Go crazy! You Call This An Assistant?

Chapter 72 What the hell! This medicine... poisonous! (4, please subscribe for data support)

"Huh! SSS class!"

Hearing his talent level after the test, Chu Huan frowned lightly.

On the other side of the room, Fu Wenbo and the middle-aged man's eyes were fixed on the machine in front of him.

Looking at the three "S"s on the machine, Fu Wenbo couldn't help swallowing.

Although Fu Wenbo mentioned SS in his words when he called the middle-aged man before, but in fact, Fu Wenbo felt that Chu Huan's talent level was S at most.

After all, there are about ten S-level talents in the country in a year.

In the case of SS, although it is a little less, it does happen every few years.

But only at the SSS level, Fu Wenbo didn't even dare to think about it.

What is the concept of talent potential at SSS level?

Throughout the hundreds of years since the emergence of Awakening, the total number of occurrences in history does not add up to more than two hands.

Moreover, Awakeners of each level will grow up and enter the platinum nine-star or even king level in just a hundred years or so.

It can be said that once any SSS-level awakened person appears, it will immediately become the key protection target of various countries.

Its importance has completely reached the level of strategy.

Once grown, a person can even reach the direction of influencing the formulation of a country's strategy.

The importance can be imagined.

For a while, in the face of Chu Huan's test results, Fu Wenbo and the middle-aged man were unable to speak for a long time.

After a while, with an obvious inhalation sound, the middle-aged man quickly controlled the machine in front of him.

Not long after, this piece of information about Chu Huan has been set as top secret.

There are only three people in the entire country who are eligible to view this document.

As for the Awakened Association, there is only one middle-aged man.

Naturally, at this moment, the identity of the middle-aged man also stood out.

The president of the Flame Kingdom Awakeners Association, who has reached the top powerhouse of the Diamond Seven Stars.

Li Tianyang.

After blocking Chu Huan's test data, Li Tianyang slowly exhaled.

Immediately afterwards, a swipe of arc was slowly provoked from the middle-aged man's mouth, and the magnitude became more and more obvious as time passed.

Until Li Tianyang's laughter couldn't stop coming out of his mouth and spread throughout the room.

"SSS level, I didn't expect it! It turned out to be the Tian 01 endowment level of SSS level, good, very good!"

Looking at Li Tianyang who was in ecstasy, Fu Wenbo also had a smile on his face.

At the same time, Fu Wenbo felt like a big rock had fallen in his heart.

He let out a sigh of relief.

"What do you say now? Teacher, do you bring this kid to teach you personally or take it to the headquarters of the Awakened Association?"

After thinking about it, Li Tianyang shook his head and said, "Not yet?"

Hearing this, Fu Wenbo wondered: "Why? This kid has reached the SSS level, which can be said to have surpassed everything. If he doesn't protect it immediately, if there is a problem..."

Although the words were not finished, how could Li Tianyang not know what Fu Wenbo meant.

Immediately waved his hand and said, "It's not that I don't want to, but that I can't for the time being?"

"Not for the time being?" Fu Wenbo looked at Li Tianyang with a puzzled expression.

Li Tianyang pondered for a while and then sighed: "In recent years, the penetration between countries has become more and more powerful. Now, there are some foreign guys who have been inserted in the headquarters recently."

"If you put Chu Huan next to me now, it will definitely attract too much attention. Once you know the talent level of this kid, it will definitely make him the target of public criticism."

"So, taking him away is inevitable, but not now."

After listening to Li's words, Fu Wenbo thought for a while and then responded, "The teacher said that too, and now that Chu Huan has just awakened, no one will look at a senior in Linhai City."

"Comparatively speaking, Chu Huan is indeed relatively safe in Linhai City."

After pausing for a while, Fu Wenbo asked, "Then I will let that kid stop for a while? To avoid attracting too much attention?"

Li Tianyang waved his hand and said: "That's not necessary, I will make a document later to change this kid's data into an S-level talent, how to do it or how to do it!"

