God Hongtian

Chapter 263: Witching Curse, Goodbye Little Princess

Yun Hao entered the imperial city. Within an hour, the royal family had received the news, but this was not surprising at all.

After all, Han Qianshan and Yun Hao came in through the city wall openly, and there was an assassin attack on the streets outside the imperial city.

If the royal family doesn't even have this kind of eyes and ears, then the situation in the entire imperial city will be in danger!

A palace eunuch stood outside the crowd with a majestic expression, holding an imperial edict in his hand.

This can be regarded as helping Yun Hao get out of trouble.

A group of female disciples surrounding Yun Hao moved out of the way.

Yun Haoping calmly came to the eunuch, cupped his hands, and made no move to kneel down to receive the order.

He has the Qingfeng Token with him, so he doesn't need to salute even in front of the emperor.

The great eunuch looked at Yun Hao, nodded slightly, then unfolded the imperial edict in his hand, and pulled out the sharp sound line.

"By God's blessing, the emperor has decreed that Yun Hao, a disciple of the Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County, has made outstanding achievements in the battle to quell the rebellious party Murong Guang. The emperor's grace is so great that he has been specially summoned to the palace to meet the emperor. I express my gratitude for this."

Shi Feng and Fatty didn't feel anything at all.

But other people living in the imperial city around them could hear the imperial edict being read out from time to time. Logically speaking, shouldn't rewards and rewards for this type of edict also be read out?

When he arrived at Yunhao's place, he entered the palace to see the emperor. Could there be some secrets involved?

The eunuch finished reading and handed the imperial edict to Yun Hao.

"Master Yun, please enter the palace with the Za family now." The eldest eunuch said with a smile.

Yun Hao nodded.

The fat man immediately came up and said, "Thank you for your hard work, father-in-law."

As he spoke, he stuffed a large-denomination banknote into the sleeve of the eunuch without leaving any trace.

The eldest eunuch looked at the fat man with admiration and said with a smile: "It is the honor of the Za family to serve the emperor. What's more, Mr. Yun is young and promising. He is actually the pillar of our Qingfeng Dynasty. The emperor also appreciates Mr. Yun very much."

After saying this, Fatty felt relieved and looked at Yun Hao and said, "Brother Yun, go ahead, we'll wait for you here."

Wait until Yunhao and the chief eunuch leave.

Fatty returned to Shi Feng's side.

Shi Feng looked at the fat man with a resentful look on his face, his brows were twitching and there were blue veins on his forehead.

Fatty: "Tiedan, this money was not spent unfairly. At least I know that Brother Yun will have no difficulty in entering the palace. This is called being humane. You should learn more."

Shi Feng: "But you just took the banknote from me!"

Fatty: "That's not the point. The point is that the relationship between us brothers cannot be measured by money and mundane things.


"Dean, Yun Hao has gone to the palace." Lu Ming immediately spread the news to Qin Xiao's ears.

Qin Xiao nodded: "It'll be okay."

Lu Ming: "I'm just worried that the emperor will ask Yun Hao to leave. After all, he is still young. If he gets involved in the complicated court struggle now, it will ruin his martial arts future..."

Qin Xiao smiled lightly and said: "In the early years, the emperor often wanted to transfer Mr. Han to his side to take charge of the Imperial Guard, but he did not succeed."

Lu Ming: "But... not everyone is as pure as Professor Han. If the emperor makes a serious promise and Yun Hao agrees, we won't be able to keep him even if we want to."

Qin Xiao still looked calm and said: "Don't worry, Yun Hao is more pure than Mr. Han. No benefit can shake his dedication to martial arts."

Although the contact time is not long.

But Qin Xiao gave such a positive evaluation. Naturally, it was not out of nowhere, but a conclusion drawn from his careful observation.

at this time.

A flash of anger suddenly appeared on Qin Xiao's calm face. He walked out of the martial arts hall and looked at the distant scenery.

