God Hongtian

Chapter 137: Sudden mutation

Yunhao just pretended that he didn't hear the fat man's decision.

He thought for a moment and then said: "Remember, no matter what happens, don't leave my side!"

"Brother Yun, my plan..." Fatty said hurriedly.

Yun Hao looked at the fat man and said, "Your plan is too bad."

Fatty: "..."

He looked at Shi Feng speechlessly.

Shi Feng also nodded and said: "This is indeed not a good plan."


Next, Yun Hao took Fatty and Shi Feng through the cliffs on one side of Hurricane Canyon.

Yun Hao's mental power was released at all times, and he carefully paid attention to the movements within a radius of 500 meters.


Sure enough, there were more than one wandering black shadow, and none of them had a strength lower than that of Yuan Gang Realm.

Who would use such a powerful force to assassinate him? Yunhao already had the answer in his heart.

There are four people who have enmity with him and possess such huge energy.

One, Cangxing Martial Academy.

Being targeted by the crazy red-eyed violent ape during the assessment was the fault of Cangxing Martial Academy, but the conflict between Yun Hao and Li Xuanyin did not make Li Xuanyin so violent.

Two, Valley of Fire.

As an alchemy force that has risen rapidly in the Qingfeng Dynasty in the past ten years, they can also launch such a powerful assassination lineup. Yun Hao killed the son of a powerful elder in the Flame Valley, but the Flame Valley is far away from Beihan County, even if they To retaliate, it is impossible to mobilize troops like this. At best, we can only send a few top killers here.

Three, Blood Evil Hall.

Because of Ling Feiyu's incident, Yun Hao and the Blood Evil Hall have already forged irreconcilable conflicts. However, Yun Hao has come into contact with the killers of the Blood Evil Hall. Although these black shadow warriors are all good, they have nothing to do with them.

Compared to the killers of the Blood Demon Hall, they are still much worse!

Excluding these three possibilities, the answer is already obvious.

The eighth generation marquis family, the previous generation of brave marquis Murong Guang!

Under the leadership of Yun Hao, the three of them avoided the shadow warriors who were looking for people in Hurricane Canyon. They saw that they would be able to leave Hurricane Canyon in half an hour. Suddenly, Yun Hao stopped and looked solemn. looking ahead.

Because, in front of them, five people appeared!

"Damn it, these guys are from Yuyin Peak!"

The fat man cursed in a low voice, looked at Yun Hao, and said: "They will not come to Hurricane Canyon for no reason. It seems that they were sent by Li Wen, the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak who wants to deal with you, and came to Hurricane Canyon specially. Trouble with you!"

Shi Feng also lowered his voice: "It's not a good time to take action now. If we alert those black shadow warriors, we'll be in trouble. Let's hide here first and wait until they leave before we continue our journey."

Yun Hao frowned.

He looked down upon these five guys from Yuyin Peak.

But...near them, there are also floating black shadow warriors!

"No... they are coming towards us." The fat man's face became extremely ugly.

The five disciples from Yuyin Peak in front were walking towards the location where the three of them were, impartially.

"Then Yun Hao didn't come to Hurricane Canyon? He didn't even see a shadow."

"He accepted the task of picking blue grass. This was the closest place he wanted to complete the task. It seemed that the guy was very timid. He knew that Senior Brother Li Wen would not let him go easily, so he chose the farthest place and went somewhere else. ”

"Hmph, he can hide for a while, but he can't hide for a lifetime. He has offended Senior Brother Li Wen. He will never

There is good fruit to eat! "

"Brothers, Senior Brother Li Wen hates Yun Hao very much. We must seize the opportunity. As long as we help Senior Brother Li Wen beat Yun Hao until he can't lift his head, we will definitely gain Senior Brother Li Wen's attention. The benefits are Indispensable!"

"That's true. So, whenever we have a chance, we will beat Yun Hao once we see him. Every time we beat him, he will be like a dead dog!"

The five people were talking and walking, and they were getting closer and closer to the hiding place of Yun Hao, Fatty, and Shi Feng, and they were already less than fifty meters away!

Shi Feng clenched his fists.