Fu Wenbo frowned and said, "S-level talent is still very dangerous, right? After all, many seeds of S-level talent have been assassinated in our country over the years."

Li Tianyang took out a cigarette from the cigarette case again, and at the same time said casually: "If there is no wind and waves, even if it grows up, it will break like glass when it is touched. What's the use? Don't worry! I will specialize in a few days. Arrange some people to come over to protect the kid secretly."

Fu Wenbo raised his eyebrows and said, "Group 1?"

Li Tianyang nodded slightly.

"Yes, it is only possible for the No. 1 group to not infiltrate. The personnel are absolutely safe! And the files are also top secret, even those who infiltrated do not know their existence."

After he said that, after the cigarette was lit, Li Tianyang waved his hand and said, "Okay, you go and bring that kid over first! Let's get to know him first, and by the way ask what the kid just ate, and if there is any physical problem, get treatment early. ."

"it is good!"

After responding quickly to Li Tianyang, Fu Wenbo quickly turned and left.

After dozens of seconds, as the test room door opened, Chu Huan, who was still sitting on the stone armored lizard, turned his head quickly.

When he saw Fu Wenbo entering the door, Chu Huan said, "I said, Mr. Fu, what the hell are you doing today? Is there anything you can't make clear in advance?"

Hearing Chu Huan's words, Fu Wenbo said angrily, "Come with me and show you someone."

Chu Huan asked curiously, "Meet someone? Who?"

Fu Wenbo said softly, "My teacher!"

At the end, Fu Wenbo suddenly said, "Besides, don't blame me for not reminding you, if you perform better for a while, maybe he will give you some greetings directly, which may be platinum-level beast crystals."

"Huh? Platinum-level beast crystal?"

Chu Huan did some calculations in his heart. The number of system points converted from the beast crystals of one star of black iron is 100 points, and the number of beast crystals of one star of bronze converted into system points is 1000 points.

And so on.

If it is at the platinum level, even if it is a one-star platinum beast crystal, one conversion is equivalent to one million system points.

However, in the face of what Fu Wenbo said, Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo suspiciously and said, "A platinum-level beast crystal, ordinary people who have that kind of thing, Mr. Fu, you need to know such a person, and you won't be in Linhai City like this. Become a teacher in a second-tier city! How about coaxing children to play?"

Outside of the words, it was almost impossible to say the sentence that Fu Wenbo was a mess.

Fu Wenbo: "........."

Taking a deep look at Chu Huan, Fu Wenbo couldn't help but suspect that Chu Huan's irritating talent was also SSS-level.

Repeatedly being able to say a few words makes people want to smoke this stuff.

"Stop talking nonsense, just follow along!"

After speaking, Fu Wenbo turned around and did not intend to continue to talk to Chu Huan.

After all, Fu Wenbo's mood fluctuates a bit because of the Chu HuanSSS talent level.

A few words of nonsense, Fu Wenbo was really worried that he would not be able to bear to hang Chu Huan up and beat him later.

Seeing Fu Wenbo like this, Chu Huan pouted and followed Fu Wenbo out.

Just a few steps out of the test room, Chu Huan was stunned when he saw Fu Wenbo directly enter another room next to him.

Then, as soon as he stepped into the room, Chu Huan saw a middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth and a rough-looking middle-aged man in the room and a single-sided mirror on one of the walls in the room.

At this point, Chu Huan didn't know that his performance in the test room was only seen by Fu Wenbo and the man in the room.

After Chu Huan entered the room, Fu Wenbo introduced to Chu Huan, "This is my teacher, Li Tianyang."

"Your teacher?"

Facing Fu Wenbo's opening introduction, Chu Huan looked at Fu Wenbo, and then at Li Tianyang.

After pondering for a few seconds, Chu Huan couldn't help but say, "But why do I feel Teacher Fu, you look older?"

"Am I him!"

Facing Chu Huan's words at the moment, Fu Wenbo almost couldn't hold back the foul language in his heart.

