God Hongtian

Chapter 2621 Stone Bell, Pale Qi!

As time went by, more and more Phoenix monks came to the area around the Immortal Fire Platform.

But the place was very quiet.

Because Cangwu Immortal Lord is here.

No one dares to make any noise!

A distance away from Yunhao and the others.

Feng Chao, who was so angry that he vomited blood and fainted at the Fairy Fire Platform yesterday, also arrived.

His eyes never moved away from Yun Hao.

"Senior brother, does that kid also want to take part in Cangwu Immortal Lord's test?"

"He is a human race, will Cangwu Immortal Lord give him this opportunity?"

"That's right, he and we are not on the same page at all..."

A cold light flashed in Feng Chao's eyes, and he said: "I don't know what Elder Feng Xing said to Cangwu Immortal Lord. Cangwu Immortal Lord did agree to let him participate in today's test. Just like us, as long as he can pass the test, You can get a spot to enter that place.”

Speaking of which.

Feng Chao gritted his teeth and said, "Humph, although his understanding of the weapon-handling technique is indeed very strong, his strength is not enough. Today's test is not easy. He has no chance!"

"Yesterday's shame!"

"I, Feng Chao, must earn back my face today!"

After another moment.

Above the Immortal Fire Platform, Cangwu Immortal Lord, who was hanging cross-legged, opened his eyes again.

He stood up!

Suddenly, a supreme spirit spread.

Yunhao's feelings were very strong.

If this Cangwu Immortal Lord leaves the place of exile, I'm afraid... he will be able to attain enlightenment immediately.

After all, this is the Super Immortal Lord who has stepped into the threshold of enlightenment almost ten thousand years ago. The reason why he has not yet become the Immortal Emperor is just because he stays in the Exiled Land, the Exiled Land. The environment restricted him.

But Yunhao didn't quite understand.

Previously, Feng Ming, who was still in the Immortal King realm, could summon the Gate of Exile through rituals.

Why doesn’t Cangwu Immortal Lord go out to preach?

Wouldn't it be better to come in and slay the old demon after attaining enlightenment?

Or is there another secret?

Cangwu Immortal Lord, deliberately... did not attain enlightenment!

Did he know some secrets of the Exiled Land?

For a powerful Immortal Emperor who has attained the level of enlightenment, in the Land of Exile, there is... no return!

However, even if Cangwu Immortal Lord knew this secret, Yun Hao would not be too surprised. After all, it would be abnormal for such a powerful person to not know anything after staying in the Exile Land for so long!

Cangwu Immortal Lord's eyes swept across the entire audience, and then said directly: "You all already know what happened today, so I won't say any more. The test begins now. If you can persist for an hour in the test, you can Get access to that place!”

Not a word of nonsense.

Just finished.

Immortal Cangwu raised his hand and waved, and immediately, a huge stone bell flew out from his storage ring.

The shape of the stone clock is simple.

There is no pattern on the surface, just like an ordinary stone, formed by simple polishing.

This stone clock is very complete, without any missing parts, but it is also obvious that there are many fine cracks on the surface.

Unlike Yun Hao's Dugu Sword Demon's stone sword, there was no flaw at all.

The stone bell hanging above the Immortal Fire Platform vibrated suddenly, emitting a loud and thick bell sound. Then, layers of pale aura filled the air from the stone bell and enveloped the Immortal Fire Platform.

"Anyone who wants to give it a try can go to the Immortal Fire Platform and accept the test!"

Cangwu Immortal Lord’s voice sounded again.

Suddenly, figures flew up one after another.

If you can pass the test this time, the place you will go to has a huge immortal connection. After all, everyone knows that it was in that place that Cangwu Immortal Master obtained a technique that was suspected to be the ancient emperor's scripture, and obtained the This stone bell led them to gain a firm foothold in the place of exile.

It was at that place that the old demon of extermination got a batch of banishment fruits and created the Black Phoenix camp.

Everyone knows it too.

There must be many dangers in that kind of place.

But... I still want to go!

Immortal fate is always accompanied by danger!

If you don’t want to take risks, then don’t even think about reaching high places during your journey to immortality!

No matter what level of practitioner you are, it is actually the same.


Compete with your companions!

Compete with your opponents!

Fight with heaven and earth!

Only dare to fight! There is nothing you can do!

Yunhao climbed onto the Immortal Fire Platform.

The undead dogs also came up!

Although he is a coward.

But the loyalty of the undead dog is unquestionable. Wherever Yunhao goes, he will follow.

But if Yun Hao really wants to go to that mysterious place, just Yun Hao passing the test will not work. Therefore, the undead dog himself must also accept the test.

Feng Ming and Yaya also came up.

And that Feng Chao and several companions deliberately flew next to Yun Hao!

Feng Chao stared at Yun Hao with hatred in his eyes.

Yesterday's shame was the first time in his life that he suffered such a big blow. He lowered his voice and said: "Today, I am right next to you, using your embarrassment to set off my ability!"

Yun Hao didn't even bother to look at him. He just patted the undead dog's skull with one hand.

Seeing this scene, Feng Chao became even more angry!

There were also many older generation Phoenix monks who boarded the Immortal Fire Platform.

But Yunhao discovered that there was no immortal-level Phoenix elder on the scene.

But this matter, Cangwu Immortal Master attaches great importance to it. It is impossible not to arrange for a strong Immortal Master level to enter that place. Now that he has not appeared, he is obviously an Immortal Master level Phoenix elder. There is a high probability that Cangwu Immortal Master will not have to accept this test. Wu Xianzun has already decided on the list.

A moment.

There were already dense crowds of figures standing on the huge Immortal Fire Platform, and no Phoenix cultivator continued to come up. At this time, the voice of Cangwu Immortal Lord seemed to ring in the ears of every creature who climbed onto the Immortal Fire Platform. .

"The test begins!"

next moment.

The stone bell hanging in the air once again sounded a loud sound, and the pale energy poured down.

This kind of pale energy contains an extremely domineering corrosive effect. It not only corrodes the physical body of Qi, blood, but also corrodes the immortal power and immortal soul!

The figures on the Immortal Fire Platform all looked solemn and tried their best to resist this erosion.

But Yunhao... felt a familiar feeling in his heart because of these pale auras...

This sense of familiarity comes from pale hands!

The power of the pale hand is exactly the same as this pale energy!

However, the pale hand now has lost its power!

The pale energy fell on Yun Hao, and the pale hands were about to move, trying to absorb the power, but Yun Hao stopped him immediately.

The Pale Hand is now firmly under his control. If the Pale Hand regains its strength, that may not be the case!

Since what suppressed the pale hand came from Ye Chen and Lu Yi's methods, Yunhao prevented the pale hand from absorbing the pale energy. The pale hand really couldn't absorb it at all.

Yunhao, like other guys, resisted the erosion of the pale energy.

He seems to be focused and giving his all, but in fact, he is very relaxed.

This flush of pale energy is nothing compared to the previous burst of power when the pale hand lost control!

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