The fat man took out a long whip from the storage ring.

Both are ready to fight!

Yun Hao's thoughts were spinning rapidly.

Taking action is unavoidable. In this case, there is no need to look forward or backward. Fight quickly!

"Brother Fat, Brother Shi, don't move!"

Yun Hao's voice reached the ears of Fatty and Shi Feng, and the next moment, his figure was like an unsheathed sword, shooting at the five people on Yuyin Peak in an instant.

The five people from Yuyin Peak suddenly saw a cold light in front of their eyes. Their eyes instantly stung. Unprepared, they each raised their arms to block the dazzling cold light.

Yun Hao had already rushed in front of them and swept out with his sword.

The sword light surged and the flames burned.

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

Five screams filled with pain sounded out in succession.

The five people on Yuyin Peak all flew dozens of meters away and hit the ground heavily.

The five people's bodies were all torn to pieces, but no blood flowed out. Every wound was burned black by the flames!

They fell to the ground rolling and wailing, and finally saw them and beat them half to death.

The person turned out to be the target they wanted to find, Yun Hao!

All of a sudden.

The shock in the hearts of the five people even outweighed the pain caused by their injuries.

Even though they were defenseless just now, Yun Hao defeated all five of them with one move, which meant that even if they were on defense... they were no match for Yun Hao!

A newcomer to the martial arts academy who doesn't know the world is so strong?

at this time.

The storm that was roaring all the time in Hurricane Canyon suddenly became several times colder!

Black shadows floated over like ghosts.

"Get rid of these annoying guys first."

One of the black figures spoke.

Suddenly, a black shadow flew to the side of the five Royal Seal Peak disciples like a ghost. With a wave of his hand, the black vitality disappeared into the bodies of these five people.

Expressions of extreme pain appeared on the faces of the five people. Their bodies were twisting crazily on the ground like snakes, but they couldn't even utter a cry!

Their eyes bulged and exploded.

The blood vessels under their skin also exploded one after another.




Bones were broken, pierced through the flesh, and popped out.

In just a few breaths, these five people completely lost their breath of life, and their deaths were miserable!

Dark shadows surrounded Yun Hao.

Four in total.

They are all at the first or second level of the Yuangang Realm.

One on one, with Yun Hao's strength, anyone can be killed at will.

But one against four, the pressure is not small.

The key point is that even if Zhenzhen kills these four people, the real strong man behind this group of dead soldiers will probably come over.

The situation at this moment is extremely serious!

If Yunhao was the only one here

, he wanted to escape, it wasn't a big problem, but Fatty and Shi Feng were still here.

There is no way Yun Hao would abandon the two of them!

"Yunhao, you really made it hard for us to find you!"

"Kneel down and destroy your Dantian. You can also suffer less pain. If you want to resist, I guarantee you will know what it means to be in pain!"

"You can't escape, there's no chance. The moment we discovered you, we already sent out the signal, and others are coming."

Because Murong Guang was still thinking about the unknown treasure that Yun Hao had obtained from the ancient tomb of life and death, he issued an order to capture it alive no matter what, so these shadow warriors did not take action immediately.

If Yun Hao surrenders, he will be absolutely safe.

If he accidentally kills Yun Hao, he won't be able to explain it to the old Marquis!

Yun Hao clenched the Su Xin Sword, even though the situation was not optimistic, he felt extremely calm.

As a swordsman, the sword in your hand is everything!

When facing an enemy, only when the mind is calm can the sword be fast, accurate and ruthless!

"Buzz buzz!"

A series of crisp sword sounds burst out from the Su Xin Sword in Yun Hao's hand.

The sword energy in his body also surged crazily, turning into dense sword energy, flying around his body, setting off a brilliant sword light!

"Still want to resist? If that's the case, don't blame us for being rude!" A black shadow soldier shouted, waving his arm: "Do it!"

But at this moment.

A woman's cold shout suddenly sounded.

"My sword won't allow anyone who wants to bully us at Yujian Peak!"

The next moment, Liu Yan flew over. She was in the air, slashed out with a sword, and thirty-six sword energy roared towards these four black shadow warriors!

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