On the contrary, Li Tianyang pointed the corner of his mouth and gave Chu Huan a thumbs up: "The young man has a good eye!"

Hearing this, Chu Huan laughed and said, "Uncle! Teacher Fu just said that you would give me dozens of platinum beast crystals as a gift! Uncle, are you really so bold?"

Fu Wenbo: "......"


Looking at Chu Huan, whose face was full of shyness and anticipation at the moment, Fu Wenbo clenched his teeth.

Li Tianyang is a diamond-level awakener.

To put it bluntly, even in the soundproof test room, Chu Huan's breathing could be heard clearly.

Not to mention the conversation between Chu Huan and Fu Wenbo after they went out, it felt no different from what they said in their ears.

Naturally, the more Li Tianyang knew, the more Chu Huan was talking nonsense.

And there is also a hint of exaltation in the words.

As an elder, as long as it is good for face, it would be a bit unreasonable to stop Chu Huan's words and not give some benefit.

After looking at Chu Huan for a while, Li Tianyang smiled and said, "It's not impossible to give you platinum-level beast crystals, but you can answer me a question first."

Chu Huan raised his thumb and said, "Uncle, ask."

Seeing this, Li Tianyang said, "You just want to greet me like this, don't you worry that my impression of you will decrease after I react?"

Hearing this, Chu Huan smiled and said, "If you give it, your impression score will decrease after the reaction, and it's a big deal that you won't communicate in the future. After all, as an elder, you don't have the heart, so you can just cheat once!

If you don't care much after the reaction, it shows that you are open-minded and easy to get along with. After the first time, you can rest assured when you get up. Anyway, it's not a loss, isn't it? "

Facing Chu Huan's answer, Li Tianyang's smile became more obvious.

"Heh, you kid, before the words were vaguely flattering, but now the words are still the same, but there are a lot of careful thoughts!"

After speaking, after a slight pause, Li Tianyang continued to speak.

"But be careful and think more! After all, people who are too honest often die without knowing how to die. If they have strength and no brains, they are also reckless, and they are used as spearmen."

At the end, Li Tianyang said with a smile: "Boy, you are not bad, your face is thick, and your heart is probably quite dark!"

Saying that, Li Tianyang raised his right hand lightly.

Looking at the thing thrown at him in the air, Chu Huan raised his right hand.

The next second, a lychee-sized beast crystal appeared in Chu Huan's hands.

The whole body is crystal clear, and it looks like platinum with a touch of metal.

And there are traces like a circle on the beast crystal.

It is a platinum one-star beast crystal.


Looking at the platinum one-star beast crystal in his hand, Chu Huan's eyes narrowed.

At the same time, Li Tianyang said slowly: "Your level is too low now, a platinum-level beast crystal is estimated to be enough for you to use for a period of time! When you enter the black iron one star, I will take care of the remaining few. Ten for you."

Holding this platinum one-star thing in his hand, Chu Huan did not put it in the space watch for the first time.

Instead, he watched Li Tianyang quietly for a while, as if he was thinking.

A few seconds later, Chu Huan took out his phone and turned on the video. He raised the beast crystal in his hand with one hand, and then used the phone's camera to record himself, Fu Wenbo, and Li Tianyang on the screen.

"My name is Chu Huan, a student in class 18 of Tianlin Middle School. Today, Teacher Fu took me to meet an uncle. The meeting gift was a platinum one-star beast crystal. I will record video here to testify. If there is anything illegal in the future, then I will Must be forced, strive for leniency..."

Li Tianyang: "..."

Fu Wenbo: "........"

Looking at Chu Huan, who was holding his mobile phone for video recording, the smile on Li Tianyang's mouth suddenly froze.

On one side, Fu Wenbo's eyelids jumped fiercely.

"Your motherfucker is a real show."

Rao is Fu Wenbo, as Chu Huan's teacher, and now facing Chu Huan's behavior, he has a groove that he can't vomit.

