God Hongtian

Chapter 117 Special Treatment, Angry People

Yun Hao chose Yu Jian Peak, and the head instructor Yang Gang was not surprised. After all, this was the young man who had never asked Qin Lan for help, and it was the first time that he asked him to look after him.

It seemed that Qin Lan had already reached a consensus with Yun Hao.

As for whether there were other secrets between the two, it was not within Yang Gang's consideration.

But Chu Xinyue also chose Yu Jian Peak, which surprised Yang Gang.

Putting aside the dean's special instructions, Chu Xinyue's talent had to be said to be quite high. At this age, she had the peak of the Ju Ling Realm. In Yang Gang's opinion, Chu Xinyue was more suitable to join Yu Zhan Peak.

According to the practice of previous years, there should have been a series of arrangements.

For example, explaining the history of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, the rules of the academy, and various details of life and practice in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy.

But because the changes in this year's assessment were too serious, everything was kept simple. After everyone made their choices, they were taken to various peaks.

Among them, the most people wanted to go to Yu Zhan Peak, reaching 30. Yu Zhan Peak would not need so many people. Those who chose Yu Zhan Peak had to go through an additional selection.

These things have nothing to do with Yun Hao.

After he and Chu Xinyue arrived at Yujian Peak, they were taken to the main hall of Yujian Peak.

Qin Lan was already in the main hall, waiting for Yun Hao and Chu Xinyue.

She had known for a long time that Yun Hao would come to Yujian Peak and Chu Xinyue would follow, but she was still a little excited when she really saw the two of them.

Yun Hao, needless to say, came from the mysterious Sword Sect and had a super strong inheritance.

And Chu Xinyue's background was not small either, and she made the dean cautious. Qin Lan even had some guesses about Chu Xinyue's identity.

She smiled and looked at the two of them. In her opinion, this was the hope for the rise of Yujian Peak.

"Yun Hao, Chu Xinyue, from now on, the two of you are my disciples of Yujian Peak. This is your identity token. The points you got in the assessment have been recorded in the identity token.

In the future, if you have any needs in Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy, you can take your identity token to the exchange office and exchange the points for what you need."

As he said, he raised his hand and waved.

Two tokens flew out of her storage ring and floated towards Yun Hao and Chu Xinyue.

Yun Hao took the token and took a quick look. On one side of the token, his name was engraved, and on the other side, the word Qingfeng and a lifelike dragon pattern were engraved.

This dragon also has a background. This is not a secret. There is a thousand-year-old dragon in the main courtyard of Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy.

Yun Hao put the token into the storage ring.

"It's dark now. Some rules and regulations will be explained to you in detail tomorrow. Now I will let my maid take you to your residence."


Two women walked in outside the hall.

When Chu Xinyue left with a maid, she turned around and looked at Yun Hao, blinking and smiling: "Yun Hao, if I don't dare to live alone, can I go to you?"

Yun Hao followed the maid directly.

Chu Xinyue: "... Humph, boring."

On the way, the maid who led the way explained the accommodation situation of Yu Jianfeng to Yun Hao.

Accommodation conditions are divided into three levels.

The third level is for ordinary disciples with less experience, located at the foot of Yujian Peak, and there are currently more than 50 people.

The second level is for some disciples with more experience, who must be in the Juling Realm. There are currently more than 20 people.

The first level is where the instructors and core disciples of Yujian Peak live. It is located in an area close to the top of the mountain. However, because Yujian Peak does not have any core disciples, there are only three instructors living in this area.

As for Qin Lan, as the master of Yujian Peak, she lives on the top of the mountain!

The division of accommodation areas is not only related to the accommodation environment, but also to the cultivation environment.

The entire Yujian Peak is covered by a large formation that gathers vitality. The higher the position, the richer the vitality and the better the cultivation effect.

The accommodation area arranged by Qin Lan for Yun Hao is the first-class area!

Soon, Yun Hao came to the gate of the residence.

This is a courtyard built on the cliff, part of which is embedded in the mountain, which is equivalent to digging out a cave.

The residence was also covered by a formation. Yun Hao placed the identity token in a recessed position at the gate, and the formation was opened.

Maid: "Mr. Yun, the peak master said that I should stay here and be at your service at any time."

Yun Hao: "...No, you go back first."

Maid: "Yes."

After the maid left, Yun Hao entered the residence and closed the formation again.

This formation is actually very simple.

But Yun Hao didn't want to strengthen it for the time being. There was no need. This was the first-class accommodation area of ​​the Yujian Peak of Qingfeng Martial Academy, and no one would come to make trouble.

He looked around.

