God Hongtian

Chapter 116 Genius will shine wherever he is

Yun Hao, Shi Feng, and Chu Xinyue, as soon as the three newcomers arrived at Qingfeng Martial Academy, they had a conflict with Li Wen, the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak, and they immediately started to fight. This made the people around them start to fight. It feels...ridiculous!

Li Wen is the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak, and he is enough to enter the top ten in the ranking of disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County.

This is a genius that even the tutors from all peaks would not want to offend.

Even if Yun Hao, Chu Xinyue, and Shi Feng are the top three in this year's assessment, fighting Li Wen between the three of them is tantamount to throwing an egg against a rock!

However, the three of them, facing Li Wen's momentum, all stood up forcefully!

It can only be understood that... newborn calves are no longer afraid of tigers.

at this time.

A loud voice sounded.

"What do you want to do?"

I saw a middle-aged man with a Chinese character face flying over with a group of young people with stern expressions.

The middle-aged man with a Chinese character face exudes a strong masculinity.

When some of the martial arts disciples gathered in the field saw this middle-aged man with a Chinese character face, a hint of fear appeared on their faces, and they all lowered their heads and handed over their hands: "I have seen Mr. Yang!"

"I've met Mr. Yang!"

"I've met Mr. Yang!"

The identity of this person is about to be revealed.

Yang Gang, the chief instructor of Qingfeng Martial Academy, has the same status as the master of Qifeng.

In Qingfeng Martial Academy, the peak masters of the seven peaks are in charge of all affairs of each peak.

And each peak is equipped with multiple instructors.

These teachings are responsible for teaching the disciples of each peak to practice.

But the teachings of each peak are not under the command of the peak master, but under the leadership of the peak master.

Mr. Yu learned from Yang Gang's management, and Yang Gang only took orders from Bai Changfeng, the dean of the martial arts academy.

It is equivalent to teaching and assisting the peak master in guiding the disciples to practice while supervising the peak master.

Li Wen still did not take back his momentum. He stared straight at Yun Hao with his cold eyes and shouted: "My brother's storage ring contains important things of my Li family. If you don't hand it over, I will be with you." You are irreconcilable!”

In fact, Li Wu's storage ring did contain a secret manual for a low-level Xuan-level skill.

It was precisely for this reason that Li Wen couldn't wait to get the storage ring back.

That is the core inheritance of the Li family!

Although he has access to higher-level inheritance at Qingfeng Martial Academy, the inheritance of Qingfeng Martial Academy cannot be leaked. He does not dare to give the Qingfeng Martial Academy's skills and martial arts to other people in the Li family to practice.

It was just a low-grade Xuan-level technique. In Yun Hao's eyes, it was like garbage, but he still wouldn't use it.

Chu Xinyue's big black and bright eyes shone with a cunning light and said, "Which of your eyes saw Li Wu's storage ring in Yun Hao's hand?"

Li Wen looked at the man who told him this.

Chu Xinyue also looked over and said, "Just in time, in front of Mr. Yang, tell me clearly, which eye did you use to see Yun Hao take Li Wu's storage ring?"

Yang Gang, the head teacher, also looked at the young man and shouted: "If you dare to tell a lie, you will be severely punished!"

The young man suddenly broke into a cold sweat and hesitated: "I... I didn't see it... but the demon core of the demon beast Li Wu killed... is indeed in Yun Hao's hands."

Chu Xin

Yue smiled, took back the sword, and then said: "There are so many monsters in this assessment, and it is not surprising that there are duplicate types of monsters. Teacher Yang should be very clear about this.

Yun Hao happened to have the demon core of the kind of demon beast that Li Wu killed, which didn't mean anything at all.

Therefore, this person is completely talking nonsense and maliciously spreading rumors. He is clearly jealous that Yun Hao won the first place in the assessment.

This kind of villain is insidious and despicable. If he is allowed to join Qingfeng Wuyuan, it will definitely tarnish the reputation of Qingfeng Wuyuan! "

The young man turned pale and said, "I...I..."

Yang Gang snorted coldly and said, "You don't need to join Qingfeng Martial Academy!"