You say scold Chu Huan! But Chu Huan's legal awareness is quite good now!

You have to say praise! But this behavior is a bit annoying.

A few seconds later, Fu Wenbo angrily grabbed Chu Huan's phone and canceled the recording of the video, then patted Chu Huan's head and said, "You kid, where do you get all these rude actions all day long?"

Chu Huan rolled his eyes and said, "It's nice to meet someone, the gift is a platinum one-star beast crystal, and when my talent level is rated as SSS, what's wrong with my guard? Shouldn't it?"

Facing Chu Huan's righteousness, Fu Wenbo suddenly didn't know how to respond to Chu Huan's words.


In the end, Li Tianyang smiled and shook his head: "Yes, I haven't seen a boy like you for a long time! At this age, I can still be vigilant in the face of advantages, but I like you more and more!" 760

After saying this, Li Tianyang didn't talk nonsense about Chu Huan's previous actions, but asked, "Boy, what kind of medicine did you take when you were pulling your artifact soul?"

"Oh! That thing! My artifact soul skill is quite special, so every time I activate the effect of the second artifact spirit skill, I must take this medicine first, otherwise the effect will be the same as the one used at the beginning, which is harmful of."

"Can I see your medicine?" Li Tianyang asked.

Hearing this, Chu Huan took the blue blood pill bottle out of the space watch and took one out and handed it to Li Tianyang.

Just as he was about to hand it to Li Tianyang, Chu Huan's phone suddenly vibrated.

But it was a call from Wang Qiang.

Li Tianyang said: "It's okay, you answer the phone first!"

Seeing this, Chu Huan smiled apologetically, walked out the door and answered the phone.

After Chu Huan went out, Li Tianyang put his eyes on the medicine in his hand.

But when his eyes fell on the small blue pill in his hand, Li Tianyang was stunned.

"What is this medicine?"

Fu Wenbo, who was on the side, looked at the small blue pill in Li Tianyang's hand and murmured.

"Hmm! Little blue pill? Does this kid need to take this kind of tiger and wolf medicine before he activates the weapon soul skill?"

But just after the words fell, Li Tianyang shook his head and said: "It shouldn't be, there is still a little blood in it, it should be made with the blood of some kind of beast."

As a diamond-level boss, Li Tianyang's five senses can be said to be far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

It is not surprising to be able to distinguish something from this finished medicine.

But Li Tianyang said this, but Fu Wenbo was even more curious.

Since it's not that kind of tiger and wolf medicine, what is this thing?

Noticing Fu Wenbo's curiosity, Li Tianyang on the side said, "How about you try one and see how it feels?"

Seeing that Li Tianyang was going to make himself a guinea pig, Fu Wenbo grinned.

"No, teacher, your physique is so strong, shouldn't you eat it?"

Li Tianyang snorted coldly and said, "It's because my physique is too strong that the thing that kid eats can't feel anything because of my physique, so I let you try it."

Seeing that Fu Wenbo hadn't taken the medicine, Li Tianyang urged: "Hurry up, let's see if that kid has any physical problems. If there is any congenital disease, I can find a way to help him solve it!"

Li Tianyang said so, what else could Fu Wenbo do.

After sighing, he took the small blue pill from Li Tianyang's hand.

After watching it carefully for a few seconds, I swallowed the small blue pill and closed my eyes to feel it.

Even in order to digest it quickly, Fu Wenbo mobilized his soul power to quickly refine the little blue pill.

Seeing Fu Wenbo swallow the medicine, Li Tianyang also looked at Fu Wenbo curiously.

A few seconds later, after carefully feeling the symptoms of his body, Fu Wenbo suddenly opened his eyes.

"Fuck! This medicine... is poisonous."

Li Tianyang: "?????"

ps: This chapter is a 5,000-word chapter! Let’s try to get 3,000 or 4,000 words later! Five thousand words is too difficult! Wrote more than three hours! Continue to beg for subscription and data support! .

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