God Hongtian

Chapter 262: Scared to death, the imperial edict arrives

The shock in everyone's heart is no different from the huge waves set off by the boundless sea.

Just now, there were many people talking about it, but it was a pity that Beihan County was in turmoil. The super genius Yun Hao who condensed the dragon spirit did not come, regretting that he could not get a glimpse of Yun Hao's style.

There are also people who are sighing and curious about how handsome the so-called most handsome man in the Qingfeng Dynasty is?

Some people also expressed doubts about the rumors about Yun Hao, thinking that the rumors were too exaggerated.

What no one expected was that Yun Hao... had already arrived and entered the competition for quotas.

Yun Hao... indeed lived up to the title of the most beautiful man in the Qingfeng Dynasty. He had delicate features, handsome features, elegant demeanor, a long sword in his hand, fluttering white clothes, and peerless elegance!

The so-called unparalleled talent that surpasses Han Qianshan is obviously not an exaggeration. One person and one sword can fight against a group of enemies alone, with calmness and calmness, suppressing everything!

The Qinglong Yuanling that circled around Yun Hao was lifelike and mighty. Under Yun Hao's control, the Qinglong Yuanling flew to his feet.

He controlled the dragon and flew towards Xu Lin, who had a stiff expression and dull eyes.

Xu Lin's hands forming the formation had completely stopped.

Yun Hao, who was driving the Qinglong Yuanling, was flying directly in front of her.

Xu Lin raised her head with difficulty.

The moment her eyes met the light bursting out of the dragon's eyes.


Something seemed to explode in Xu Lin's head.

An emotion of extreme humiliation, insignificance, and fear surged from the bottom of her heart like a torrent, sweeping across her body in an instant, completely overwhelming her spirit and will!


Xu Lin's legs went weak, her body was like mud, and she collapsed on the ground.

"Junior Sister Xu!"

Li Dongfeng was the first to react

In response, his figure was like a strong wind, rushing to Xu Lin's side, trying to pick Xu Lin up.

But before his hand touched Xu Lin's body, it stopped in the air.

Because, a pungent smell of urine entered his nose.

Xu Lin, who was paralyzed on the ground, was so frightened that she peed...


Li Dongfeng roared, and veins bulged on his forehead, neck, and back of his hands.

Infinite anger burned in his heart, and he wanted to take action immediately, blow up Yun Hao's divine dragon spirit, and pin Yun Hao to the ground!

"Li Dongfeng, get out of here!"

At this moment, Vice Dean Lu Ming, who was sitting on the high platform, stood up and shouted harshly.

Li Dongfeng gritted his teeth, then resisted the smell of urine, picked up Xu Lin, put strength under his feet, jumped up, and flew away with Xu Lin.

in the air.

Water drops fell.

It fell on some people's heads.

The fat man burst out laughing: "Look, there is a pool of water stains where Xu Lin collapsed. She was so scared that she peed!"

Everyone: "..."

The small part of people who had water dripping on their heads... felt so disgusting!

The fat man thought it was not enough, and then laughed and said: "The stick of incense has not been burned out yet. If you want to grab the flag, hurry up!"


The dozen or so people who failed to capture the flag had sharp eyes.

However, there are still only a few people who really dare to take action.

The four people who held the flags and were blown away by Yun Hao's divine dragon Yuanling were all in the Golden Core realm, and they all had considerable backgrounds. If they snatched their flags, they would be in trouble if Qiu Hou settles the score.

But there are also very reckless guys.

For example, Lu Chong, who initially provoked Yun Hao, was thrown away by Yun Hao with a sleeve.

One of his arms was twisted like a twist, but he still rushed over and picked up a golden elixir-level man lying on the ground.

Man grabs flag in hand.

The golden elixir man growled: "Lu Chong, you don't want to hang out anymore?"

Lu Chong let go of his hand grabbing the flag.

The golden elixir man breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that the threat had worked.

Lu Chong's hand clenched his fist, and he punched it down. The golden elixir man's entire face was deformed and he was knocked unconscious.

Lu Chong then picked up the flag, smiled, and said: "The world is big and my fist is the biggest. I can't stand a pretty boy like you!"

After saying that, he suddenly glanced in the direction of Yun Hao with palpitations, quickly put away the flag, and stood obediently in the corner.

With Lu Chong taking the lead, three more people took action one after another and snatched the flags from the hands of the other three Jindan realm guys lying on the ground.

