God Hongtian

Chapter 249: Spear breaks through the air, terrifying force

Li Xuanyin was so angry that he sneered and shouted: "Yunhao, you are too arrogant, not even Bai Changfeng has the courage to say such things, you... who do you think you are?

With your little strength, even if you have innate fire, you can't even think of overpowering my Aohan Xuan Gong. As long as I'm prepared, your dragon spirit can't shake my will!

If you want to humiliate yourself, go ahead! "

Currently, Yun Hao's two most famous battles are the first one in which he killed seven golden elixirs and a mid-level Xuan-level formation mage, and the second one in which he destroyed the Blood Moon and forced back the demon sect's enchantress.

But as for the situation of the former battle, only Chu Xinyue and Manager Lin were seen with their own eyes. The others were all dead. Now it is just passed down by word of mouth. What's more, although there are many of those guys, none of them exceeds the Golden Core realm. None of the fifth level ones.

As for the latter, as everyone knows, Yun Hao succeeded entirely because of the innate fire's ability to burn blood.

The battle that truly demonstrated his strength was when Yun Hao shocked Huang Yu's spirit and will with the Qinglong Yuanling and suppressed Huang Yu with one move. However, in that battle, Huang Yu only used 50% of his strength.

Therefore, Li Xuanyin is not afraid of Yun Hao.

She is at the seventh level of the Golden Core Realm, and her Aohan Mysterious Skill is extremely extraordinary. If she can become the dean of the Cangxing Martial Academy in Beihan County, her combat prowess should not be underestimated!

Yun Hao stopped responding and raised his right hand.


Su Xin Sword shot out from the storage ring, and the hilt fell into his hand.

The clanging sword sounds resounded.

"you wanna die!"

Li Xuanyin roared angrily, and his body shot out. Ice and snow froze everything in his path.

The strange snow scene around her seemed to have set off a terrifying blizzard. Li Xuanyin flicked his arm, and suddenly there were dense ice and snow spears with powerful piercing power, shooting towards Yun Hao.

Yun Hao swung his sword and swept across.

The flames burst out, burning

The spears melted all the ice and snow, dispelled all the chill, and directly broke the snowy phenomenon around Li Xuanyin.

Li Xuanyin's expression suddenly changed, and he formed seals with his hands.

"Avalanche of snow!"

In an instant.

There were roars high in the sky.

There was actually countless white snow, rolling down like the snow mountain collapsing, trying to bury Yun Hao!

Yun Hao thought.

Endless thunder flashed around him, fire and thunder intertwined, the power of thunder and fire was overbearing and boundless. He swept his sword diagonally, shattering the rolling white snow that collapsed from the sky. He stepped forward, and his body passed through the ice and snow that splashed all over the sky. And passed.


Cut it off with one sword!

The mighty sword light shot through the air, and the huge sword energy struck towards Li Xuanyin's head.

Li Xuanyin couldn't avoid it, and formed seals with both hands to fight the sword energy falling from the sky.

A large curtain of ice and snow blocked her.


The sword energy struck the ice and snow curtain, and a huge crack instantly appeared on the ice and snow curtain.

"Click, click, click..."

In an instant, the ice and snow curtain was already covered with cracks, and then exploded with a huge explosion!

The ground beneath Li Xuanyin's feet suddenly collapsed into a deep pit, and dust filled the sky.

When the dust settles.

Yun Hao stood in front of Li Xuanyin, with the sword tip hanging above Li Xuanyin's scalp. Li Xuanyin was bleeding from all her orifices and kneeling in the pit. This scene was seen by everyone and stirred up emotions in everyone's heart. Huge waves.

Li Xuanyin, the top figure in Beihan County, was famous for his powerful Aohan Xuan Gong, but even so... Under Yun Hao's sword, Li Xuanyin was defeated without any suspense, and he was defeated miserably!

Ling Feiyu came over.

Yun Hao took back his sword.

But Li Xuanyin was still kneeling in the pit, her long hair was messy, her bleeding orifices were mixed with dust, and she was in such a miserable state.

Extremely, looking dull...

She couldn't accept this scene.

"Dean Li, I asked you to help me on the condition of joining Cangxing Martial Academy. You helped me once. I also got a reward from Cangxing Martial Academy for you from Cangxing Martial Academy. We don't owe each other anything. .

The Phoenix Nirvana Picture comes from the Cangxing General Hospital. It was not given by you, but I still miss you as a favor.

But you should never, absolutely should not, secretly instigate others to embarrass my husband at every turn, and have tried to murder my husband several times.

Today's outcome is entirely your own fault.

