God Hongtian

Chapter 136 Brotherhood

Black Shadow's attacks were extremely decisive, his moves were ruthless, his dagger was struck at a very tricky angle, and he had a wealth of combat experience.

Moreover, although this black shadow did not take Yun Hao's strength seriously, when he made a move, he did not hold back at all and just exploded with all his strength.

The purpose of the black lightning struck by the dagger was to instantly destroy Yun Hao's Dantian.

after all.

The old Marquis Murong Guang said that he must arrest them alive!


As he watched, the black electric light was about to hit Yun Hao's abdominal dantian, when suddenly, the crisp sound of a sword sounded.

The sword essence in Yun Hao's body suddenly swept out.

The sword element bloomed with a dazzling light, covering the area three feet around Yun Hao!

This three-foot area is his world!

Even though the black lightning-like offensive came from a Yuan Gang Realm first-level warrior, after touching the sword light beside Yun Hao, the black lightning was directly crushed by the terrifying edge!


Heiying was shocked in his heart, but his movements were not affected at all. He rushed towards Yun Hao, and the dagger covered with blood grooves in his hand stabbed fiercely into Yun Hao's sword light.

The dagger burst out with ferocious power, trying to tear Yun Hao's body-protecting sword light apart.

Yun Hao's expression remained unchanged as he swept out the Su Xin Sword in his hand.




Nine layers of sword light burst out in an instant and merged into one.

The attacking and killing momentum of Dielang Jiujue Sword formed and turned into

A vast wave of sword energy rushed towards the black shadow's dagger.


Under the impact of the light wave of sword energy, the Yuan Gang on the surface of the dagger in Heiying's hand exploded directly, and the dagger was cut into two pieces!

The figure of the black shadow flew backwards uncontrollably and hit the rock wall of the cave with a bang.

At this moment, he finally realized how terrifying Yun Hao's strength was!

This little guy who he looked down on just now actually has the tyrannical strength to suppress him, a first-level Yuangang realm warrior, head-on!

The moment the black shadow's body hit the rock wall, it immediately turned into a light black mist and rushed towards the only passage at the entrance of the cave.

Since he is defeated.

Then run away!

Now that Yun Hao has appeared, everything will be easy to handle. As long as you tell Lord Blood Eagle the news, with Lord Blood Eagle's terrifying strength, it will be absolutely effortless to suppress Yun Hao!


The black shadow just made a move.

The fire suspended in the air suddenly condensed into a flaming sword energy, tearing apart the black mist!


A shrill scream followed.

The black fog dispersed.

The black shadow's body fell to the ground, one arm had been cut off by the flame sword energy, and the broken arm was scorched black.

Yun Hao no longer gave the black shadow a chance, and the flying sword Youlan shot out from the storage ring. With a pop, it pierced the black shadow's abdomen and penetrated his dantian!

Immediately afterwards, Yunhao took a step forward and came to

Next to the black shadow, Su Xinjian stabbed quickly, transforming into several sword energy, cutting off the remaining arms of the black shadow, as well as the meridians of both legs!

The black shadow lay in a pool of blood, groaning feebly.

Fatty and Shi Feng immediately came over.

"Hmph, I want to see if you are a human or a ghost!"

The fat man shouted angrily and took off the mask from the black shadow's face.


The black shadow, which originally had no strength to even scream, suddenly let out a heart-rending cry of pain.


The fat man was also startled and hurriedly dropped the mask he took off on the ground.

What he took off was not only the mask, but also the entire face of this black figure!

The mask and the shadow's face have become one.

As the mask was taken off by the fat man, the black figure lying in a pool of blood had a bloody face...

"Tell me, who sent you here and what is your purpose!"

The fat man who was startled felt a little embarrassed, so he shouted again, stepped on the black shadow's chest, put his hands on his hips, and said with full momentum: "You dare to plot against our Liuyun duo, what are you doing? Light a lantern in the hut and seek death!"



Although the shadow suffered great pain, he was still smiling.

There was a creepy coldness in the laughter.

On the bloody face, a pair of eyes were full of resentment and ferocious light: "Yunhao, you are finished, even if I

Even if you die, your already destined ending will still not change, hahahahaha! "

next moment.

The life breath of the black shadow completely dissipated.

Immediately afterwards, ink-colored poisonous blood flowed from his corpse.

The fat man was startled again and hurriedly took back the soles of his feet that were on the chest of the black shadow's body.

In the blink of an eye, the black shadow's body turned into a pool of thick blood, leaving nothing behind.

The small cave was suddenly filled with a disgusting and disgusting smell.

Yun Hao frowned slightly and said, "Let's go out first."

After a while.

The three of them left the cave and found a sheltered place to stop.

"Brother Yun, what's going on?" Fatty asked hurriedly.

Shi Feng helped tell the general story of the matter. After listening, Fatty felt a cold wind on his back and a chill all over his body.

Such a terrifying Yuangang realm warrior actually followed him all the way...

The fat man was very smart. After being shocked, he immediately said: "These guys are here for you, Brother Yun. The way they died is very similar to the rumored death warriors specially trained by some big forces.

Because in order to find Brother Yun as soon as possible, I shouted all the way to attract their attention. In order not to alert the snake, they secretly followed me and wanted to use me to find Brother Yun's whereabouts.

According to what he said before his death, it means that there must be a group of dead soldiers like him in Hurricane Canyon.


, we can’t stay in this hurricane canyon anymore, we must evacuate the hurricane canyon immediately before the other party finds us! "

As he said that, the fat man paused and said, "For the sake of safety, let's divide our troops into two groups.

Since they want to follow me to find you, Brother Yun, then I will continue to be exposed to their sight and let them continue to follow and divert their attention.

Brother Yun, you and Shi Feng leave first.

Their target is you. If they can't find you, I should be safe! "

Shi Feng looked at the fat man in surprise: "Little fat man, are you so brave? I thought you were so timid!"

Fatty: "..."

He rolled his eyes at Shi Feng, not wanting to talk to him.

Yun Hao looked at the fat man: "Let's go together."

The enemy is hiding and the situation is unknown. It is really not appropriate to stay in Hurricane Canyon.

The one who came out to follow the one I killed just now is already at the first level of Yuangang Realm, which means that there must be many stronger ones among the group of dead warriors secretly!

If the other party dies, they will definitely notice it. If the fat man continues to be exposed to the other party's sight, it is very likely that the other party will directly take cruel measures.

With a fat man's mind, he wouldn't be able to figure this out.

But he gave the plan without any hesitation.

He used himself as a bait to provide cover for Yun Hao's safe evacuation!

In the cave, the fat man is a coward.

But regarding matters related to Yun Hao's life and safety, brotherhood made him make the choice without hesitation!

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