God Hongtian

Chapter 198 Snow Peak, Void Snow Lotus

Fatty and Dongfang Xiu entered the courtyard of Yunhao's residence. Xiao Hei was lying on the side. They both looked very cautious, fearing that Xiao Hei would suddenly pounce on them and give them a bite!

"Brother Yun, why don't we go for a walk?" Fatty suggested.

Dongfang Xiu: "Okay, I heard that a group of new people have come to the Piaoxiang Building in Juncheng. Although it is not as good as the Hongchen Building in Kyoto, it is not bad. I will be the host and we can go relax together."

The fat man's little eyes rolled around and he said: "Hey hey hey, I agree, why not call Tie Dan too? Let Tie Dan gain some knowledge too!"

Dongfang Xiu: "No need, Tiedan is very busy. He stays in the refining room all day long, forging iron. I went to find him. He was very disrespectful. He kicked me out directly and wouldn't let me disturb him."

Yun Hao said expressionlessly: "You go ahead, I still want to practice."

The fat man immediately glared at Dongfang Xiu and said: "Let me tell you, Brother Yun doesn't like to go to places like this. Brother Yun is upright and has a pure heart. Xiu'er, I'm warning you, don't stay with Brother Yun in the future." Talking about these nonsense in front of me!"

Dongfang Xiu immediately became depressed and said: "Damn Fatty, it's obviously you who told me that Brother Yun likes to go there. Before, Brother Yun was a regular customer in Liuyun City!"

Fatty: "...That's nonsense. Didn't I say that? Xiu'er, stop spitting blood here, or else I'll fight you to the death, Fatty!"

As he said that, the fat man looked at Yun Hao and said: "Brother Yun, we Liuyun heroes are pure and good-natured. I want to invite you to go to Xuefeng to see it. After all, we

We came to Beihan County, but we haven't had a good look at the scenery of Beihan County.

It's winter now, and Snow Summit is a famous scenic spot in Beihan County. We, the two heroes in the clouds, have hearts as pure as snow, so it's best to go to Snow Summit for a walk, just to relax.

Of course, some people are vulgar and vulgar, so don’t follow them! "

Then, the fat man came closer to Yun Hao, blinked, and whispered: "Phoenix from Cangxing Martial Academy will also go."

Ling Feiyu, the direct disciple of Li Xuanyin, the dean of Cangxing Martial Academy some time ago, is now extremely famous. Everyone refers to him as Phoenix.

Fatty knew the relationship between Ling Feiyu and Yun Hao, so today he came to Yun Hao specifically for this matter.

Dongfang Xiu, who didn't understand what was going on, immediately said from the side: "It is said that the phoenix in Cangxing Martial Academy is extremely beautiful, and its every smile can captivate a city or a country.

Recently, many men with strong family backgrounds have come to Kyoto. They want to get close to the phoenix, but the proud phoenix ignores them at all.

And this time.

That phoenix suffered a lot of pressure.

The geniuses from the Cangxing Martial Arts Academy and the young masters from the Prime Minister's Mansion all extended warm invitations to the phoenix.

Even Li Xuanyin, the dean of Cangxing Martial Academy in Beihan County, the phoenix's teacher, came forward to speak, and the phoenix had to agree to take a trip to Xuefeng in a few days. "

The fat man looked at Dongfang Xiu: "Xiu'er, you should know those two guys, right?"

Oriental Show:

"Of course I know, huh, two hypocritical guys.

The one who came from the Cangxing Martial Arts Academy is called Xu Lin. He ranks tenth among the top ten disciples of the Cangxing Martial Academy. He is under twenty years old and has already entered the realm of the golden elixir.

The son of the Prime Minister's Mansion, named Zhou Rong, is also less than twenty years old and is a mid-level Xuan-level formation master.

When these two people were in Kyoto, every time they saw me, they could only talk down to me and talk like an Oriental master. But I looked down on them, so I never liked to talk to them! "

The background of Dongfang Show is indeed extremely powerful.

His father, Dongfang Baichuan, is the owner of Badao Villa, a super strong man who has surpassed the Golden Core Realm.

His mother, Lin Qingwan, was the only top source master in the Qingfeng Dynasty. Her maiden family, Lin, was the leading source master family in the Qingfeng Dynasty.