Every corner was obviously made by skilled craftsmen, and the details were exquisite.

Moreover, the space was very large!

In addition to the rest room, there were also meditation and practice rooms, utility rooms, and even kitchens.

Yun Hao took a few glances and immediately entered the practice room.

With a thought, a large tripod with purple crystal light flew out of his storage ring.

This is the purple crystal cauldron, which Yun Hao obtained when he signed a contract with Lu Yi of the Treasure Pill House.

Then, Yun Hao took out the Xuan-level low-grade long sword that he got for being the first in this assessment.

Originally, refining equipment should use a refining furnace.

But Yunhao didn't want to wait any longer, so he directly used the alchemy cauldron to smelt the sword and extract the Geng Gold!

His spiritual power suddenly rushed out of the sea of ​​consciousness and poured into the sword.


Bang! "

The sword immediately emitted a series of intensive explosions.

He is using his mental power to forcibly destroy the formation in this sword!

After more than ten breaths passed, the formation engraved on the sword body was completely disintegrated by Yun Hao.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Hao raised his hand and flicked it, and the long sword was thrown into the amethyst alchemy cauldron. He formed seals with his hands and ran the Taiyan Fire Jue. With a pop, a wisp of flame spurted out from his fingertips.

The perfect intermediate acquired fire, with a flick of Yun Hao's finger, flew towards the amethyst alchemy cauldron, and burst into flames with a bang.

Extracting Geng Gold is actually not difficult!

When he got this sword, he had already used his mental power to investigate it. Except for Geng gold, the materials used to make the sword were very ordinary.

Next, all you need to do is use the strongest flames to incinerate all the ordinary materials, leaving only Gengjin.

And at this time.

Outside Yunhao's residence.

Qin Lan flew over.

Today, I have never had the opportunity to be alone with Yun Hao, so it is inconvenient to say some things.

Now it was finally suitable, but when she arrived here, she found that Yun Hao had closed the formation in her residence.

After thinking about it, Qin Lan could only leave silently.

The next day, early morning.

A group of disciples gathered together at Yujian Peak's martial arts field.

This is a must-do morning exercise every day.

Take advantage of the fact that the teaching is not here.

A group of people whispered to each other and started talking.

"Have you heard? Yun Hao, the newcomer who just joined our Sword Peak, has moved into the first-class area!"

"What? It's impossible, right? How can a newcomer be qualified to live in a first-class area?"

"Absolutely true!"

"This...how can the peak master take the lead in breaking the rules like this?"

"Yes, how could this be possible? Among the disciples of Yujian Peak, who is qualified to live in the first-class area, only Senior Sister Liu!"

"That's right, although Senior Sister Liu failed to be promoted to core disciple, Senior Sister Liu is still

Jianfeng’s contribution is the greatest. In the past, we couldn’t say anything, but now the peak leader is so partial to a newcomer who has made no contribution. I don’t accept it! "

"I'm not convinced either. Senior Sister Liu has paid so much for Yujian Peak and often gives us guidance on how to practice, but her treatment is not even as good as that of a newcomer. Why? Let's go find the Peak Master together!"

"Yes, we can't let Senior Sister Liu suffer this kind of injustice!"

A group of people, filled with righteous indignation.

at this time.

A tall, long-legged woman with a long sword on her back walked over.

Everyone looked over.

"Senior Sister Liu!"

"Senior Sister Liu!"

The woman is Liu Yan, the most famous disciple of Yujian Peak.

"Senior Sister Liu, we have heard about Yun Hao. Don't worry, Senior Sister Liu, we will all remember your kindness, and we will not let you be taken over by a newcomer!"

"Let's go to the Peak Master together and seek justice for you, Senior Sister Liu!"

Liu Yan frowned and said: "There is nothing fair or unfair. I have not been promoted to a core disciple. I am not qualified to live in the first-class area. This is the rule."

"But Yun Hao..."

Liu Yan didn't let this person continue talking and interrupted directly, saying: "What happens to others is their business. Let's just do our own thing. Let's get into formation and practice sword practice!"

Everyone was hesitant to speak, and finally started practicing swordsmanship under the leadership of Liu Yan.

Liu Yan, who was leading everyone to practice swordsmanship, was in really bad shape. Her eyes sometimes looked towards the top of the mountain, revealing an unconcealable loss.


In the training room where Yun Hao lives.

The flames that burned blazingly all night finally dissipated and turned into fire again, which was collected by Yun Hao.

He raised his hand and waved.

The lid of the amethyst alchemy cauldron was opened.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of dazzling golden light the size of a baby's fist shot out from the amethyst alchemy cauldron!

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