God Hongtian

Chapter 199 My husband came to see me


The news that Fenghuang from Cangxing Martial Academy was invited to the Snow Summit to view the magnificent scenery of snow lotus spread in the streets and alleys of the county.

"That phoenix is ​​said to be extremely arrogant and has rejected countless geniuses from Kyoto, but this time, it lowered its head after all."

"I've been listening to others lately about how beautiful that phoenix is. This time, we have to go to Snow Peak to see if the rumors are true!"

"Come on, are you the only one who wants to go up to Snow Summit? Just yesterday, the people from Cangxing Martial Academy had completely sealed off Snow Summit. Except for the Phoenix, there were Xu Lin, Zhou Rong and others. Don’t even think about getting within a thousand meters of the snow peak!”

"Then... I'll take a look at the headquarters from a distance at the foot of the mountain!"

"It's interesting this time, hahaha. Xu Lin is the genius of the Cangxing Martial Arts Academy, and Zhou Rong is the young master of the Prime Minister's Mansion. The two of them fought hard for the opportunity in front of that phoenix. It must have been quite lively. Unfortunately... we didn't Opportunity was seen.”


In the main hall of Qingfeng Martial Academy.

A young man and a young woman stood in front of Bai Changfeng.

Both of them had extraordinary grace and confidence on their faces.

"He Dongliu, a disciple of Qingfeng Martial Academy, has met Dean Bai."

"Luo Li, a disciple of Tianshi Academy, has met Dean Bai."

Bai Changfeng looked at the two of them, nodded, frowned slightly, and said, "Are you two coming this time?"

Luo Li responded and said: "My venerable master said that every time the Fire Ruins secret realm is opened, there will be many casualties.

It's too big, so it has to be controlled this time. Therefore, this time, the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is mainly entered by people from Beihan County. "

He Dongliu also said: "Although there are few of us here, only one person from the Prime Minister's Mansion and Cangxing Martial Academy came. It is said that those two people are now because of the Cangxing Martial Academy Beihan County Branch. A phoenix is ​​jealous."

Bai Changfeng hummed, and then said: "Okay, then you guys stay here first and wait until the Fire Ruins Secret Realm is opened before setting off."


The twelfth lunar month, fifteenth day.

A dense crowd of people gathered around the top of the snow peak.

Both men and women came here to admire the phoenix of Cangxing Martial Academy.

Although the cold wind howled, everyone's hearts were filled with warmth.

just now.

The rumored phoenix, together with Xu Lin from the Cangxing Martial Arts Academy and Zhou Rong from the Prime Minister's Mansion, entered the Snow Summit. They finally saw the stunning appearance of the phoenix!

Even if I just saw it once.

However, it has shocked countless people!

"What a nice view!"

"After seeing Phoenix in this life, there will never be another woman in my eyes!"

"Nine Heaven Fairies descend to the mortal world!"

"That Young Master Xu Lin is also very good. He has sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes. He has an extraordinary bearing and a sense of transcendence. I think he has a better chance than Zhou Rong!"

"Xu Lin is one of the top ten disciples of the Cangxing Martial Academy. Even though he is only ranked tenth,... the nine people in front of him are far inferior to him at his age!"

"Even if Qingfeng Martial Academy was

Han Qianshan, a genius who is said to be a once-in-five-hundred-year genius, is only slightly better than Xu Lin at Xu Lin's age. "

"I also heard that Xu Lin might have a chance to go to Cangyue Taoist Temple!"

"Zhou Rong is also very good. The Prime Minister's Office is as powerful as the Tianshi Academy, and Zhou Rong has become a mid-level Xuan-level formation master. He has a bright future!"

"Zhou Rong's master is a great master of formations who deployed the Kyoto National Defense Formation. He comes from a famous family and comes from a famous teacher. Zhou Rong's future is limitless and he will not be weaker than Xu Lin!"

"Don't forget, when Zhou Rong was born, the heaven and earth spiritual patterns took the initiative to manifest themselves in the sky above the Prime Minister's Mansion, and the rays of light spread. It didn't take long for a powerful formation master from the ancient country of Daxia to come and want to accept him as a disciple. Finally, we made an agreement with the Prime Minister’s Office to come back when Zhou Rong is twenty years old!”

