God Hongtian

Chapter 114 Envy, Jealousy, and Hatred

Bai Changfeng took out the assessment reward and left.

He wanted to continue searching to see if he could find the whereabouts of Cangxing Martial Academy Fan Jun.

Next, Qin Lan took out the assessment roster and began to read: "Ma Fei!"

Among the crowd, an injured young man limped forward and took out three demon cores.

They are all top-grade yellow grade.

A high-grade yellow-level demon core is worth ten points.

Qin Lan glanced at the demon core that Ma Fei took out, with a cold look on his face, and shouted: "One of the demon cores has obviously left the body of the demon beast for more than a month.

How dare you commit fraud, get out! "

As soon as he finished speaking, he flicked his arm, and the limping horse flew backwards dozens of meters away. With a bang, he hit a big rock, and his body sank into the stone, convulsing.

Qin Lan's sharp gaze swept across the audience and shouted coldly: "Whoever tries to get away with it again will be severely punished!"

With Ma Fei's lesson in front of them, some people who had some ideas in their minds honestly put away their little cleverness.

Qin Lan continued to call out names one by one.

The people whose names were called came forward one after another and handed over their demon cores to be inspected and their points calculated.

It lasted for about a quarter of an hour. Except for Yun Hao and Shi Feng, everyone else in the field had registered.

The one with the most points is only 130 points!

"Shi Feng!"

Shi Feng, who was standing next to Yun Hao, glanced at Yun Hao, then walked to Qin Lan with his backpack in hand.

"They are really poor. They don't even have a storage ring and use rags to pack things..."

"This rag is so bulging, could it be filled with monsters?"

Nuclear right? "

"Are you kidding me? Have you forgotten? This silly boy likes to carve wood, and what he contains must be a pile of useless wood!"

A group of people chattered.

At first, they were very nervous, fearing that they would not pass the examination.

But seeing that everyone had so few points, I relaxed a lot.

There are only more than seventy people left alive. Qingfeng Wuyuan will accept fifty new people this year, and the elimination rate is very low.

Thinking of this, these guys suddenly felt a little grateful to the crazy red-eyed ape.

The red-eyed violent ape was so ferocious that almost all the elites who participated in the assessment fell under the ferocious power of that beast!

Shi Feng's backpack was indeed shabby. Yun Hao could actually give him a storage ring. After all, he had killed many people who had storage rings.

But those storage rings, if worn in Shi Feng's hands, would easily cause him some unnecessary trouble, so Yun Hao did not give them to him.

Shi Feng ignored everyone's ridicule, walked up to Qin Lan, opened his backpack, and with a shake of his hand, a crashing sound suddenly sounded.

Demonic cores fell out of it one after another and piled into a pile on the ground!

Everyone: "..."

They all wiped their eyes, thinking they were dazzled!

"This... is really all demon core!"

"How can there be so many!"

"It must have been a fraud. Peak Master Qin must investigate it strictly!"

"Shut up!"

Qin Lan shouted, and then tallied the points for Shi Feng. In the end, Shi Feng got 650 points!

Before him, the person with the most points only had 130 points.

Shi Feng took the lead in one fell swoop!

Because Shi Feng has broken up with Yun Hao

Once the demon core is equipped, there is no need to distribute points with Yun Hao.

Everyone thinks this is too ridiculous and finds it difficult to accept this fact.

Is it possible that a vulgar person from the mountains and plains, with a cultivation level of only the fifth or sixth level of the Sea Transformation Realm, is about to win the first place in this assessment?

As Shi Feng retreated to Yun Hao's side.

Qin Lan also looked at Yun Hao, with a touch of expectation on his cold face, and then shouted: "Yun Hao!"

Yun Hao looked calm and calm as he walked towards Qin Lan.

Everyone around him was still immersed in the uncomfortable state that Shi Feng was about to win the first place in the assessment, and no one paid attention to Yun Hao at all.

With a thought in Yun Hao's mind, demon cores flew out from the storage ring and landed on the ground.

