God Hongtian

Chapter 2647: The End of the Mountain!

Yun Hao really wanted to know what these immortal emperors from the epochs of the immortal world were fighting against in the exiled land. This was definitely the key breakthrough to get close to the truth.

But unfortunately.

Lei Li, who had extremely high talent and claimed to be the most perfect ultimate human bloodline, did not know.

"I am not qualified to get involved in this level of things... Even those immortal seniors, only those at the level of enlightenment, can participate a little bit..."

Yun Hao's eyes flickered. Although he did not get an answer, he was not too disappointed.

He changed the subject and said, "Tell me, what is the so-called most perfect ultimate human bloodline you mentioned!"

Although Lei Li was defeated by him.

But Yun Hao had to admit that Lei Li's talent was really exaggerated.

He was very curious about this.

"We, the human race born here, have a talent that is superior to all other races since birth. We are born strong and have the body of a true immortal..."

Yun Hao's eyes suddenly flashed with a strange color.

Born strong, the foundation of a true immortal!

You should know that in the cultivation civilization of the human race, everyone is born from scratch.

But the human race here has stood at a very high starting point since birth.

Even the dragon race and the phoenix race, when they were just born, although they also had strong power, they could not reach the level of a true immortal.

"The ultimate human bloodline is divided into three stages. I am in the first stage. The bloodline talent of the second stage is stronger than me. I was born a celestial immortal! As for the third stage, I was born a golden immortal!"

Yun Hao's heart was shocked again.

These human beings in the exile land actually have the bloodline of a golden immortal!

"It is said that there are stronger ones from the third stage onwards... It is called the first generation bloodline, but I have only heard of it, not seen it, and I don’t know if it has been born..."

Yun Hao murmured.

"The first generation bloodline..."

He then asked: "Being born strong, there is a price after all, right?"

This is the rule of the immortal way!

There are gains and losses!

These humans in the Land of Exile have unique advantages since birth, so they will definitely lose something.

"Indeed... the reproduction of the human race has become extremely difficult, even more difficult than the dragon race and the phoenix race... Moreover, our bloodline talent has determined the upper limit of the height we can reach in the future from the moment we are born!"

"As the ultimate bloodline of the first stage, my limit is the early stage of the Immortal Venerable Realm."

"The ultimate bloodline of the second stage, the limit is the perfection of the Immortal Venerable Realm, but you can obtain the Immortal Emperor Heart left by the fallen Immortal Emperor, borrow the Tao and prove the Tao, and step into the Immortal Emperor sequence."

"The ultimate bloodline of the third stage, as long as it is given time to grow, more than 50%, will realize the Tao by themselves and prove their own Tao... But the bloodline of this stage is very rare."

"Regarding the first generation of bloodlines, it is said that the first generation of bloodlines, when they are born, are not much different from the starting point of the third stage of the ultimate human bloodline, but the first generation of bloodlines are not only born as golden immortals, but also... born to realize the Tao!"

Yun Hao's eyes flickered.

The biggest advantage of the human race is its huge number and the most growth potential.

However, the human race in this exile land has gained powerful strength since birth, but it has also lost the most important thing for the human race.

Of course.

Even the starting point of the first stage ultimate human race bloodline at birth is already a height that countless human race cultivators have been struggling to pursue and cannot reach!

Which is better?

This is really hard to say.

But at least, for Yun Hao, he has no envy of this so-called ultimate human race bloodline, because even if the third stage ultimate human race bloodline can reach a height, Yun Hao is confident that he can also reach it, and do better than them!

Then, he learned some other information from Lei Li's residual soul.

For example, fierce competition has begun on the End Mountain. On the human side, his senior sister Yang Zixia is more talented than him, and has the cultivation of a perfect realm immortal emperor. She is one of the main forces competing for the heart of the immortal emperor.

The human race also has a perfect realm immortal emperor named Li Chu, whose strength is comparable to Yang Zixia.

Yang Zixia and Li Chu are both the second-stage ultimate human bloodline, but they have huge prejudices against each other and can fight at the slightest disagreement.

Except for the two of them.

On the End Mountain, Long Guang of the Dragon Clan is powerful in combat.

Huang Fei of the Phoenix Clan is vicious.

There is also a guy from the Taotie Clan who is the most arrogant and brutal.

Yun Hao tried his best to dig out all kinds of information from Lei Li's residual soul. At the same time, he did not delay the search for Ling Feiyu by following the traces of the battle.

Unknowingly, another two days passed.

Lei Li's residual soul has been destroyed by Yun Hao.

The traces of the battle disappeared!

Yun Hao could not continue to search like this.

This also very likely means that the worst situation has occurred...

Just when Yun Hao's mood fell into anxiety.

Suddenly, the phoenix-shaped fairy jade he had been holding in his hand finally... regenerated and sensed!

The location sensed was not far from here!