"Hmph, even Xu Lin and Zhou Rong, no matter how good they are, are not worthy of Phoenix!"

"That's right, the appearance of a phoenix is ​​so extraordinary that even the Ancient Kingdom of Great Xia, not to mention the Qingfeng Dynasty, can't even hope to find a man who can match it!"

"I'm afraid even those legendary successors of the Holy Land will pale in comparison to the Phoenix!"

"I just feel extremely heartbroken at this moment. The phoenix should be soaring in the sky, but today, it is being pressured by Xu Lin and Zhou Rong and has to agree to their invitation..."

And at this time.

The top of the snow peak.

Ling Feiyu wore a fiery red dress that was as hot as fire. In this ice and snow, she was like a red rose in full bloom, dazzling and extremely beautiful!

But on her face

, but it was as cold as the ice and snow, as if it had no interest in everything around it, and had no intention of enjoying the scenery.

Behind Ling Feiyu, Xu Lin was dressed in brocade. Although he had extraordinary grace, under Ling Feiyu's beauty, he couldn't help but feel a sense of humility in his heart!

As for Zhou Rong, a snow-white coat was draped on him. He didn't have Xu Lin's sword-shaped eyebrows and starry eyes, but his facial features exuded a sense of feminine beauty, and his skin was fair and delicate.

Like Xu Lin, Zhou Rong also lost all pride when he was by Ling Feiyu's side.

The two of them looked at Ling Feiyu's back, their eyes filled with a strong desire... to take possession of it for themselves!

However, the two of them were extremely helpless.

It was not easy to invite Ling Feiyu to come out.

But from the moment they met until now, the two of them have spoken to Ling Feiyu in total, no more than ten words!

"Junior sister Feiyu, it's rare for you to come out, but I feel that you seem to have something on your mind?" Xu Lin stepped forward and wanted to open up the conversation.

Not to be outdone, Zhou Rong took a step forward and said with a smile: "Miss Ling, I have prepared a gift for you..."

Before Zhou Rong could finish speaking, Ling Feiyu said: "Since you are out to enjoy the scenery, let's enjoy the scenery quietly."

Xu Lin: "..."

Zhou Rong: "..."

The two were speechless.

They found that Ling Feiyu seemed to be really paying attention to the scenery of ice and snow.

But how can the two of them care?

They invited Ling Feiyu to come out. Viewing the scenery was just a reason. Getting close to Ling Feiyu was the real purpose!

Ke Lingfei

Yu's thoughts were only on the scenery.

For a moment, they didn't know how to deal with it. They could only stand behind Ling Feiyu and enjoy the biting cold wind of winter.

Ling Feiyu's gaze was, in fact, silently staring at the foot of the mountain.

Even if the cold mist shrouded and obscured her vision, it could not block her gaze.

After condensing the Phoenix Soul, she further stimulated the original power of the ancient race's physique. Many changes appeared on her body that ordinary people were unaware of!

Phoenix Yuanling is just one of her many changes!

After a while.

A smile suddenly appeared on Ling Feiyu's face.

Xu Lin and Zhou Rong, who were standing on both sides behind Ling Feiyu, saw the smile on Ling Feiyu's side face. For a moment, they suddenly felt that even if they stood here all day today, it was worth it!

Immediately afterwards.

Ling Feiyu turned around and looked at the two of them.

There was still a smile on his face.

Xu Lin and Zhou Rong's breathing became extremely rapid and their minds became nervous.

Ling Feiyu...

Smiled at them!

The smile on Ling Feiyu's face was filled with happiness, and her cheeks were stained with blush. She looked at the two of them and said, "I have something I want to tell you."

"Junior Sister Feiyu, it's okay to say so." Xu Lin responded immediately.

Zhou Rong: "I'm all ears!"

Ling Feiyu glanced at the foot of the mountain again, then looked back at the two people in front of him, smiling happily: "My husband is here to see me!"

As soon as these words came out.

Xu Lin and Zhou Rong's bodies felt like they were struck by lightning, and their brains went blank for an instant!

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