God Hongtian

Chapter 2627: Counterattack and seize the treasure!

Gouzi's power exploded, and after helping Yun Hao withstand Huang Shuang's blow, he reminded Yun Hao to leave quickly.

Yun Hao actually noticed that something was wrong, so he immediately ignored everything else and straddled Gouzi, riding on Gouzi's back with Yaya, and then used the secret magic of Xingzi to bless Gouzi's body.

Gouzi's speed suddenly soared, carrying Yun Hao and Yaya on his back, and fled away in an instant.

Yun Hao glanced behind him.

I saw a man with a cold expression, stepping on the fairy light, chasing after him.

This man's aura is obviously not human, but a special racial bloodline that Yun Hao has never come into contact with. He is about the fifth level of the Immortal Emperor Realm, but his speed is extremely fast. If it weren't for Yun Hao's Secret Immortal If the magic is applied to Gouzi, Gouzi will most likely be caught up.

You know, Gouzi's strength is comparable to that of the Perfection Realm Immortal Emperor.

The man who was chasing Yun Hao snorted coldly as he saw Yun Hao and the others getting further and further away. Suddenly, a wooden long bow appeared in his hand.

The surface of this wooden long bow is engraved with mysterious runes. The bow is very exaggerated, half taller than a man.

The man stopped chasing, stood still, exhaled, and immediately drew the bowstring.

The bow is like the full moon!

Arrows condensed from the pale energy were placed on the long bow.

"Want to run?"

"too naive!"

"go to hell!"

The man sneered, pinched the bow string with his fingers, and released it instantly.


"Whoosh whoosh!"

Arrows condensed from pale energy shot out, streaking across the sky and earth with streaks of pale light. The piercing power contained in them was very terrifying, and it directly locked onto Yun Hao, Gouzi , and the breath of Yaya.

Even though Yun Hao immediately used his solipsism and used the power that resonated with heaven and earth to get rid of the lock on the breath of the pale arrow, it was to no avail.

"Master, I'm coming!"

Gouzi shouted loudly.

In an instant, bones fell off Gouzi's body one by one and turned into 'sword bones'. He used the crazy sword skills of Dugu Sword Demon to face the pale arrows that shot him one after another. , chopped away.

"Boom boom boom!"

The power of the pale arrow collided violently with Gouzi's 'sword bone' that used the crazy sword technique.

Although he successfully blocked it, after Gouzi's sword bones flew back to Gouzi's body, Yunhao could clearly see that Gouzi's sword bones were severely damaged.

"Master, I am not afraid of the power of the pale arrow, but the power in the pale arrow is very strange, and the damage to my bones is terrible..."

at this time.

The man of special blood holding a wooden long bow drew the bowstring again.

The corners of his mouth were raised, and his expression was cold.

Then, seven more pale arrows were condensed!

The seven pale arrows roared and shot, and the sharp sound of tearing apart the heaven and the earth was extremely shocking.

Gouzi roared again, and the 'sword bones' fell off one after another. He used the crazy sword technique to resist the shooting of the seven pale arrows!

The dog blocks it again!

But this batch of 'sword bones' were all pitted, and the crystal clear fairy light dimmed, becoming extremely fragile.

Gouzi hurriedly took back this batch of 'sword bones'.

"Gouzi, are you okay?" Yaya's heartstrings were tense and she was very nervous. Her little hands caressed Gouzi's injured bones, feeling heartache.

Gouzi: "Sister Yaya, don't worry, Gouzi is fine!"

"Be careful, it's here again!"

Yun Hao drank lightly.

I saw nine more pale arrows, released from the exaggerated wooden longbow by the man of that special race.

This time, the nine arrows actually shot towards Yun Hao and the others, their auras intertwined with each other, and then merged into one!


A huge roar sounded.

It was like a river transformed from pale energy, rushing crazily through the sky and earth, vast and powerful!

this moment.

The remaining intact bones on Gouzi's body fell off one after another, turning into sharp swords.

The crazy sword technique that seemed to be chopping randomly was deployed through Gouzi's 'sword bones' one by one, slashing thousands of times in an instant, and exploding the huge pale arrow!

The expression on the face of the man holding an exaggerated wooden longbow finally changed.

"I don't believe you can still block my arrow!"

He shouted angrily.

The aura on his body was boiling, exuding violent fairy light. The long bow he held in his hand suddenly flowed with rich pale aura, and a large number of pale runes were gathering in the pale aura.

He drew the bowstring with one hand!

Those pale runes immediately attracted the pale energy from the world to gather together.

But just when this pale arrow, which must be extremely powerful, is about to take shape.

A sharp breath fell from the sky!

The man holding a long bow suddenly raised his head, his pupils shrank, and then his fairy heart trembled!

A brilliant sword energy slashed down instantly!

Ask the Immortal Nine Swords!

The first sword!


Yun Hao's sword forcefully shattered the terrifying pale arrow that was about to condense into shape!

Being passively defensive all the time is not Yun Hao's style!

Moreover, if this guy really wants to keep cumming, the dog won’t be able to last long.

So Yun Hao took the initiative to attack!

Since this guy's arrows are very powerful!

Then don't let him shoot!

After Yun Hao's sword energy shattered the pale arrow that was not completely formed, the stone sword in his hand also slashed at the wooden bow.

At this moment, he did not hold back, went all out, and no longer hid this perfect stone sword.

Just want to solve it as soon as possible!

Because there are more than one guy who suddenly appeared!

If the delay is longer, the companions of this guy will come, and things will only be more troublesome and difficult.

It must be a quick battle!

Although the bow body is only made of wood, it obviously has an extraordinary origin. It is a fairy material that Yun Hao has not yet touched and has never understood.

Even if this stone sword has recognized Yun Hao and completed the sharpening, and Yun Hao has also excavated some of the power of the stone sword through the palm of arms, the stone sword's slash only split the bow body of the wooden longbow, and a gap is just made.

The man's body lost balance and flew backwards.

He roared, and immediately stabilized his body. He picked up the longbow in his hand and smashed it towards Yun Hao who continued to swing his sword!

A mysterious ripple of light suddenly rippled in Yun Hao's sword. In this ripple, the flow rate of time was changed!

A sword of time!

Yun Hao's sword easily bypassed the longbow that the man smashed, and the sword tip twisted!


The man screamed, and the palm that grabbed the longbow was cut off by the stone sword from the wrist!

Then, Yun Hao's sword tip was picked up again.

The wooden longbow was thrown into the air.

Gouzi rushed over with Yaya on his back.

Gouzi grabbed the longbow in one bite.

Yun Hao noticed that there were several more breaths whistling in the distance. He no longer wanted to fight, and immediately flashed and sat on the back of Gouzi: "Go!"

The man who broke his wrist and lost his longbow could only watch the backs of Yun Hao and the others disappear, gritting his teeth, exasperated, and roaring!

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