God Hongtian

Chapter 2646 The Immortal Emperor is always fighting!

After Yun Hao's stone sword pierced Lei Li's head, endless thunder power surged out of Lei Li's body and turned into terrifying runes.

Even at this moment.

Lei Li still has the power to resist!

These thunder runes shot towards Yun Hao one after another!

Yun Hao had an extremely dangerous intuition in his heart.

He immediately retracted his stone sword and shot backwards.

All the thunder runes came in pursuit and detonated around Yun Hao, unleashing a power that destroyed the world.

Taking this opportunity, Lei Li, whose head was pierced, didn't even care about his stone spear that was sent flying and landed in the distance, he just wanted to escape.

"You can't escape!"

Yun Hao's loud shout sounded.

He stepped out of the destructive storm caused by the explosion of the inner thunder rune, holding a stone pestle in his hand, and threw it out fiercely. The stone pestle cut through the sky and hit Lei Li hard on the back.


Lei Li's body was chopped into pieces by the stone pestle!

Yun Hao stepped on the Secret Immortal Technique of Xingzi and chased him out. He formed the Secret Immortal Technique of Formation with one hand and used the sealing method. He instantly captured Lei Li's remnant soul. Then, he turned back and took the remaining soul of Lei Li. He held the stone spear in his hand, which was spliced ​​with the bones and flesh of the Immortal Emperor.

The stone spear trembled violently in his hand.

Fortunately, the pale hand can suppress the power of the stone tool in this stone spear!

The remaining power belonging to the bones and flesh of the Immortal Emperor was suppressed by Yun Hao.

He looked at every detail of the stone spear and marveled in his heart. This was an incredible fusion of the energy in the bones and flesh of the Immortal Emperor with the stone tool.

No wonder this stone spear feels uncoordinated when used in Lei Li's hands, unlike other creatures in the Exiled Land who use stone tools.

Yun Hao waved the stone spear, and suddenly the stone spear burst out with sharp power, and the piercing power contained in it was really terrifying.

Lei Li's remnant soul, which was pinched by Yun Hao, exclaimed: "Impossible...impossible...you can actually use my weapons..."

Yun Hao suddenly thought and put away the stone spear. He stared at the remnant spirit of Lei Li in his palm and shouted: "You will not appear here for no reason. You also came here for Ling Feiyu. By chance, I met him." Me, right?”

He had just come out of the world belonging to primitive creatures for just one day. During this process, Yun Hao's whereabouts were not exposed at all. Therefore, he guessed that meeting Lei Li here was just accidental, and Lei Li's target was not him!

The thunderous remnant soul roared: "You are of humble and inferior blood, you have no qualifications at all..."

Don't wait for him to finish.

Yun Hao then let him know what it meant to be in pain!

Can't survive!

I can't die!

The terrifying Green Lotus Karmic Fire burned blazingly in his hands, and the thunderous remnant soul twisted crazily and screamed.

A full quarter of an hour has passed!

Only then did Lei Li’s remnant soul surrender!

Yun Hao's eyes were indifferent. He stared at Lei Li, whose will had completely collapsed in his hand, and said, "You have more backbone than I thought, but not much."

"Tell me the truth!"

Lei Li's remnant soul: "Yes...I am looking for Ling Feiyu..."

"Because Ling Feiyu got that emperor's corpse..."

"For the other creatures who came to practice together, the emperor's corpse that Ling Feiyu obtained... was only the second goal of the trial, but to my senior sister, the emperor's corpse was more important than the first goal of the trial. "

"Because, my senior sister practices swordsmanship!"

"And that emperor's corpse is the corpse of a sword emperor from our human race!"

"Zhongyan Mountain has appeared. My senior sister must go to Zhongyan Mountain to fight for the heart of the Immortal Emperor. Therefore, my senior sister specially asked me to come here to help her get the corpse of the Human Sword Emperor!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with cold light.

"go on!"

"According to the information we have received, the corpse of the Human Sword Emperor has been turned into the Emperor's Corpse Sword in Ling Feiyu's hands..."

"This means that Ling Feiyu has obtained the inheritance of the Human Sword Emperor's Corpse. Therefore, it is not enough to just take back the Emperor's Corpse Sword, because the Emperor's Corpse Sword is recognized by Ling Feiyu. I want to If you want to control the Emperor's Corpse Sword, you must devour Ling Feiyu!"

"The ancient dragon elephant, the golden lion, and the nine-tailed fairy fox are three guys from these three tribes who are surrounding Ling Feiyu. I came all the way and wanted to get ahead of them, capture Ling Feiyu, and hand it over to me. Senior sister swallowed..."

At this moment, Yun Hao's murderous intent had reached its peak. He forced himself to endure it and continued the interrogation. However, Lei Li, like him, was following the traces of the battle and was looking for it. He had no idea where Ling Feiyu was now.

Yun Hao set out again, using the same method as before, following the traces of the battle. As he hurried on, he tried to dig out more secrets about the Exiled Land from Lei Li's mouth.

The human race was very powerful in the Exiled Land, and Lei Li knew more than the woman from the esophageal spider clan before.

"How many Immortal Emperors are there in the Exiled Land?"

Lei Li: "More than a hundred...I don't know the specific number, but it is definitely not more than two hundred, and the human race has a total of thirty-one immortal emperors..."

Yun Hao's eyes flickered.

There are more than a hundred Immortal Emperors, a very exaggerated number.

You know, the human race is cultivating civilization, and the number of Immortal Emperors on the surface now is barely enough to make up the number of two palms. Even if there are still hidden ones in the dark, they will definitely not reach twenty!

The number of Immortal Emperors in the Exiled Land was much less than he expected...

This is the accumulation of many epochs in the Immortal Realm. Over such a long period of time, more than a hundred Immortal Emperors are not many...

"How could there be only this many?" Yun Hao asked.

Lei Li: "The Immortal Emperors keep falling... They are always fighting. Some Immortal Emperors keep their bodies after falling, and they are used to refine immortal weapons, refine immortal pills, and are used as resources for trials. The corpse of the Immortal Emperor Ling Feiyu got is such a case."

"Other Immortal Emperors leave behind the Immortal Emperor Heart after falling. The Immortal Emperor Heart contains the opportunity to prove the Dao. Most of the time, it is directly handed over to the Immortal Venerable who is suitable for that Dao, but occasionally it will be taken out as a trial reward, such as this time, the Immortal Emperor Heart on the End Mountain..."

"The Immortal Bow made from the torso of the Immortal Emperor of the Kui Mu Clan in your hand is also such a case. The previous Immortal Emperor of the Kui Mu Clan fell, and kept the Immortal Emperor Heart and part of the torso. The Immortal Emperor Heart was inherited by a top Immortal Venerable of the Kui Mu Clan. He successfully proved the Dao, and the torso was refined into an Immortal Bow and given to Mu Liang for use, because Mu Liang is the most valued descendant of the current Immortal Emperor of the Kui Mu Clan!"

Yun Hao's thoughts were very complicated.

Therefore, the many super immortal soldiers with the aura of the immortal emperor used by the descendants of the Immortal Emperor in the Exile Land all came from this...

Using the bodies of the fallen immortal emperors and making use of them...

The immortal emperors in the Exile Land are constantly falling, and they are always fighting!

"What force are they fighting against?" Yun Hao asked again.

He had a strong premonition, and his intuition told him that he was getting close to the truth of the Exile Land!

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