God Hongtian

Chapter 2620 Cangwu Immortal Lord!

On the Immortal Fire Platform, Feng Chao vomited blood and fell into coma.

This scene made every Phoenix cultivator around them look extremely complicated.

This Feng Chao is a disciple of Nantian Immortal Lord!

Feng Chao is no longer a member of the new generation, but one of the most watched and powerful men among the older generation of monks.

Feng Chao has always been famous. Compared with other Phoenix monks who were born in the Exiled Land, he has the talent to be closer to the fairy spirit of the Exiled Land. From the beginning of his practice to the present, he has stood out and stood out. of light.

Especially, after being accepted as a disciple by Nan Tianxian Zun and learning the art of wielding weapons, Feng Chao became even more prosperous.

Even though Ling Feiyu came out later and overshadowed Feng Chao, no matter what, Feng Chao always had a very high status here.

Today, Feng Chao lost the competition, which was nothing, but he vomited blood and fainted. This performance... was really terrible!

With such a state of mind and such a will, this is not a heavy burden to bear!


Growing up so smoothly!

He has also been protected very well!

As a result, he couldn't bear any pressure at all!

The two immortal elders who supported Feng Chao immediately rushed to the Immortal Fire Platform.

They looked at Feng Chao's miserable state and then glared at Yun Hao.

Feng Xing also jumped up and came to the Immortal Fire Platform, standing next to Yun Hao.

That's when.

Suddenly, a majestic voice sounded.

"All elders, come to the main hall quickly!"

Feng Xing looked startled, then looked at Yun Hao aside and said: "Cangwu Immortal Lord is back, I'll go to the main hall first!"

Yun Hao's heart felt hot.

Cangwu Immortal Lord is back.

Is Ling Feiyu back too?

There was deep anticipation in his eyes!

Then, Feng Xing immediately rushed to the main hall to see Cangwu Immortal Lord.

The two elders of the Phoenix clan who supported Feng Chao also did not dare to neglect. Cangwu Immortal Lord's will was the absolute core here!

Yunhao jumped up and left the Immortal Fire Platform, then left with Feng Ming, Yaya, and Undead Gouzi, and returned to the residence arranged for them by Feng Xing, waiting for news.

While waiting, Yunhao seemed a little anxious.

A full half day passed.

Feng Xing is finally back!

"Senior, what's going on?"

Yun Hao couldn't wait to greet him.

Feng Xing's expression looked very complicated. He was silent for a moment and said: "Cangwu Immortal Lord is back and summoned us to discuss a major matter. Ling Feiyu did not come back, but the major matter we discussed today has nothing to do with Ling Feiyu." related!"

Yun Hao's expression was solemn, and his intuition told him that this matter might not be simple, otherwise, Cangwu Immortal Lord would not have summoned all the elders of the Phoenix clan here to discuss it for so long.

"Senior, can you... tell me what you discussed?" Yun Hao asked.

Feng Xing nodded and said, "Okay, there's nothing I can't say, because this matter will no longer be a secret. Tomorrow, all the monks from our Phoenix clan here will know about it."

"A mysterious place has appeared in the Exiled Land, which should involve the secret of the true core of the Exiled Land."

"Cangwu Immortal Lord had just entered the place of exile and when he was chasing the old demon of extermination, they fought all the way and entered that place."

"It was there that Cangwu Immortal Lord found a very powerful stone tool and obtained an inheritance that was suspected to be the ancient emperor's scripture. Then he led us to truly gain a foothold in the Exiled Land."

"And it was in that place that the old demon of extermination took away many fruits of exile. They took the fruits of exile and transformed into black phoenixes, so they could practice in the place of exile."

"However, after Cangwu Immortal Lord and the old demon of extinction came out, they could never find that place again."

"Now, this place appears again. Cangwu Immortal Lord cannot enter again because he has entered it once, and Ling Feiyu has already entered."

"Cangwu Immortal Lord rushed back immediately, preparing to gather a group of forces to go inside to reinforce Ling Feiyu!"

Speaking of this, Feng Xing stopped.

Feng Ming and Yaya both looked curious, what was going on in that mysterious place?

But Yunhao felt nervous!

The secrets of this place of exile involve a lot of Immortal Emperor situations. Although he is also curious about what is going on, now he wants to stay away from these secrets.

He just wanted to find Ling Feiyu and take Ling Feiyu away.

The Dugu Sword Demon, who was as powerful as he once was, also suffered a big loss because he came into contact with those secrets.

Yunhao doesn't want to get involved too deeply!

"Third Grandpa, Cangwu Immortal Lord wants to summon a group of forces to go into that place to reinforce Ling Feiyu. How do you choose?" Feng Ming asked this question for Yun Hao.

Feng Xing: "That mysterious place is very different from other areas in the Exiled Land. Strong power is not the first condition for entering."

"And the most powerful stone tool in Cangwu Immortal Lord's hand is a stone bell. The stone bell was obtained from that place, and the stone bell is still contaminated with a little bit of the atmosphere of that place."

"Tomorrow, Immortal Cangwu will release the power of the stone bell."

"As long as you can survive the impact of the stone clock's power for an hour, you can enter that mysterious place!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed and he said: "Senior, can I... take part in tomorrow's test?"

Feng Xing hummed and said: "I have reported your matter to Cangwu Immortal Lord, and I have also reported the truth about your relationship with Ling Feiyu. Cangwu Immortal Lord agreed to let you participate in tomorrow's test. If you can pass the test, you can go. If you can't pass, you can only stay here and wait for Ling Feiyu to come out of that place!"

Yun Hao finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It would be great if he could take part in the test!

If Cangwu Immortal Lord doesn't agree, he really has no other choice.

Yaya suddenly asked: "Will the guys from the Black Phoenix camp also go?"

Feng Xing gave a clear response, saying: "Old Demon Jueji also attaches great importance to this matter, and will definitely arrange for powerful forces to enter it!"

Yun Hao's eyes flashed.

"Cangwu Immortal Lord and Jueji Old Demon have both gone in before and have made huge gains. So this time, both sides send elites in again. Do they have a clear goal? What are they going to do in that place?"

Feng Xing shook his head and said: "I can't tell you clearly about this now. If you can pass the test, Immortal Cangwu will give you guidance before departure!"

Apparently, he knew.

But this involves something deeper.

Without Cangwu Immortal Lord's permission, Feng Xing did not dare to leak it at will.

Yun Hao asked no more questions.

The next day.

Sure enough, the news that Cangwu Immortal Lord was going to select a group of elites to enter the mysterious land had completely spread.

Due to time constraints, the test will be conducted immediately on the Fairy Fire Platform.

A large number of Phoenix Clan monks rushed to the Immortal Fire Platform.

When Yunhao and the others arrived, the surroundings of the Immortal Fire Platform were already crowded with dense figures!

On the fairy fire stage.

An old man wearing a white robe, his body hanging in the air, sitting cross-legged, even though he did not make any movements, there was a transcendent aura permeating his body, making all the surrounding Phoenix monks dare not look directly at him. Treat him as such.

It is Cangwu Immortal Lord!

Yun Hao looked at Cangwu Immortal Lord.

He is relatively able to adapt to the aura of this enlightened super immortal, after all, he has been in contact with top powerhouses many times.

Cangwu Immortal Lord seemed to feel something, and suddenly opened his eyes and looked at Yun Hao!

Eye to eye!

A flash of surprise flashed through Cangwu Immortal Lord's eyes, and then he regained his composure and closed his eyes again.

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