God Hongtian

Chapter 113 The End, Key Progress

Li Xuanyin wanted to send Ling Feiyu to Cangyue Taoist Temple, or even wanted Ling Feiyu to go to Cangyue Taoist Temple to compete for the position of saint, then Li Xuanyin would do his best to ensure Ling Feiyu's safety.

Not only Li Xuanyin.

Even all the powerful men in the Cangxing Martial Academy of the Qingfeng Dynasty will spare no effort to protect Ling Feiyu!

At present, Ling Feiyu is in an absolutely safe state.

Yun Hao wants to take Ling Feiyu back to him because if Ling Feiyu really becomes the saint of Cangyue Taoist Temple, and no adultery between men and women is allowed...this is what he cannot accept!

Even though he believed that Ling Feiyu would not give up her feelings for him, sometimes, there were some things that could not be controlled by personal will.

There are too many mysterious powers in this world that can turn people into emotionless puppets.

For example, Yun Hao once had an enemy who practiced the Supreme Forgetting Art, which eliminated human nature and cut off all emotions and desires. He was just a cold killing machine.

He even suspected that the Starry Sky Temple, the highest level in the Cangxing Martial Academy system, was related to the guy who practiced the Taishang Forgetting Art.

after all.

That man's weapons are in harmony with the sun, moon and stars.

Perhaps, this is just pure coincidence.

But no matter what, Yunhao would not let Ling Feiyu take the step of abandoning the personal relationship between men and women!


You still have to seize the time to improve your strength and bring Ling Feiyu back to you!

Seeing that Yun Hao was worried, Qin Lan said wisely: "Master Yun, in order to prevent your relationship with me from being exposed, it is not appropriate for me to stay here with you for too long, so I will go first.

It’s time to assist the dean in dealing with the aftermath of today’s incident.

in addition.

This assessment can only be ended early now. If Mr. Yun temporarily enters the Qingfeng Martial Academy, he might as well go to my Yujian Peak first. This will also make it easier for me to provide some conveniences to Mr. Yun. "

She was still looking forward to Yun Hao entering Sword Peak.

In fact, in terms of the overall environment, the power of Yujian Peak is extremely strong within Qingfeng Martial Academy. However, the decline of Yujian Peak in Qingfeng Martial Academy in Beihan County was so severe that it was ranked at the bottom of the Seven Peaks.

If Yun Hao can join, Qin Lan feels that Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy Yujian Peak will have hope of rising!


In the ruined mountain forest.

Shi Feng carried the backpack containing the demon core and shuttled at extremely fast speeds.

The remaining survivors avoided this destroyed place for fear of encountering the terrifying red-eyed ape.

But Shi Feng specially chose such a destroyed place to travel through. He was looking for Yun Hao.

When the Red-Eyed Violent Ape appeared, Yun Hao threw him away and lured away the terrifying beast alone. Shi Feng knew that his strength was insignificant to the Red-Eyed Violent Ape. If he encountered the Red-Eyed Violent Ape, he would instantly die!

But... Yunhao is his friend!

My friend is facing danger alone, how can I not help him?

With this idea in mind, Shi Feng has been searching for a while, but he has never found Yun Hao, nor has he encountered the red-eyed violent ape.

Just as Shi Feng was passing through a mountain peak that had mostly collapsed, Yun Hao's voice suddenly sounded.

"Shi Feng."

Shi Feng stopped suddenly and turned to look at

When he saw Yun Hao from the direction where the sound came, his face showed a look of excitement and ecstasy, and then he immediately rushed towards Yun Hao, wanting to give Yun Hao a man's hug.

But he immediately noticed something was wrong, stopped in front of Yun Hao, and scratched the back of his head angrily.

"Brother Yun, I was looking for you. Fortunately, I found you. As long as you are okay, come with me quickly. I have been hunting in the mountains all year round. I am very experienced in avoiding the pursuit of some ferocious beasts!"

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "No need, the red-eyed ape is dead."


