God Hongtian

Chapter 168: Poisonous Poison Technique, Treatment

Valley of Fire is a rapidly rising alchemy force in the Qingfeng Dynasty in recent years. The reason for their rapid development is that they have mastered the method of creating acquired fire that far exceeds that of Baodan Tower, which is very attractive to many alchemists. force.

Another point is that the Valley of Fire’s methods are treacherous and cruel, which is intimidating!

After Mu Baifeng told the news that Hu Sandao, the powerful elder of Flame Valley, had arrived in Beihan County, he paused for a moment before continuing: "Hu Sandao's own cultivation realm is not strong, he is only at the peak of Yuangang realm. .

But... Hu Sandao's level of terror is completely incomparable to many powerful people in the Golden Core Realm.

In his early years, this person received an inheritance of the poisonous poison technique. This technique was extremely difficult to guard against and extremely terrifying.

As far as is known, the number of powerful people in the Golden Core Realm who died in the hands of Hu Sandao was no less than two palms!

The reason why Lou Master Lu is not in Baodan Tower these days is because he is personally leading people to look for clues about Hu Sandao's whereabouts! "

at this time.

Suddenly someone rushed into the hall with a hurried look.

"Alchemy Master Mu, it's not good, the poisonous poison in Master Zhang's body has attacked again..."

Mu Baifeng's expression suddenly changed, and she said: "Master Yun, please stay in Baodan Tower first. Don't go out and walk around!"

After giving the warning, Mu Baifeng left in a hurry.

Yun Hao looked at Ling'er in the hall and said, "Someone in Baodan Tower has been poisoned?"

Ling'er nodded, mentioning the poisonous poison, a look of fear appeared on her face, and said: "The alchemist who was poisoned by the poisonous poison is named Zhang Qi.

A few days ago, he went out with the original poster to investigate Hu Sandao's whereabouts. His right hand accidentally touched the one left intentionally by Hu Sandao.

Thing, even though the poster made a decisive decision immediately and cut off his arm, he still couldn't stop the poisonous poison from spreading all over Master Zhang's body.

In the past few days, Master Zhang's body has been severely ulcerated, and his mental state has fallen into madness. Moreover, he...he also tore off the festering rotten flesh on his body...while laughing...and chewing..."

After Yun Hao heard this, his thoughts were spinning rapidly in his mind.

There are five major areas in the Cang Realm.

Eastern Wasteland, Southern Border, Western Region, Northern Desert, Central China!

The art of poisonous poison originated from the tribes in southern Xinjiang.

People from the tribes in southern Xinjiang believe in the so-called witch god. There, the art of poisonous poison is also called the art of witchcraft.

Yun Hao lived in southern Xinjiang for a period of time in his previous life, and countless great witches died at his hands.

Therefore, he also has a deep understanding of the art of witchcraft.

People who practice witchcraft and voodoo will cultivate the natal voodoo, and then all voodoo techniques will have the natal voodoo as the core.

The best way to deal with this type of people is to understand their natal Gu!

Yun Hao: "Miss Ling'er, please take me over to see Master Zhang who has been poisoned."

He was sure that Hu Sandao was coming for him.

Therefore, Master Zhang who was poisoned by poison can also be used to determine the type of poisonous poison Hu Sandao's technique belongs to. As long as he has some information, the situation will not be so passive.

"ah? "

Ling'er exclaimed, and then said: "Master Yun, let's not go see it... That scene is too terrifying, and after being poisoned by the poisonous poison, Master Zhang has a strong desire to attack everyone who comes close to him. …”

Yun Hao: "Maybe I saved him

The law of life, if it were any later, it would be useless. "

Ling'er blinked: "Mr. Yun, do you know how to detoxify Gu?"

Yun Hao: "Lead the way."

Ling'er: "Okay!"

A moment later, under Ling'er's guidance, Yunhao arrived outside a remote courtyard that was closely guarded by guards.

Only a sharp roar could be heard in the yard.

The voice was mixed with pain and excitement... very strange.

Ling'er's face turned a little pale, but she still bit her lip, looked at the guard guarding the yard, and said, "This is Mr. Yun. My teacher asked us to come here."

The guard immediately stepped aside.