Moreover, his mother's uncle is the pillar of the Qingfeng Dynasty, the master of Tianshi Academy, and the contemporary Tianshi Yuan Chunqing!

Dongfang Xiu boasted a bit, and then said: "There is actually a reason why Xu Lin and Zhou Rong simultaneously invited the phoenix of Cangxing Martial Academy to go to Snow Summit.

On the snow peak, every year on the 15th day of the twelfth lunar month, snow lotuses will bloom on the peak.

The snow lotus shines brightly, reflecting the sky, and is magnificent. Both of them want to accompany the phoenix to enjoy the scenery of the snow lotus, so as to capture the heart of the beautiful woman.

Brother Yun, if you plan to go and have a look, I will make arrangements right away. Then I will make an appointment with some young ladies, and let’s go and experience the beauty of snow lotus! "

Yunhao: "Okay!"

Back then, he asked Ling Feiyu to go to Cang

Xingwuyuan didn't think that much. They just wanted to use the power of Cangxing Wuyuan to defend Ling Feiyu from the pursuit of Xuesha Hall.


When he learned that Cangxing Martial Academy was planning to send Ling Feiyu to Cangyue Taoist Academy to practice the love-killing technique and compete for the position of saint, Yun Hao had already made plans to send Ling Feiyu to Cangyue Taoist Academy. Bring back the rain.


In the recent period, everything has been troubled, and it is still difficult to shake the Cangxing Martial Academy with his own strength, so Yun Hao has not taken any action.

This time, since Ling Feiyu also wants to go to Snow Peak, it is naturally an excellent opportunity.

Dongfang Xiu was obviously a little surprised. He didn't expect that Yun Hao would really agree. He was stunned for a moment, came back to his senses, and immediately said: "Brother Yun, then I will arrange for the young lady to travel with the beauty and live up to my life!" "

After that, Dongfang Xiu ran away very actively.

The fat man immediately chased after him, grabbed Dongfang Xiu, and said, "Xiu'er, if you dare to call a woman, believe it or not, my brother Yun will stab you to death with one sword!"

Dongfang Xiu: "Huh? What do you mean?"

The fat man blinked, smiled, and said, "You will know if you go to Snow Summit!"


Cangxing Martial Academy.

In an exquisite small courtyard, even though it is already a cold winter, the courtyard is as warm as spring and the flowers are in full bloom.

Phoenix, born out of fire.

The place where Ling Feiyu, who condenses the Phoenix Spirit, lives, is naturally cold and impervious!

at this time.

Ling Feiyu, dressed in a fiery red dress, stood in the courtyard, Yun Hao's figure appeared in her mind, and a sweet smile appeared in her bright eyes and white teeth.


She was extremely beautiful.

Ever since Yun Hao unlocked the origin of the ancient clan's physique for her, her temperament has been constantly changing.

Then, the condensed Phoenix Yuanling added a touch of supreme nobility to her temperament!


A woman entered the courtyard and walked next to Ling Feiyu.

This girl was considered extremely beautiful, but standing next to Ling Feiyu, she felt ashamed of herself.

"When Senior Sister Feiyu smiles, I don't know how many men in the world will be charmed. I don't know which man is so lucky to see Senior Sister's smile."

In Cangxing Martial Arts Academy, no one except her had ever seen Ling Feiyu's smile again. After leaving this courtyard, Ling Feiyu always had a frosty face and refused to be seen thousands of miles away!

Ling Feiyu retracted his thoughts, looked at the woman, and said: "Junior sister, what happened to the thing I asked you to help?"

Woman: "The news has been spread to the county and town. Now everyone probably knows that Senior Sister Feiyu is going to Snow Peak.

Senior Sister Feiyu, why did you do this? Don’t you hate Xu Lin and Zhou Rong? Why do you need to make this matter known to everyone?

Under pressure, the dean helped the two of them speak and asked Senior Sister Feiyu to go there. But in fact, if Senior Sister Feiyu doesn't nod, the dean will not force you! "

Ling Feiyu smiled faintly and said, "It's okay. You can go and do your work first. I want to take a rest."

Do this.

Of course she has her reasons.

Just because she... missed her husband!

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