God Hongtian

Chapter 169 Father returns to the city

In less than a quarter of an hour, Ling'er had prepared the three things Yun Hao needed: red blood cinnabar, heart source spiritual grass, and essence fruit.

After all, they are not rare things. There are a lot of them in the warehouse of Baodan Building.

"Master Yun, is it really okay?"

Mu Baifeng looked nervous and worried.

Yun Hao: "Wait for me outside the courtyard. If there are too many auras nearby, the Heart-Eating Mother Gu will be afraid and will not dare to come out."

Mu Baifeng: "...Master Yun, you must be careful!"

When Mu Baifeng and Ling'er exited the courtyard.

Yun Hao raised his hand and waved, and the Heart Source Spirit Grass and the Essence Fruit flew above Alchemist Zhang. Under Yun Hao's fire, two drops of spiritual liquid were quickly extracted from the two elixirs.

The spiritual liquid extracted from the Xinyuan Spiritual Grass dripped into Master Zhang's mouth.


Master Zhang’s chest was beating violently.

Yun Hao controlled the spiritual liquid extracted from the Essence Fruit and dripped it into Master Zhang's mouth again.

The beating sound of Master Zhang's heart in Master Zhang's chest became clearer and clearer, like a beating drum. The heart-eating mother Gu inside seemed to be trying to break through Master Zhang's heart and rush out.

Finally, Yun Hao raised his hand and waved again.

Red blood and cinnabar spread around Alchemist Zhang's body, and red powder floated.

The ups and downs of the heart in Master Zhang's chest immediately returned to normal. A moment later, a blood-red Gu worm the size of a thumb came out of Master Zhang's mouth.

This is

Heart-eating Mother Gu!

Yun Hao had quick eyes and quick hands. With a flick of his finger, his vitality shot out to the side of the Heart-Eating Mother Gu. Then with a roll of vitality, he wrapped the Heart-Eating Mother Gu and flew back to him.

Yun Hao's eyes flashed with light. He stared at the Heart-Eating Mother Gu, and his spiritual power swept out.

"I see."

Less than half an hour later, Yun Hao whispered to himself, and then, the Heart-Eating Mother Gu wrapped in his vitality was directly burned to ashes by the fire!

Outside the yard.

Mu Baifeng and Ling'er, master and disciple, walked back and forth like ants on a hot pot.

"Teacher, let's go in and take a look. If something happens... we can also help!" Ling'er said.

Mu Baifeng: "Wait... Mr. Yun should be very confident. He is afraid that if we break in now, it will ruin his business."

at this time.

The courtyard door opened and Yun Hao walked out.

"Master Yun!"

Ling'er immediately stepped forward.

Mu Baifeng also took the initiative to walk up to Yun Hao and said, "Has it been dealt with?"

Yun Hao nodded: "Master Zhang's life has been saved. He can recover after a few months of training."

The two masters and disciples immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

Yun Hao: "Alchemist Mu, I have a list here. Please help me collect it. I want to refine the elixir."

With that said, he handed the prepared prescription to Mu Baifeng.

Mu Baifeng took the prescription and took a look. She knew all these medicinal materials, but when these medicinal materials were combined, she

I don’t understand. The medicinal properties of many medicinal materials clearly cannot be used together.

But Mu Baifeng didn't ask any more questions, just nodded and said: "Two of the elixirs are relatively rare. I need some time to get them all together tomorrow at the latest!"

"Then it's hard work, Alchemist Mu."


That evening.

Mu Baifeng gathered all the medicinal materials and delivered them to Yun Hao, who immediately entered the alchemy room of Bao Dan Tower.

The elixir he was going to refine this time was specially formulated based on the characteristics of Hu Sandao's natal vood deduced from the heart-eating mother voodoo.

Yunhao entered the alchemy room and immediately started refining the elixir.

Time is running out!

The birthday of the old man of the Yun family is coming soon, and his father will definitely come back within the next two days. He must consider his safety!

After all, Hu Sandao's whereabouts have not yet been determined, and no one knows where he is hiding, but what Yunhao can be sure of is that if Hu Sandao is still in the county, he will definitely take action against him, and he will definitely take action against himself The father takes action!

Time passed by and it was early morning the next day.

Yunhao walked out of the alchemy room.

In one night, the elixir was ready.

Ling'er had been guarding outside the alchemy room. When he saw Yun Hao coming out, he immediately said: "Master Yun, you... have you succeeded in refining the alchemy?"

Yunhao nodded.

Ling'er: "Mr. Yun, the poster is back. The poster told me to tell him immediately when you come out."

Yun Hao: "No need, go and find Lu now."

The original poster. "

After a while.

Yunhao met Lu Yi, the owner of Baodan Tower in Beihan County.

Ling'er retreated very wisely.

Lu Yi knew Yun Hao's character, so he didn't mince words and said straight to the point: "Master Yun, the reason why Flame Valley is targeting you is closely related to our Baodan Tower.

Therefore, if Flame Valley wants to deal with Mr. Yun, Baodan Tower must do its best to protect Mr. Yun!

I have asked for help from the headquarters of Baodan Pavilion in Kyoto. In a few days, several powerful people in the Golden Dan realm will come.

In addition, yesterday I found Hu Sandao and fought with him, but unfortunately, this man was cunning and he escaped.

It is unlikely that he will continue to hide in the county city, but for the sake of safety, Mr. Yun should try not to walk around the county city and stay in Baodan Tower for the time being! "

Yun Hao nodded. He had already felt Lu Yi's sincerity. He raised his hand and waved, and a bottle of pill flew out and floated in front of Lu Yi.

Lu Yi: "Master Yun, what is this?"

Yun Hao: "Grind the elixir into powder and sprinkle it on your body. Hu Sandao's natal Gu will no longer pose any threat."

Lu Yi's heart suddenly stirred up a storm!

As soon as he came back, he heard about Yun Hao's removal of poisonous poison for Master Zhang.

He had fought against Hu Sandao, and he knew very well how powerful Hu Sandao's natal poison was... Yun Hao could remove the poisonous poison from Master Zhang, but that didn't mean that Yun Hao could deal with Hu Sandao's natal poison.

But now...

Yunhao actually took out

He got the elixir and said that this elixir would make Hu Sandao’s natal Gu useless!

And this elixir... Lu Yi is 100% sure that it was refined by Yun Hao last night!

For a moment, he felt that this was too ridiculous!

Hu Sandao's natal Gu was talked about by everyone in the entire Qingfeng Dynasty, but when it came to Yunhao... it only took one night, and he already had a perfect way to restrain it?

Lu Yi came back to his senses and based on rationality, he felt that there might be Yunhao Yelang's arrogance factor in this. Without verification, no one could say for sure.

From a perceptual point of view, of course he hopes this is true. In this case, the threat of Hu Sandao in Flame Valley will plummet!

Lu Yi stopped thinking about it and put the elixir away. I don't know if it is really possible. But turning the elixir into powder and sprinkling it on the body will not affect anything. Maybe... it is really possible?

Lu Yi: "Mr. Yun, even if you don't come, I have to find someone to go to Qingfeng Martial Academy to seek your opinion. Zhang Ye, who was sent by Baodan Tower to protect your father, has sent back a message. They will probably be able to return tomorrow." The county seat.

Now, there are remnants of the Blood Fire Demon Sect causing chaos in the county, and the threat from the Valley of Fire has not been eradicated. It would be very unsafe for him to come back. Therefore, I plan to let Zhang Ye take your father to live in Baodan Tower first. I don’t know Mr. Yun. how about? "

Yun Hao thought for a moment and said, "Wait until my father comes back and respect his decision."

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