The two entered the yard smoothly.

At this time, in the courtyard.

The two warriors covered their bodies with vitality. Each held a steel fork and skewered it on Master Zhang who was lying on the ground to prevent him from moving.

Alchemist Zhang's skin on the ground was full of ulcers and pus, and many insects visible to the naked eye were crawling in his rotten flesh.

Perhaps hearing the sound of someone coming in, Master Zhang suddenly raised his head and shook his messy hair away, revealing a pair of eyes that turned completely black.

"Master Yun, Ling'er, why are you here?"

Mu Baifeng immediately stood in front of Yun Hao and Ling'er and said, "You guys should get out quickly. The infection method of this poisonous poison is very special. If you are not careful, you may be infected!"

Yun Hao: "Alchemist Mu, let them go out. I'll give it a try."

Mu Baifeng was stunned for a moment, then said: "Master Yun...this...poisonous poison technique is too weird and difficult to prevent. It's better not to take risks."

"It's not a big problem." Yun Hao said calmly.

Mu Baifeng looked startled again, she found out

Now Yunhao seems... really confident!

So, Mu Baifeng bit her plump red lips and said, "You guys step back first."

The two warriors responsible for controlling Zhang Danshi ran away immediately as if they had received a pardon. Staying here, their psychological pressure is really terrible!

The two warriors left the courtyard. Master Zhang, who was suppressed on the ground, ejected directly and stood up.


He used his remaining left hand to tear off a piece of rotten flesh on his right shoulder, put it into his mouth, and chewed it slowly, seemingly intoxicated.

Ling'er made a sound and spat it out.

Mu Baifeng's face didn't look good either. She said: "Master Yun, let's forget it. Master Zhang is in too much pain. I have already planned to give him relief..."


At this moment, Master Zhang let out a low roar and rushed toward Yun Hao and the others.


Mu Baifeng exclaimed and pulled Yunhao and Ling'er back together.

But her hand only caught Ling'er's shoulder, and her other hand missed.

At this time, Yun Hao took one step forward, flicked his fingers, and a wisp of flame flew out.

The flames were in the air and instantly turned into countless small lines of fire, shooting towards Master Zhang who was rushing towards him.


Master Zhang's body hit the ground, twisting and struggling like an insect.

On the surface of his body, countless small lines of fire shuttled back and forth. Wherever the lines of fire passed by, those squirming Gu insects would be directly burned to death!

Mu Baifeng and Ling'er looked at this scene with wide eyes.

Ling'er: "Teacher... Mr. Yun's

The art of controlling fire... is so powerful! "

Being able to control such a large number of fire wires and roaming around in Master Zhang's body, this fire control skill was completely beyond Ling'er's knowledge. She felt that neither the teacher nor the host could control fire as well as Yun Hao!

Mu Baifeng nodded with deep approval and said: "His fire control skills have reached the pinnacle. I am afraid that not even the entire Qingfeng Dynasty can find anyone who can compare with it!"

More than ten breaths passed.

For Master Zhang on the ground, the squirming worms on his body had completely disappeared. He no longer roared and struggled. He whimpered a few times and passed out completely.

"Master Yun, has Master Zhang's poisonous poison been lifted?" Mu Baifeng stepped forward and asked cautiously.

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "This is the heart-eating Gu. The Gu you see is just a superficial appearance. To truly remove the poison, you need to kill the mother Gu hidden in his heart.

When the mother Gu is forcibly killed by external force, Master Zhang's heart will be completely destroyed, so the previous method of killing the Gu is no longer applicable. "

Mu Baifeng looked complicated, sighed, and said: "Master Zhang has suffered a lot since he was poisoned by the poisonous poison. If he cannot get rid of the mother poison, then... let's give him a happy life."

"Who said the mother voodoo can't be cured?" Yun Hao said.

Mu Baifeng: "..."

Ling'er: "Mr. Yun, do you have any other ideas?"

Yun Hao said straightforwardly without any nonsense: "The red blood cinnabar, the heart source spiritual grass, and the essence fruit will be ready in half an hour!"

He had to force the mother Gu out of Master Zhang's body, and then use the mother Gu to deduce Hu Sandao's natal Gu!

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