God Hongtian

Chapter 109: Unparalleled fierceness and fierce fighting

Huang Wei's method caused the formation light curtain blocking a large area to vibrate violently, like a boiling oil pan.

In the other direction, at the top of the highest mountain peak, Bai Changfeng, the dean of Qingfeng Martial Academy, his expression changed drastically!

"Dean, this is..."

A look of panic instantly appeared on Qin Lan's face.

Bai Changfeng snorted coldly and looked at the other person beside him.

This man has high cheekbones, sunken eye sockets, and a haggard spirit.

Bai Changfeng's tone was serious and he shouted coldly: "He Yong, you are the peak master of the Imperial Formation Peak. You are the leader of this formation. Why is it like this now!"

He Yong's face turned pale and he looked flustered. He said: "Dean... Dean, I really tried my best. This formation is a middle-level Xuan-level formation. I can still control the formation with some difficulty..."

Bai Changfeng was angry and shouted: "I'm asking what's going on with the formation now!"

"Dean, I...I'm going to check it out right now." He Yong said hurriedly, and then controlled his mental power to turn into spirit patterns and began to investigate.

Dozens of breaths passed.

He Yong withdrew his mental power, looked at Bai Changfeng, and said: "Dean... something big... happened. The formation is completely out of control. It's Huang Wei, it must be him...

He is the only person besides me who is familiar with this formation. Only he can easily make this formation look like this! "

"Dean, forcefully open the formation immediately to ensure the safety of the young people inside!" Qin Lan said immediately with a thud in her heart.

She doesn't care what happens to other people, but Yun Hao is still inside!

Huang Wei would not make this formation look like this for no reason.

In this way, needless to say, everyone present knew some of the words.

Huang Wei must have been instructed by someone!

As for who instigated it, there is no need to guess. There is a 90% chance that it is someone from the Cangxing Martial Academy. The Cangxing Martial Academy deliberately sabotaged the Qingfeng Martial Academy assessment. This has happened many times.

This time, the assessment location was chosen here to protect against the Cangxing Martial Academy.

If people from Cangxing Martial Academy took action against Qingfeng Martial Academy’s assessment formation, it would never be that simple. It is very likely that Cangxing Martial Academy’s arrangements were also included in the formation!

"No, absolutely not!"

He Yong shouted: "This formation is out of control, and its power has become extremely violent, but this violence is in a delicate state of balance.

Once an excessive force hits the formation, the formation will explode in an instant. At that time, the young people in the formation will inevitably suffer the horrific impact caused by the explosion of the formation... and suffer serious casualties! "

Bai Changfeng's temples were beating violently.

Qin Lan was worried about Yun Hao, and he... was worried about Chu Xinyue!

That is the little royal princess!

The current emperor’s most beloved daughter!

at this time.

A strong and cold aura swept over him.

He Yong and Qin Lan both had goosebumps instantly.

I saw an old man with an unattractive appearance, carrying a middle-aged man in his hand, flying over and landing in front of Bai Changfeng.

The old man dropped the middle-aged man he was carrying on the ground. This man was Huang Wei, the spy placed by Cangxing Martial Academy in Qingfeng Martial Academy.

The old man was the person who appeared at the Beihan County Martial Academy contact point with Chu Xinyue, Chu Xinyue's protector!


The reporter looked at Bai Changfeng and said: "Dean Bai, you'd better give me a solution to this matter as soon as possible!"

Bai Changfeng asked He Yong and Qin Lan to take Huang Wei aside for interrogation first, then looked at the old man, took a deep breath, and said: "General Manager Lin... I will try my best!"

The old man was full of murderous intent and said: "If anything happens to the little princess, I will die and you will have no way to survive!"


Within the formation.

Shi Feng raised his head and looked at the boiling light curtain with confusion on his face.

Not far away, Yun Hao finally successfully merged the two flames. The new fire shone with light golden flames, and now it had reached the level of intermediate fire!

