God Hongtian

Chapter 108: Kill as much as you like

Chu Xinyue noticed some slight changes in Yun Hao's expression, and thought that Yun Hao was unwilling to join forces with her to hunt the red-eyed ape.

"If Mr. Yun doesn't like to form a team and join forces, I won't force you."

Yun Hao glanced at Chu Xinyue and said, "Miss Chu, I have something else to do, so I'll leave first."

After saying that, he flew up and left.

Chu Xinyue looked at Yun Hao's retreating figure and pouted, feeling a little aggrieved.

Everyone else wants to team up with her.

Well for Yun Hao... She sent out an invitation to form a team to Yun Hao for the second time, but Yun Hao completely ignored her.

"Huh, if it weren't for the fact that you look so good-looking, I wouldn't be polite to you." Chu Xinyue stamped her feet and said.

After a while.

Yunhao returned to where Shi Feng was.

Shi Feng was meditating and recuperating.

Sensing Yun Hao's return, Shi Feng immediately stood up and stepped forward to greet him, saying: "Brother Yun, you are finally back. My injuries are no longer serious. Let's take action quickly and hunt down the strongest ones together." "Head monster."

As he spoke, he patted his strong chest and made a thumping sound.

Yun Hao shook his head and said: "No need, I have hunted two of the three monster beasts that are about to be promoted to the lower level of the Mysterious Level, and the remaining one is missing."

"What?" Shi Feng's eyes widened.

Yun Hao said calmly: "There are still one and a half days until the end of the assessment.

During the time, you no longer need to hunt monsters, you can continue to heal here. "

He felt something was wrong, so just in case, it would be better to ask Shi Feng to stop acting arbitrarily.

"But the demon core is not enough..." Shi Feng said.

There are many demon cores in his backpack, but 70% of them belong to Yun Hao, and the remaining 30% belong to him.

Yun Hao: "The demon core in your hand belongs to you."

He already has two demon cores worth 300 points in his hand. Together with the other demon cores, the total points have exceeded 800 points, making him the first place for sure.

Although points are not only useful for assessing rankings, but also important after entering Qingfeng Martial Academy, he will not begrudge such a little demon core for those he recognizes.

Shi Feng blushed and said: "I...I didn't mean that. The 70% we agreed on is 73%. Even if I get 30%, I have already taken a big advantage. I can't let you suffer any more." ”

Yun Hao looked at the simple Shi Feng and said: "You gave me a gift, and I gave you these demon cores as a return gift. Since you said we are friends, isn't it normal for friends to give each other gifts? "

Shi Feng clenched the backpack containing the demon core with both hands, looked at Yun Hao for a long time, and then nodded heavily. He was not good at words and didn't know what to say. He could only remember Yun Hao's kindness to him in his heart. !

Next, Yun Hao and Shi Feng each chose a position to meditate and perform exercises.

Yun Hao used the Taihuo Fire Technique to control the wisp of low-level fire to rush out of his body.

He felt that there might be something wrong with Qingfeng Martial Arts Academy's assessment this time, so he had to make some preparations.

It is not appropriate to borrow the power of the formation anymore, so you have to find a way to enhance your own combat power.

However, it is obviously unrealistic to improve one's cultivation level in a short period of time.

It happened to condense a ray of low-level acquired fire, and the flame origin of the flaming lion had not yet been integrated into the fire. What he had to do now was to fuse the two flames to improve the quality of the fire.

At that time, you can use flame attribute sword skills to increase your combat effectiveness.

The flames transformed from low-level fire swayed slightly, emitting a burning breath.

I saw Yun Hao forming seals with his hands, and the flame origin extracted from the flaming lion demon core exploded, covering this low-level acquired fire.

Under Yunhao's control, the two flames began to merge rapidly.


The other side.

A giant ape covered with black hair, ten meters tall and with red eyes, lay on the ground outside the large array of light curtains, unable to move.

It was the red-eyed violent ape of the lower Xuan rank!

Huang Wei, the spy of Cangxing Martial Academy who was stationed in Qingfeng Martial Academy, stood next to the red-eyed violent ape. He looked a little nervous. His hands were clenched and his palms were full of sweat.

For the sake of caution, he suppressed the red-eyed violent ape and led him out of the formation.

Staring at the red-eyed ape

After watching for a while, Huang Wei gritted his teeth and took out the Crazy Demonic Blood Pill. With a flick of his finger, the pill was shot into the mouth of the red-eyed violent ape.

next moment.

The red-eyed ape could not move, and a layer of blood suddenly appeared in its red eyes, turning extremely red.




Immediately afterwards, the red-eyed ape's heart made a huge beating sound, and the black hairs stood up like steel needles. Under the hairs, bulging blood vessels could be clearly seen.

The aura of the red-eyed violent ape increased at an extremely fast speed. In just a few breaths, the ferocious pressure made Huang Wei even palpitate.

Huang Wei did not forget Fan Jun's instructions and quickly took out the cloth stained with Yun Hao's breath and placed it in front of the red-eyed ape's nose.



The red-eyed violent ape let out a low roar, stood up suddenly, and swung his thick legs violently. Huang Wei reacted in time and propped up a layer of Yuan Gang, but Yuan Gang was directly kicked and exploded. Huang Wei's The body was also kicked hundreds of meters away, breaking several large trees.


Huang Wei's body hit the ground, and a large mouthful of blood spurted out. He felt burning pain all over his internal organs, and countless bones in his body were broken.

The crazy red-eyed ape stood like a hill, beating its chest violently with both arms, screaming.

Make a thunderous sound.

The body, which was originally about ten meters high, was rising at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a few blinks, it reached a height of twenty meters. The ferocious aura raged crazily, and the surrounding air formed strong turbulence, and the ground also appeared. Cracks!

Huang Wei was shocked.

He thought of what Fan Jun said, that one crazy blood pill was enough to make a low-level Xuan-level monster explode with power comparable to that of a mid-level Xuan-level demon!

That's the equivalent of a half-step golden elixir martial arts monk!

Huang Wei did not dare to waste any more time. Taking advantage of the madness and violent blood elixir in the red-eyed violent ape's body before it was fully activated, he immediately formed seals with his hands, controlled the mental power to spread out, and opened the formation.

The position where the formation was opened erupted with terrifying swallowing power, turning into a huge whirlpool. It rolled up suddenly and sucked the red-eyed violent ape into it.

Huang Wei immediately controlled the formation to close again. A look of determination appeared on his face. He took out a talisman that had been prepared for a long time from the storage ring. Under the stimulation of his mental power, the talisman turned into a stream of light. Integrate into the large array of light curtains.

In an instant.

The large array of light curtains shook violently.

Huang Wei wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and growled: "Hahaha, now I have completely sealed off this formation. No one can enter or exit. Within an hour... I made this red-eyed man fall into a state of madness. Ape, kill as much as you like!"

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