God Hongtian

Chapter 250 Dragon Vein Luck, Devouring

The man in green shirt suddenly appeared, with his back to everyone in Qingfeng Martial Academy. His back was really ordinary.

However, this person frightened the old dean of Cangxing General Hospital so much that he did not dare to move.

Moreover, the shot fired from the air just now shook the ground with a radius of one kilometer into powder without any sound. Such power is really unbelievable.

Even with Yun Hao's knowledge, there was a hint of surprise in his heart.

He could tell that this was a monk in the Guiyi Realm, and the shot he fired just now contained some Taoist charm!

Dao Yun is not a power that monks at the level of Guiyi Realm can come into contact with. Even if there are Cave Heaven Realm monks above the Guiyi Realm, those who can understand Dao Yun are very rare!

Unexpectedly, there is such a person in the Qingfeng Dynasty!

Being considered a figure in his eyes is not something everyone can do.

If this person does not die, given time, he will definitely leave a legend in this huge world.

"Han... Han Qianshan, I really didn't expect that you would be released from seclusion..."

Opposite, Zhu Yun, the old dean of Cangxing General Hospital, finally spoke. Because he was too nervous, his voice was trembling and stuttering, and the expression on his stiff face was extremely unnatural.

"Han Qianshan...he is Han Qianshan from our Qingfeng General Hospital!"

"Don't be rude, call me Mr. Han!"

"I...I actually met the legendary Professor Han..."

From Qingfeng Martial Academy, there were waves of shocked, excited, and happy voices.

Han Qianshan, a genius who appears only once in five hundred years, is the most talented warrior in the history of the Qingfeng Dynasty.

The legend about him has long been known throughout the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Before the age of fifteen, Han Qianshan came from a wealthy family. He only read the books of sages and had not even dabbled in martial arts.

After the age of fifteen, the Han family encountered drastic changes. Han Qianshan picked up the ancestral spear and began to practice martial arts.

No one thought he could succeed.

After all, at the age of fifteen, he had already missed the best time to practice and polish his foundation. Moreover, at that time, Han Qianshan was thin and often suffering from diseases. He was a veritable sickly and weak scholar.


Han Qianshan's performance soon shocked all those who didn't think highly of him.

In less than three months, from scratch, he crossed the Qi-Entraining Realm and possessed the cultivation level of the True Yuan Realm. In less than a year, he reached the Sea Transformation Realm and the Spirit-Gathering Realm one after another!

It is said that a rare battle broke out between Qingfeng Martial Academy and Cangxing Martial Academy to compete for Han Qianshan, the strong men from both sides.

Han Qianshan joined Qingfeng Martial Academy.

From then on, his cultivation level continued to improve at an incredible speed, setting records of the Qingfeng Dynasty again and again.

At the age of twenty, Han Qianshan broke through Yuan Gang's limit and condensed the golden elixir.

On the day when the golden elixir was achieved, a thunder disaster fell from the sky!

Han Qianshan's spear was like a dragon and penetrated the rolling thundercloud!

At the age of twenty-one, Han Qianshan created his own spear technique Qianying, which became one of the strongest martial arts in Qingfeng Dynasty in terms of attack. He also became the chief instructor of Qingfeng General Academy.

At the age of twenty-three, Han Qianshan broke through again and entered the Guiyi Realm, ranking among the Qingfeng Dynasty’s most powerful warriors.

The top of the pyramid is also the first person in the history of the Qingfeng Dynasty to enter the Guiyi Realm before the age of thirty.

Since then, Han Qianshan's improvement in cultivation level seems to have stagnated. Today, Han Qianshan is exactly thirty and has still not entered the cave heaven realm, but this does not affect Han Qianshan's status and influence in the hearts of everyone in the Qingfeng Dynasty at all.

He is the goal and direction that countless people want to pursue!

Yun Hao had heard many things about Han Qianshan.

It's not that he deliberately inquired, but it was often mentioned by people around him.

Yun Hao thought of various deeds about Han Qianshan. From the age of twenty-three to now thirty, Han Qianshan had not made any major breakthroughs. It seemed that it was because of the Taoist charm contained in that shot just now!