With a thought in his mind, Yun Hao took the fire back into his body, took one step forward, and appeared next to Shi Feng.

"Brother Yun... Is this also the assessment content of Qingfeng Martial Academy? There is an abnormality in the formation. Is it intentional by Qingfeng Martial Academy?"

Shi Feng asked.

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "The real danger has begun."

If there was just an abnormality in the formation, it was really possible that Qingfeng Martial Academy did it deliberately.

But this is not an abnormality in the formation at all. This is a formation completely disrupted by external forces and completely out of control!

For Yunhao, he has a way to stabilize the formation.

But...it takes time!

He felt that he would not have this time anymore.


The ground shook, and violent force impacted the earth. In the distance, mountain peaks collapsed one after another, rolling up smoke and dust!

The red-eyed violent ape, which is twenty meters tall and is in a state of madness, is surrounded by extremely violent people.

Its power destroys everything in its path!


The red-eyed ape's arms whipped.

A mountain peak in front was directly blasted.

A shrill scream rang out, and some young people hiding near the mountain were also blown up. Several people survived by luck and fled as fast as they could.

The red-eyed tyrant ape had strong air currents coming from its nostrils, and jumped up. His huge body was still agile, and he caught up with the two fleeing people in an instant. He spread out his two palms and caught them in his palms. .



The bones of the two of them were directly crushed, and they could no longer die.

The red-eyed violent ape raised his hand and opened his mouth, stuffed the rotten meat and bones held in his two hands into his mouth, chewed and swallowed!

Perhaps because of the taste of human flesh and blood, the red-eyed ape seemed even more excited, and his eyes that were already red turned completely bloody.

Like two bloody whirlpools!

"Boom boom boom!"

The red-eyed ape's feet trampled the ground, leaving a mess wherever it passed, and the ground was covered with deep cracks.

Whenever a human warrior is discovered, the red-eyed violent ape will pounce on him, trample him to death, crush him to death, or even shock him to death with the sound waves of his low roar, and then eat him!

"You beast, I will fight with you!"

A young man who had cultivated in the Soul Gathering Realm, knowing that there was no hope of escape, roared and swung his knife to kill the red-eyed violent ape.


Cut it off with one knife.

The blade struck the red-eyed tyrant's leg.

However... not even the skin of the red-eyed ape can be torn apart!

Immediately afterwards, the red-eyed violent ape suddenly stamped his feet and made a loud bang.

With the sound, the ground shook, and the man's body was blown into the air. The red-eyed ape pinched it with two fingers and stuffed it into his mouth.



Half of the man's body was bitten off, and he let out a shrill scream. The red-eyed ape bit into pieces the remaining half of the man's body bit by bit.

Eat them alive!

The red-eyed violent ape was getting closer and closer to Yun Hao and Shi Feng. Yun Hao and Shi Feng could clearly see the scene of eating a living person just now.

Shi Feng gritted his teeth, suppressed the fear in his heart, and said, "Brother Yun, what should we do?"

Yun Hao stared at the red-eyed violent ape with extremely cold eyes, and said: "This red-eyed violent ape is coming for me!"

It's already obvious.

The route of the red-eyed ape is too clear, it is heading in this direction, and the people it eats along the way... are just in passing!

At this time, the red-eyed violent ape was less than a hundred meters away from Yun Hao.

This crazy beast suddenly stopped, its scarlet eyes staring straight at Yun Hao. The whirlpool of blood in his eyes seemed to be sucking Yun Hao into it!

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

The arms of the red-eyed violent ape beat its chest violently, and then let out a huge roar, which turned into a layer of terrifying sound waves. Wherever the sound waves passed, the mountains, rocks, grass and trees were all turned into powder!

Yun Hao raised his arm and placed his palm on Shi Feng's shoulder. He exploded with force and threw Shi Feng away.


The crisp sound of swords resounded.

The Su Xin Sword, which was full of cracks, was finally taken out by Yun Hao and held in his hand, slashing against the terrifying sound wave!

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