I want you to be a favor, so my husband will spare your life. From now on, you and I will have nothing to do with each other! "

Her tone was cold. After saying that, she looked at Yun Hao with a touch of warmth on her face and said, "Thank you for your mercy, husband."

Yun Hao was very calm and said: "They are just ants. There is no difference between killing them or not."

Li Xuanyin suddenly raised his head, staring at Yun Hao with a pair of bleeding eyes.

Just now, she heard clearly that Yun Hao said that she was... an ant!

A few months ago, in Liuyun City, she also regarded Yun Hao as an ant...

In a short period of time, all of this has been reversed.

She hates it!

She is angry!

But when she found Yun Hao's cold eyes looking at her again, all the hatred and anger in her heart disappeared in an instant, and what was left was only... fear!


Li Xuanyin's state of mind completely collapsed, and his already chaotic strength and blood suddenly went backwards. After spitting out a large mouthful of blood, he fainted directly.



A group of people rushed over and lifted up Li Xuanyin who had fainted.

"Ling Feiyu, you..."

One person drank.

Ling Feiyu looked over: "Go back to Cangxing Martial Academy."

The person who shouted suddenly broke into a cold sweat.

Even if Ling Feiyu and Yun Hao made Li Xuanyin look like this,

Looks like, but so what?

Back at Cangxing Martial Academy, Ling Feiyu was still the lofty phoenix.

Zhu Yun, the old dean of Cangxing General Academy who just retired, will still treat Ling Feiyu as his little ancestor, and then personally escort Ling Feiyu to Cangyue Taoist Academy without any slack.

Because now Ling Feiyu's level has surpassed that of Cangxing Martial Academy, and this phoenix has already entered the sight of the real big shots in Cangyue Taoist Academy!

Ling Feiyu left with the people from Cangxing Martial Academy.

Everyone in Qingfeng Martial Academy was still in shock.

The fat man and others stepped forward.

The fat man said: "Brother Yun, why don't you keep your sister-in-law?"

Yun Hao looked at the direction Ling Feiyu left and said, "She has her choice."

Shi Feng touched the back of his head and said, "Relationships sometimes require a sense of distance."

Dongfang Xiu was so shocked that she gave Shi Feng a thumbs up: "Tiedan, you are enlightened!"

And just then.

Yun Hao suddenly raised his head and looked at an area where there was nothing. A sharp cold light bloomed in his eyes!

"Hide your head and show your tail, get out!"

Yun Hao shouted softly, making everyone stunned.

what's the situation?

But the next moment, everyone knew what was going on.

In the direction Yun Hao was looking, the light was distorted, and then, an old man with a sinister expression walked out of the distorted light.

The old man's eyes were staring straight at Yun Hao, like a vicious snake.

"Zhu Yun!"

Bai Changfeng recognized this person, his face changed drastically, and he rushed to Yun Hao's side in a flash. He whispered: "This person has been in charge of Cangxing General Hospital for thirty years. He just retired last year. He is a A cruel person is nicknamed the Cold-blooded Hand!"

Zhu Yun smiled.

His smile is extremely gloomy

Sen, giving people a chilling feeling.

"Yunhao, you are really outstanding. It would be great if you were from our Cangxing Martial Academy. Dragons and phoenixes come out together. How glorious it is... It's a pity that you are on the side of Qingfeng Martial Academy. .

From the perspective of Cangxing Martial Academy, you must die.

From the perspective of Ling Feiyu competing for the position of the Saint of Cang Yue Taoist Temple, you have to die.

Just in time, I'm here.

You said, what reasons do I have to allow you to continue living? "

As he spoke, a terrifying pressure filled the air from his body.

This... is definitely a super strong person who has surpassed the Golden Core Realm and has even traveled a long distance in the Guiyi Realm!

"Yun Hao, you are wrong. You are not lucky. It is your honor for me to send you on your way." Zhu Yun said with a sneer. No one saw how he moved, but he suddenly appeared next to Yun Hao. in front of.

One of his palms fiercely grabbed Yun Hao's chest.

Just when Yun Hao was preparing to counterattack.



There was a loud bang.

A long spear seemed to have penetrated the sky, shooting out in an instant.

Zhu Yun's face showed deep fear, and he immediately stepped forward and floated back.

The spear pierced the position where Zhu Yun was just now and stuck in the ground.

But the bodies of everyone around him suddenly sank.

Because, the ground with a radius of one kilometer was turned into powder silently!

"Get out, or die, it's your choice."

A cold drink followed.

Immediately afterwards, a figure descended from the sky and came to the spear stuck in the ground.

Her long hair was tied up behind her back with a rope.

Wearing an ordinary blue gown.

There was nothing special about the figure. Just standing there made Zhu Yun no longer dare to make any move!

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