Lu Ming followed and said, "Dean, could it be that the black dragon went out again?"

Qin Xiao hummed and said, "Recently, the black dragon has been going out more frequently."


royal palace.

The architecture is luxurious, exquisite and grand.

The Praetorian Guards were heavily guarded.

Under the guidance of the great eunuch, Yun Hao passed through the palace gates and arrived at an exquisite courtyard in the palace.

"The Miscellaneous family will go ahead and report to the Emperor. Mr. Yun will wait here for a moment." After the eunuch said this, he went to report with his head lowered and his body bent.

Yun Hao stood in the courtyard, and with a thought, he took out the section of dragon vein from the storage ring and placed it in his sleeve.

In the dark, the invisible dynasty's destiny gathered and rushed into the dragon's veins.

The dragon vein absorbs the luck of the dynasty and can condense the mysterious dragon energy. The dragon energy can continue to upgrade the Qinglong Yuanling for Yunhao.

Although luck is invisible, Yun Hao naturally knows how to observe qi. A ray of dark golden light appeared in the pupils of his eyes. Under his observation, Qingfeng Dynasty’s

Luck, the light golden color is actually mixed with wisps of black light.

Even though the Qingfeng Dynasty was a small and low-ranking country, its luck should be pure gold. Light golden luck meant the decline of the dynasty.

And those wisps of black light are the cause of the failure of luck. If the black light completely overwhelms the golden light of the dynasty's luck, that will be... the Qingfeng Dynasty is destroyed!


The chief eunuch reappeared in front of Yun Hao and said: "The emperor asked Mr. Yun to go in and see him, and the Za family will not go in."

Yun Hao nodded and walked towards the open door ahead.

Enter the house.

A figure came into view.

This is a middle-aged man with slightly white temples and a sense of imperial power. He is currently writing at his desk.

Yun Hao did not interrupt and looked at the large characters written by the emperor.

All peoples are like water.

After finishing writing, the emperor put down the pen in his hand, raised his head and looked at Yun Hao.

His face was gentle and gave people a kind of intimacy. Chu Xinyue was somewhat similar to him.

"Yun Hao, what do you think of these words I wrote?" The emperor asked, and his tone was like an elder habitually asking a younger person.

Yun Hao: "The people are like water, and the emperor is like a boat."

The emperor nodded and smiled: "I didn't expect that you, at such a young age, could understand this. It is really precious.

You have made an indelible contribution to suppressing the rebellion of Murong thieves in Beihan County and the remnants of the Demon Cult. I have thought about it for a long time and don't know what to reward you, so I specially summoned you to the palace to listen to your ideas."

Yun Hao remained calm and said: "The emperor should have made a decision."

The emperor appreciated Yun Hao's understanding even more and said: "Yun Hao, if you are willing to serve as an official in the court, I will immediately appoint you as the deputy commander of the Imperial Guards. Within three years, you will be the commander of the Imperial Guards.

When you step into the state of unity, you will be the general of the Qingfeng Dynasty!"

The power held by the royal family must not be weak, and there should be many people in the state of unity.

But what the emperor values ​​is Yun Hao's future!

He had seen the whole process of Han Qianshan's rise. Han Qianshan, who was only in his early thirties, had already comprehended the Dao Yun at the level of Guiyi Realm!

In the future, Han Qianshan's achievements are immeasurable.

Yun Hao's potential is greater than Han Qianshan's, so he wants to take advantage of the present to make a solemn promise

and bring such a genius around.

Although Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy is to train martial arts talents for the dynasty, they are not people around him after all.

Without waiting for Yun Hao to answer, the emperor said: "You may not understand how important the general of the state is. I will tell you with the simplest comparison that if you become the general of the state, you can be on par with the prime minister and the heavenly master of the current dynasty!"

Yun Hao was not moved. These things were meaningless to him. If he wanted fame and fortune, let alone in this small country, he could get it easily even in the ancient dynasty of God that had continued its glory for thousands of years.