The demon cores that Shi Feng had just taken out were piled into a pile, and the demon cores that Yun Hao took out were at least three times larger than the pile that Shi Feng had!

Everyone: "..."

Everyone's eyes were as big as bells!

"This...how come he has so many demon cores!"

"He must have killed 70% of the monsters released by Qingfeng Martial Academy..."

"No...no, he didn't kill so many demonic beasts. He robbed Li Wu and the others of their demonic cores. I saw with my own eyes that Li Wu and the others hunted some demonic beasts. Among the demonic cores that Yun Hao took out, there were Those monsters!"

"Why are you robbing? Li Wu and the others are dead. Yun Hao must have found their bodies and taken their storage rings!"

"Maybe it was really stolen?"

"Which of you saw that Li Wu and the others were killed by the red-eyed violent ape? Maybe it was Yun Hao who killed them. After all, before the red-eyed violent ape went crazy,

, Li Wu asked people to deal with Yun Hao, and the two sides formed a feud. "

"Yun Hao killed him? Does he have the ability? It's just a joke, just him? Anyone from Li Wu's team can crush him to death with one finger!"

Qin Lan's body suddenly erupted with a terrifying power, and she shouted sternly: "If anyone talks nonsense again, get out of here!"

Li Wu's death is a big or small matter.

But if this blame is placed on Yun Hao, it will definitely bring a lot of trouble to Yun Hao.

After all, Li Wu's brother Li Wen was very successful in Yuyin Peak and had great influence!

After being shocked by Qin Lan, no one dared to say anything anymore, and Qin Lan also began to count points for Yun Hao seriously.

She took out the demon core of the red-eyed violent ape alone and said: "Not counting this demon core, the total points are one thousand five hundred and thirty points.

The dean had just said personally that the red-eyed violent ape had mutated and its points had been increased from 300 to 1,000 points. Therefore, Yun Hao's total points were 2,530 points! "

Everyone was stunned.

Two thousand five hundred and thirty points...

There are too many, too many to believe!

Even many senior disciples of Qingfeng Martial Academy cannot have so many points.

In fact, many core disciples would probably be jealous when faced with such a large sum of points!

A newcomer has so many points just because of one assessment. This is a situation that has never happened before in Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy.

"He... was he the one who killed the red-eyed violent ape?"

"How did he kill him?"

"He can't be so powerful!"

Shock in heart

Shocked, some people forgot Qin Lan's warning and began to murmur.

And this time.

A beautiful figure flew over.

"Peak Master Qin, there is still me."

The visitor was none other than Chu Xinyue. The moment this little royal princess appeared, she attracted a lot of attention.

She no longer hid her cultivation and directly revealed the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm, causing waves of exclamation.

She took out a bunch of demon cores and placed them in front of Qin Lan.

Finally, after Qin Lan confirmed, Chu Xinyue's points were 960 points.

Chu Xinyue showed a sweet smile and looked at Yun Hao: "It seems that even if I share the points of the Red-Eyed Ape with you, the first place will still be yours."

Everyone: "..."

What this meant was that Chu Xinyue, who was at the peak of the Spirit Gathering Realm, helped Yun Hao kill the red-eyed violent ape.

Yun Hao's luck was so good. He found the bodies of Li Wu and the others, and picked up a bunch of demon cores without any effort. Chu Xinyue helped kill the red-eyed ape, and gave the demon core of the red-eyed ape directly to Yun Hao. Hao.

Chu Xinyue continued: "Yunhao, which branch of Qingfeng Martial Academy do you plan to join?"

Before Yun Hao could respond, He Yong, the peak master of Yuzhen Peak, reminded: "Which peak to choose, don't make a decision now. After you enter Qingfeng Martial Academy first and understand the situation of Qingfeng Martial Academy, Choose again.”

Chu Xinyue said oh, blinked her dark and bright eyes, and said to Yun Hao with a smile: "Then you have to understand it carefully. Wherever you go, I will go with you."

Everyone: "..."

Especially young men, they are simply envious and jealous of Yun Hao!

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