God Hongtian

Chapter 2626: The body is petrified and sudden changes occur!

Huang Shuang's body turned into a flash of black light, which exploded in an instant and landed in front of Yun Hao.

But Yunhao relied on his keen perception and the speed of writing secret magic to disappear from the place in an instant.

Huang Shuang raised his hand and flicked it, and a fierce black aura suddenly blasted towards Yaya!

But several of Gouzi's bones spread out and he slashed like a sword. He used the crazy sword technique to disintegrate Huang Shuang's offensive.

Immediately afterwards, Gouzi's 'sword bones' were extremely fast, bursting out with sharp edges and slashing towards Huang Shuang.

Huang Shuang realized that Gouzi was difficult to deal with, so he formed a seal with one hand, and a layer of black phoenix fairy fire filled the air in front of him, blocking Gouzi's sword bones.

When Gouzi's sword bone shattered the layer of black Phoenix fairy fire, Huang Shuang had already swept away to pursue Yun Hao.

At the same time, several high-level Black Phoenixes in the Immortal Emperor Realm received orders from Huang Shuang and rushed over to besiege Gouzi to prevent Gouzi from reinforcing Yun Hao.

Gouzi had received Yunhao's order to go all out to protect Yaya, so he stayed beside Yaya and started a fierce battle with the black phoenixes who came to kill him.

"No more undead around you!"

"Do you think you can compete with me with just this speed?"

"Isn't it too naive, or too ignorant?"

Huang Shuang sneered.

Fingers with sharp black nails were tearing towards Yun Hao!

Black sharp energy shot out densely, blocking Yun Hao's escape route!

Yun Hao thought, and suddenly, black figures appeared beside him!

The perfect sword puppet of Ziwei Star Palace!

Since these sword puppets were brought to the place of exile by Yun Hao, they have been subjected to violent force impacts one after another.

Each time, I repaired a little by myself, but Yun Hao brought it out to fight again. As of now, the ninety-nine perfect sword puppets are all in tatters.

But even so, after the ferocious magnetic force erupted from the bodies of these sword puppets, they still possessed a power that could not be underestimated. At least, they stayed by Yun Hao's side and easily blocked Huang Shuang's attack.

Huang Shuang showed disdain.

The next moment, she caught a stone fragment in her hand!

Whether it is the Phoenix Clan camp led by Cangwu Immortal Lord or the Black Phoenix camp under the Old Demon of Extermination, they have been exploring the Exiled Land for a long time. There may not be many complete stone tools, but there are many fragments of such stone tools. !

The stone fragments in Huang's hands were thrown out suddenly!

Yun Hao's will was instantly conveyed to the sword puppets, and all the sword puppets dispersed!

These sword puppets, because they have been damaged, can no longer withstand the impact of the force of the stone fragments detonating!

But after the sword puppets dispersed, Yun Hao did not dodge the stone fragments thrown by Huang Shuang. Instead, he took one step forward and rushed towards the stone fragments at top speed.

"court death!"

Huang Shuang drank coldly.

Seeing it, the stone fragments were about to hit Yun Hao.

Huang Shuang formed a seal with one hand to detonate it!

But at this moment, Yun Hao moved faster, and his right hand suddenly reached out and grabbed the stone fragments!

In an instant, Huang Shuang's expression changed dramatically.

Her connection with the stone fragments was directly blocked!

Pale hands, forcibly suppress!

Taking advantage of the moment when Huang Shuang was stunned, Yun Hao used the Secret Immortal Technique of Bing Zi to perform the palm weapon technique, temporarily sealing the stone fragments and throwing them at Huang Shuang!

The stone fragments shot towards Huang Shuang.

Yun Hao cast another spell to release the power of the sealed stone fragments.

The moment the seal is released.


Stone fragments detonate.

Huang Shuang's killing move ended up hitting her. In the wave of destruction caused by the detonation of the stone fragments, Huang Shuang's body lost its balance and flew backwards!

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Magnetic Storm Sword Puppets with broken bodies rushed out and took this opportunity to launch a fierce attack on Huang Shuang.

Huang Shuang let out an angry roar from his mouth, and then transformed into the body of a black phoenix. The ferocious black phoenix fairy fire turned into a torrential sea of ​​fire, melting the burned bodies of Yun Hao's magnetic storm sword puppets.

Yunhao had to take back all the magnetic storm sword puppets again!

"Boom boom boom boom!"

The black phoenix transformed by Huang Shuang kept flapping its black wings, and the black fairy fire was extremely violent.


"I underestimated you, and I almost suffered a big loss at your hands!"

"No wonder that idiot Feng Ying died in your hands!"

"No wonder you were able to use the Flute of the Dead in such a short period of time. You could even suppress the stone fragments I was about to detonate for a moment. It seems that you have unimaginable talent in controlling stone tools!"

"But, that's all for now!"

"I will let you die without a burial place today!"

Huang Shuang let out an angry roar.

Yun Hao stared at Huang Shuang's claws!

A complex and strange light appeared on his face.

Huang Shuang's claws have turned into stone tools!

Those are a pair of stone claws!

Stone tools are extremely special immortal treasures in the Exiled Land!

The two main camps of the Phoenix Clan are searching for more stone tools and exploring how to use them, but how to create such extraordinary stone tools is beyond their imagination for the time being.

Never imagined.

In the Black Phoenix camp, Huang Shuang, a disciple of the old devil, was able to transform his flesh and blood body into a stone form!

Even though Huang Shuang only had two claws turned into stone claws, this was still very impressive.

Yun Hao suspected that the reason why Huang Shuang was able to detonate those stone fragments must be related to her pair of stone claws!

"It's your honor to be able to force me to use my stone claws and die under my stone claws!"

Huang Shuang shouted again, and the huge black phoenix body fiercely pounced on Yun Hao.

Yun Hao knew well, not to mention the special situation of Huang Shuang, even if it were another tenth level monk of the Immortal Emperor Realm, he would have almost no chance of winning if he brought out all the trump cards under the premise that the sword puppet could not be used.

But this time, even if he doesn't use the sword puppet, Yun Hao plans to beat the stone claws of Huang Shuang!

Since the pale hand has the absolute effect of suppressing and controlling stone tools, it should also be able to forcibly suppress Huang Shuang's stone claws!

And Huang Shuang saw Yun Hao's plan.

She had just experienced Yun Hao's ability to control stone tools, but she didn't believe that Yun Hao could still deal with her stone claws!

Because other stone fragments have no will!

Her stone claws are part of her body and are absolutely controlled by her will!

Seeing it, Yun Hao's right hand was about to touch Huang Shuang's stone claws.

Suddenly, a sudden change occurred!



It was actually Gouzi, carrying Yaya on his back, and rushed over desperately, blocking Huang Shuang's stone claws, and forcefully withstood the stone claw's blow.

Even though the bones were broken a lot, Gouzi's body still exerted force and threw himself on Yun Hao again.

Immediately afterwards.

In this world, the endless pale energy boiled.

One after another, figures walked out of the boiling pale air.


"It's so lively!"

"How can we allow these things to cause trouble in our place of trial?"


A cold laugh sounded.

These guys who came out of the pale aura took action one after another!

Regardless of camp!

No difference...killing!

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