"Thank you for your kindness, Your Majesty, but I am not interested in the officialdom for the time being. I want to focus all my energy on martial arts like Master Han." Yun Hao politely declined.

The emperor did not give up, and continued to raise the stakes, saying: "If you agree now, I can marry the princess to you, any unmarried princess is fine!"

He deliberately emphasized the tone of the word "any".

This means that even the little princess Chu Xinyue, who had already concluded a marriage with the Tianlang Dynasty, would be fine!

In order to win over Yun Hao, he did not hesitate to directly make enemies with the Tianlang Dynasty!

Obviously, he also knew about the relationship between the little princess Chu Xinyue and Yun Hao.

Yun Hao looked calm, and there was no ups and downs in his pure eyes. He said: "Your Majesty, the little princess and I are not a deal."

As soon as these words came out.

The emperor was stunned.

He had anticipated Yun Hao's various attitudes in advance, and even thought of how to continue to persuade Yun Hao, but he never expected Yun Hao to answer like this.

"If the emperor has nothing else to do, I will take my leave first." Yun Hao said.

The emperor came back to his senses, then showed a helpless smile, and said: "Xinyue really guessed it right, she said you will not agree to my conditions.

Well, well, I will not force you, but if you think it through one day, you can come to me at any time, the conditions I give will always be valid!

You can leave first, Xinyue is waiting for you outside."

Yun Hao bowed his hands and prepared to leave.


"Cough cough cough!"

Suddenly, the emperor coughed violently.

Yun Hao took a look and saw a faint flash of black light between the emperor's eyebrows, but it returned to normal in an instant, and there was no trace of

any clues.

"Witch spell!"

With just a glimpse, Yun Hao had already recognized the origin of the black light.

The spell of the witch tribe in southern Xinjiang!

This was not the first time that Yun Hao encountered a force related to the Southern Xinjiang Wu Clan in the Qingfeng Dynasty. The witchcraft used by the elder Hu Sandao in the Flame Valley also came from the Southern Xinjiang Wu Clan.

The witchcraft was as common in the Southern Xinjiang Wu Clan as warriors.

But the witchcraft was a relatively advanced method, and ordinary people from the Wu Clan could not perform it at all.

In other words, there was definitely a very powerful Wu Clan hidden in this small Qingfeng Dynasty!

Wait for Yun Hao to leave.

Not only did the emperor not get angry because of Yun Hao's refusal, but when he recalled the details of the conversation with Yun Hao just now, a smile appeared on his face.

Warriors should have pride!

If a person does not have pride, even if he is gifted, it is difficult to achieve outstanding achievements.

Yun Hao... made him very satisfied.

"Cough cough cough..."

Then, the emperor coughed violently again.


Yun Hao left the house and walked out of the yard.


A voice full of joy and excitement sounded.

Chu Xinyue, with her long hair tied up in a dignified way and wearing a pink dress, rushed towards Yun Hao excitedly.

"Little Princess... Little Princess..."

A group of palace maids followed behind, shouting and chasing, reminding Chu Xinyue to be careful about her words and actions...

But Chu Xinyue ignored them at all, rushed to Yun Hao, and threw herself directly into his arms, her face full of emotion, and whispered: "I just heard the conversation between you and the emperor with the sound transmission jade!"

That sentence, the matter between the little princess and me was not a transaction, moved Chu Xinyue extremely.

She hates deals.

Born into a royal family, I watch all kinds of transactions all the time.

Even her life-long event was treated as a deal...

A group of palace maids followed and saw the little princess throwing herself into the arms of a strange man. Their faces turned pale with fright, and then they all lowered their heads, not daring to look directly.

Chu Xinyue coughed lightly and said, "You guys should step back."

After saying that, he raised his head and looked at Yun Hao: "Mumu, let's go, I will take you to the royal treasury. If you don't want the reward from father, I will take you to the royal treasury. You can choose three things. This is what I will do with you." Father made an agreement!"

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