God Hongtian

Chapter 2651: A bloody massacre!

Huang Shuang's stone claws were easily crushed by Yun Hao!

Her black phoenix eyes immediately revealed an expression of extreme pain and fear!

Just now, Ling Feiyu shattered a stone claw with a sword. That feeling was completely different from the feeling now.

The feeling before was a kind of crushing at the level of power.

And the feeling here in Yun Hao was essentially... humble!

Huang Shuang, who lost a pair of stone claws, let out a shrill scream, and the huge black phoenix body also flew backwards.


A deafening roar sounded.

Taotie appeared!

Taotie fell from the sky, and with a dive, it hit the black phoenix to the ground.

The front hoof of Taotie stepped on Huang Shuang!

"Taotie! What do you want to do?"

"Let her go quickly, and join us to deal with Yun Hao from the human race!"

"This human Yun Hao is an outsider, don't get your side wrong!"

A series of loud shouts rang out.

Taotie ate the black phoenix he was stepping on in one bite, and chewed it with great enjoyment in front of the group of descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the exile land. After a while, he opened his mouth and spit out the immortal soul of Huang Shuang, which he gave to Yun Hao.

Leave her immortal soul, and after leaving here, maybe we can dig out some clues from her immortal soul, which will help Ling Feiyu's master Feng Cangwu to deal with the old demon of extinction!

Yun Hao raised his hand and grabbed it, and the secret immortal art of the formation word was performed, and a wisp of runes surged, sealing Huang Shuang's immortal soul.

"Taotie! Do you know what you are doing?"

"How dare you cooperate with this outsider?"


"You talk too much nonsense!" Taotie didn't care and said indifferently: "If I hadn't been forced to make an immortal oath before entering here for the trial, I would have eaten you long ago!"

A group of guys who had just participated in the siege of Ling Feiyu blocked the front of the illusory door. They looked ugly and gnashed their teeth.

Taotie looked at Yun Hao.

"I can't kill them, you kill them!"

Yun Hao nodded: "Okay!"

He wanted to enter the illusory door.

These guys would not let him in easily.

Moreover, if they were not dealt with, they would sooner or later become troubles. If they followed him in, it would bring a lot of trouble.

Taotie laughed and rushed out suddenly.

As a Taotie with the top bloodline among all the creatures in the exile land, now with the ninth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, its lethality is really exaggerated. With one charge, several figures screamed and flew backwards!


Yun Hao held the stone spear and threw it fiercely. The stone spear burst out with terrifying piercing power and directly penetrated the heads of several Immortal Emperor Realm creatures!


A stone pestle smashed out and crushed several more Immortal Emperor Realm creatures!

The Taotie opened its bloody mouth and devoured them to its heart's content. It was in a very happy mood and attacked more fiercely, making these Immortal Emperor Realm creatures scream. Yun Hao held the stone sword in his hand and stepped on the secret immortal technique of Xingzi, responsible for the fatal blow.

With such cooperation, the efficiency was extremely exaggerated. In just a moment, more than half of the Immortal Emperor Realm creatures were seriously injured by the Taotie, killed by Yun Hao, and then devoured by the Taotie!

"Stone tools restrain Taotie!"

A loud shout sounded.

Suddenly, several stone tools were sacrificed and smashed towards Taotie. Taotie's neck shrank, and his body flashed, and he immediately hid behind Yun Hao.

These stone tools locked Taotie's breath and chased after him.

Yun Hao held the stone sword in his left hand and grabbed with his right hand. He borrowed the characteristics of the pale hand and combined it with the palm weapon technique of the secret immortal art of the word Bing. Suddenly, the stone tools that originally burst out with powerful power were all suspended in the air and could not move.

Seeing this, Taotie, who was hiding behind Yun Hao, laughed grimly, and then rushed out again, rushing into the team of the remaining immortal emperor creatures, rushing around!

Yun Hao casually harvested several more stone tools, and then picked up the stone sword again, cooperating with the brutal attack of Taotie, and started a killing spree.

Another moment later!

