talent exploded, and all the purple glow was swallowed by the Taotie!

Yang Zixia's figure appears!

Taotie slapped it with his paw.

Yang Zixia waved her sword to block, and with a roar, Yang Zixia's fairy sword bent, her body lost balance, and flew backwards. Taotie pursued, but Yang Zixia regained her balance in an instant, and with a stab of the sword, it hit Taotie's slap. Between the paws!

Yang Zixia waved her left hand, and in an instant, stone needles shot out, puff puff...

Stone tools are the most effective against gluttons!

No matter how thick-skinned Taotie was, he could not withstand the piercing power of these stone needles. In an instant, eighteen stone needles penetrated Taotie's body.

Taotie let out a low roar of pain, and then Yang Zixia stirred the fairy sword in her hand. The sword moves changed, and the vast purple sword light split Taotie's huge body and shot backwards.

"My eighteen stone needles are enough to make you unable to move anymore! If it weren't for the rules of the trial, the trialists are not allowed to kill each other, otherwise, I will kill you!"

Yang Zixia shouted angrily.

Taotie cannot kill other testers.

Other testers are also not allowed to kill each other.

This is why every time Taotie seriously injured another trialist, he would ask Yun Hao to kill them, only for Taotie to devour them again.

Taotie rolled on the ground and screamed: "Brother, stop flirting with me. This bitch is a bit fierce, I can't handle it!"

Taotie rolled on the ground and rolled next to Yun Hao and Ling Feiyu.

Ling Feiyu: "Husband, this..."

She was shocked!


She knows!

He is also one of the creatures from the Exiled Land who came here for the trial!

And the power of blood is very strong!

How could your husband be related to this glutton?

Just now Taotie attacked Yang Zixia. She thought Taotie had a grudge against Yang Zixia and took the opportunity to attack and take revenge.

Yang Zixia was also stunned for a moment.

She had a grudge against Taotie, and just now she had thought that Taotie was adding insult to injury by sneaking up on her... But it turned out that Taotie was with Yun Hao!

Yun Hao let go of Ling Feiyu, and slapped Taotie with his right hand. Immediately, the eighteen stone needles that had entered Taotie's body shot out, and he raised his hand to catch them all. In hand.

Taotie suddenly felt relaxed, stood up again, and roared at Yang Zixia: "Come on, bitch, I'm not afraid of stone tools now. No matter how many stone tools you have, just throw them at me and see who is afraid of who!"

Yang Zixia looked solemn. She stared at Yun Hao and said, "No wonder you can have such a perfect stone sword. You and stone tools seem to have an extraordinary fit. Even the stone tools I have refined fell into your hands, and my connection with those stone tools was forcibly cut off!"

A cold arc passed through the corner of Yun Hao's mouth.

"Fei Yu, you are tired, take a rest, I will deal with her!"

Yun Hao must kill this Yang Zixia!

Her junior brother is Lei Li!

It was she who sent Lei Li to find Ling Feiyu!

Yang Zixia wants the Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand! Moreover, Yang Zixia has to rely on devouring Ling Feiyu to replace Ling Feiyu and gain the recognition of the Emperor Corpse Sword!

Just now, Yang Zixia had already personally attacked Ling Feiyu for this purpose.

Just for this reason, Yun Hao could not let Yang Zixia continue to live!

Even if she was the so-called second-stage ultimate human bloodline, she would be killed without hesitation!

The next moment, Yun Hao suddenly swung the eighteen stone needles in his hand and shot out.

Yang Zixia snorted coldly and waved the fairy sword.

"Ding Ding Dang Dang!"

The eighteen stone needles were all swept away by her fairy sword.

"Want to use my stone tool against me? You are too naive!"

Yang Zixia shouted coldly.

But as soon as she finished speaking, her pupils shrank, because suddenly, a stone spear had also burst in front of her!

And behind the stone spear, there was a stone pestle!

Yun Hao also held a stone flying knife in his hand!

In addition...

Beside Yun Hao, there were pieces of stone tools floating...

Yang Zixia was horrified!


Yang Zixia split the stone spear with a sword!

Then, she narrowly avoided the stone pestle!

She then managed to cut out a purple sword light and blocked the stone knife that was flying towards her!

After that, her body was submerged in a 'stone rain'...

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