The young man fell to the ground with a thud.

As for his strength, there was little hope of passing the assessment. Fortunately, the red-eyed tyrant went crazy and killed a large number of people, so he was able to pass the assessment with luck.

When I saw Li Wen just now, I immediately wanted to make an impression in front of Li Wen, but it turned out to be a self-defeating thing. The chief instructor Yang Gang directly deprived him of his place to join the martial arts academy!

"Li Wen, as the first core disciple of Yuyin Peak, do you think it's appropriate for you to do such impulsive and reckless things here?" Yang Gang scolded.

Li Wen looked at Yang Gang, the flesh on his face trembling, obviously unconvinced.

Yang Gang didn't give him a chance to speak at all, and shouted: "Take back your momentum and go back to your Royal Seal Peak, otherwise, you will be responsible for the consequences!"

For other lessons, give him Li Wen face.

But the head teacher Yang Gang would not be polite to him.

Under Yang Gang's pressure, Li Wen could only grit his teeth and accept it.

Returning to the mood of release, his eyes were still staring at Yun Hao with strong anger: "You'd better think carefully. If you don't take the initiative to hand over my brother's storage ring to me, you will definitely regret it!"

After that, he rolled up his sleeves and left.

Shi Feng breathed a sigh of relief. For him, the pressure brought by Li Wen's momentum was still a bit too much. At the same time, he looked at Chu Xinyue with slightly admiring eyes.

Chu Xinyue is still awesome.

In a few words, the matter was temporarily resolved.

Yang Gang's eyes swept across the bodies of Yun Hao and the others. He wanted to say something, but he still held it back.

There was no way, even though Yang Gang was famous for his uprightness, Chu Xinyue was the person who the dean personally told him to take good care of.

Qin Lan, who had a good friendship with him, also approached him privately and asked him to take care of Yun Hao.

Therefore, he directly repelled Li Wen.

If it were anyone else, he would have dealt with it in a different way. At the very least, both parties to the confrontation would have to be reprimanded.

Due to Yang Gang's strong aura, everyone present became quiet.

Next, Yang Gang asked people to distribute the information about the seven peaks of Qingfeng Martial Academy to everyone, and personally explained the advantages of each peak.

In the end, it’s up to everyone to make their own choices.

Before coming to take the assessment, everyone already has a goal in mind. This process is actually just a formality.

Everyone began to make their choices one after another.

Most people choose Yuzhan Peak. After all, this is the strongest peak in Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County!

The least number of people chose Yujian Peak, none!

After others have made their choices.

Shi Feng blushed and looked a little embarrassed and nervous: "I...I actually haven't thought about where I should go."

He looked at Yun Hao, obviously hoping that Yun Hao could give him a suggestion.

Yun Hao: "Yuqi Peak is quite suitable for you."

After being in contact with Shi Feng for a while, he felt the purity of Shi Feng's heart. This kind of personality was actually not suitable for fighting.

Shi Feng likes carving, has a quality of craftsmanship, and is closely related to weapon refining.

If Shi Feng can devote himself to refining weapons, Yun Hao can naturally help him become a master of weapon refining!

Moreover, weapon refining is not just simple forging.

The path of cultivation leads to the same goal through different paths. When the attainment of weapon refining reaches a certain height, one can also possess extremely strong combat power!

As soon as Yun Hao said that, Shi Feng nodded immediately and said, "I listen to you."

After that, Shi Feng walked up to Yang Gang and chose Yu Weapon Peak.

"What about you? I'm curious, which peak will you choose?"

Chu Xinyue said that she would go wherever Yun Hao went, so she was not in a hurry to make a choice, just waiting for Yun Hao!

Yun Hao smiled faintly and said: "Yujian Peak."

Chu Xinyue was stunned for a moment.

She was really surprised that Yun Hao would choose Yujian Peak, the most declining place in Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County.

You know, before Yunhao, dozens of people made their choices, and no one was willing to go to Yujian Peak.

But...what does it mean?

A true genius will shine brightly no matter where he goes!

In her eyes, Yunhao is this kind of genius!

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