On the high platform.

"How can this not make sense? How can it not make sense!"

"It was an open and fair fight, and no one could say anything, but these people took advantage of the situation and grabbed the flag. How unbecoming is this?!"

"If these few people represent our Qingfeng Martial Academy to participate in the imperial competition, wouldn't it make people laugh at the fact that our Qingfeng Martial Academy has no one?"

The senior officials of the martial arts academy who spoke for Xu Lin just now were all livid with anger.

At this time, Qin Xiao's fingers gently tapped the armrest of the seat.

"Dodo dodo!"

The sound was not loud, but it clearly reached the ears of every senior martial arts academy official.

Everyone suddenly became quiet.

Qin Xiao's face showed no emotion or anger as he said: "When the rules for capturing the flag were formulated, you insisted on doing so.

Now, it is you who want to overturn the results.

The people who got the flag are also good talents of our Qingfeng Martial Academy. Why can't they represent Qingfeng Martial Academy to participate in the dynasty competition?

Do you feel that there are only a few people in your heart?

Is that the right choice?

If that's the case, does it matter whether the competition for this quota is held or not? It's better to let you choose a few people to participate, don't you think it's right? "

One person hurriedly explained, "Dean, we have no intention of doing this. We are also thinking about Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy. Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy is the imperial martial arts academy, but it has been ranked at the bottom in many years of competition... Your Majesty is extremely dissatisfied with this..."

Before this person continued, Qin Xiao's calm face finally showed anger.

"Just now, I remember you said that these disciples are a mob, right?"

"Dean, I..."

Qin Xiao's power suddenly broke out, and his voice was extremely cold and stern, saying: "Talents have advantages and disadvantages, but status is not high or low. Every disciple's personality, dignity, and opportunities are equal!

No one is born superior.

No one is born a mob.

If you can't even tell this, then you don't have to stay in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy! "

"Please calm down, Dean. I know I was wrong. I just spoke without restraint in a hurry..."

Then, several people came forward to help plead for mercy.

Qin Xiao snorted coldly: "If there is a next time, I will never tolerate it!"

After that, Qin Xiao looked at Lu Ming: "Vice Dean Lu, the incense has burned out, announce the result. "

Lu Ming immediately said yes.

The conversation on the high platform was blocked by the formation, and the disciples watching the battle around did not hear it.

But these conversations fell clearly into Yun Hao's ears.

He had a better impression of Qin Xiao, the dean of Qingfeng General Hospital. To be able to sit in this position, he is already a core figure of the Qingfeng Dynasty, but he can still uphold the concept that all people are born equal, which is not easy.

At this time.

Lu Ming flew down from the high platform.

His eyes fell on Yun Hao, with a deep smile of appreciation.

"The winner of the quota competition has been decided. Yun Hao, Wang Gang, Zhou Feiping, Chen Jiao, and Lu Chong will represent our Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy to participate in the Dynasty Competition.

I hope you can continue to work hard, don't let down our Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, and work hard for your future prospects, and strive to achieve brilliant results in the Dynasty Competition! "

After Lu Ming finished speaking, he turned his gaze to Yun Hao and the other four people and said, "Three days later, you and the other five people will enter the Lixin Pool of the Qingfeng General Hospital to practice and make the final sprint for the Dynasty Competition. Go back and prepare well!"

After that.

Lu Ming flew back to the high platform.

Yun Hao turned around and walked towards the location where the fat man and the others were.


Suddenly, a group of female disciples rushed over frantically and surrounded Yun Hao.

"Junior Brother Yun, this is the first time we meet. I heard that you are a disciple of Yu Jianfeng of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy in Beihan County. I am also from Yu Jianfeng. We can learn sword skills when we are free."

"Junior Brother Yun, you just came to the imperial city and must not be familiar with the situation in the imperial city. I will take you out for a walk."

"Junior Brother Yun, your dragon is so powerful. Can you show it to me in private?"

"My dream in this life is to fly on a dragon. Junior Brother Yun, can you use your dragon to take me to the sky? "

Shi Feng frowned and looked at He Dongliu: "Are all the female disciples of the main hospital so crazy?"

The fat man sighed: "It's almost as if they have written their commitment on their faces."

He Dongliu was also helpless: "The female disciples of the main hospital are indeed brave enough to love and hate, but this is the first time they are so crazy."

Just then.

A sharp shout sounded.

"The imperial edict has arrived, Yun Hao accepts it!"

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