Yun Hao's figure disappeared from the spot in an instant. The power of the second level of the sixth transformation of the Only Wo Dao burst out without reservation. The secret immortal technique of "Xing" was also used to the extreme. His body turned into immortal light, and in every instant, he escaped thousands of feet away.

Half an hour later.

Yun Hao finally arrived at the location where the fairy jade sensed!

Moreover, the sense had not disappeared.

His emotions were surging.

Ling Feiyu was here!

"Fei Yu!"

"I'm coming!"

Yun Hao shouted, and his spiritual power spread wildly.

The next moment.

A figure flew out from the darkness.

Feng Jing!

At this time, Feng Jing only had a weak fairy soul left... his body was gone.

Yun Hao stared at Feng Jing, his expression was extremely urgent, and said: "Senior Feng Jing... why is it you? Why does Fei Yu's breath come from your soul?"

The breath that sensed the fairy jade in his hand was actually released from Feng Jing's body!

It was Ling Feiyu's breath!

But it was not released by Ling Feiyu!

Feng Jing's residual soul looked at Yun Hao, then sighed and said, "You really came here after all..."

"Senior Feng Jing, tell me quickly, what happened to Fei Yu? Where is she? What happened to her?!"

Yun Hao's tone was full of tension.

Feng Jing: "Calm down, Fei Yu is injured. Although the injury is serious, it is not fatal. As long as it is treated in time, it will not be a big problem. So now, she has left here urgently and is going back to find Cang Wu Xian Zun for treatment."

"So, I stayed here specially, using her breath, waiting for you to come and tell you the news."

"Let's go, it's not advisable to stay here for a long time. Fei Yu has left anyway. If you want to find Fei Yu, just go out directly. Maybe when we return, Cang Wu Xian Zun has helped her completely recover from her injuries."

Yun Hao stared at Feng Jing's residual soul.

Feng Jing: "By the way, where is the little girl from the Golden Winged Dapeng Clan? And the skeleton ghost is also missing. Did she meet with an accident?"

A sharp light flashed in Yun Hao's eyes.

"Senior Feng Jing, did you tell Fei Yu that I was looking for her?" Yun Hao asked.

"Yes!" Feng Jing responded.

Immediately added, "I didn't make it clear. I said someone was looking for her, but I didn't say your name..."

"Fei Yu didn't leave here, right? Senior Feng Jing, you lied!" Yun Hao's tone became very sure.

A complex expression appeared on the illusory face of Feng Jing's residual soul body, and he said, "Don't be so stubborn, she really went out... Listen to me, leave here quickly..."

Yun Hao took a deep breath and drew his sword in an instant!

Nine Swords of Questioning Immortals!

The second sword!

Feng Jing was unprepared, and in the residual soul state, his immortal heart was shaken in an instant.

"You told Fei Yu my name, right!" Yun Hao shouted coldly.

Feng Jing's residual soul nodded.

"Since Fei Yu knows I'm here, even if she is seriously injured, she won't leave here alone. If she wants to leave, she will wait for me and go with me."


"Facing the golden lion, the ancient dragon elephant, and the nine-tailed fairy fox, I didn't help much. Fei Yu killed those three guys and was seriously injured. Her origin was greatly damaged. I persuaded her to leave, but she didn't want to leave. She must wait for you before she would leave."

"But we don't know whether you can come here."

"Because, there are particularly important things she has to do, she doesn't want you to get involved again."

"So, she told me to wait for you here. If you arrive, let you go out first and leave this place."

Speaking of this, Feng Jing's immortal heart trembled suddenly and regained consciousness.

While he was shocked by Yun Hao's method, he shook the head of the illusory remnant soul violently and said, "Yun Hao, listen to my advice. This is also Fei Yu's most real idea. Go quickly. You have been stared at by many eyes. Your situation is very dangerous. I will never tell you where she went... Even if you use the method just now, it will be useless!" Yun Hao held the stone sword in his hand, turned around and looked into the distance. He had never come into contact with the Nine-tailed Fox, the Golden Lion, and the Ancient Dragon Elephant, but he learned from Lei Li that if these three were added together, even those guys on the End Mountain would not be able to withstand any of them. Ling Feiyu killed these three creatures with powerful bloodlines. Ling Feiyu is very strong! But Feng Jing said that Ling Feiyu paid a great price and was seriously injured! "She is already injured." "She went to the End Mountain alone." "In this case, she still wanted me to leave first and not let me take risks." "But how could I let her stay there alone..." The next moment. Yun Hao's speed soared again, and in an instant, he disappeared from Feng Jing's sight! He learned the location of the End Mountain from Lei Li.

He also knew how strong those guys on the End Mountain were.

However, he did not hesitate at all, and did not think about anything else. He only had one thought, that is, to get there as soon as possible, accompany her, and face all challenges together!

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