Seven years.

The opportunity to improve one's realm was replaced by a subtle Taoist rhyme.

This...is not a loss at all!

It can even be said that it is so worth it!

This means that Han Qianshan has paved the way to become a truly top-level powerhouse!

Han Qianshan glanced at Zhu Yun opposite him. He did not speak. His face, like that of a handsome scholar, was filled with calmness. He stretched out his palm and grasped the spear stuck in the ground.

this moment.

Zhu Yun, the old dean of Cangxing General Hospital, shouted: "I'm leaving!"

He... was completely scared.

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhu Yun jumped up and wanted to leave in the air.

"What I'm saying is, get out or die!"

Han Qianshan spoke in a calm tone, then raised his spear, and a spear shadow shot out instantly, still silently, and directly penetrated Zhu Yun's vitality.

The protection then penetrated Zhu Yun's chest.

Blood splattered in the air.

Zhu Yun screamed, his body fell, and then rolled all the way down from the top of Qingfeng Wuyuan.

Seeing this scene, the disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy cheered and applauded.

Han Qianshan turned around.

Bai Changfeng immediately stepped forward, cupped his hands and said, "Teacher Han."

Han Qianshan also raised his hands to Bai Changfeng and said: "I once asked Dean Bai for advice. Once a teacher, a lifelong teacher."

At this time, Han Qianshan no longer had the domineering attitude he had before, but instead looked like a polite scholar.


He seemed... somewhat unaccustomed to the countless adoring gazes around him, and his expression was a bit... awkward.

After greeting Bai Changfeng, Han Qianshan looked at Yun Hao, a thirty-year-old man with eyes as clear and pure as a child's.

"Are you Yun Hao?" Han Qianshan asked.

Yun Hao nodded: "Exactly."

Han Qianshan: "Can I take a step to speak?"

Even though he was the chief instructor of the Qingfeng General Academy and the most famous super genius in the Qingfeng Dynasty, his tone towards Yun Hao was extremely polite.

Anyone who knows him well knows that Han Qianshan has always been like this. Even though he has embarked on the path of spiritual practice, he has always been a scholar in essence.

"Then go to Yujian Peak, please." Yun Hao said.

The next moment, Yun Hao rose into the air, and Han Qianshan followed.

Yun Hao took Han Qianshan to his residence at Yujian Peak. After entering the courtyard, Han Qianshan's expression finally relaxed a lot.

He didn't beat around the bush, he got straight to the point and said:

"Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Office returned to the Imperial City and was seriously injured and was in coma for several days. After waking up, he released the news that you had obtained the innate fire from the Fire Ruins Secret Realm.

Now, the news that you have obtained the innate fire has completely spread among the top powerhouse circles.

We have received rumors that many forces are eyeing the innate fire in you, especially the Flame Valley. They are bound to get it.

The Valley of Fire is ruthless in its actions, and you have to guard against retaliation from the Prime Minister's Office. There are also many snakes, insects, rats, and ants that you cannot guard against. If you continue to stay in Beihan County, you will be in great danger.

Therefore, the dean specially asked me to come out of the customs and escort you to Qingfeng Main Hospital! "

Naturally, the dean he was talking about could not refer to Bai Changfeng, but the dean of Qingfeng General Hospital!

After hearing this, Yun Hao's eyes narrowed slightly, and a cold light burst out.

Han Qianshan: "I heard about Murong Guang's rebellion on the road, and I also have a certain understanding of your strength. After meeting you, I can feel that you are stronger than what the outside world said. Your talent is even better than mine." above.

Perhaps, the ordinary people in the Valley of Fire are no match for you at all.

But... it is a good choice for a gentleman not to stand behind a dangerous wall and go to Qingfeng General Hospital.

Of course, how you choose is up to you. This is also the instructions of the dean. Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy respects your choice! "

Yun Hao nodded and said, "When will we set off?"

He had originally intended to go to the imperial city, and he was bound to get to the bottom of the secrets in the soul pool in the royal forbidden area!

Han Qianshan: "Is it feasible tomorrow?"

Yun Hao: "Okay, let's set off tomorrow!"

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