Kill them all!

"It's so cool!"

Taotie was very excited and enjoyed the meal.

Then, he looked at the illusory door and said, "Ling Feiyu went in, you want to go in too, right?"

Yun Hao nodded without any hesitation.

Taotie muttered, "My strength is good, but do you know why I was hanging around the foot of the End Mountain when I met you, instead of coming here?"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed, and he said, "You tell me!"

Taotie: "The most important reason is that I can't kill them or devour them, so fighting with them is ultimately a waste of effort, so I'm too lazy to waste my energy."

"Another reason is that Yang Zixia of the human race, Li Chu of the human race, Long Guang of the dragon race, Huang Fei of the phoenix race, and that Qiongqi are not easy to deal with."

"The five of them are not only as talented as me, but also have a higher level of cultivation than me. They are all in the tenth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, and they all have very powerful stone tools. You know, stone tools restrain me..."

"Especially that Qiongqi, the most disgusting, specifically looking for trouble with me..."

Yun Hao said calmly, "If you don't want to go in, I won't force you."

As he spoke, he stepped out, leaped, and came to the front of the illusory door.

Taotie immediately caught up with him, grinned and said, "It's different now. You and I work together perfectly, killing everyone. Stone tools restrain me, but you restrain stone tools. Hahaha!"

Immediately afterwards, Yunhao took steps again and entered the door of illusion.

Taotie follows.

Go through the portal of illusion.

Yun Hao suddenly showed a look of shock!

He was sure that he had never been here.

But the atmosphere here gave him a sense of familiarity!

"Except for this time I entered the Exiled Land, I have only had one contact with the Exiled Land. That was in the Zhuxian Sect, through the Soul Sloughing Pool of the Zhuxian Sect, and entered the inner world of the Soul Sloughing Pool. I met someone who could The Supreme Sword Immortal Emperor who controls the Immortal Killing Sword Formation!"

Yunhao said to himself.

This sense of familiarity comes from that experience of entering the world inside the Soul Sloughing Pond!

Through Ye Chen, Yun Hao learned that there are many gates in the Land of Exile. These gates are located in various places in the immortal world. There is a Gate of Exile in the heaven and earth in the Soul Slaughter Pond of the Zhuxian Gate, and it is in charge of the Immortal Emperor of Swordsmanship. guard!

"This is connected to...the Gate of Exile leading to the Zhuxian Gate!" Yun Hao thought to himself.

Doesn't that mean... if we find the portal?

From here, you can go directly back to the Zhuxian Sect where the human race cultivates civilization?

Yun Hao's heart was filled with emotions.

At this moment, the roar of battle sounded.

Yun Hao's thoughts suddenly retracted and he no longer thought about it. He looked towards the direction where the roar came from, stepped on the secret magic of writing, and turned into a burst of fairy light, disappearing from the place in an instant.


"What a monster born from a mixture of human race and Phoenix race, you can come here. I have to admit, you are very powerful!"

A woman wearing a purple dress with an indifferent expression was holding a fairy sword, the blade pointed directly at Ling Feiyu.

This woman is Yang Zixia!

The so-called second stage of the ultimate human bloodline!

Ling Feiyu was holding the Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword in her hand. Although she was pale and injured, her aura was not weaker than that of Yang Zixia.

Yang Zixia's eyes were fixed on the Emperor Corpse Immortal Sword in Ling Feiyu's hand, and a greedy blazing light burst out.

She raised the corner of her mouth and said: "The corpse-turned-sword of an Immortal Emperor of Kendo, in your hands, is simply a waste of natural resources. You don't deserve to own this sword. Since you took the initiative to send the sword to me, then I will accept it!" "

"When the time comes, if I devour your blood again, I will also be recognized by this sword!"

As soon as the words fell, Yang Zixia's figure suddenly rushed towards Ling Feiyu, a sword passed through, and boundless purple sword light erupted.

Ling Feiyu was about to raise his sword to face the enemy.

Suddenly, a stone sword burst out, tearing up the mighty purple sword light in an instant!

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