Shi Feng exclaimed, then without asking any questions, he gave Yun Hao a thumbs up: "Brother Yun, you are indeed amazing, nothing can trouble you!"

Yun Hao felt very comfortable in contact with Shi Feng, so he smiled calmly and said: "Thanks to the wood carving you gave me, keep me safe."

Shi Feng was stunned for a moment, and then smiled.

He is simple and has no small thoughts, but he is not stupid.

He knew very well that the Zumu in their village had no special abilities at all, and was completely a spiritual sustenance of their village.

To people outside the village, it was worthless.

Yun Hao said these words at this time, which was a kind of recognition for him!

"This assessment should be over soon. Let's hunt more monsters while there is still some time." Yun Hao said.

There is no doubt that he ranks first in the assessment.

But the more points, the better. These points can be retained after passing the assessment.

Living and practicing in Qingfeng Martial Academy, the points are equivalent to silver


If you want to use the resources of Qingfeng Martial Academy to strengthen yourself, you must have points.

Shi Feng grinned and opened the backpack in his hand. In the backpack, there were a lot of yellow-level intermediate and advanced demon cores.

"I was looking for you all the way just now, and I found a lot of corpses of monster beasts that were randomly beaten to death by red-eyed violent apes. No one else dared to go near these places, so these monster corpses gave me an advantage, and I dug up a lot of monster cores.

It's still as we agreed, seven to three points, seven to you and three to me.

In this way, I am not completely holding you back..."

Yun Hao nodded, and then took Shi Feng with him to continue hunting monsters.

More than an hour later.

A loud shout resounded in everyone's ears through the formation.

"The assessment ends early, everyone gathers!"

Soon, the survivors all gathered at the location where the sound came from.

When they came to take the assessment, there were more than 130 people in total.

But now, there are only more than seventy people left.

More than sixty people died!

Even though Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy's assessment rules this year are somewhat cruel, the mortality rate, which is close to half, is really too high.

Once the news spreads, Beihan County Qingfeng Martial Academy will surely face countless doubts!

Everyone who survived was still frightened, whispering to each other, and started talking.

"It's too scary... If I had known the assessment was like this, I shouldn't have come!"

"That crazy violent ape is so scary. What kind of assessment is this? It's obvious that he wants to kill us!"

"We are lucky enough to have survived. Didn't you notice? Li Wuna

All the members of this team were wiped out. The five people in their team were the five strongest! "

"Quiet!" Suddenly, a cold shout sounded.

Powerful pressure breaks out!

Everyone who was talking hurriedly shut up.

Bai Changfeng, Qin Lan, and He Yong flew over.

The faces of the three of them were extremely ugly and angry. Yun Hao immediately guessed that Bai Changfeng might not have found Fan Jun, the mastermind of Cangxing Martial Academy.

Fan Jun could not be captured on the spot, and the traitor Huang Wei's confession alone could not pin this matter on Cangxing Wuyuan. Qingfeng Wuyuan could only suffer the loss of being dumb!

Bai Changfeng calmed down the anger in his heart, and then said in a low voice: "There were some accidents in this assessment, and it was not the Qingfeng Martial Academy's intention.

Now, the assessment ends early. Because of the mutation of the Red-Eyed Violent Ape, the Demonic Core of the Red-Eyed Violent Ape counts as one thousand points! "

After saying that, Bai Changfeng raised his hand and waved.

Some weapons, pills, and martial arts secrets flew out of his storage ring.

"These are the rewards for the top ten in the assessment!" Bai Changfeng said.

Yun Hao's eyes were fixed on the sword that was a low-grade Xuan-level sword.

This sword was the reward for ranking first in the assessment, and was made with a lot of Geng gold mixed in.

This time to deal with the red-eyed tyrant, he had to use the Suxin Sword, which brought the already severely damaged Suxin Sword to a state of complete destruction.

Obtaining this low-grade Xuan-level sword and re-refining Gengjin was a plan that Yun Hao had made long ago.

The matter of repairing the Su Xin Sword has finally made crucial progress!

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